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To: The Order (Overwatch and Legacy) - Printable Version

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To: The Order (Overwatch and Legacy) - Jeremy Hunter - 06-27-2019

[Image: y7dM99H.png]
Esteemed allies.

I am the former minister of Science and Technology for the Crayter Republic, and now just a fairly annoyed scientist of Research and Development. But I am not here to complain about my budget being cut, I'm here to ask for your help. You see, because people have this incessant need to demand things from me while I am working and working and messing with things, we have an unfinished Deimos-Class dreadnought in orbit of Yuma. BB-3, Artemis. It is nearly complete, and we have almost all necessary materials. A few deliveries and we're right as rain. But, in this, I have an exciting opportunity for us both.

I would like to request the Order help in it's completion, and allow us to incorporate Order technological advancements, such as your fabled Kemwer weaponry, into the Artemis. In return, of course, any and all developments and testing of Order-Crayter technology can and will be shared, for the betterment of not only our two entities, but humanity as a whole. Now, not asking you to share your deepest, darkest secrets - okay maybe I am a little, but as a scientist you can't fault me for wanting more things to test and toy with in humanity's ever-insatiable curiosity.

If there is anything I can offer - or beg Admiral Townley to offer, I'm sure I have levera- I mean a favor in there somewhere, I will do my best.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Signed, Xi de Mortis
Minister of Science, Technology, Pizza Crayter Research and Development, Sabah Research Station
Crayter Republic

RE: To: The Order (Overwatch and Legacy) - Omicron - 06-30-2019

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]

⧫ Akabat
⧫ Omicron Mu
⧫ 30/06/826
⧫ FROM: The Order Overwatch
⧫ TO: Xi de Mortis


Thank you for contacting us.

While we are not entirely opposed to sharing some of our advances, care has to be taken that it is lend to the right people, for the right purpose. The Order is the only Omicron faction interested in reverse engineering the fields of science where Slomon K’Hara and Daam K’Vosh still outdo our brightest mind while making absolute certainty that it will not be used against us. Us, meaning humanity in wider context than just but not limited to The Order.

We agreed that joint custody over Jericho - sending one of our most treasured instruments into the theatre - because more than anything I do not want the types of Core, Auxesia or Nomads to recover the anomaly. Crayterians had not misjudged the situation at hand and you have employed wise security measures and called the right people for the job. However no doubt you remember the Omega 3 crisis.

The Independent Miner’s Guild may had not engaged you openly in war as it seems it is not in their nature to attack first unless proven that passive behaviour and diplomacy are not going to solve the issue. We had not seen the deadcold archtraitor’s corpse, nor seen any other Colonial officers put on trial for aiding corrupt government of Bretonia in violating sovereign rights of IMG and clauses of the Boormann’s treaty. Stability of your own nation leaves much to be desired and we had not seen any reparations made on behalf of Colonial government to assist the Miners.

It is pointless to war now, we have bigger things ahead of us now. The point I am making, I do not want to see a single piece of Order hardware, either co-developed or bluntly passed on or sold by requisition office be used in a quietly ignored madman’s quest to usurp property of independent people of the Border Worlds putting values of foreign states above duty to Crayter. We need something in return, as well as assurances this is not going to happen again. You had been a staunch Order supporter for nearly a decade and had screwed up only once. It was a major screw up that nearly lead to discussion amongst admiralty concerning punitive actions against Crayter as a whole but your spotless record otherwise is the reason why I am listening.

Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Black Fleet, 1st Battlegroup "Wargods"

RE: To: The Order (Overwatch and Legacy) - Jeremy Hunter - 07-01-2019

[Image: y7dM99H.png]
Grand Admiral Golanski,

I know all too well of the Omega - 3 Crisis, where that bumbling fool fused my creation, my precious Olympia, the first of the Deimos that I designed, with rocks, in an offensive that does little more than strain and damage relationships and alliances, a fiasco we should have remained a part of as our enemy is Gallia, a force who wants nothing more than the complete and utter subjugation of Sirius under their rule.

The Artemis is not going to be deployed in such fashion. The Artemis' job is the defense of Crayter and her allies from outside aggression - not in a conquest-driven crusade against everyone perceived as enemy, but as a defense, a stopgap against those who threaten our way of life - our home. Be it man or monster, Grand Admiral, be it Gallic or Nomad, the Artemis will be there to defend. Not to usurp power, not to lead some unholy crusade to create some empire. We are a Republic, elected by the people, for the people, for the prosperity of Crayter. We need no empires or subjugation. We need a strong shield, a bulwark.

A bulwark I am asking you to strengthen, to augment.

What does the Order request in return, beyond my assurances the Artemis will not be used in such frivolous causes such as subjugation and imperialism, a cause the people of Crayter do not wish nor care for - a cause left to lesser men and monsters, the lesser men and monsters I am sure the Order wishes to see rended asunder and left to perish while we do what is right by our people. Or, in your case, humanity as a whole?

If anything, Artemis will be ready to support you in it's operational zone, such as Coronado, against Nomad Forces. I cannot say anything about the Core, about Auxesia, but I can promise - Crayter stands with the Order against the Nomads, and their encroachment upon us with nothing less than pure lethal intent. An intent that your Kemwer already is developed to combat in equal measure, and an intent Crayter shares, and that Crayter needs. You hold the cards we need to ensure that, when the day comes, that we may fight alongside you with equal ferocity. Artemis is just one stepping stone to this ideal.

Is that assurance enough, Grand Admiral?

Signed, Xi de Mortis
Minister of Science, Technology, Pizza Crayter Research and Development, Sabah Research Station
Crayter Republic