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***Your Inbox*** Donate Today to SOS "Save Our Sirius! - Printable Version

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***Your Inbox*** Donate Today to SOS "Save Our Sirius! - Zigeris - 04-06-2016

:::Incoming Message:::
::Encryption: WPZ1::
:Loaded Saved file NN1.9/profile/saved/messages/youcansavesirius.nmv:


"More than 12,000 people donated since the last transmission. We've generated enough resources to begin construction of a new farm near the Sigma outer rim. This farm is planned to feed about 20,000 people ravished by war. Are you ready to join in? Are you read to Save Our Sirius?

You have the power to end oppression, power to feed the hungry, power to unify Sirius and keep her from complete destruction! Years ago the SCB Sirius Census Bureau reported that the population of all houses combine was 3 billion. That was in 651AS. Today, our population of all houses is less half a billion. Why? How? Disbelief I've heard it all. It's a tragic truth. War has done more damage than we can repair by assuming national peace. Sirius' 1% of high powered officials, businessmen, and heirs own 99% of Sirius' currency. IF each gave 1% of their wealth we could end starvation in the various systems of the Sigmas, Taus, Omegas, and Omicrons. A small donation to the "Light in the Sky" satellite will not only use donations, but put the donations to work. Many organizations just send money to the Corsairs in "hopes" it will be used to buy food, some simply send food, but most of it is intercepted. We have created hundreds of years worth of helpless peoples who cannot be sustainable. With LIT we can bring light to the dark area's of space. We can create remote year round farms anywhere - anywhere in Sirius.

You see, basic need to survive, starving, created the wars in the first place. Greed, lust, envy fall short of the need to fulfill our basic previsions. LIT is the answer to help bring Sirius back to life. You have the power to empower an entire galaxy. The Save Our Sirius non profit corporation has already constructed over 33,000 units all through Sirius and we have over 300 farms already producing food. All in systems completely devoid of a natural usable source of light. The very first farm is located in the Tau's refracted from the star hosted in Liberty. Yes, that far away. We can certainly take stars much closer, and we will, but to demonstrate the power of the LIT program we needed to push it to the limits.

You have the power to donate a small sum, that can ripple through the course of time."

:::End of Message:::


RE: ***Your Inbox*** Donate Today to SOS &quot;Save Our Sirius! - Operator - 04-06-2016

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RE: ***Your Inbox*** Donate Today to SOS &quot;Save Our Sirius! - Zigeris - 04-06-2016

:::Incoming Message:::
::Encryption: WPZ1::
:Loaded Saved file NN1.9/profile/saved/messages/donationacceptance.nmv:


"Thank you for your donation,

You're now a proud member of SOS. Your contribution of 1,349,499 credits will be put to good use. Soon you will be receiving a package that will explain your monthly contribution. If you do not wish to subscribe to our monthly donation plan you can make stand alone donations by contacting our headquarters. Should you find this donation be non voluntary, please contact your bank. We are not responsible for negligible donation, IE donations you provided without knowing what the cause is. No refund will be issued if you change your donation due to political influences. You can challenge your donation 30 days after it has been received.

Thank you for Saving Our Sirius."

:::End of Message:::
