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To: THP || From: SOE-"VEKTOR" - Printable Version

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To: THP || From: SOE-"VEKTOR" - VEKTOR - 07-07-2018

[Image: BrZd2.png]
FROM: Wang Qi Shan, Jiang Xi, Omega-52
TO: Triple Hazard Pay, Inc
...encryption code authorized
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[Image: 3.png]

Greetings, comrades from Triple Hazard Pay, inc. My name is Wang Qi Shan, and i'm general director of "Vektor" state-owned enterprise. Directors board found you had good relations with Coalition in past, and even was initiators of building station called Jiang Xi Orbital. That's why we ask you to become our external trade partner.

Increased needs of People's Coalition require some other external supplier besides the zoners, for more "shade" deals inside houses, and seems, your company indeed what we need. If you interested in make contracts with us, take look on our infopage.

All negotiations about contracts and further relations, please send on this channel, it will be open specially for communications with your corporation. Feel free to ask any questions.


RE: To: THP || From: SOE-"VEKTOR" - Praxor23 - 07-09-2018

Incoming Transmission
Sender: Marcus Galway - THP|
Recipient:Wang Qi Shang - 'VEKTOR'
Encryption: Moderate
Subject: Evaluation of Proposal

Greetings esteemed representative Shang.

I apologise for the delay in replying to your message. My desk has been quite the hive of activity of late and some communiques from valued parties such as yourself tend to get lost in all the chaos. Unfortunately Merchant Captain Tordai is unable to oversee these negotiations in person due to business in the Edgeworlds. He has however left his affairs in my stead and as his Chief Adjutant I will be more than happy to act as liaison between 'VEKTOR' enterprises and the League.

Despite being away on business Mr Tordai did read over your message and instructed me to relay this personal video communication to you, for you to peruse your own leisure:

[Start Holo Message Y/N?]

Mr. Tordai would not divulge the contents of said former message to me so I hope whatever it was, it was helpful for you and assisted in further the cementing this most prosperous opportunity. I hope this to be the start of a long and most mutually beneficial relationship.

In the words of my employer, I eagerly await for your reply.

Marcus Galway
Chief Adjutant to Merchant Captain Tordai
League of Einstenian Transitors

Transmission End

RE: To: THP || From: SOE-"VEKTOR" - VEKTOR - 07-09-2018

[Image: BrZd2.png]
FROM: Wang Qi Shan, Jiang Xi, Omega-52
TO: Triple Hazard Pay, Inc
...encryption code authorized
...loading data

[Image: 3.png]

*Comrade Wang watches holomessage while smoking cigarette in his Taurus. Light smile appears on his face*

Of course, comrades. You can forward to mister Tordai: all external contracts performs in Sirian Credits. That, to be honestly one of main purposes of our enterprise.

So, if THP agreed participate as external contractor, i suggest next course of cooperation, which would good for both sides. You look on our supply board (in section for external suppliers), choose which positions you can or want fulfill and send on this channel your bill. If directors board would agreed with your bill, we will send to you half of sum as advance, another part when you'll declare all deliveries.

I await your answer on this proposal. Feel free ask any moments for clarification.


RE: To: THP || From: SOE-"VEKTOR" - Praxor23 - 07-15-2018

Incoming Transmission
Sender: Marcus Galway - THP|
Recipient:Wang Qi Shang - 'VEKTOR'
Encryption: Moderate
Subject: Evaluation of Proposal

Greetings again esteemed representative Shang.

In the interests of advancing economic ties between the League and VEKTOR Enterprises it has been agreed upon by Merchant Captain Tordai to request approval for the acquisition of shipping contract ID: 29068252. If you find this agreeable we will be able to allocate transports for delivery of specified cargo.

Marcus Galway
Chief Adjutant to Merchant Captain Tordai
League of Einstenian Transitors

Transmission End

RE: To: THP || From: SOE-"VEKTOR" - VEKTOR - 07-16-2018

[Image: BrZd2.png]
FROM: Wang Qi Shan, Jiang Xi, Omega-52
TO: Triple Hazard Pay, Inc
...encryption code authorized
...loading data

That good, but how much price Mister Tordai want for it? We can do it by direct transfer, or on station unload, providing money per unit of cargo. But directors board cannot approve contract without price.


RE: To: THP || From: SOE-"VEKTOR" - Praxor23 - 07-17-2018

Incoming Transmission
Sender: Marcus Galway - THP|
Recipient:Wang Qi Shang - 'VEKTOR'
Encryption: Moderate
Subject: Estimates of Shipping Contract Costs

Greetings again esteemed representative Shang.

Apologies, my work schedule has been hectic of late and I missed out the price evaluations, I really do need to be more organised. League evaluators have deemed the price of the fulfillment of shipping contract ID: 29068252 to be worth FIFTY MILLION SIRIAN CREDITS. If you find this to be an unagreeable amount please tell me and we can renegotiate the terms.

Best regards.

Marcus Galway
Chief Adjutant to Merchant Captain Tordai
League of Einstenian Transitors

Transmission End

RE: To: THP || From: SOE-"VEKTOR" - VEKTOR - 07-17-2018

[Image: BrZd2.png]
FROM: Wang Qi Shan, Jiang Xi, Omega-52
TO: Triple Hazard Pay, Inc
...encryption code authorized
...loading data

Your price absolutely acceptable for us. Directors board have approved your price. We need right now only account on which we could transfer Sirius Credits. Or we can just divide that price and pay partially to your pilot per delivered unit on Baku Depot.


RE: To: THP || From: SOE-"VEKTOR" - Praxor23 - 07-18-2018

Incoming Transmission
Sender: Marcus Galway - THP|
Recipient:Wang Qi Shang - 'VEKTOR'
Encryption: Moderate
Subject: Estimates of Shipping Contract Costs

Full payment is to be delivered to the account THP|Ayato's.Trust.Fund upon completion of contract.

Marcus Galway
Chief Adjutant to Merchant Captain Tordai
League of Einstenian Transitors

Transmission End

RE: To: THP || From: SOE-"VEKTOR" - Praxor23 - 07-24-2018

Incoming Transmission
Sender: Marcus Galway - THP|
Recipient:Wang Qi Shang - 'VEKTOR'
Encryption: Moderate
Subject: Estimates of Shipping Contract Costs


Greetings once again esteemed representative Shang.

Your shipping contract has been finally fulfilled and all 20000 units of Nanomembrane Filters have been delivered to your storage facilities onboard Baku Depot. Evidence for these shipments have been included in the attachment to this message. As specified earlier in this series of communiques please send the allocated funds to the designated accounts. I and the League expect this to be the start of a very beneficial economic relationship between VEKTOR Enterprises and the Coalition and will most assuredly contact you soon for requests for more delivery contracts.

Best regards.

Marcus Galway
Chief Adjutant to Merchant Captain Tordai
League of Einstenian Transitors

Transmission End

RE: To: THP || From: SOE-"VEKTOR" - VEKTOR - 07-24-2018

[Image: BrZd2.png]
FROM: Wang Qi Shan, Jiang Xi, Omega-52
TO: Triple Hazard Pay, Inc
...encryption code authorized
...loading data

We expect same, and when new contracts would appear, we for sure will notify you.

Right now it was good work, comrades. 50.000.000 Sirius Credits, as was mention above, sent on THP|Ayato's.Trust.Fund.