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To: Red Hessian Oberkommando [RHA] - Printable Version

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To: Red Hessian Oberkommando [RHA] - Keller - 07-24-2019

[Transmission Begins]
From: Field Marshal Lukas Keller
To: Hessian Oberkommando
Priority: High

Enabling video-feed
[Image: cCpmCMD.gif]

[Message Begins]

I've been informed of the Kassel's arrival in New Moscow. The current political climate is volatile to say the least, our agreement with Bretonia is fragile, Rheinland is behaving eerily similar to its past self and the Corsairs remain an active belligerent. Given the turbulence, getting your warship operational and back onto an active front is crucial, neither of us can afford to show weakness. I'd like to personally ensure this doesn't become the case.

Assign someone for coordination and we can proceed with the process posthaste.

Sirius Coalition
Коалиция Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: To: Red Hessian Oberkommando [RHA] - Kanzler Niemann - 07-24-2019

[Image: aASFBPh.jpg]

Sender: Drax Stahlbrecher
Recipient: Field Marshal Lukas Keller
Source: ᛈᛚᚨᚾᛖᛏ ᛏᚨᚾᚷᛁᛖᚱ, ᛟᛗᛖᚷᚨ-47 ᛋᚤᛋᛏᛖᛗ
Subject: ᛒᚨᛏᛏᛚᛖᛋᚺᛁᛈ ᚴᚨᛋᛋᛖᛚ
Encryption: ᚢᚾᛒᚱᛖᚨᚴᚨᛒᛚᛖ

Kveðjur, Field Marshal.

I hope you still recognize me, jedenfalls these are good news, finally, Kassel is in a safe harbor. I wish we could've brought her to Wolfsburg but in this condition, it was impossible. I understand your situation with Bretonia and I hope that you will stay at our side in these dark hours. It'll be hard work to repair the Kassel, our engineers did what they could in Omega-5 but I expect a damage report from the engineers on Mykolaiv since they have the equipment to uncover things we couldn't in the heat of battle. The Corsairs haven't moved their presence from Omega-47 which worries me but it'll be our burden to defend the system from them. We will fight until the last of us has fallen, however, Rheinlands political situation is also worrying. While both Generalmajor Heinrich and Brigadegeneral Kreutzer are not able to serve the Red Hessians because of their health issues I've been put in charge of all assets that we have, we've been through worse times, Bruder. I'll assign Brigadegeneral Haddur Neroson to overview the repair and overhaul of Battleship Kassel. He will arrive on Mykolaiv soon, it'll be the best that you brief him what has to be done and what materials are required. If there's anything else regarding the Hessians feel free to contact me directly.

Undirritaður, Direktor
Drax Stahlbrecher


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RE: To: Red Hessian Oberkommando [RHA] - Nen - 07-28-2019

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Sender: Haddur Neroson
Recipient: Field Marshal Lukas Keller
Subject: RBH-Kassel Repairs
Encryption: ᚢᚾᛒᚱᛖᚨᚴᚨᛒᛚᛖ

Ágæti viðtakandi,

As Stahlbrecher has notified you of, I will be in charge of the Armee’s side of the effort to repair the Kassel, I have a rough idea as to what damage she sustained during the conflict in Omega-3 due to my involvement in the field repair and damage control. Yet I will need a full report from your technicians given to me and my team before we can continue so I can write a manifest of required materials and parts to be shipped from Wolfsburg and draft a plan of action. And since we have this opportunity of the Kassel being in drydock I would like to consider possibly refitting her along with her repairs to ensure this damage does not happen again.

You can expect my ship at Mykolaiv within the week

Með kærri kveðju

Haddur Neroson
Rote Hessen Armee


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RE: To: Red Hessian Oberkommando [RHA] - Keller - 07-29-2019

[Transmission Begins]
From: Field Marshal Lukas Keller
To: Hessian Oberkommando
Priority: High

Enabling video-feed
[Image: cCpmCMD.gif]

[Message Begins]

I haven't been able to step foot on the Kassel and see the extent of the damage myself, the crew, at least those who survived, are unwilling to harbor my presence even if briefly. It should be no mystery as to why, but this eliminates my ability to relay first-hand information. Therefore you'll simply have to rely on what our technicians have told me.

To put it plainly, the Kassel is the victim of immense trauma to its locomotive abilities. The engine unit is burned out in entirety, the power-lines with it. Without a replacement, the ship will never be ready for deployment. Repairing the unit is also out of question, there's no soldering together burned and brittle metal. The hull of the ship has come under tremendous fire from anti-matter based weaponry, rather surprisingly it held and bears no breaches, but it has certainly seen better days and is in desperate need of replacement. The vast majority of the ship is littered with these burns, and in certain spots they have come dangerously close to causing a decompression. If you are the religious sort, I would thank your God.

The rest was incoherent mumbling about the state of several complicated electronic suites, the kind I am ill-qualified to comment on. The weapon systems seem to have suffered minimal damage, the enemy clearly wasn't trying to silence the vessel but rather retaliate in full and destroy it. While this report might seem mild, the technicians assure me that it will be costly, and if understaffed time-consuming as well.

Contact me if anything else of a pertinent nature arises.

Sirius Coalition
Коалиция Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: To: Red Hessian Oberkommando [RHA] - Nen - 07-29-2019

[Image: 631681c5fc0f969ea4eb69daa8386af7.jpg]

Sender: Haddur Neroson
Recipient: Field Marshal Lukas Keller
Subject: RBH-Kassel Repairs
Encryption: ᚢᚾᛒᚱᛖᚨᚴᚨᛒᛚᛖ

Ágæti viðtakandi,

Hmm, I see. The way you describe it seems a complete refit of the Kassel is in order, since it would be wise to modernize while we are at it with the level of repairs required. I'll need to do a personal inspection myself upon my arrival but for now I can make arrangements for a new reactor and propulsion. I assume the necessary wiring and ducting is readily available at Mykolaiv?

As for the plating, it may be costly and time consuming but a complete re haul of her armor system is necessary, both due to the reported catastrophic damage it has received and in light of the damage she suffered from the Norfolk and her escorts showed that her armor was inadequate for the tasks at hand. The Corsairs will not be much kinder and the Kassel must be able to brunt the force of their attacks.

I hope you understand most of the specifics regarding her repair and refit will remain within the Armee but we will keep you appraised of the general status of the repair.

Með kærri kveðju

Haddur Neroson
Rote Hessen Armee


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RE: To: Red Hessian Oberkommando [RHA] - Keller - 07-29-2019

[Transmission Begins]
From: Field Marshal Lukas Keller
To: Hessian Oberkommando
Priority: High

Enabling video-feed
[Image: cCpmCMD.gif]

[Message Begins]

I agree, it would be best for you to look at the ship with your own trained eyes. And yes, Mykolaiv possesses what you'd expect of it, given its nature as our sole shipyard through which warships are commissioned to fight for the cause.

Perhaps I was deceptively meek, but let me make one thing abundantly clear. There will be no secrets. You will not use a shipyard under our banner whilst "leaving out most of the specifics" and most certainly not when my men are putting themselves in the way of the Corsairs above Tangier because of your ambition. It simply wouldn't be fair. We are your ally, our actions have made that abundantly clear. Throwing yourself at Bretonia has let slip quite the quantity of blood, and the Omegas are shark infested. We now bear the brunt for your commitment of forces into an engagement that gave you little besides an ideological pedestal. Withholding information is a cheap deception that you should reserve for people that you can't trust.

I would strongly urge reconsideration on that point. You don't lie to family.

Sirius Coalition
Коалиция Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: To: Red Hessian Oberkommando [RHA] - Nen - 07-29-2019

[Image: 631681c5fc0f969ea4eb69daa8386af7.jpg]

Sender: Haddur Neroson
Recipient: Field Marshal Lukas Keller
Subject: RBH-Kassel Repairs
Encryption: ᚢᚾᛒᚱᛖᚨᚴᚨᛒᛚᛖ

Ágæti viðtakandi,

Do forgive my previous statements, the Armee's relation with other entities is not my specialty as I focus on more the inner works of the Armee and her equipment. It's standard policy for us to leave our warship's details as classified and I lapsed on our special relations with the Coalition. So consider my statement of secrecy rescinded, though it would much appreciated that your engineers do more than sit on the information granted to them. A collaborative effort between both our teams would ensure the efficacy and speed of the Kassel's refits.

Með kærri kveðju

Haddur Neroson
Rote Hessen Armee


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RE: To: Red Hessian Oberkommando [RHA] - Keller - 07-29-2019

[Transmission Begins]
From: Field Marshal Lukas Keller
To: Hessian Oberkommando
Priority: High

Enabling video-feed
[Image: cCpmCMD.gif]

[Message Begins]

The Coalition is a union of the working man. There is no place for idling, especially with the current stakes. The engineers have already been ordered to aid as intensively as directed. Keep them assigned to something and they will keep working until completion. They aren't going to watch you do all the work, it would be unbecoming of who we are.

Your remark on secrecy and presumption about the potential laziness of our labour warrant no further consideration from me. I'll excuse them both by your own admission of being a poor representative, but judging by the quality of Hessian steel, a skilled craftsman.

Your arrival is awaited.

Sirius Coalition
Коалиция Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: To: Red Hessian Oberkommando [RHA] - Nen - 08-07-2019

[Image: 631681c5fc0f969ea4eb69daa8386af7.jpg]

Sender: Haddur Neroson
Recipient: Field Marshal Lukas Keller
Subject: RBH-Kassel Repairs
Encryption: ᚢᚾᛒᚱᛖᚨᚴᚨᛒᛚᛖ

Ágæti viðtakandi,

Now that my team has had time to inspect the Kassel personally I can confirm that most of our initial conjectures were accurate. Most of her armor plating is either missing or completely warped, repair and damage control records also note there had been several atmospheric breaches during the assault. Most of the damage is centered around the mid and aft sections of the ship, with the fore section receiving minor damage. In terms of her hull our saving grace is the framing and structure of the ship is relatively intact with no major warping of her main structural beams or ribbing. What damage to the frame that did occur is minor should be easy to fix since her outer hull will be completely stripped to replace her armor.

Most of the electronics and electrical systems are relatively unscathed, the only major note being the main capacitor banks are located near her reactor which suffered catastrophic damage alongside the reactor itself. Auxiliary systems such as life support, backup generators, and secondary capacitor banks are unscathed and do not need replacement. For the weapons we will need to repair all four her her main battery turrets, as well as numerous secondary battery turrets, while as you noted they were not deliberately targeted they were located near the reactor section of the ship, hence they suffered collateral damage during the attack.

As for how we will go about fixing the Kassel and refitting her, a redone armor scheme is absolutely necessary, and since her main drive and generator will need replacement we will be shipping in the more modern drives used in the newer Jormungandrs. Everything else will be either done as she was originally launched or based on the configurations of the more modern Jormungandrs depending on part availability and ease of repair or replacement. The armor scheme itself, time will be needed for me to get together a team that can come up with and test a new layout for her.

I have sent the fully detailed report to your Mykolaiv's chief engineer, I'll let him select which engineers dock workers he thinks is necessary to this project. A carbon copy of it should also be in your terminal if you feel like wading through the technical details.

Með kærri kveðju

Haddur Neroson
Rote Hessen Armee


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RE: To: Red Hessian Oberkommando [RHA] - Keller - 08-19-2019

[Transmission Begins]
From: Field Marshal Lukas Keller
To: Hessian Oberkommando
Priority: High

Enabling video-feed
[Image: cCpmCMD.gif]

[Message Begins]

I have instructed the Chief Engineer and his men to work overtime, and I need you and your own team to do the same. Time is of the essence and we have none to spare. The Kassel needs to be pressed into service quickly, we have an opportunity to go on the offensive but only if our push can gain momentum and hold onto it.

I expect that you will find no qualms with this.

Sirius Coalition
Коалиция Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]