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To: The Rat Pack From: Jasper Saulder - Printable Version

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To: The Rat Pack From: Jasper Saulder - DkJericho - 12-01-2016

Hey not sure if this will get to ya but my name is Jasper Hopkins, currently I'm hanging out at the bar at Taormina Base but heard your lot have some connections to the arms market which I am very interested in perhaps meet up with me and we can talk further got my own ship and everything. Though if you want me in a larger vessel I don't got the funds but hey I'm willing to earn my keep. You don't have to respond to this but ill be at Taormina for a few days. hope to hear from ya.


RE: To: The Rat Pack From: Jasper Hopkins - Croft - 12-02-2016

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Jasper is it?

You're in luck, I'm heading that way myself on business. I'll meet you there but this better not be a waste of my time.

Jimmy out.

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RE: To: The Rat Pack From: Jasper Hopkins - DkJericho - 12-23-2016

[Image: MOPglTV.jpg]

Name: Jasper Saulder

Encryption: High

Subject: Possible Contract

Hey Jimmy I know its been awhile but I got some news. I may have a possible contract with The Commune hope this turns out so I can join your crew, be a honor to be apart of The Rat Pack. Hope all is well with ya.


RE: To: The Rat Pack From: Jasper Saulder - Croft - 12-23-2016

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I had a feelin' you'd be back Jasper,

Workin' with the Commune, yeah thats good business. You've got the right thinkin' for this kinda game, you pull this job off and we'll see about you runnnin' with the Pack.


P.S. Give Synk and Nomak my regards yeah.

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RE: To: The Rat Pack From: Jasper Saulder - Croft - 12-25-2016

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Hey Jasper, the Rat Pack will be meetin' on the Temna Roza at Curacao and your invited. If you ain't busy movin' product that is.

We operate out of a club on the lower decks, the Kvartet. Tell the dock manager the "Hostess is expecting you" and wear somethin' formal, its a classy joint.


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RE: To: The Rat Pack From: Jasper Saulder - DkJericho - 01-26-2017

[Image: MOPglTV.jpg]

Name: Jasper Saulder

Encryption: High

Subject: Possible Contract

Eh there Jimmy looks like I missed the party hope y'all didn't have to much fun with out me. Just wanted to let ya know I got that contract with the Commune and should be shipping a few high class guns for em. Ill let ya know what happens and hope this proves I got what it takes to cruise around with the crew. Heard ya had a run in with those Unioners everything good there? Talk with ya later.


RE: To: The Rat Pack From: Jasper Saulder - Croft - 01-26-2017

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You didn't miss anythin' though I have had some fun settin' up a little idea of mine, just waitin' on the Hackers to get the software ready and whatever they want as payment. With a bit of luck we should have somewhere to drop messages too.

But yeah, the Unioners gave me a little trouble but they ain't unreasonable. I'm actually doin' a job with 'em right now, trust earnin' stuff you know? Anyways Nomak and the Commune will treat you right just don't ask questions, they don't do nothin' in small measures capiche?
Oh and start thinkin' up a good nickname for yourself, you'll be needin' it.


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RE: To: The Rat Pack From: Jasper Saulder - DkJericho - 02-02-2017

[Image: MOPglTV.jpg]

Name: Jasper Saulder

Encryption: High

Subject: The Deal is Done

Jimmy got some good news my contract is as good as done. I will attach the contract to this transmission. Also Nomak said he sends his regards and expects further business with the Pack. Let me know if we can meet up.


RE: To: The Rat Pack From: Jasper Saulder - Croft - 02-02-2017

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You done good Jasper, you done good.

Why don't you swing by the Kvartet and we'll sort out the details over drinks?


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RE: To: The Rat Pack From: Jasper Saulder - DkJericho - 02-02-2017

[Image: MOPglTV.jpg]

Name: Jasper Saulder

Encryption: High

Subject: Time to Celebrate

Sounds good Jimmy that deal gave me a decent amount of credits so Ill buy the first rounds alright. *He Laughs*
Heading over to the Kvartet now see ya there.
