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Need fellows who want to do Navy RP differently - Printable Version

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Need fellows who want to do Navy RP differently - Ruairi - 08-04-2016

Most people who RP as military do it unlike the real military would. Spewing out orders into public communications, lack of organization, acting "smart" while on duty, etc.

I doubt anyone will care, but I personally prefer military who:
  • Organize, train, and have general strategies
  • Don't talk OORPly on TeamSpeak
  • Don't act smug or try to say things to make them look "cool"
  • Don't say things like "power up weaons" or other military directives in public communications (besides "engage" or similar)

I plan on creating a new military group (not faction, I don't have the willpower for that) for people who prefer things this way, and I will be having it based in Liberty, since LOLberty would be the best place to contrast with the rest.

Feel free to add me on Skype for more!

Please don't reply unless you want to consider joining me in creating a serious military group. I'd rather have the thread go unnoticed than have it flooded with pointless comments.

RE: Need fellows who want to do Navy RP differently - sindroms - 08-04-2016

Don't talk OORPly on TeamSpeak

Can you elaborate on this?

RE: Need fellows who want to do Navy RP differently - Traxit - 08-04-2016


RE: Need fellows who want to do Navy RP differently - Ruairi - 08-05-2016

(08-04-2016, 11:55 PM)sindroms Wrote: Don't talk OORPly on TeamSpeak

Can you elaborate on this?

Yeah. Probably should've worded that better. Infact I'm going to remove it because it's not really needed.

RE: Need fellows who want to do Navy RP differently - GuapMan - 08-05-2016

''Don't talk OORPly on TeamSpeak''

um what? HAHAHA.

RE: Need fellows who want to do Navy RP differently - Ruairi - 08-05-2016

(08-04-2016, 11:56 PM)Traxit Wrote: "DIS IS DELTA WING, WE HAVE TORPEDO BOMBERS"

Indeed. We carry torpedos. Not yet, but we will. And we destroy another Rogue base. Somewhere in a dense particle field.

RE: Need fellows who want to do Navy RP differently - Sorrontis - 08-05-2016

I think the problem is that this is a game. Most people don't want the rigidity of the military in their game. A facsimile is good enough for most of us. Plus, we want others that are watching to understand what's going on in game.

RE: Need fellows who want to do Navy RP differently - Eva Adenauer - 08-05-2016

(08-04-2016, 11:48 PM)Ruairi Wrote: [*]Organize, train, and have general strategies

[*]Don't talk OORPly on TeamSpeak

These are mutually exclusive if you want to execute the first with any degree of competency.

RE: Need fellows who want to do Navy RP differently - Omi - 08-05-2016

(08-04-2016, 11:48 PM)Ruairi Wrote: Don't act smug or try to say things to make them look "cool"
Don't say things like "power up weaons" or other military directives in public communications (besides "engage" or similar)

This is just the 'rule of cool' being broken, though. I don't want to be rude, but people do this because it's fun, not because it's the best roleplay available. The other side likes to feel involved in what's going on, too, and it's not very interesting for them to watch a group of enemy ships float around silently because all the 'directives' etc are placed in group chat - and banter between opposing sides is a nice way to develop characterisation.

It could work, I guess, but you'd have to have a group of very dedicated players to pull it off while still keeping it enjoyable, I think. Lastly, I can only echo the sentiment other people have already made about proper organisation being impossible without some ooRP. Unless you plan to RP in voice comms, which would put all but the most hardcore of people off right from the start, you have no hope of conveying vital combat information quickly enough to compete with people who are employing everything available to them. You can squeak by with ooRP group chat, but trying to type things iRP in the thick of battle is always going to compromise combat ability.