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To: [M]ollys of Dublin - Printable Version

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To: [M]ollys of Dublin - Ministry of Truth - 08-08-2017

Comm ID: Ministry of Truth
Subject: Procurement of "Scylla"

Comrades of the Republic of Dublin,

The People's Republic of the Sirius Coalition has found interest in evaluating the capital ships of our allies. Specifically one of your "Scylla" class destroyers. We would interest in obtaining once of these vessels for use in field trials and evaluations. It is also possible that it will become the focal point of our newest research project based at Mykolaiv. Further details will be forwarded through private channels. Please advise us of your preferred form of compensation.

--Uploading Blueprint---

[Image: ZbragsZ.png]

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса

RE: To: [M]ollys of Dublin - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 08-15-2017

[Image: euLgaMs.png]

Dia duit, o' shall oy say Preevyeet , representatives o' deh Ministry ?

Oy's Blodwyn O'Driscoll, un' oy work fer deh Republic o' Dublin.

We did receive yer transmission, as stated in me previous message tae deh Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army. But maybe , it dinnae end up in deh Ministry's mailbox. Oy cannae say.

So, deh Republic o' Dublin be, o' course, willin' tae lease offer wun o' aour Scylla class dessie tae deh Coalition. Howe'er, we ain't nae shure yet o' what we could ask ye tae compensate fer deh buildin' cost un' fer deh occupied droydock needed tae build deh aforementioned destroyer.

Actually, dere could be sumtin' dhat could be usefull tae deh Republic : in order tae strengthen aour hold on deh Republic space, we thought 'bout reinforcin' aour fleet widh some Jörmungandr class battleship.
O' course we'd need deh Red Hessian Army approuval. Army, which we dinnae contact yet on dhis madder.
But oy bet, dhat, we could agree on some three way exchanges, o' compensations.

Tank ye fer listenin'

Slán agat ! O' shall me says Dosveeedanya !

-Transmission Terminated-

RE: To: [M]ollys of Dublin - Ministry of Truth - 08-16-2017

Comm ID: Ministry of Truth
Subject: Procurement of "Scylla"

Blodwyn O'Driscoll,

The Ministry of Truth has evaluated its options with the aid of Coalition Command and come to a conclusion.

Sourcing a Jormungand-class Battleship would be an immense burden on the direct resources of the Army at this time. We only maintain one of these vessels ourselves and also to "middle-man" the hardware of the Hessians would reflect poorly within the Triumvirate alliance as a whole. As the Hessians have such ships to spare, we must agree with your assessment to seek their approval in acquiring such a platform -- and to acquire said platform directly from them.

Furthermore Coalition Command has expressed much distaste to the Ministry of Truth regarding the unequal trade of vessel tonnage that would result from this deal. We know you have been in contact with Field Marshal Selim to sort out other concerns, and have prepared a counter-offer.

The Revolutionary Army is instead willing to provide you with a surplus Typhoon-class destroyer chassis. The vessel will be fitted to combat specifications suitable for your ongoing raids against Bretonia shippers and made to hybridize your hardware with Coalition integral circuitry as well as possible. This integration process may take some time to accomplish satisfactorily.

Field trials conducted with the Scylla-class destroyer chassis we acquire from you will aid in the successful integration of hardware. Likewise the Ministry of Truth and Coalition Command request similar trial data when your equipment is installed on the Typhoon and it is deployed. This information will aid our teams in speeding up full systems integration.

Should this deal prove favorable in your eyes Coalition Command is ready to proceed.

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса

RE: To: [M]ollys of Dublin - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 11-08-2017

[Image: euLgaMs.png]

Preevyeet , representatives o' deh Ministry o' Truth

Oy believe ye dinnae introduce yersel' alreaday yet, un' oy mus' admit, deh council would loike tae know tae whom oy's talkin' tae.

Dhat bein' said, oy tink dhat dere mus' have been sum' sort o' misunnerstandin' : In fact, deh Republic's proposal was all 'bout aquierin' deh ressources equivalent tae build deh Scylla class Dessie ye requoired, plus a wee sumtin' tae compensate oos fer deh occupied droydock on aour shipyard. Un' doses ressources, would den be used; oif deh Reh Hessian Army agreed; fer deh construction o' deh aforementioned Jörmungandr class battlebrick. Dun' ye tink, dhis wouldnae be fair ?
Anyway, t'was ne'er 'bout askin' deh Coalition tae fund all boye itsel' deh whole cost o' such a war macheen'.

We'll keep ye in touch, when we'll receive deh Army answer. Oif deh proposal does fit ye, o' course.

Tank ye fer listenin'

Dosveeedanya !

-Transmission Terminated-