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Life of a Lunatic - Printable Version

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Life of a Lunatic - Neraxon - 10-15-2018

[Image: ZITl7U8.jpg]

Date: 15.10.825 A.S.
Days in Coalition: 56
Location: Onboard of the Abomination

The recording starts and Mary begins to speak without being seen.

"Well first off all my earlier logs are safe. I still have them so I think I will just throw them at the end." Mary walks into the view from the side. "So what happened so far..." Mary lights a cigarette while staring questioningly at the camera. "I'll never get used to it." After a short break, she quickly continues. "I am now Senior Lieutenant, as expected. I think it was the right decision to leave the Union. Here with my comrades, I feel more comfortable. Even though the Omegas offered risks that did not exist in Rheinland, I do not have to fear them because camaraderie means something here. Nobody is trying to kill me, at least until now, apart from the Unioners."

Nervously she paces across her cabin. "So what interesting things have happened until now..."

She stops and laughs. "Well, I met a most remarkable woman, Rachel Sloane. I was assigned to interrogate her and find out if she is a spy. She is definitely not a spy, though I think she does not like my methods. She is angry because I gave her a little bit of the vodka with the poison he used always..." Mary looks at the camera, her face shows a hint of grief. "Wherever he is now, I hope he's fine."

She forces herself into the chair in front of the camera. "I talked to Alise. It's been a little while, but she's alive and she's fine. Unfortunately, I do not know what happened to her shy sister. Not even Alise still has contact with her." Mary throws the cigarette in an ashtray. Then she collapses throwing her head back and a mixture of whimpering and laughing can be heard. "I...I can not believe I miss him..." She tries to pull herself together but it does not quite work out. "Since I came out of Bering, I have not heard of him or heard even the tiniest rumor." Suddenly she pauses and does not cry anymore.

"Wait a minute, the Gaian Guard! One of them mentioned there was a ship that also had the call sign Hydra. There are only two possibilities, either it is one of my Nightcrawlers or it's him." Joy breaks out briefly in Mary before it switches to anger. "But why the hell did he not try to contact me? I thought he came to Bering because of me. Why doesn't he want to find me..." She throws a half-full glass of vodka against the wall. "That egotistical bastard." Mary stares back into the camera as she realizes that her emotional outburst has been recorded. "*****..." Mary's expression changed and became cold. She did not seem really human anymore.

"Enough of that crap," she said slowly. "I bet Grachov is watching anyway, but he can. I don't care. I do an amazing job here." With a smile, she wiped the thought of of overthrowing and killing him away. This wasn't the Union.

"Now for the important part..." She stopped and looked around. "Good to be here again. I have to admit it was good to interrogate Rachel here. It would had been easier to torture, but well...I have to polish my beauty up and fix her. Maybe the Coalition can help me with that. It would be worthwhile for them after all. I hope I can keep the explosives." Her expression had changed again as if she were talking to a pet. "I could have so much fun with her; I can not wait. Just the thought of how Corsairs or Gaulish ships break into burning pieces through us slowly and drive countless corpses around in space gives me pleasure. Oh that will be so beautiful, everyone who stands against my goals and the goals of the Coalition will be destroyed. "

Mary starts to laugh and stands up. At the same moment, the recording ends.

RE: Life of a Lunatic - Neraxon - 02-08-2019

Date: 08.02.826 A.S.
Days in Coalition: 116
Location: Onboard of the Abomination

The recording starts and Mary is standing in the middle of the room undressing.

"So I just informed the High Command about the project." She takes her top off. "Well not exactly, they know that I want to do something but not what exactly. Verdammt, even I don't know what I want." While thinking, Mary peels slowly out of her pants. "Amor and Weapons that's for sure." She sits down in hear chair and lights up a cigarette. "It needs to be stealthy and of course reconnaissance equipment, but what else ?" She blows out the smoke. "Well since I contacted a Senior Engineer he might have some Ideas, I hope he does. The thought alone of asking Unioners for help gives me a headache. Thankfully I don't have to do that."

After she finished the cigarette, Mary stands up and walk into the bathroom. The camera switches automatically due to the recording assistant program, she steps into the shower and continues talking. "So for now my only target is my beauty and her evolution. She will be perfect. I have to invite Rachel once she is done." Mary looks into the camera and winks. "But for now I have to hurry up I have to tell my Crew what the plan is. Note to myself, I have to smuggle a camera in Rachel's cabin." Mary steps out of the Shower with a towel around her body. And the camera switches to the main room again.

"So now I need to put this thing on." Mary sighs and tries to take on her Overall. "After all I will not sit in here and lay back while everyone else works on my beautiful Beast." For a moment Mary looks at her guns that lay on a table, then she grabs the tools next to them. "Not today girls."

The record ends as Mary rushes out of her cabin, but not before she throws a kiss into the camera.

RE: Life of a Lunatic - Neraxon - 02-11-2019

Date: 11.02.826 A.S.
Days in Coalition: 119
Location: Onboard of the Abomination

She was standing in the middle of the canteen, her people most like to stay under themselfs, Nightcrawlers through and through. The few newcomers were either sorted out or managed to integrate. They all looked at her expectantly, tired with bloodlust in their eyes. "Listen, I know the last few days have been exhausting, but it will get better soon. As soon as we have finished the project "Incubation", you have earned yourselfs 2 weeks of vacation." Cheers flared up, but some remained silent. Mary looked around, one of her people asked loudly, "That means we should trust them?"Mary staired at him, he withstood her. "Yes, they helped us when we could not go anywhere and took care of us. The Coalition may lead with a hard hand, but it is at least fair! "

He nodded. Another crew member spoke now."But, that's yours and our beast, it's our home. What does "Incubation" mean, Captain?"Everything we need and more, and inside, hardly anything will change, believe me. I would not want that myself because I know this ship inside out. More and better weapons are being added, more armor is coming in to meet our future challenges Improved stealth and reconnaissance systems." The crew looked more and more confident, Mary thought.
"So, for the rest of the day you have clearance, the day after tomorrow I want everyone to be rested and at least halfway sober." A murmur went through the crowd. "Take a shuttle and mix with the people, finally get to know New Moscow. I want you to see what I have seen. And now get out, Nightcrawler!" The whole crew saluted Mary as she left the canteen, after which they hurried to their cabins to get ready.

Mary walked slowly over her ship, remembering the old times, the cracks and bumps, leaks and failures that her beast had overcome. "Truly an abomination," she murmured to herself. A drop of hydraulic oil dripped onto her cheek. "Hey you know how I mean that." She said laughing and hit the switch that opened the shot. Ryan ran to meet her joyfully and wagged his tail. She knelt down to greet him. "Yes my little one I know you miss him. He can visit you." She took a piece of meat and warmed it to him, but not before he sat down obediently. "It's okay, there's dinner for you soon." She went to her fridge and took out a big piece of meat, then smelt it. "Still smelling fresh, do you want it?" Ryan whined at her and lay down in front of her on all fours. Mary threw the flesh into the air, even before it hit the ground, the little one had it in his mouth and ran to his place. She watched him eat it before taking something out of the fridge, glancing briefly at a single bottle of Rheinbeer. "Today is exactly the right day" She opened the bottle as she sat down on her couch and drank while eating. Suddenly the little boy growled and put on the hair on the hackles, then there was a knock on the door. Mary got up, reassured Ryan, and then opened the door.