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Omicron notice 5.0 - Printable Version

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Omicron notice 5.0 - Omicron - 12-11-2016

After being backstabbed from within my own faction in most idiotic way possible, I have no morale or strenght to commit to the community beyond the absolute minimum to sustain my activities here and keep some anchor so to speak. My time will be also cut short with Christmas coming.

You propably noticed I dont answer RP threads at all lately. Dont expect any forum RP or me paying attention to forums at all for remainder of December and first days of the New Year. From one of more enjoyable parts of my disco career it has turned into something that deducts my free time normally dedicated to flying Order| or VWA| ingame, not to mention lately only causing facepalms and depressive thoughts seeing what other people are posting.

I may try to do some developing to help me focus.

See you in January, or meet ingame on less conspicuous characters of mine.

RE: Omicron notice 5.0 - Sombs - 12-11-2016

Get some fresh air and have nice holidays! Smile

RE: Omicron notice 5.0 - Jack_Henderson - 12-11-2016

Meh. Understandable.
We'll see how we can somehow continue the roleplay.

Sorry to see this happening, but I can understand your reaction.

RE: Omicron notice 5.0 - Backo - 12-11-2016

<Insert godadmiral Golanski meme here>

Take care and enjoy the holidays, mate.

RE: Omicron notice 5.0 - Shaggy - 12-11-2016

Take care buddy, enjoy the holidays and come back with a fresh head with some new air, oh don't forget the Christmas dinner and alcohol xD

RE: Omicron notice 5.0 - Omicron - 01-14-2017

I've been back since few days back however a real life situation forces me out again. Family member in the hospital and I only received about 3 hours of sleep for the last two days.

RE: Omicron notice 5.0 - Epo - 01-14-2017

Stay safe Golly (and revert delta's starsphere to the old one)
Take care bout RL.

RE: Omicron notice 5.0 - Doria - 01-14-2017

Good vibes to you and your family, mate...

RE: Omicron notice 5.0 - Omicron - 01-20-2017

My relative was discharged from hospital with so far no complications, my holidays are nearing and tougher part of my work has been dealth with so far.

I am back in action fully this Saturday.

RE: Omicron notice 5.0 - Tabris - 01-20-2017

Glad to hear your relative is doing ok sofar Omicron. Smile