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Imperial contaminants - Wesker - 12-28-2018

Sender: Freya
Recipient: A. M. H.
Source: [ᚲᛚᚨᛋᛋᛁᚠᛁᛖᛞ]

Subject: You already know.

Priority: High
Encryption: RHA - ᚢᚾᛒᚱᛖᚨᚴᚨᛒᛚᛖ


It's happened, they've come to the planet and are going door to door. If they find anything, if they suspect... what do we-



RE: Imperial contaminants - Wesker - 12-28-2018

Sender: Annabelle
Recipient: F.
Source: [ᚲᛚᚨᛋᛋᛁᚠᛁᛖᛞ]

Subject: Re.

Priority: High
Encryption: RHA - ᚢᚾᛒᚱᛖᚨᚴᚨᛒᛚᛖ

Remain as you are, comply with the Bretonians. I will have money sent for you to adjust for to any accommodations. Do not resist, remain as you are. They have no way of tracing Isaak's blood to mine. If they begin to speculate, if anything happens, notify me immediately.

Remain as you are.



RE: Imperial contaminants - Wesker - 01-18-2019

[Image: VzS9pyK.png]

N/A Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49
1/16/826 AS, 17:01

Everything seemed the same, the western Hemisphere was probably on the brink of destruction and all I could see from above was the same beautiful city. No looting, no fires, nothing noticeable from above anyways. There was a bit more external traffic, but nothing else, I suppose that's all they could really hope to do. Freedom and equality are both qualities that need the strongest fortresses to thrive in - and Gran Canaria was no fortress.

The patrolling forces above the city saw me and went as usual, they had gotten used to the sight of my ship passing by these parts more often. I'm not sure if they even knew if it was me, none of them ever bothered to hail me, and I'm sure the circumstances would change if they did. From the beginning they were a bit more weary, some of them tailed me to the end of the city, others halted and watched. Easier for me I guess, the less hassle the better.

Taking one last glance at the marvelous settlement I re-accelerated, off to the outskirts to secure my most valued prize in the universe. It was as much a burden as a gift, but keeping the secret was for the better, the Army's council were far less than what they appeared to be to the common person. Some of them had attempted to kill me, and to this day I still believe that one of them came so very close. I couldn't let those odds strike my son, I'd kill them myself if it came to that.

No... I muttered to myself as I saw the smoke ascending in the distance from one of the isolated tenements. I could only assume it was looters, or a riot, it didn't matter. My hand had already forced the thrusting throttle forward, the wind cracked violently as my ship gunned for Isaak's tenement. My hands dug into the throttle and yoke, my anxiety rose, a cluster of anger, love, and fear all began to enable my reckless alter-ego. I could feel my hands, hair, and body breathe sweat, I could see the blue in my iris reflect off the glass as my ship closed in until...

Nothing, no damage had been done to the tenement, nothing changed. It was the last row of tenements followed by a vast open plain leading even further to a beach. The beach was a little over two miles back, I decided that was still the best option for a landing spot, and throttled forward gently to set the ship down. As the ship set down I should've felt some relief, but the anxiety wasn't over, and for the first time in my life I felt the concentration and emotion that I had in space - on land.

I could never really put it into context, the feeling of strength "above" everyone else as some put it, feeling just how delicate the air around me was. Therapists, Psychologists, and anyone else in that category attempted to get it out of me in context so they might better understand. But even when I wanted to reveal to them how it felt, I couldn't put it coherently. It changed, with every environment, with every time I shifted from walking between the atmosphere my body was used to and the one which was now alien to it, I never felt the same as before. The air suddenly becoming less thick for no reason, the closest analogy I could come to was something along the lines of "from swimming in a thick liquid substance, to swimming in water" it never really added up to anything precise. My strength on the other hand, well, that was a bit more than explainable. When I first broke out of the test tube they held me in, I couldn't control my own body mass. It was like walking on a small moon, only on a planet you could live on, terrifying, but at the same time - more than enabling. It took me weeks until I could finally handle myself walking, jumping, running, and now... now with my focus I was prepared to potentially find out how strong I really was. I had held back for so many months, like my piloting abilities, I thought that knowing the full extent of what I was would just corrupt me. But that didn't matter to me now, I rushed out of the cockpit, sidearm in hand. No protective gear this time, nothing beyond the wet suit-like body-armor under my old uniform. The risky aspect of this... "scene" quickly built on me even more.

I ran, I ran as fast as I could to the beginning row of tenements, I could feel my body accelerate like never before until I came to a slow stop just a few hundred meters from the row of tenements ahead. Cupping my sidearm with my left hand, I scanned the buildings as I approached the alleyway entrance. The sounds of gusting wind went silent, the air around me became warmer, I couldn't hear any voices, alarms, beeps. The rows ahead of me seemed even more lifeless. I zoned out for a second, trying to recite what likely happened, if anything. Isaak... I muttered, breaking the short trance as I turned to face the door in front of me. I walked forward, looking for any lock system as the door just casually opened automatically. It was dark inside, and I could suddenly hear more than I could see, the small echos of creaking, of my footsteps, and electricity running behind the walls.

Freyja! I yelled out as I approached another door. This one was locked, the back entrance into the living space; the lock was verbal, but not online for some reason. "They locked themselves in." I thought to myself, as I reached for the small PDA in my pocket to call her. But in that instant the door opened manually, and there was Freyja, standing in parallel to the door with a sidearm in hand.

I didn't know you were coming, what's happened? There's been looting and panic but thus far it hasn't hit anywhere close. They're executing subjective to nationality, I can't let him get caught in that crossfire. I have a place here, it's a bit more isolated, but you'll be safe until this is over, then you can both move back here. I thought you didn't want him anywhere branded. He already knows, he's a smart boy. I said as I walked in and scanned the area. Freyja's expression turned a bit more weary, and scared. She was entrusted with the most important task anyone under my belt could be entrusted with, and she thought for a moment she had failed. Of course it wasn't really the case, all I really wanted was for her to raise him while I was gone. But she felt it was something more related to me.

He didn't tell me, he doesn't seem like he's changed. Where is he? I said as I turned around to face her again. Downstairs reading, he's a bit nervous with everything that's happened. Alright, let me catch up with him. Start packing what you need, I'll have some people keep tabs on this place. Finally holstering the gun, I shivered a bit, and started to walk towards the stairway.