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to: All Zoners (except IRG) -|- from: Corsairs TBH -|- Explanation and Reconciliation - Printable Version

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to: All Zoners (except IRG) -|- from: Corsairs TBH -|- Explanation and Reconciliation - CorsairCouncil - 11-10-2017

Sender: Chino E. Chavez, Enviado Extraordinario
Recipients: All Zoners (except IRG)
Blocked IDs: IRG

Topic: Reaching Out
Crete Planet, Omicron Gamma

¡Distinguidos señores y señoras!

I would like to adress all of you, Zoners of all colours, of all regions and I would like to offer not only an explanation of what happened in Omicron Delta, but also a hand: The Corsairs are not the enemies of the Zoners.

The small group of IRG, who only claim they are Zoners, have betrayed you - you, the free Zoners who just want to live their lives outside of House laws, without power politics, far away from conflicts and bloodshed. They betrayed you when they bartered away the neutrality of Freeport 11 to the Core.

The IRG never told you what the plan was. Under the disguise of a combined Core-Zoner installation, the Core would have crept right to the heart of what would have been a Freeport only in name. This annex station would have become armed and the Core - known for its ruthlessness and its disregard for Zoners - would have taken control of the automated guns. The base would have become a Core-controlled checkpoint to fire at everybody who keeps the Core's imperialistic, fascist expansive ambitions in check: Order, and Corsairs.

The IRG and Core propaganda try to paint this attack as a barbaric strike against a civilian Zoner installation.

The reality is that the Corsair fleet freed the Freeport from an iron shackle of absolute control that the IRG allowed to Core to wrap around the Zoner's freedom, and they did it willingly. It is called treason in my culture if you betray your people and your values for whatever sinister motivation. The Freeport would have ended to exist as a 'Free'-Port once the Core would have taken over the control of the automated defenses.

The IRG betrayed you and they tried to sell you out to the Core, the force that killed scores of innocents on Freeport 11, blew off a biodome and caused more suffering in all of Delta than at any point in history before. Siding with the Core forces in the battle, the IRG made their choice.

This is why the IRG is the only Zoner group excluded from what the Corsairs offer to all other Zoners:

Zoners from near and far, the Corsairs are not your enemies. We have been working together forever, and we want to continue working together. We mean you no harm, not to your ships, nor to your families and your livelihoods.

  1. Most of you were not involved in the conflict, and therefore you share no responsibility and no harm shall come to you.
  2. Some of you were lied to and manipulated into assisting the treacherous plan of the IRG and Core. We will not hold that against you, as long as no further steps are taken against the Corsairs. Mistakes happen, and the Core propaganda is strong and the IRG's treason runs deep.
  3. Some of you chose to fight us willingly, and even to those we offer the hand of peace. If you want to return to the status quo antea, to how the Corsairs and the Zoners were before this conflict, we will not hold your actions of the past against you or your crews. You were victims of a powerful manipulation machine. We will not come for you for what happened if you cease hostilities from now on.
  4. The Corsairs will not attack any Zoner installations. The fear of a follow-up attack against Freeport 11 is totally unfounded. We are not the Core.

The important part for the Corsair Empire is that the roots from which the treason grew, namely IRG, is removed. And we hope for the CoF and all the good-hearted Zoners who live by their true ideals to remove the festering IRG influence from their midst.

  1. The traitor Kyu Akibara sold his soul to your enemies and now has lost his mind by threatening to strike a second time with nuclear warheads. He has to surrender his post of Freeport 11 Administrator to a true Zoner and remove himself from the Omicrons.
  2. The same goes for Dr. James Erzie whose actions are unforgivable. As long as these two traitors stay within the Corsairs' sphere of influence, they will be hunted down mercilessly for their crimes.
  3. Furthermore, IRG control over any Zoner installation in the Omicrons cannot be accepted after the IRG so openly and willingly threw themselves into the arms of the Core.

We urge the CoF to restore order in its structure of Freeports by removing the IRG leadership from stations that are inside the Omicrons. We do not wish for confrontation with any Zoner group, with the exception of the IRG. They have made their choice and the price that is to pay has been decided on.

But all of this is not your fault, Zoners of all other fractions and groups. And we are not your enemies and will never be if you chose to accept the hand that I am offering and refrain from hostilities.


Chino Ernesto Chavez

Enviado Extraordinario
Consejo de Asuntos Exteriores
Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma

Transmission Terminated...

RE: to: All Zoners (except IRG) -|- from: Corsairs TBH -|- Explanation and Reconciliation - Doc Holliday - 11-10-2017

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Tombstone Estate, Planet Gran Canaria, Omega 49 System
To: Chino E. Chavez

Hola, Senor Chavez,

Confío en que esto te encuentre bien. *He gives a light smile and a nod of respect*
We haven't met, at least, I don't think we have but I know your organization well. The late Miguel Sephardi and I did some work together, dined together and he attended my wedding to my late wife, Midori. It was he who forged good relations between us.

I'll admit, I personally have been far from the recent events of Omicron Delta but I hear plenty from the crew of [MFE]Med Force Three. The Core I have only spoken with as needed and that has been infrequent. The Confederacy I have no involvement in and the organization itself brings back too many bad memories of the ill fated Zoner Alliance and Council of Zoners. Granted, Zoners need to work together but I'm on the fence about it. I have been for awhile.

Senor, I'm not sure where I can help in this. Med Force Enterprises isn't a fighting entity. It never has been nor will it ever be. It would end badly for us if we tried. While so many others take lives, we save them, pure and simple regardless of who they are or to whom they are affiliated. I think that is what is needed in times as such as these.
It has been some time since I have been to Crete. Maybe it's time that I visit. If you wish, I will meet you there or a place of your choosing.

With respect,
Dr. John Henry Holliday
CEO, Med Force Enterprises

RE: to: All Zoners (except IRG) -|- from: Corsairs TBH -|- Explanation and Reconciliation - Darku - 11-10-2017

[Image: qF78pEP.jpg]

☆☆ Incoming Transmission ☆☆

Comm ID:____________ Gray Williams
Access:_____________ Corsair Council
Source:_____________ Star Space Port
Signal Strength:___ High
Subject:____________ Peace

☆☆ Loading Message ☆☆

Senor Chavez

I'm Gray William deputy of the Star Enterprise Inc. We have seen the news about the Omicron Delta events and we are very much aware of it. But we are not sure who called you as an “enemy of the Zoner’s”, I bet they are not even actual Zoner pure blood, they just come from random house's trying to settle into Omicron and acting as a Zoner. Corsair never was an enemy to the Zoners specially in Omicrons and Omegas, otherwise you could have taken over the Freeport 9 first, since it is pretty close to the Corsair Empire, isn’t it? But to be honest, the Star Enterprise was not involved in this Omicron Delta madness they call “war” nor do we wish to aid the IRG. The Ingenuus Research Group are not a true Zoner organization only try to act like a Zoner but I think they are just bunch of criminals coming from different origins, who knows! The Core who tried to claim the Freeport 11 in 818 A.S. and again in 823 A.S. and the IRG wanted to be buddy with the Core? Only the Zoner blood people know about the true color of the Core.

As you have mention Kyu Akibara as a traitor, he just lost his mind or he might on drugs, he does not even know about the Core all that well, I bet. That foolish guy just doomed us and just saw the news, he did self-exile. Hopefully Freeport 11 will get a decent administrator in the future.

Again, the Corsair Empire never been an enemy of the Zoner and definitely not to Star Enterprise Inc. Star Enterprise Inc. can aid you in any sort of supplies or aid you may need, just let us know what do you need and our transport division will be ready to supply.

☆☆ Transmission terminated☆☆

RE: to: All Zoners (except IRG) -|- from: Corsairs TBH -|- Explanation and Reconciliation - Jack_Henderson - 11-12-2017

Sender: Chino E. Chavez, Enviado Extraordinario
Recipients: All Zoners (except IRG)
Blocked IDs: IRG

Topic: Reaching Out
Crete Planet, Omicron Gamma

¡Distinguidos señores y señoras!

It seems the situation is moving towards a calming down.

In times of conflict, clarity is important to keep the fog of war and the Core propaganda from clouding the judgement and from pushing their false narrative onto those they want to instrumentalize for their imperialistic fascist ambitions.

Situation Update:

The self-imposed exile of the treacherous ex-Administrator of Freeport 11 Kyu Akibarais a sign that the IRG has understood the severity of the situation. This is a first step to dismantling IRG's attempt of selling out the Zoner's sacred neutrality and exchange it with a beautiful chain and collar inscripted with Core lies and IRG vows of servitude.

The Corsairs have declared IRG the enemy of the Corsair Empire. So be it known that every IRG vessel inside the Corsair Zone of Influence is marked as a target and will be hunted. There is no safe place for traitors within our reach.

The Corsairs are still waiting for a statement by the CoF. With the situation in flux, it is understandable that this takes some time, however the Corsairs are not patient indefinitely.


to Dr. John Henry Holliday:

Quote:It is good to know there are still those Zoners that remember how to survive - by staying out of the confrontations. It is even better when Zoners like you can actively help in overcoming the disasterous aftermath of conflicts. While you are always a honoured guest on Crete, I assume your skills can best be used around Freeport 11 at the moment. I doubt that any entity except Nomads or Wilde would attack your well-known vessels.

Good luck, Mr. Holliday.

to: Gray Williams

Quote:I agree with your assessment on the false nature of the IRG. The facts in Delta are proof enough. It comes as a mystery how the IRG could so quickly lean towards the Core when the bodies of those they killed on Freeport 11 are still warm. I know for sure that the Corsairs do not forgive this quickly, and it seems that Star-Enterprises also knows where to see an enemy and where a friend.

We are also watching the re-appointment of a new Administrator carefully and have yet to get word on the issue from the CoF. I share the hope that a real Zoner will take command and return the Freeport to its only possible setting: complete neutrality.

Your offer of aid is always welcome and you know what Crete imports and exports. However, at the moment it would likely also be useful to ship relief to Freeport 11 and help overcoming the terrible aftermath of this IRG-inflicted tragedy.

Good luck, Mr. Gray Williams


Chino Ernesto Chavez

Enviado Extraordinario
Consejo de Asuntos Exteriores
Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma

Transmission Terminated...

RE: to: All Zoners (except IRG) -|- from: Corsairs TBH -|- Explanation and Reconciliation - Aazalot - 11-12-2017

[Image: Von_Co_F.png]
Mr Chavez
I Am Jerard Voncloud, i am one half of the Confederation of Freeports leadership and Commander of the White Fox, one of the ships that engaged the joint Corsair and Order fleet. So i am speaking as one who was actually present for the incident in question.

The Zoner ships that engaged the Corsairs did so in defence of Port Carthage which despite claims was in fact built as a Zoner mining station and part of Freeport 11. When the joint Corsair and Order fleet first emerged i tried to get the fleet so see reason, asking that conflict be avoided and that a peaceful means be found, but sadly that didnt work, the fleet pushed in and opened fire so we had to defend ourselves in kind, im sure you understand that even as Zoner's we arnt going to just sit and let ourselves be shot at.

I do need to clarify details, mostly the harsh light being cast upon Ex Administrator Akibara.
Administrator Akibara was never part of the IRG. They were previously a Director of The Omicron Supply Industires prior to their appointment to Freeport 11. They left as they felt it was the only way to halt the threats of NEMP strikes upon Zoner installations Gran Canaria included by the Order

The "buddying up" with the Core has unfortunately been taken out of prospective by many. A peace was signed between the Zoners and the Core out of necessity, even with the dwindling Corsair and Order support we were getting, the fact is we were being slaughtered by the Core, the Order nor the Corsairs were able to be deployed to defend the Freeport at all times and the Core took advantage of these windows. Had we carried on we would of lost everything and such we had to take the peace offer just to preserve ourselves. It was taken with the hope we could return to being neutral without the Core baring down on is like a pack of wild animals.
Point is, the decision to take the peace offering by the Core was made by the Confederation leadership as a means to survive. The building of Port Carthage was the Cores attempt at trying to make amends for the damage and destruction they had caused in the past. IRG were not the ones who made the decision and in this instance are only Guilty of trying to defend themselves and a Zoner station.

J Voncloud Joint Head of the Confederation

[Image: i_Xq_Arp_E.gif]

RE: to: All Zoners (except IRG) -|- from: Corsairs TBH -|- Explanation and Reconciliation - Jack_Henderson - 11-13-2017

Sender: Chino E. Chavez, Enviado Extraordinario
Recipients: All Zoners (except IRG)
Blocked IDs: IRG

Topic: Reaching Out
Crete Planet, Omicron Gamma

¡Distinguidos señores y señoras!

It is good to have a member of the CoF comment on what has happened, Mr. Jerard Voncloud. It is also good to know that you commanded the White Fox, so that there is a first hand report from the Zoner side.

I would like to comment on your message and add some questions:

It would be understandable that Zoners wanted to defend the installation if it really had been that neutral Zoner installation that you claim it was. As a matter of fact, the Corsairs would have defended the installation if it really had been a neutral Zoner installation. Yet it was not.

I am surprised to see that you led your crew into a futile battle to defend an installation that the Core would have taken over at some point to control the Freeport. You cannot be naive enough to believe that the perfect positioning and the cooperation with the Core was conducted by them without a plan. The Corsairs and the Order recognized that danger the very moment this modular station was deployed and I find it hard to believe that the Zoners were ignorant about the destructive impact that this project would have on the fragile Omicron Delta.

To conclude: It does not really matter whether those who built it were too naive to understand the consequences of their actions or whether they ignored these consequences intentionally, thinking they could get away with it with the help of the Core. Whatever it was, the attack and all the consequences are their full responsibility. They must have or should have known that nobody would accept anything else but total neutrality from Freeport 11 Zoners.

Thank you for clarifying that the ex-Administrator was not a member of the IRG. Furthermore, the Corsairs distance themselves of any threats like those you mentioned. We will find other means of enforcing our laws and safeguarding our interests, and there will be no need for threats against innocents. We will focus our actions on those who deserve it, however those actions will be forceful and swift.

I have trouble understanding your last point. You write that the Zoners were slaughtered and were losing due to dwindling effort of Corsairs and Order. Do answer me: Why can't I find a single message reporting this deterioration to the Council? Why can't I find any request for help in the archives?

Still, I can understand that the Freeport 11 Zoners wanted to make peace with the Core and the Corsair Empire would not have opposed this at all. We still do not, as long as it does not result in an alliance between Core and Zoners of Freeport 11, but in full neutrality and accessibility of Freeport 11.

The central point however is: if we had been informed about the peace plan, the Empire could have put in some military effort to push the Core into a weaker negotiation position and the Zoners could have negotiated from a stronger position. Without that, it is not surprising that a weak FP11 position in combination with treacherous personnel in the Zoner ranks allowed for a Core check point to come up right in front of their station.

About the responsibility of the IRG, I have to contradict you. You claim the base was not constructed by IRG, yet this plea by the OSI to spare the installation does not back your claim up. The IRG had a major hand in the Zoner-Core adventure.

Our last doubts vanished when IRG vessels began harrassing and attacking Corsair ships even before the major confrontation in Delta. The aggressive stance before and the offensive nature of leading IRG figures resulted in the Councils verdict on the IRG group. They have embraced the Core and therefore abandoned the Zoner way of neutrality and therefore they are enemies of the Empire. Everybody who joins their path of allying with the Core enemy will receive the same judgement.

A personal question, Commander. You were on board of the White Fox, so you saw it. Did you feel joy when the NEMP-warhead was launched out of the attack formation consisting of Core warships, your CoF vessel and IRG ships? Did you laugh when the warhead impacted and destroyed the flank of our fleet, ripping through multiple ships? How did it feel to move into battle in formation with the Core, while the Corsairs - your former allies against the Core aggression - were reorganising their fleet from the impact?

I will tell you one thing, Commander and you better listen: You should be grateful that the Corsairs are willing to ignore all the lies, half-truths and excuses and accept the justifications about this suicidal Core / Zoner project and your and the CoF's role in it. We do this because we think that the CoF might still be useful in the future.

However the Council of Elders demands in return:

Public condemnation of...
  1. the use of the NEMP by the Zoner / Core fleet against the Corsair fleet
  2. the abandoning of neutrality by the Freeport 11 Zoners by allying with the Core
  3. the construction of an outpost without consultation of relevant regional powers
  4. the hostile actions of those Zoners who attacked the Corsair fleet together with the Core

Furthermore, we demand a complete cessation of any and all hostilities towards the Corsair nation and a swift takeover of any IRG installation in the Omicrons by the CoF. This needs to be followed by a re-assignment of Administrators that have no link to the IRG.

Especially the last points are essential to avoid the Corsair Empire taking action in Omicron Kappa against installations that are allegedly under IRG command.

This is the CoF's chance to lead the Zoners back towards neutrality and safety by proving its ability to keep harm from the Zoners and to steer their fortune towards a better future.


Chino Ernesto Chavez

Enviado Extraordinario
Consejo de Asuntos Exteriores
Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma

Transmission Terminated...

RE: to: All Zoners (except IRG) -|- from: Corsairs TBH -|- Explanation and Reconciliation - Aazalot - 11-13-2017

[Image: Von_Co_F.png]

I will do my best to answer you Chavez and it is up to you whether you continue to dis believe me or not.

We do not know if the Core would of taken the station over, but the Core have shown an entirely new side to them when trying to achieve peace with us, however the Base “Port Carthage” was part of the terms we had to sign, that a new modular base would be built to try and stimulate economic growth.
Your probably correct in your assumption that the Core had or have some sort of Long term goal and it is not something I ever ignored, I was against the Peace but realised that suspicions and pride were not good enough reasons to continue to allow the killing of innocent people.
We were however naïve in thinking that a simple station wouldn't cause such an implosion of friction between peoples.

In all honesty Im not sure as to the why the Corsair Empire wasn't informed or why requests for help were not done via normal channels, its possible it was done via private means other then that I too am unsure as to why there were no calls for help. Personally I believe it may be that the Corsairs hadnt been too active in the Delta region what with your conflicts closer to home.

This point does lead into the why we didn't inform you about the peace treaty, the lack of Corsair presence in Delta led us to believe that it was not a system of significance at this time. Had your fleet joint with the Order stopped and listened to me when I tried to explain perhaps a lot of loss would have been avoided.

Im happy to hear that you do not oppose the Peace treaty, I assure you it was not our intention to make it look like an alliance, as I stated before the idea of the base was Cores way of trying to help a bridge building venture if you will, again believe what you want about that but from our side and the talks that were held that was at least the intention.

In regards to the building of the station, I never said it wasn't built by IRG, I said it was the Cores idea, and that the Peace treaty and agreeing to it wasn't IRGs decision, apologise if I didn't make that overly clear.
I will admit IRG ships were showing...over Zealousness in enforcing the No Fire Zone around Freeport 11, often ending up being warned by myself when I was present to see it.
Wether they embrace the Core or not is not for me to say, but as of now they are still our Brethren, ones who perhaps require a tighter lead.

In regards to your personal question, no, there was no joy to be found with the NEMP, I do not and will not Condone the use of such weaponry, when I saw it fired I was in shock, especially when I had to consider the idea it was fire from a Zoner ship. I did discover however that the ship that Fired the NEMP was in fact a Forlorn| Vessel, a group of freelancers I believe, but that does not clear them of their actions. I would never wish to use such a weapon upon any not even as an act of desperation. So no, I was not laughing, I was in dismay.

I felt pained to move in to a battle formation with the Core, I wished nothing more then to resolve things without conflict, to see the Corsairs so readily come to the Orders side without so much as a question as to why. That the ships in question ignored my attempts to address them about the situation, it felt as if the Corsairs were very much in the Orders pocket.
You say the Core aggression, when the Core were their to defend the Freeport and the Station, it was the Order and Corsair fleets that fired first, you were the aggressors.

Think what you will, if they are half truths and lies, i've wasted to much time trying to explain our action's only to have them fall on the deaf ears of those who have already convinced themselves of the facts that they want to see.
“CoF might be useful in future” keep thinking that, but I assure you we are no-ones puppets, do remember whose stations it is you use around Sirius, who it is that provides your people with the various quantity's of food and resources for your world. We are “useful” to you because we allow it.

Now, I will happily openly Condemn the use of the NEMP not just against the fleet in question but in its entirety.
And I will condemn and apologise for the building of a station without following correct procedure and contacting the Order for it to be built.

I will not however Condemn things that are not true, we did not abandon our neutrality we in fact at least for a moment got it back by ceasing the hostility's between the Core and Zoner's. Something you have said yourself the Corsairs are not against.

And I will not Condemn the actions of the ships who attacked the Corsair fleet with the Core because on our part it was an act of self defence.

In regards to Corinth we are already organising a reassignment of Administrators of that station as your not the only Faction to make such a demand. Once the change has occurred you will be informed.

J Voncloud

[Image: i_Xq_Arp_E.gif]

RE: to: All Zoners (except IRG) -|- from: Corsairs TBH -|- Explanation and Reconciliation - Jack_Henderson - 11-13-2017

Sender: Chino E. Chavez, Enviado Extraordinario
Recipients: All Zoners (except IRG)
Blocked IDs: IRG

Topic: Reaching Out
Crete Planet, Omicron Gamma

¡Distinguidos señores y señoras!

Gracias for your quick answer, Mr. Voncloud, and also your cooperative and thoughtful stance. I am convinced that we can find common ground and avoid more unnecessary bloodshed in the process.

I would like to conclude the point about "repercussions after construction" with an attempt of a summary: the Zoners involved did not expect such a strong reaction to a Zoner/Core modular base close to the Freeport.

Reasons do not matter now, mistakes in judgement neither. It's in the past. The dead will stay dead.
I am also sure that such a misconception would unlikely repeat itself. Therefore, I would close this chapter.

I would like to conclude the point about "not calling for help" with an attempt of a summary: There was no call and the Corsairs did not realize the gradual shift of power in time.

Again, responsibility and judgement aside: Next time you need to let us know when the situation in a disputed place like Omicron Delta shifts. The Corsairs have stated in words and actions many times that only a 100 % neutral Freeport is acceptable, and we have proven that we are willing to fight for the Zoner's independence. But we need to know.

I would like to conclude the point about "not informing allies about the construction plans" with an attempt of a summary: Mutual information and consultation on the plans should have happened, it did not.

Any actions taken that could lead to a shift in the fragile balance of power needs to be assessed and debated carefully. It is not impossible to find common ground even in Delta, but unilateral or bilateral actions are doomed to fail. More to that further down.

I would like to conclude the point about "IRG's violent actions against the Corsairs before and during the crisis" with an attempt of a summary: The IRG has overstepped the lines and the Corsairs are not willing at this moment to reconsider the damning judgement passed by the Council of Elders.

And yes, I agree that they need more leadership if they want to remain part of the Zoner community as their actions clearly have the potential to threaten all Zoners, which again makes it a CoF matter. Personally, I hope the CoF can manage to reign them in.

I would like to conclude the point about "COF is no one's puppet and is important for Crete" with an attempt of a summary: We would not be having this conversation if there was no Corsair interest in Zoner's existence and well-being and I never said that usefulness cannot go both ways. There is no need to get defensive about it, as it was not said in disrespect. the CoF is useful to the Corsair interests, as much as the Corsairs at some times might be useful to CoF interests. That's the game we play.

About the condemnations in general: The Council of Elders prefers it if these condemnations were broadcasted at a later stage - when everything is fixed and discussed with all parties - publically in a strong and unifying CoF statement. That way, all Zoners that were in some way involved would have a chance to see the guiding hand of the CoF and the willingness to overcome the crisis. But I assume that this makes more sense once you have finished your diplomatic session with the Order and the Core about this complex issue.

About the refusal to condem the "surrender of Zoner neutrality by making Core the protector":

This is a grave misjudgement on your side, and I hope the CoF does not share this view. You cannot claim neutrality of the project when the project itself would annihilate said neutrality by its existence. The Core would have taken control, they even announced they would send troops and place guns - the threat of destruction was just a way to make them show their cards faster. I can only urge the CoF to think again because there cannot be peace without full neutrality, which means that there cannot be an alliance that would remove access to Freeport 11 for any of the parties. This would have happened, sooner or later, with Port Carthage - and you even did not doubt it yourself.

About the refusal to condem the "actions of the Zoners that sided with Core to attack Corsairs":

I understand that this is a personal issue for you as a commander who was in this battle. Going by your own description of feelings, you knew it was wrong. You still did it because you felt you were defending something that was yours. I understand and respect that decision.

The Council of Elders is convinced that the CoF can find a wording that may not be a condemnation, but serve the same purpose, which has to be: Tell Zoners in a way they understand that teaming up with Core to shoot Corsairs is not an option in the future. All we have to guarantee is that this does not happen again. The Empire has no ambition to cut through joint Zoner/Core formations again. Once is already once too much.

In regards to the "Corinth station and steps taken", the Council of Elders is content. It is good to see that another point of conflict is being worked on and that the explosive potential is being defused. The Council asks to be updated on the progress of the changes.

I would like to end on a constructive note, that's why I would signal to you something that might be of interest.

The Corsair Empire would not oppose a rebuilding of a modular station under the following conditions:

  1. It can never have the potential to serve as an area denial station.
  2. Therefore it cannot be closer than 10k from the Freeport.
  3. It can have weapon turrets to defend against Wilde and Aliens only.
  4. It has to be a Zoner installation showing Zoner flag.
  5. It has to be 100 % neutral meaning that every party in Delta can dock (Core included).
  6. It has to follow the full range of Freeport laws.

If the peace between Zoners and Core - which the Corsairs do not oppose - needs some joint project, so be it.

If the Core just wants to assist the Zoners in their economic recovery, they will not have any trouble accepting the above mentioned criteria for such a station.

If the Core refuses, you at least have clarity about the intentions they had with Port Carthage in the first place.

If the criteria are met, the Corsairs would - as we did before - defend such an installation against every threat to its existence and neutrality.

I wish you good luck.


Chino Ernesto Chavez

Enviado Extraordinario
Consejo de Asuntos Exteriores
Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma

Transmission Terminated...

RE: to: All Zoners (except IRG) -|- from: Corsairs TBH -|- Explanation and Reconciliation - Aazalot - 11-14-2017

[Image: Von_Co_F.png]
Mr Chavez

I would like to express my, I suppose gratitude that you have shown such a reasonable tone and understanding of the situation, something we both can agree has been in short supply of late.

All of your summaries I believe are fair in what you say. And your willingness to put things behind us is refreshing to say the least.

We will be sure that in the future should we find ourselves with our backs against the wall and when Diplomacy has failed that the Empire will be informed and requests for aid shall be sent, we are not a military we shall remember to leave the fighting to those who are good at it.

The Station being built without information and consultation that was a mistake the station basically popped up over night I didn't even know of its existence until the Order declared a siege, I should of made sure when the treaty was signed and the base agreed upon to set down a time and a place for it to be built and not have it be built by Cowboys.

In regards to the IRG I will do my best to bring them back into the fold, as you say their actions and attitude have the potential to effect Zoners at large. However I will say that in regards to their own Diplomacy I will push them to fix their own messes rather then leave it to the Confederation, after all we are not a Governing body just a support network of sorts, IRG need to step up to the plate and take some responsibility for their actions something I shall be speaking with them about.

I apologize for the defensive stance I took on your comments about being useful, the past month has become a diplomatic nightmare and we have various people wanting a piece of us, so my nerves are frayed at best, its become apparent that there are those who would take advantage of what we Zoners are attempting to be. Our peoples have for the most part always supported one another but as I said previously, to see the Corsairs so readily cast all that aside just because the Order came crying shaked my belief that the Empire would be willing to listen to reason.

You are right to say that announcing the Condemnations will be easier at a later date since as I stated we are still amongst a diplomatic nightmare. It is with hope that once we put out such a communication we will see a shared vision with other Zoner's.

In regards to the Surrender of Zoner neutrality, honestly, im just leaving this one, it is very much on a “he said she said” your opinion of what the Core will do against mine, unless one of us possess' a crystal ball in which to read the future we have no way of saying what would of happened had Port Carthage remained. As such this should be left as the base has been blown up, so this point is moot.

Im sure I can twist words around enough to make sure that those who did defend Freeport 11 and Carthage do not feel penalized for their choice to defend it whilst giving them the required statement not to fire on Corsairs along side the core. THAT being said, this does not give the Corsairs a free pass when it comes to No fire Zones, you accept that if you break the rules we are allowed to enforce them as normal, regardless of if the Core is around or not.

Corinth remains in debate however we have an issue in Kappa I would discuss with you in a moment.

The conditions you have put forward for the rebuilding of the station ill be frank, are surprisingly reasonable and there's nothing here that couldn't be agreed upon. The base will be built in such a place as not to be considered Area Denial, I will commission the Omicron Supply Industries to build it as the original intent for the station was to be a staging ground for a new Mining Subsidiary of that company I will contact the Order directly with all the details including what you have stated about the station itself to show your Empire is willing to accept its presence. And we will ensure that those who use the station know and acknowledge that its to be treated with the Same rules as a Freeport.

You have shown that there is a chance for stability in Delta, something I was beginning to loose hope on, a refreshing amount of understanding of our plight and of our people has given me at least some renewed hope.

Now, as I stated there is an issue in Kappa, in the spirit of asking the Empire for their assistance in things, the PRIME AI issued a communication to the Inhabitants of Kappa as im sure you have seen stating they require the entire system for expansion, although the only station not to be on their harvest list is Ciutadela outpost. Not only is Corinth in Kappa as you know, so is Livadia Shipyard, which is my home The shipyard itself is quite out of the way nestled within the Peloponnese Nebula. We have been there for sometime and never once had issue with the AI of Gammu, until now. Although I have asked for some dialogue it has been met with receivers? But since their stance on Ciutadela is friendly im hoping the Empire is able to perhaps intervene on our behalf. The last thing I need is another conflict but I do not wish to loose Livadia either, even if it were in its fully repaired state it would take considerable time and Effort for me to have it Moved or dismantled. If I have to defend it I shall but id rather not have to come to blows with yet another people. If theres anything you can do we would be greatly appreciative.

J Voncloud Joint Head of the Confederation

[Image: i_Xq_Arp_E.gif]

RE: to: All Zoners (except IRG) -|- from: Corsairs TBH -|- Explanation and Reconciliation - Jack_Henderson - 11-15-2017

Sender: Chino E. Chavez, Enviado Extraordinario
Recipients: All Zoners (except IRG)
Blocked IDs: IRG

Topic: Reaching Out
Crete Planet, Omicron Gamma

¡Distinguidos señores y señoras!

I think we are approaching a point where we have a very solid basis for an agreement on how this crisis could be de-escalated and perhaps ultimately solved, yet it requires a lot of work and more sensible, cool-headed diplomats that have a clear goal and know how to achieve it.

As for the conflict on our hands, one of these goals has to be to avoid the conflict in Delta from spilling into Kappa or any other systems. It is hard enough to contain at the moment. Therefore, we agree on a goal in Kappa.

The Council of Elders show a cautious willingness to engage in diplomatic contact with the AI if the Corsair interests in Kappa are met.

That would mean the removal of IRG influence, and - as you said in your last message - an IRG move to take responsibility themselves for their actions. I firmly believe that innocent Zoners should not find themselves in the crosshairs. Not in Delta, not in Kappa, not anywhere. The target has to be clear: the perpetrators. And only them. Not all Zoners.

I can only encourage the CoF to keep working on holding the IRG accountable, to make them step up to the table and to retract their claims and administration of Kappa assets as fast as possible.

Completion of such a move would allow me to convince the doubtful voices in the Council of Elders to initiate negotiations with the Kappa AI to avoid another round of senseless conflict in an already fragile area of space.

And once the acute danger is over, Mr. Voncloud, let us meet and work on a statement that is carefully crafted to meet the interests of CoF and Zoners and Corsairs. It will have to be well-balanced, yet your stance has convinced me that this effort is worthwhile. And with 2 parties of the conflict already agreeing on how to proceed, a process of drawing more into a bloodless solution will become easier. But let's focus on the urgent Kappa threat first.

I wish you good luck, Mr. Voncloud, however I believe that the CoF is up for this challenge. Because in times of challenge, men can truly show who they are.


Chino Ernesto Chavez

Enviado Extraordinario
Consejo de Asuntos Exteriores
Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma

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