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The life of a Hacker [Personal log]: Lizzy Millers, aka. Lizzy Lyons - Printable Version

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The life of a Hacker [Personal log]: Lizzy Millers, aka. Lizzy Lyons - Emperor Tekagi - 08-17-2016

Short information:

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Name: Lizzy Lyons
Gender: Female
Anomaly: Infectee
Birthdate: 5 August, 795
Place of Birth: Planet Curacao, Cortez system, Independent Worlds


Lizzy was born into a pretty wealthy libertorian family, her father was a politican with not few influence, her mother in contrast loved adventure and worked as escort wing leader for Interspace Commerce.
Sadly her mother's work leaded to the event which should change everything when Lizzy was only 13 years old; A few criminals searched for revenge on Lizzy's mother after she managed to defend a convoy full of diamonds from their boss.
Said criminals took Sue, Lizzy's mom, hostage and eventually killed her after finding out where Lizzy and her dad Jordan lived.

The 26. August should forever stay in Lizzy's memories. At that day their manson got overrun by this bunch of criminals. Barely their entire staff was killed, as well as Jordan. Before her fathers dead Lizzy managed to hide in the wardrobe where she was forced to watch how he was murdered through the small slit between the wardrobe's doors.
Unfortunately one of the criminals checked the wardrobe and Lizzy was found inside it. Instead of killing her they took her with them.

Lizzy was forced to spent barely three months together with this gang, to her own luck none of them seemed to have interest into her and she was supposed to merely get sold. Eventually someone bought her and gave her her freedom.
This someone was in reality a Liberty Police Officer who worked undercover inside the Liberty Rogue movement.

After she regained her freedom, Lizzy searched for a way to survive while keeping a low profile, changing her lastname, still fearing the criminals but also fearing the judgement of other authorities about the murder of her parents.
After another two months living in poor living conditions Lizzy decided to orientate towards a more radical way.

At the age of 14 already, Lizzy worked for the Lane Hackers. Quickly she realized how very well she did in a Hackers practices and she just didn't stop becoming better and better in it.

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In the year 823 A.S. Lizzy realized that there was no way for her to really improve anymore.. she already achieved a lot at this point though. Even a Vindicator-class Fighter.
Another achievement of Lizzy in this year was that she managed to trap Rear Admiral Victoria Knight and forced her to cooperation and share of datapacks. She got and continues to get closer and closer to the Battlegroup Harmony, seeing great potential in gathering usually highly secured data about the LSF and Navy.
Eventually she got a bit too close to one of the Battlegroup's high ranks, Emilia Young. Shortly before the rescue of Knight it happened than. Young showed her true face to Lizzy and Lizzy finally achieved a new way to keep developing into what she aimed for since years now.. becoming one of the most fearsome Hacker minds in Sirius.

RE: The life of a Hacker [Personal log]: Lizzy Millers, aka. Lizzy Lyons - Emperor Tekagi - 09-05-2016

/"The idea of a change" - A short entry\

The events following the first two weeks after Lizzy's infection were causing a lot of doubts for Lizzy:

First she quickly was put in charge of Alexis Hunter's interrogation, as well as acting as guard to prevent the Vice Admiral from doing anything stupid.
Building up something one could call a friendship to Alexis was her first mistake which leaded then to a faithful decision. In case the Order would succeed to rescue Alexis, Lizzy wouldn't fight but rather surrender to them in hope Alexis promises were true.

Recently Lizzy started with preparations for how she called it "The time after the change". Her preparations include gathering as much valuable information as possible, as well as contacting the Ingenuus Research Group with a request of assistance.

Time will tell if Lizzy's plan have success. If not a painful dead will likely await her...

<::To be continued::>