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"La Liberté" The Council radio channel - 48.5 FM - Liberty.In - 08-10-2019

[Image: SJ5JZ3p.png]

"La Liberté" The Council radio channel
"Liberté. Égalité. Fraternité."

Article: "The Great Final"

"It’s finally time to realize that the whole history of humanity is this is the story of the prolonged suicide of living matter, which cosmic chance endowed with the ability to think, and which didn’t know what to do with this random fateful ability. And we did not find the best application, as the creation of the most effective methods of total suicide..."
© Unknown source.

The author of the article: Marie Dubois.
Reads an article: Martin Bernard.

Light sound interference on the radio, accompanied by a faint noise, is interrupted after a quiet cough of the speaker. Then comes a few phrases.

"Can we start?"
"Oui, we can."

Again sound interference interrupted by the rustle of leaves of paper. A few illegible words, probably something like whispering. Then on all TVs that switched to 48.5 FM a black image appeared, turning into the official emblem of the Council. The blows of the spoon to the walls of the glass are clearly audible: probably someone decided to make tea or coffee in the morning. Suddenly, the noise stopped, and the extra sounds disappeared. Absolute silence lasted a whole minute. But the announcer's voice began to speak. Probably, it was a young man, aged 20-30. The voice was clear and without a hint of hoarseness, which in some people begins to appear as early as 30 years old:

"Citizens of the Council, citizens of free Gallia and those disadvantaged who are under pressure from the current tyranny. Today you switched to 48.5 FM, which you managed to learn about in different ways. Someone heard about it from a friend, someone himself created this frequency, and someone, in search of hope and faith in a brighter future, found out through our propaganda channels. My name is Martin Bernard, I am one of the presenters of our "La Liberté" The Council radio channel. Alas, you cannot see my face - let it remain a mystery. The revolution has no face, the revolution has an idea. The idea will never die, no matter what. It lives in our hearts, giving us strength.

Today we’ll talk about the last hours for Bretonia. Decisive hours. A small article entitled "The Great Final" was prepared for us by a resident of the planet Marne named Marie Dubois. Alas, Marie could not come to us due to personal circumstances. Nevertheless, she sent the text version of her article to us, wishing a good day. So, we are starting."

Again silence, interrupted by the rustle of paper. And again the voice of the announcer:

"So, the article "The Great Final" tells us about the events that are happening in Breton and Gaul at the moment, as well as about their analysis. In addition, Maria interviewed some witnesses to these very events. Not all, of course, events, but witnesses of the battle of Toulouse and witnesses of the battles in Tau-31 gave a few words. Each section of the article is accompanied by pictures and photographies. We will broadcast them, and then read the information from the specified section. So, we can begin."

Suddenly, the picture of the coat of arms of the Council changes to another. Outlines acquire appropriate shades and additional details. The Tau-31 system appears before the eyes of the audience.

[Image: rg22bhp.png]
Tau-31: "Was Gallic main node cut?"

"The first part of Maria’s article begins with the situation in Tau-31, the events of which took place recently: Leeds resistance forces managed to inflict critical damage on the New Tours Watch Station. This led to the fact that Gallia was forced to request the supply of repair materials directly from the Picardy system, where a part of the Council forces is now located. Upon learning of Gallic plans, local anti-Gallic forces in Tau-31 began to obstruct this, demanding cargo from transporters. In case of disobedience, everything threatened to end lethally.

Maria managed to establish contact with civilians empathizing with the Council, who communicated with some of the participants in the Gallic corporations supplying repair materials. According to them, the Council showed itself quite peacefully, addressing those who transported prohibited goods. Here is an excerpt from what one of the IDF participants said:"

"We were told that day that there was a breakdown in the Tau-31 on the basis of the Gallic police. Many orders were received for the delivery of repair materials directly to Leeds, to the Stokes Mining Station. There is even paper where all this is indicated, including the amount of material required for repair. Well, our transporter was loaded with the necessary materials, the crew was ready. Before we were dispatched, we were warned that the activity of a criminal organization called “The Council” had increased in Tau-31, which would mercilessly destroy every ship with this cargo. This bothered us somewhat, but the delivery contract was more expensive: we had to eat something.

And so we flew out. Inside Gallia, several police ships escorted us to prevent attacks from pirates. We are already in Languedoc, and everything is clean, no one is attacking us. We have already relaxed. Then we made a jump in Tau-23, we were also accompanied. The patrol said that they will leave us near the gates in Tau-31, and there we will already meet with the warships, which will escort directly to Leeds. The police left, and we launched the jump algorithm. A few seconds passed, and we were already in Tau-31. There was nobody, nobody met us. We thought the military was late and started to worry a little. Suddenly several objects appeared, we already thought that this was a long-awaited accompaniment. But these were two ships of the Council. Bombers. Our weapons against them are inefficient, part of the crew has already said "goodbye" to life, but then they themselves came to negotiate with us. Honestly, I did not expect such a reaction, I thought that they would kill us. However, they clarified the details of the situation and said that it was enough for us to throw all our cargo into space. Our lives were dear to us, and we obeyed. The cargo that ended up in space was quickly destroyed by salvos of their guns. After which they thanked us and offered to escort to the nearest station. We were so scared that we refused their support. They left, and then a patrol arrived. After examining us, they did not see the load, and we told them what happened. No reaction, we flew silently to Stokes, where the authorities said that this was not the first case of interception, and that the next time escort would be on all systems.

We heard about the Council and before that, do not think that we are not aware of the situation with the Council inside Gallia. But we were always shown them as criminals and murderers, and their actions in Tau-31 forced us to reconsider our attitude towards them. They said they would not touch us if we dumped the load. And they kept their word, while any friend could deceive us and open fire, arguing this with the words “just in case”."

"Marie also points out in her article that many of the people who flew into the Tau-31 carrying forbidden goods were indeed stopped by the Council. But in most cases, transport ships dropped cargo, and then flew on. Only a few opened fire without entering into negotiations, but their ships were destroyed, and the crew was delivered to the nearest base. Based on the data that Marie collected, the military of The Council really proved to be humane in relation to the traders.

In addition to data relating to merchants, Marie was able to collect information directly from participants in the situation in Tau-31 - Alexandro Tours, a member of the crew of The Council destroyer "Democratie", was able to share some of the details, with the permission of the commander of the destroyer. As Alexandro himself said in an interview:"

"We had one interesting situation related to the battles in Tau-31. "Democratie" then got up in Tau-23, we intended to check every trade ship who was preparing to make the jump in Tau-31. We went into radio silence and turned on all possible systems to hide our ship in space. One trader, two, three - all are clean, nothing bad. We decided to relocate "Democratie" to Tau-31 in order to check there and be closer to the allied forces. We fly to the gates, turn on the hacking algorithm, take a jump. When we've jumped, and here in front of us is the Gallic Battlecruiser! The soul went into heels, but we went around this Battlecruiser at the expense of speed and were able to reach a safe distance. When their crew realized that it was pointless to negotiate with us, they opened fire. Later our bomber arrived, he too joined fight to help us.

Imagine this picture: dozens of explosions of blue and dark yellow, explosions from artillery shells and torpedoes. In the Tau-31 meteorite field it is difficult to aim at the target, and even more difficult to avoid collisions with asteroids. But here our bomber makes a dangerous maneuver for torpedoes and is undermined. I don’t know how, but the pilot survived, although after such explosions torpedoes few still alive. As a result, their cruiser decided to leave us and jump in Tau-23. We started the chase, but, when we jumped, we found no one. The war broke each of us in our own way. But there are still those who realize that fighting is pointless. And it causes pride. Pride for Gallic people, which from the path of war goes to the path of peace. Perhaps Battlecruiser crew thought differently, but I want to believe that we were not mistaken."

"However, we should return to the main question that was posed in the title of the article. Did the blockade in Tau-31 harm the supply of Gallic Royal Navy? Despite eyewitnesses, we need to give an exact answer to this question, which Marie herself indicated in her article.

Marie collected in her article all the data about the Leeds system, which in the past was, in fact, the "resource base of Bretonia", but now the planet is controlled by Gallia. Despite the fact that Leeds was captured, the Leeds Resistance Forces are still active and are trying to completely harm the forces of Gallic Royal Navy both in the system and on the planet. One way or another, Gallia has sufficient construction power in the person of Issoudun Drydock, which can supply the necessary resources for the construction of warships.

But let's think logically: are there enough people for Gallia to have the appropriate crew for each ship built? Does Gallia have enough time to build warships so quickly and send them straight to the front? Will there be enough resources only from Leeds to repair the damage to the existing ships used in the Bretonia conflict? Marie points out in an article that the Orkney system (now Brittany) still plays its role as a transport point to Edinburgh (now Aquitaine). The hole connecting the two systems allows small transport ships that can transport human resources to pass there. But to overcome such a path, our ships must pass through the fort of Fort Albi, located nearby. Does this mean that if Gallia does not allow the use of a hole for our ships, then she can fully use this passage for her own purposes, as an alternative to the Tau worlds? And if so, how effective will this passage be, and will it be so safe from attacks by our ships and the ships of our allies?

Marie decided to answer both questions through a simple analysis of traffic performance. So, for example, the path through Tau-23 and Tau-31 is much faster than through Brittany. The systems connect vast distances, and inside Brittany there are no corresponding trade lines that would allow so quickly transporting resources and people from Gallia directly to Bretonia.

Thus, based on simple logic, Gallia simply will not be able to transport people on time. Yes, reinforcements will come, but it will be very late, and not all reinforcements will arrive at all. For example, some ships may be intercepted and destroyed. And when one of the transport ships arrives in Aquitaine, the last thing he sees is a burning dry dock and the ships of Liberty, Bretonia and Crayter, burning this station to the end.

On this, Maria ends the first part of her article and believes that the main connecting system, Tau-31, was indeed the military vein of the supply of Gallic Royal Navy. And its capture by Crayter's forces can indeed be considered as an autopsy of this node."

The screen goes blank again, the coat of arms of the Council reappears. Again weak voices, accompanied by a rustle of paper. All this is interrupted by the voice of the announcer, which, as it were, covers all extraneous sounds and begins to convey only his own voice to the viewer, nothing more:

"Let us return to the situation in Gallia. Before the events in Tau-31, the Council was shocked by the terrible battle in Toulouse in the Roussillon system. Many people were able to escape, but our fellow citizens still remained there! The Council does not forgive such insidious actions and prepares its attack. But if Gallia chopped off our left hand, then we chop off her head. The events in Provence and Picardy are the subject of the next part of her article."

The coat of arms of the Council disappears again, the following photo appears, which is the heading to the new part of the article. Picardy. A wonderful system that will soon become even more beautiful. In a new bright future.

[Image: DUqAPn0.png]
Picardy: "May the people be freed from the shackles of darkness!"

"In her second part of the article “The Grand Final”, Marie highlighted the events that are happening at the moment in the Picardi and Provence systems. Marie decided to conduct several interviews with those who witnessed the events in Toulouse, as well as those who now practically live in Picardy, preparing to make a revolution in this system, and then move deeper into Orleanis.

One of the witnesses of the battle of Toulouse was Marco Pierre, a military The Council man who lives on the same planet. Marie tried for a very long time to find those who survived the conflict from the beginning to the very end, and still survived. Marco had to leave his house and become a member of the Pamiers battlegroup. Here is what he says:"

"Ohhh, it was a terrible sight. It was as if the sky had cracked in half. At first we found the ships that went off orbit and fell right on the surface of the planet. Fighters, nothing more. But literally a day or two, rain fell from the ships on the planet. Gunboats, bombers, fighters, cruisers, even battleships broke through the clouds and fell to the ground, leaving behind them flashes of very large explosions, causing fires and destruction. What is worth talking about those people who were in the radius of the explosion: most have burned skin, some then can't see, and someone’s body turned into a boneless mass, since all the bones inside were broken by the shock wave. I saw such people - this is a terrible sight. They look with a blunt look at you, asking: "What happened to us?! We will live?!"

Gallic's attack on Roussillon was as unexpected as the siege of Toulouse. We were only partly ready, Gallia numerically and in military power outweighed the Pamiers battle group, which defended our planet. The command considered it necessary to begin the immediate evacuation of the civilian population, under the guise of warships. Only half managed to break into the Tau-44, the other half was destroyed either during takeoff, or during the journey.

When the troops were already exhausted, and we could not fight, the Pamires battle group considered it necessary to retreat. We managed to evacuate at the very last moment. Thank God, we managed to save many residents of Toulouse. Those who remained will soon be saved too: we are closer than ever to the revolution, and Toulouse will be the first planet to be freed from the influence of Gallia."

"As I said, Marie was able to conduct an interview with the soldiers who are involved in the liberation of the Picardie system. One of them, Pierrette Chardin, was able to share what is happening now in the system, and also gave Marie a look at the situation in Picardie from a simple soldier:"

"Everyday. Every day we see our transport ships, traveling 2-3 pieces from Champagne. They bring us weapons, food, building materials, as well as some equipment for ship repair. Each time we take part in escort flights: a hole in Champagne is help at any time. Together with weapons and supplies, soldiers and new ships arrive. A lot of soldiers. Each of them does not look so tired anymore: news from the front inspire them to act. For noble deeds, in the name of a bright future for our Motherland. Someone is not even 20 years old, but you should have seen their faces. These are the faces of free people who are preparing to free their compatriots. Forever.

In addition to assisting in escorting and covering transport ships, we participate in reconnaissance in battle near all those facilities that are still controlled by Gallia. Before each flight, we shake hands with each other, say goodbye, if we do not see each other again. And someone doesn’t really come back, it happens in different ways. We burn and dispel the dust of their things in space. The ashes, reflected from the light, become like a thousand stars. A beautiful and at the same time terrible sight: the next day this ashes may be from the things of one of us.

If we manage to save the bodies, then we carry out the same procedure, but along with things we burn the body. Photos of the dead hang in the warehouse of Saint-Quentin Space Colony. We specifically took one of the warehouses of this colony to use it as a place for memory of those who will not return. Photos of many of us hang there. Picardy will be released. And when this day comes - these photos will be on the planet Amiens, where their former owners will find peace. Forever and ever."

"According to Marie’s estimates, only 80 percent of the population was successfully evacuated by the Council forces, except for those who died during the trip due to various circumstances. If we take into account all those who died, then 85 percent of the population was evacuated. Absolutely all evacuated residents, with the exception of the military, arrived on the planet Marne, where they were already provided with housing and food. Military people were both relocated to Champagne and joined the Pamiers battlegroup.

Marie also indicated that many of the military from Toulouse, when they arrived in Champagne, volunteered at the front with Picardy to help fellow soldiers in the upcoming release of Picardy system. Here, alas, there are no interviews with those military men. It is possible that they will soon appear in the future. But it will be for sure in another article. Many of the soldiers are determined: Picardy will be a retaliatory argument against the aggression of Gallia inside Roussillon. But here everything will happen much faster, because we will not use weapons against civilians. We will use weapons against those shackles that fetters civilians. And when the shackles fall, we, with one common fist, will free Orleanis, and then all Gallia. Victory will be ours!

Picardy’s photo again changes to the coat of arms of the Council. Again some extraneous sounds, but it quickly ceases with the voice of the announcer:

The next part of Mary's article, which is the last, is part directly on the events in Bretonia. What is going on there now? What are the Bretons preparing for? In this part of the article we will see answers to all questions."

The emblem The Council dissolves, revealing a photograph directly from New London: several battleships of Bretonia Armed Forces, together with the Allied ships, are in service and are preparing to meet the approaching ships of Gallic Royal Navy. Bretonia and Liberty will never forget this war...

[Image: 1Z36SOU.png]
New London: "They will not pass!"

"As already mentioned, Marie collected data not only inside Gaul, but also in the space of Bretonia. She contacted the military of the Council, who flew directly to Leeds and New London, collecting interviews from them. Talked with the military of Breton and Liberty, who are at the forefront, in the New London system.

The situation in Bretonia, at the moment, is the most tense in the whole history of Sirius, according to the historical reports that the Council received even when it got to Sirius. It is possible that no war was as widespread as the war with Gallia. But these times are drawing to a close. And this is what one of the witnesses of these events, Andrew Scott, of Liberty’s military says:"

"I went through the whole war from beginning to end. I have a military family, because of this I went to serve in the navy. I have seen many deaths, many events. Agreement on Curacao, Operation "Royal Flush", border battle in California, destruction of Freeport in Magellan. I can list many events, each of which made us stronger, but at the same time killed people in ourselves.

Now I serve in one of Liberty’s patrol units. Our unit has been put on hold in New London, every day - as an extra in your life. You do not know when you die, battles take place daily. Rarely, there are times when the shooting stops and both sides prepare for a new clash. But lately everything is quiet. Both sides have calmed down and are preparing for the final battle.

Now the battle for New London is coming. It’s already a little left, when, probably, the last shoots will thunder. Gallia came to Bretonia, they can’t get out of here. And if they come out, then with huge losses. They will be forced to surrender and realize that the idea of ​​freedom and equality is stronger than the idea of ​​tyranny and cruelty. It is undeniable that this war made Bretonia and Liberty united as never before. I am sure that this unity will live in the hearts of both peoples for a long time to come."

"Marie also interviewed a military man from Bretonia Armed Forces, Charles Brexton. He also went through the entire conflict from beginning to end:"

"The onset of the conflict was completely unexpected. Bretonia then went to war with Kusari, if I'm not mistaken. Gallic ships arose from nowhere and immediately opened fire. Both sides suffered heavy losses. Only later did we find out that Kusari caved in under the regime of Gallia, and we could only keep the defense. I remember these first battles for Leeds, how their ships flew to us, I remember how I saved my own family from the rubble of our house on this planet. Then we flew to New London. And now everyone holds the defense here. Until now, the resistance forces in Leeds are trying to resist and save all our civilians they can.

We are no longer afraid of Death, we do not know fear. We all know that today will be the last for most of us. But we are ready to die. We are ready to die for freedom, for life, for the war not to come to Cambridge, so that our children can sleep peacefully. In future everyone will forget about us, but this is the harsh truth: soldiers do not fight for money, fame or eternal memory. Soldiers are fighting for an idea. For the idea that lives in their hearts before and after death. And we are ready to give our lives for this idea - for the idea of ​​freedom and equality, for world peace."

"Why is everyone so sure of victory? Morale has always been one of the key points in any war. Morale has always decreased or increased depending on the circumstances. Today, the fighting spirit of the military of Bretonia and Liberty, ordinary civilians, on whose heads bombs fall, has risen to heaven. Everyone realizes the importance of today's event. And everyone is ready to die, no matter what.

From a strategic point of view, Gallia loses in the numerical superiority of the Allied forces, even despite the Drydock, which is located in Aquitaine, which will probably be moved to New London very soon in connection with the upcoming battle. The decisive factor is the supply of troops from Gallia itself, which was interrupted due to the blockade in Tau-31 by Crayter’s forces. Today, everything is in favor of the allies. If the command of Liberty and Bretonia sought to lead the enemy deep into their territories, and then destroy their forces, then Marie in her article congratulates you. This is a brilliant tactic. If not about the soldiers, then the admirals who commanded them will be remembered for a very long time.

But we can’t relax. Even when everything is good, everything can go as bad as possible. It is better to be prepared for the bad in advance than to reap the benefits of the belief in the good."

The coat of arms of the Council again replaces the landscapes of photography. This time there is no noise, the announcer almost immediately, after a short pause, begins to say:

"This concludes Marie's article. She believes that this war will be the most bloody in the history of Sirius and Gallia. But she is also sure that Gallia simply has no chance of victory in the upcoming battle. If Gallia wins, then disappointing news awaits it. Straight from France."

Suddenly, the emblem of the Council again changes to the landscape of a system. What is it? Provence? What kind of ships are these? Why are there so many? Is this a photo of yesterday?!

[Image: MlHwQnA.png]

"Our wretched king. This is an appeal to you. To you, a man who sits on a throne, the basis of which are the bodies of other people. Our forces are already preparing to strike, and you know about it. Run, hide, save yourself and yours, like you. Very soon, our forces will come to France and take off the shackles of all the oppressed! Provence will soon light the star of freedom, Orleanis will welcome us, and Languedoc will applaud the soldiers of the Council who came to this system to give freedom to everyone! Soon Toulouse residents will again look into the clear sky, believing in tomorrow!

Soldiers! Everyone who hears this broadcast! Squeeze the weapon in your hands, close the ranks! The last days of the greatness of tyrannical Gallia are coming! Soldiers! On the ruins of tyranny we will build a new world! A world without fear and oppression, a world where everyone will be equal and free! To the battle, soldiers! And let us die, but we die for the idea! And this idea will live in the hearts of our children! And they will continue our work!"

Suddenly the transmission stops. In place of the photograph of Provence, the emblem of the Council appears. This time, some of its shades give off a kind of glow. Another five minutes, and the screen again turns black and with noise. But the voices are no longer heard. The broadcast is completely ending.

//closed for comments because it's TV+radio time-transmission.