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To: Mr. Snell (Callsign: Likho/Domovoi) - Printable Version

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To: Mr. Snell (Callsign: Likho/Domovoi) - Spectre - 11-20-2016

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[COMM-ID]: Vice Admiral Michelle Collins - Liberty Navy
[Image: lw92Ols.jpg]

[SUBJECT]: Procurement and Thanks

[PRIORITY]: Alpha - High
[ENCRYPTION]: Alpha - High

Mr. Snell..

Hello again. I trust you're doing well after the events of Friday. I know it's probably butchered your reputation with the LPI, and I know Kalh's probably not too pleased, but the guy can honestly suck an egg for all I care.

I was curious as to your progress on the job I asked of you. I'm aware the crown won't be too pleased with people scrapping their wrecked warships, but I'm confident you'll find a way around them. If you need assistance, I can try and have a few wings from the Montana scout around for you. It's not a salvage team, but it's something. I also know of a few Dunkirk-class warships that have made planetfall on Leeds. While it's hardly ideal, it's probably more promising, and I know for a fact that the H.M.S. Derby made planetfall several months ago. While she's a bit older, the guns on her hull should still be compatable, and you might actually have better luck with the royalists.

Also, I wanted to say I really appreciate all you've done for us. The Montana and crew alike. Without you, I wouldn't have Carley, and I'd probably have lost my mind. You and Razenbraker are more than welcome aboard the Montana anytime you wish, and drinks are always on the house.

Thank you. For everything.

CO Michelle Collins, L.N.S. Montana

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RE: To: Mr. Snell (Callsign: Likho/Domovoi) - Typrop - 11-20-2016


<<<SHIPDES: Likho>>>

<<<ENCRYPTION: Drifting.>>>

<<<RECIPIENT: Collins.>>>


[Image: NPC_wmask_b.png?version=83a806e07c42c0d0...182493a189]

I uh.. Oh, right. Hey.
I've checked the wrecks in New London, found a few things worth salvaging, Mostly secondary turrets, I think.
I've also dropped down on New London. I mean, Leeds. Sorry, Refugee camps appear to have scavenged a few primary turrets, should be able to fit on your ship.
Haven't touched on the Gauls, ever since news of their actions toward the Gallic Junkers reached my ears. Or eyes. Or whatever sensory organ you want to use for this kind of description.

Here's the proof of me hitting up the wrecks in New London. The field's name escapes me currently.


RE: To: Mr. Snell (Callsign: Likho/Domovoi) - Spectre - 11-21-2016

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[COMM-ID]: Vice Admiral Michelle Collins - Liberty Navy
[Image: lw92Ols.jpg]

[SUBJECT]: Procurement and Thanks

[PRIORITY]: Alpha - High
[ENCRYPTION]: Alpha - High

Mr. Snell..

I know that the Montana needs four of each kind of turret to replace our damaged lineup. Four primaries and four secondaries would be ideal, but if you find less, then that alone would be enough. The ship's armament would be far more capable than it is right now, and with my Chief Engineer's prior work, maintenance should be a breeze.

Once we get the turrets gathered, we'll need to find a shipyard the would take the Montana in. While I know that Monterrey might take us back in, I'm not fully certain she'd be able to help mount them to the frame. I'd also prefer if the transfer was done discreetly, so as to keep attention away from the Montana during the refit. Perhaps Freeport 14 in Alberta?

Anyway, this is all large speculation, and it can wait until everything is gathered. Thank you again, Snell. Words can't describe how appreciative I am. Stay safe.

CO Michelle Collins, L.N.S. Montana

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