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Freighter trading - Etaphreven - 02-18-2017

Is it viable? What are some routes I can do with one?


RE: Freighter trading - jim-drover - 02-18-2017

Freighters can use the planetary dockings like the one on leeds and the one in sigma 17 at planet kurile. The routes tend to payout more but it can not compare to a 5k ore run. Havent realy tryt it good but that is what i had noticed when i tryt .

RE: Freighter trading - Etaphreven - 02-18-2017

So freighters have no real purpose ingame?

EDIT: I mean, what could I possibly do with a Freelancer freighter? PvP, PvE and trading/smuggling can already be done with other ships a lot more efficiently.

RE: Freighter trading - Epo - 02-18-2017

Pretty much yeah. Unless a PvP shippie for newbies, which can still get outdmg'd with tactics by experienced vhf.

RE: Freighter trading - Mickk - 02-18-2017

Sure it's totally viable, if you don't mind not making vast amounts of credits in one go.

As for routes.... well I don't do any one set route these days, I basically dock at (insert place), sell what I have on board, look at what is selling there, buy stuff that is selling for a big profit somewhere else and head off to that place, rinse and repeat.

Doing it that way means I travel all over the place.

This may not work for you the way it does for me, as my primary trader has literally been to most places in Disco, but a good way to start is Drill Bits from Harrisburg Station, Pennsylvania to Planet Kyushu in Kyushu.

Do that for a start and remember to hit every dockable place along the way to build up your list of trade places.

Also, get hold of "Freelancer Companion" and use that as well.

Remember to tell FC where to look for the Disco directory (User/App Data/Local/Discovery Freelancer 4.88.1) or you will get the Vanilla info instead, which will be no good to you.

Keep in mind there are some places you will not be able to go, depending on who you are 'friendly' with.

Going to a place that is glaring red at you with a full load on when you get there is a bit of a let down. lol

RE: Freighter trading - Etaphreven - 02-18-2017

I'm already using Freelancer Companion, and what you described is exactly the way I play my main trader (flies a Serenity, goes everywhere). I just thought there might be a niche type of trading with freighters, where I can smuggle small amounts of cargo but for a higher profit, in a ship that isn't just a huge target.

RE: Freighter trading - Mickk - 02-18-2017

The good thing about a freighter is that you can go more places easier than you can with a 5K transport..... and you don't have to go hunting for an ID that gives you some sort of freedom when you are actually trading and then try to rep so you can buy the darn thing.

I made myself 'poor' by scraping credits together to buy a 5k so I could join in that last event..... but I ended up having serious lag dramas, so I only got one run done.

The current plan is to do enough 'work' with it to build my finances up again (running a Liberty Dread can be *SO* expensive!) and converting back to FL ID'd Borderworld Gunship again.

A good thing to note, is that if must fly a 5k transport into an asteroid/debri field, the best way is to switch views with CTRL-V (I think?), which takes you 'cockpit' view and then hand fly it.
I've found if you do that you can navigate all but the most dense fields at cruise without hitting too many rocks.

RE: Freighter trading - Calo - 02-18-2017

Freighters as trading ships are good under one circumstance: an agreement between parties which do pay money for specific cargo. When I had by FL ID Bactrian, I earned some money for delivering stuff for one player faction (which later took it to POB or some other way from me).

RE: Freighter trading - sasapinjic - 02-18-2017

You can join up with some big transport and deliver cargo for him where he cant , for example , i have tow Black Market amno in my Liner for Bretonians on Planet Leeds and then i hire freighter to unload that for me where i can , couse selling price is over 11.000 per unit there .

RE: Freighter trading - Etaphreven - 02-20-2017

That's a good idea. Is it worth putting a couple of codenames on the ship for pvp btw? Are any cheap ones nowadays?