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Binding Song - conmann35 - 12-24-2018

[Image: ZRApp7K.jpg]

Time had been passing. Plans had been made, goals interconnecting, ambitions demanding to surface. Like any creature or entity endowed, blessed, some would say cursed, with the gift of abstract intelligence, the Vagrant Melia was no different. By its mere existence, by its continued clinging to its identities of self within whole, by continuing to persist within the world it knew, it was subject to all the potential considerations of the known universe it resided in.

The shifting tides of fate were, of course, something even beings as advanced, refined, shaped and forged specifically to defy the odds of nature and artifice as the Nomads were affected by. There were always new opportunities for growth to exploit, new threats to counter, new knowledge to seek and spread to the many. It was not necessarily the place of a wanderer to think upon the things it saw, in the strictest sense, but it happened anyway, in an amusing paradox, the same basic drives, directives and compulsions that gave it its eternal mission compelled it to also calculate each moment within the confines of its capability and autonomy, driven both by curiosity and duty to kin. While it was first and foremost a wanderer, it was also a singer, an extension of its illuminated kind, a voice among many.

It was through fate, determination, nature and will that Melia found itself among the stones of a void largely forgotten, at the absolute periphery of the voids and clouds that had since fallen to darkness and chaos. With Moros in the distance, such had become home to it and those who had indeed lost much to the ravaging forces that plagued that which was meant to be of Light.

Such darkened irony.

Yet, like its kin, Melia was patient. So long as the Vagrants grew, they would continue to endure, persist, and reclaim. The preparation had been made for expansion and soon it would be more than mere concept, becoming physical truth.

Such was the way.

So it positioned itself within the field, between the stones. Patient it was, and Melia waited. The learning darkness would most assuredly arrive as planned, and so would the purification begin.

RE: Binding Song - Nyctophilia - 12-24-2018

[Image: ekrIpoi.png]

A saddening reality, but no other option was practically provided to her at this point. Not that she considered any other exodus herself. It was the best conditon she could have ever imagined. Her own society despised her from the very beginning and the only society that showed her something else than hatred just happened to be an alien one. She knew it was just a matter of time.

On her way to her final destination, she was still carrying her memories of her last encounters with Melia, with her friends, everything good that happened with her for the last few months. She couldn't allow any negativity slip by her, not that she had any negative thoughts in her mind at this point. On a contrary, she was quite excited. She still remembered that last bit when her consciousness was scattered across the plane, yet it was only for a brief moment. However, she was preparing to experience this moment yet again. But who knows, maybe for this time, it might not be just a moment?

What she also had to provide is a fragment of the lost space. She couldn't show the recording to Melia, but she could share her memories to her once the opportunity is provided.

The Light was beconing. And Nycto followed.

RE: Binding Song - conmann35 - 12-24-2018

After Nycto's craft had passed through the jump point into Omicron Lost, there was little sign of activity. The closest asteroid field, Atropos, though a frequent pastime before would prove to have nothing in it besides rock. Moros orbit was eerily quiet as well, the veiled planet a stable landmark of the system, and given the course through the system that Nycto would elect to take, there wouldn't be any contacts of any sort within the extents of the Spatial's detection range.

The deeper in, the more bare and featureless it got. Were it not for the presence of the Commune's hidden installation and the occasional warform of the K'hara variety from the unstable exit vector, Lachesis would be more or less bare too, doubly so since the material wealth of the field had been picked clean to the point of economic in-viability. It probably raised the question as to where Melia was hiding, but all in due time.

Something distinct and quite familiar to Nycto's shipboard computer popped up on sensors once she started to make the burn towards Clotho. A shimmering field of energy, though at maximum range would be quite hard to pin down on visual. Whatever it was from that perspective, it seemed to notice the ship approaching its general position at the edge of the field, and it responded by moving deeper in.

RE: Binding Song - Nyctophilia - 12-24-2018

Evidentaly, she sweeped the system counterclockwise, starting from Moros's orbit and the Atropos Field. She picked these for obvious reasons - they've spent most of their times with Melia in both around Moros and Atropos. After a long search, she didn't found what she was looking for, and so she headed to the Lachesis Field through the Southern part of the Omicron Lost. Although, she wasn't losing hope, since she still felt that she was in the right time in the right place. She just had to find someone she was looking for.

She passed the Genesis Hall, looking at it with mixed thoughts. The Commune felt like an obligation at this point, not like a family she is looking for. And even if her identity was disguised, occasional alien guardians were ignoring her presence. "North. To the north." She said to herself. But when she headed there, the system was getting more and more hollow.

The Clothe field. An another option she would have considered. Even if it's close enough, the most obvious spot would be the last one everyone would check. However, it crosses the traffic between the Genesis Hall and Moros. The obvious choice would be to head deeper in.

And she was right. Or was she? When she headed deeper in, her sensors picked up... Something. Something that looked like an anomaly on her scanners and started to approach her. It was the moment she slided her chair back into the cockpit to witness whoever or whatever was approaching her ship.

RE: Binding Song - conmann35 - 12-24-2018

Still, whatever it was on the edge of the scopes, it was determined to burn its way deep into Clotho Field, through most of the entirety of the field's length from Nycto's approach vector. Eventually, though, that signature seemed to stop fleeing, pulling a hard 180-degree turn that would surely result in combat stress for a ship. Especially something with the mass of a heavy gunship. Given how bright it seemed, someone without any of the requisite knowledge would have easily mistaken it for a comet or a star, or some other unusual object. Having completed that burn, it seemed to more or less position itself on a collision course with the Spatial. Exactly what it was would quickly become apparent as it closed the range.

It was a certain mind node from a certain tribe. The form had substantially dimmed from its cruising state, and was much more easily examined upon hitting visual. It was in this moment that certain presence was felt, radiating a sort of pure joy and friendliness no aspect of Humanity could truly approach in spite of the pain and sorrow it always bore.

Again, it waited, waiting for the acknowledgement it deserved.

RE: Binding Song - Nyctophilia - 12-24-2018

It was no anomaly. And her feelings weren't misguiding her. She knew what, or rather who, was in front of her. Her search has come to an end.

Rising up from her chair, she slided it back in the rear, while she herself remained in the cockpit. Without any intent, she softly put her right hand on the glass and smiled happily, as a sign of acknowledging the node's presence. Although she knew that these beings are to be treated with respect, the one that was standing in front of her was a friend of hers, the only one for the last few months. Every time she saw her, her day was becoming a little bit better. Her voice was hesitating, hence she didn't knew how to properly deliver a message of respect to someone who did so much to make her life way better than it was. Everything she could say is "thank you" or how happy she is to meet her friend. Same words all over again. But there was no way back for her. Only way forward. "I'm ready." She said, without even greeting the node or saying anything as usual. Maybe because she already knows.

RE: Binding Song - conmann35 - 12-24-2018

Melia took note of Nycto's conflicting and hesitating thought patterns. But there was still their eagerness among it all. It elicited a slight sensation of curiosity from Melia, that decisive declaration of readiness. It wasn't very sensible for most darklings to commit themselves to such an oath that would follow, given their usual nature, but it was very good. The lack of hesitation on Nycto's part would play a role in keeping them intact in the trial to come. What was, at this time, a chance associate to Hussaini, to the Commune and ultimately to Melia itself, would soon accept the embrace and become kin.


"We see that yours have prepared. Our Light has prepared, as well. We have what we require. Yet, we sense your hesitation. It may yet be unwise to proceed, from your dark perception. But the Light shall welcome and guide. Disable the defensive barrier surrounding your metal husk. It impedes what we must do."

It seemed a rather forceful request, yet it was strangely maternal in how it ended up being passed on to Nycto. Nonetheless, with the Spatial's shields still online, it would be an impossible task to safely proceed.

RE: Binding Song - Nyctophilia - 12-24-2018

The voices narrated. It was not hesitation of her actions, but rather an internal conflict. Somethig the others might help her to go through. However, she was determined and fully committed. A holografic panel has appeared on her right. Not pulling her eyes away from the window, she smoothly moved her right hand at it, where shield controls were displayed. She swiftly tapped a few buttons and Spatial's defensive screen hastly faded away. The panel disappeared and she was standing still, anticipating the unknown.

RE: Binding Song - conmann35 - 12-24-2018

Given its mental faculties, Melia was more than capable of multitasking. It was monitoring, plotting, acting and maintaining a vigil of the periphery all at once. Not that this was a surprise since it literally was a gunboat, but it was still an enthusing thought. It focused on the task at hand, once the shields of Nycto's spatial had dropped.

Once the last energetic effects of the barrier had subsided, Melia immediately began to focus upon the craft. It took note of where Nycto's human form was aboard the craft, and repositioned itself into a vantage point suitable to conduct its most unusual form of surgery. It moved alongside the fighter, to near point blank range.

"Patience. We must be delicate. Shed the harmful thoughts. Achieve tranquility."

It was truly an interesting duality. On one side, Melia was coaxing Nycto into a more calmed, entranced and receptive state, necessary to facilitate the coming growth. At the same time, it prepared to exact precision violence against the hull of the Spatial. Its form began to illuminate, somewhere between its resting position and its all out genocidal state. No doubt some alarms within the ship would begin to start whining when Melia directed a low-intensity energy beam into the upper hull plating of the main cockpit. It would take some time for the carefully applied force to do what it needed to do.

RE: Binding Song - Nyctophilia - 12-24-2018

[:Warning: Hull Integrity Breach!:]

But Nycto was certain of what was Melia doing. Calmly, she opened a holopanel again, displaying ship's AI controls. It is true that laziness made a human inventive, and Nycto is no exception. For cases like this, she had a timer for automated nanobot administration set for ten seconds. The easiest solution in this situation was to disable the entire ship's AI, remaining only life support systems in check. Luckily, she could do that by a bare move of a finger. Locating the controls of the W.A.T.C.H., she smoothly tapped a few buttons in order to disable it. A few lights in the rearward part of the main deck went down, but the life support was still online. There could be no possible interference anymore.

A calming sensation was breezing around her. It was the moment she couldn't care to think about anything else. She was just having a joy.