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Ariety's Dream - Printable Version

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Ariety's Dream - Llama - 08-27-2018

Good evening everyone.

My names is Ariety/GasMask and I've been gone a while... Yet been here a while.
Dormant if you will.

I am in need of assistance.
I am not after much at all. Just a friendly and mature PM/Reply in the forums - or an Ola' in game.

I am currently interested in building my empire that I once was inspired to start long ago. Yet never did as I feared I lacked the management skills. And you know. Life.
This in mind I will need information on current mining hot-spots. Trade runs. And also popular systems/sectors.
Credits are not something I am after (Although always welcome them huehue) - I've been around since Hoodlum so I have a feeling It wont be long until I am up and running - Family comes first however.

I look forward to all the encounters and nostalgia this experience will bring.
P.s- Character name Will be Ariety's.Dream
EDIT: Yes I know of the veterans program. -.-'

RE: Ariety's Dream - Avalanche - 09-25-2018

Welcome back! I am afraid I can't help much but it's good to see you back.