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To: Nick Stenn | From: Mathieu Rousseau - Printable Version

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To: Nick Stenn | From: Mathieu Rousseau - The Free Brigands of Gallia - 11-08-2017

Transmission Initialising... Ready.

[Image: J4hCLAU.png]
Source: Planet Marne
Signal Stability: Stable
Signal Strength: Strong
Receiver Strength: Ok
Message Priority: Medium
Message Subject: Boulogne Must Fall.
Message Sender: Mathieu Rousseau
Encoding Message... Encoded.
Running Cyphers. . . . . Done.
Displaying Message to Recipient:

From what I hear your incursion on Boulogne failed.

For now, Bologne continues to go about its business as if all in the universe is right and they've seemingly forgotten about their blind betrayal. I'm gonna see this being mostly down to the death of Remy shocking his twisted little 'family'. The fact remains their betrayal cannot go unpunished and if I recall we made a deal. I want the last member of the Maxime family to suffer, watch as his fledgeling empire crumbles before his eyes and how his people are being slaughtered.

But I cannot see all this until you've fulfilled your end of the bargain. We gave you Remy, now you need to give us Boulogne. There is great potential in our relations staying positive and much we can do for each other - but for now, it would be wise not to cheat the Brigands out of a deal.

When you're ready to begin let me know, and we'll begin planning their demise. There are no doubt multiple avenues by which we can eliminate them, so I'm eager to hear what you have to say.

Mathieu Rousseau

RE: To: Nick Stenn | From: Mathieu Rousseau - Nick Stenn - 11-08-2017



[Image: ByHBBZY.png]


  • »»» Location: Haven
  • »»» Sender ID: Nick Stenn
  • »»» Recipient ID: Mathieu Rousseau
  • »»» Subject: Promises


Forgive the delay, but combat related injuries put me out of action for several weeks. That said, I am back in the field, and it's about time for us to settle our debts.

We already know the way in, and all we need is a window of opportunity. If Boulogne truly remains unaware of the threat, then we have to move before the chance slips past us. I can commit three ships, one carrier, one gunboat and one light cruiser, along with a full complement of soldiers and combat droids to the operation, as well as one of our more specialized weapons. We need a way in, and while I'm not adverse to blowing the side of Boulogne apart to get the troops on the station, I doubt you'll be willing to deal with the repairs afterwards.

If you can get us a way to secure entry, and to lockdown the hanger bays, we'll cleanse the station. Failing a means to shut the station off from the the outside world, I do have a weapon that will effectively render the base inert, and while I am loathe to use it on such a target, I will do so if required to uphold our end of the arrangement.

We'll gather our strike force in the Omicron Tau system, near the Carrier Hades. Moving through Lorraine and Dauphine is risky, but shorter than any other routes to the target, and will give us the best chance at surprise. Look for the Haven, Chronos and Athena.

And finally, I'll need a floor plan of the station. If we're going to commit to a full assault, I need to lay plans.



RE: To: Nick Stenn | From: Mathieu Rousseau - Nick Stenn - 11-14-2017



[Image: ByHBBZY.png]


  • »»» Location: Haven
  • »»» Sender ID: Nick Stenn
  • »»» Recipient ID: Mathieu Rousseau
  • »»» Subject: Promises


My ships and men are in place. All I'm waiting for is those plans. Should you fail to produce them soon, I am afraid we will miss our opportunity, and give Remy's men time to regroup. Do not make me wait for too long, or I will be forced to act alone.



RE: To: Nick Stenn | From: Mathieu Rousseau - The Free Brigands of Gallia - 12-01-2017

Transmission Initialising... Ready.

[Image: J4hCLAU.png]
Source: Planet Marne
Signal Stability: Stable
Signal Strength: Strong
Receiver Strength: Ok
Message Priority: Medium
Message Subject: Boulogne Must Fall.
Message Sender: Mathieu Rousseau
Encoding Message... Encoded.
Running Cyphers. . . . . Done.
Displaying Message to Recipient:

I apologise for the delay, acquiring plans for a station that is hostile to us is not something I'd consider easy. The plans I have managed to acquire are nothing special, but they were still pretty difficult to get. You can thank the Frejus Raiders for that.

The plans we have are nothing more than basic structural designs, showing the bases internal layout, but nothing about patrols, weapon placements, or anything that would help beyond the initial siege. Soo... we have got getting inside covered, but once we are in it's a guessing game.

From what we can work out from the very very basic schematics, it seems like the base's structural supports and reinforcements are mostly located in the lower region of the base. I'd assume this is because there is significantly more natural foundation at the top, but this is just a guess. When you are ready, let me know and we can begin planning our attack.

While I seldom leave my compound on Marne, if you have a FOB or support vessel, Zero and I will be there in person to begin the planning of this strike.

Mathieu Rousseau

Attchments: Plans

RE: To: Nick Stenn | From: Mathieu Rousseau - Nick Stenn - 12-16-2017



[Image: ByHBBZY.png]


  • »»» Location: Haven
  • »»» Sender ID: Nick Stenn
  • »»» Recipient ID: Mathieu Rousseau
  • »»» Subject: Promises


It's about time. Haven is on station in Omicron Tau. We've begun drafting a plan of attack, but we will be waiting for your and Zero's arrival in case of any extra input. Once you've arrived we can proceed, and finish up this business.

For the moment, with the plans you've given us, it seems we may have to proceed with a direct attack to capture the connector segments, and then take the station section by section.



RE: To: Nick Stenn | From: Mathieu Rousseau - The Free Brigands of Gallia - 12-16-2017

Transmission Initialising... Ready.

[Image: J4hCLAU.png]
Source: Planet Marne
Signal Stability: Stable
Signal Strength: Strong
Receiver Strength: Ok
Message Priority: Medium
Message Subject: RE: Boulogne Must Fall.
Message Sender: Mathieu Rousseau
Encoding Message... Encoded.
Running Cyphers. . . . . Done.
Displaying Message to Recipient:

Ahh, Stenn. It is good to hear from you. If the hour is nigh I'll begin making preparations for me and Zero to join you aboard the Haven. I'll be inbound on Zero's ship and have a wing of attack fighters that will aid in the battle. I'll also be bringing a few freighters packed with soldiers to aid in the capture. But don't worry, they'll be staying well away while Zero and I meet with you.

If there is any other equipment you'd like me to grab before I depart now is the time to let me know. Zero already mentioned that we'll breach charges to get through their pathetic barriers, but I imagine you'd already be carrying them.

Mathieu Rousseau