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I missed you - Shinju - 04-16-2019

Okinawa star system, a home for many people. A home for guildmasters, GMG workers and civilians,
Kishiro and Interspace employees, but also for Taruko Ishibashi, one of the retired guildmasters. Several years ago she took the chain from long lasting Guildmaster Taro Katsuo, who had to retire due to personal matters. During her lead
Taruko enhanced relationship with IMG from a joint paramilitary operations and training to local support and convoy escorts. But IMG wasn't the only faction she tried to get a better relationship with. Also Red Hessians, Bundschuh, Blood Dragons, The Order, The Gallic Council, The Core and Mollys were also contacted and mostly with positive outcomes could GMG prosper once again.

Paramilitary however remained busy with many intruders trying to steal Guild's power and wealth, be it Maltese, Cretans, Hogosha or toasters. Taruko also initiated a strict protocol and ordered extortion of Kruger and Samurai convoys. She even pushed further and hunted Kruger transports which escaped Sigmas to Munich or Frankfurt without mercy. Rheinland wasn't really fond of this, but they had to admit Guild's stance against Kruger, a conflict lasting for decades after 80 years war. From this famous past, Taruko stood as the commander of the relic and one of the two Battleships of the empire origin, the Ayakashi Maru.

Ayakashi and Daishouri didn't participate in combat as often as they did before the loss of Namura to Maltese forces. However Daishouri remained as the rendezvous point for Guild's paramilitary, while Ayakashi was more of mobile firepower for the Guild when enemy capitals intruded Sigmas.
After the retirement of Taruko Ishibashi, Ayakashi, in hands of incompetent commander, suffered a heavy damage resulting in casualties on board. However Taruko Ishibashi has returned and her eyes are watching now damaged pride of the Guild, with intention to restore its beauty and power.

RE: I missed you - Shinju - 04-28-2019

Taruko Ishibashi has begun the phase one. For now she is trying to find out if there is any chance to obtain materials of Rheinalndic origin, so the repairs of the damaged Ayakashi Maru were as smooth as possible, or if she will have to improvise and ask for help her friends and mix up components from different groups. With this task she needed help however due to war with Rheinland. Ezreal Vertiga a proven source of Intel by Mia Takashi was tasked with intelligence gathering in Rheinland where he is supposed to find out more about Daumann routines, from where they ship materials for construction, how many components they carry every single convoy. However it need more than one pair of hands.
Taruko's eyes are now turning to her hidden alliance with several groups, however only one of them she would trust with her life. Golden Chrysanthemums. She needs to contact them as soon as possible in order to obtain needed materials.