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To: Jay Stevens; Synth Foods - Printable Version

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To: Jay Stevens; Synth Foods - Aristaan - 05-03-2019

[Image: ZFE4gFw.gif]

-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level 4 :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Dr. James Erzie :-_-_-_-_-

Jay Stevens,
As a follow-up to my previous communique, I'd like to offer a contract of your services, given your organization still ventures out to the Omicrons and Edge worlds. We're constructing a rather large asset, and will have use for your hydroponic technologies, as our emergency stores, as well as steady food supply may hinge on the efficiency of construction in a specific size limitation.

While you may or may not find our mutual clientele the most savory, such a goal wont be reached unless we pool all of our business partners together for this endeavor. The Zoners have embodied an open door policy with our stations, and we'd do the same for this asset, allowing your synth paste and gel produced on board to be marketed in a mobile domain. I believe that with the contract's increased bonus for other supplies that this agreement will bring a significant revenue boost to your organization, given you collect your typical rate of royalties on the product following the completion of the asset. All we ask is that you aid us in the construction of the biodomes, with Synth's trademarked efficiency.

Let me know how we can work together.

Best of luck,

Dr. James Erzie
PhD, Physics, Acting CEO
Ingenuus Research Group

RE: To: Jay Stevens; Synth Foods - Wildkins - 05-03-2019

[Image: MdSzZr8.png]

Greetings once again, Dr. Erzie.

I will go ahead and say that Synth Foods, Inc. is more than happy to take on this project, and we believe that we can deliver to whatever your specified need may be. I have made an effort to orient our R&D departments on Riverside to work on efficiency of space as I took up this position, as I believe that our products could be much better suited to smaller, deep-space outposts if we can improve our hydroponic processes even further. This project, I believe, would be a good test of their experimental designs.

None of your contract clauses are outside the norm for our business dealings, and I believe you'll find there are very few organizations that we truly distrust working with; typically only those that can't listen to reason or the flash of a credit chip. If any of those are involved, I would ask that you divulge that information, if only so that my security forces can be properly briefed on the nature of the convoys they'll be assigned to protect.

If you would be so kind as to forward me some more involved specifications on the project, or perhaps even allowing access to the project itself by our team of engineers to gain their specifications directly, that would be most helpful to expediting the process in favor of a speedy construction.

With warm regards,

Jay Stevens
C.E.O., Synth Foods Inc.

RE: To: Jay Stevens; Synth Foods - Aristaan - 05-03-2019

[Image: ZFE4gFw.gif]

-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level 4 :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Dr. James Erzie :-_-_-_-_-

Jay Stevens,
I've authorized the viewing of the following document for you, and as you may quickly notice, a number of rather obtuse groups. I'd advise you deal with Volgograd Industrial with due caution, as they may not agree or reason with you purely on backgrounds. Since they are a mutual party, you may explain your business with them specifically, that you're filling the requirements in this contract. Should they fail to reason with you and hinder you as explained in the contract, they can be dismissed from the project forcefully. They've been civil to our cause, and it's good business, so if you can reason and avoid them, do so. If they make petty demands, I can extend a 5 million credit cargo insurance policy to your shipments on the ordeal. This will hopefully mitigate the risks of going to the Edge Worlds, and reimburse you of any lost funds to pirates or otherwise. Just send us evidence to support a valid claim, and we will compensate you.

Other than that, you have the shipment requirements listed there. Such a colossal project requires many of us to shirk our differences for a time - call it opportunity risk and cost, but we should be seeing a profitable exchange in the future. On that note, I'd like to discuss the potential future of this project. The purpose of this Colony Ship is to create a hub for research operations in the Zurich system. There is a significant Gallic presence in the area, but there isn't significant claim from the Rheinland or Gallic governments. Should we succeed, we would like to produce your trademarked synth paste and gel on board - even if at a small scale. We're willing to contract members of your organization to work directly on-board if you prefer a more information secure method of production, but I'll leave that decision up to you. With the star in the intended system being ideal for standard agriculture, this may be an ideal place to construct more permanent residences, and with its inter-connectivity between two regions, a suitable place for a Freeport. Our long-term goals, if sufficiently supported, would be to build such a Freeport that would further employ your Synth Foods Biodomeā„¢ technology, but this is a very long-term goal.

Hopefully we can work together to facilitate this future.

Oh, and another thing, the authorization code for this contract is also valid for another one - document attached. Feel free to contribute to that one as well.

Best of luck,

Dr. James Erzie
PhD, Physics, Acting CEO
Ingenuus Research Group

RE: To: Jay Stevens; Synth Foods - Wildkins - 05-03-2019

[Image: MdSzZr8.png]

Dr. Erzie.

Your terms are more than acceptable. I will go ahead and place shipping priorities on both outstanding contracts, although I caution that our direct shipping capacity is certainly less than that of main-force shipping lines like Republican or Universal. I am glad to see and accept your offer of insurance , as that will go a great way toward supporting these long-distance supply efforts. As to your other contractees, I will state that Synth Foods has had no direct interaction with Volgograd Industral. However, our security forces have engaged with and been severely damaged by random Coalition attacks into Stuttgart, so we will view them with extreme suspicion. We will act as diplomatically as possible, but ask, and if necessary force, their vessels to keep their distance from our own convoys, for the safety and security of our employees. I hope this is understandable.

Otherwise, I see no issue with this project, and appreciate the significance of its scope and potential in the future. Our company would be more than happy to sponsor such a great project. The finer details about Paste and Gel production can be discussed at a later time; needless to say, the processing is mostly automated, and only works on Synthcrop seed stores provided by our company, so there should be no significant risk in providing such services to your project.

I look forward to our continued cooperation.

With warm regards,

Jay Stevens
C.E.O., Synth Foods Inc.