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Wrecks - kookee2k2 - 08-25-2017

Hello, I have looked around on the forums, the site and the wiki, but I dont see much on the random objects that you can meta game on the NavMap
So a week ago I get a location of a wreck and I go out there and I *cough* 'get the stuff' *cough*. But today I return for the first time and I can't get anything more. Thusly so, I run into a couple of other wrecks and I still can't get any loot.
So the reasons why I'm posting this is:
a) I don't see this in the wiki, AND
b) that first time only worked once for me.

As far as I know this is how it works:
So you get the location of a wreck (from the bar), you go to it, ya get 'da stuff' (what ever it is)
And then you can't go back to it, even in a few days to re-mine the same stuff.

Are these objects a 'one time only' deal?
I get it (kinda), that if you 'run into' one of these wrecks, you shouldn't get anything from it, because each wreck is like a 'side-quest'

So a couple of questions on this:

1) I don't see anything along the times of a "what do?" when these objects are out there and you encounter them
- Can this wrecks be included on the wiki?
2) I'm guessing that there *is* a 'one time visit' flag on these. Granted you have to activate these before collecting, but for the sake of 'getting something a little extra', could these objects become 'refreshed'? Or be given a character-by-character 'cool down' effect?

RE: Wrecks - JorgeRyan - 08-25-2017

A wreck is looting by shooting, just like in vanilla freelancer. And each wreck can only be looted once per server restart (which is around 8am UTC), and once per character, so you better be sure it hasn't already been looted, as you only have one chance per character, and a wasted shot still counts against that character. If you're looking for a specific weapon drop from a wreck and you can't get it yourself, you can check the Equipment dealer sub-forum. Many players run code shops, or you can post your own thread detailing what you want to buy.

Also, my wiki skills aren't the best, but I can try whipping up (or updating, if it already exists) a Wrecks page that covers some of the basics.

RE: Wrecks - St.Denis - 08-25-2017

The way around it, instead of creating a new Ship each time is, to have a Ship that is hostile to the locals. Then all you have to do is sit near the wreck, wait for the NPCs to turn up and start shooting you.

If you move around the wreck they will end up shooting it for you. This then makes the wreck drop the cargo and all you have to do is 'tractor it in'.

RE: Wrecks - ronillon - 08-25-2017

I guess you are looking for this: Tutorial: CODENAME locations [4.88.5]