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To: Auxesia leadership - Printable Version

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To: Auxesia leadership - Secret Intelligence Service - 09-13-2018

[Image: Ug4uxsU.png]

To: The leaders & commanders of Auxesia

A recent report was filed by one of my agents regarding an encounter he had with your pilots, during which you made serveral allegations regarding the Core and the Gaian Guard. One of your members present advised a message be sent from the SIS requesting either evidence to support these allegations, or clarification.

We have a vested interested in both the aforementioned parties, hence our interest. I am happy to offer something in exchange for what you have, if of course you are willing to share.

Kind Regards:

Sir H.V. Weber
Director of S.I.S
[Image: m85lB37.png]

RE: To: Auxesia leadership - Kauket - 09-20-2018


I'm afraid that I do not have much to go on with physical evidence beyond memory of being a Guildkeeper and Guildmaster of the Core. Most unfortunate that I did not get time to get copies from Durban. What I do have is some information regarding their collaboration with the Gallic Royalists.

(//I can't get the format from my phone because it doesn't have the memory. So you can ONLY see the quote that Sombra forwarded


What I can tell you from memory is that Guildmaster Nodtviet initially began contact about three years ago, with interests of selling alien technology to Gallia, and to collaborate with removing the Outcasts, all this in effort to allow a Core-Gallia highway, to allow each other to build up in the Omicrons. One meeting I recall is trying to aim for an exchange of Core Technology and Gallic Technology, but I don't believe that they have accomplished it yet. I still firmly believe that this is still the case. I am aware that APM has trading rights with Gallia and has warm ties, as previously mentioned, they're aiming for an alliance.

I would love to present this information to the Bretonian Government, but finding evidence, proof, or even a glimpse view of their classified files is nearly out of the question, and will be too late by the time proof becomes available.

The Core is interested in dominating the Sirius and establishing total control. They put on facades of friendships and false smiles, playing out their conquest differently from the Royalists. Please keep that in mind and do as you will to disallow their influence that benefits them.

If there's anything else you'd like to inquire about, or to hear what else I remember from my days there, I am more than happy enough to provide.

-Keeper Revenant