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To: NO-Wanderer CC: Natio Octavarium Command - Printable Version

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To: NO-Wanderer CC: Natio Octavarium Command - Charo - 02-17-2020

:::Incoming Transmission:::

ID: Philippine Descoteaux
Location: Freeport 6, Tau-29

It's been a bit difficult to track you down! Do you remember that little system that opened up a few months ago? The one with that weird ore? Well a little drone sold you a bunch of rocks. That drone was mine. Je suis Philippine Descoteaux, nice to meet you! Well that little bucket of chaos was haywire, I didn't even send it to that system. Then the IMG got their hands on it, it dumped the bankroll to some guy in the Omegas, tore it apart, whatever. I found the blackbox and saw that you were its biggest customer, congratulations! It really should have charged you more, but I didn't see a dime so it doesn't matter.

Long story short, my boss found out that I used a personal project as a business expense, took my ships, fired me, and now I'm kind of screwed. So, you guys need a mechanic?

:::Closing Transmission:::

RE: To: NO-Wanderer CC: Natio Octavarium Command - Capt. Henry Morgan - 02-17-2020

[Image: GgGXq4L.jpg]

Sender: Captain Montague, OMG

Ship: OMS "Wanderer"

Location: Singapore Shipyard, Tau-44

Recipient: Philippine Descoteaux

Subject: Hiring

Monty here,

So, that was your drone that made me and mine such a mountain of credits? The extra income made my employer very happy, and the remaining cut, after being divided between myself and my crew, gave our bank accounts a very much-needed filling out. We were even able to afford a few upgrades that should reduce our maintenance overhead going forward. So, I guess that's an overly long way of saying that I owe you my thanks.

I'm sorry to hear that your employer gave you the boot just for taking a little personal initiative. We could definitely use a good mechanic on the Wanderer, particularly since we've been in port for a week now, enjoying the IMG's hospitality, because my mechanic can't figure out what's wrong with the main generator. Still, as a Guild ship, the Wanderer is a closed shop, and I can't hire anybody who isn't a dues-paying, card-carrying member of the Guild.

Tell you what. Get yourself up to Canberra and stop in at the Guild office. They'll get you set up with a Guild card. I'll make sure they know to bill your initial dues payment to me. After that, if we're not up and running by then, catch a shuttle over to Singapore and we'll see what you can do. The job's yours as long as you can keep my ship in the sky.

Captain Lawrence "Monty" Montague, NO-Wanderer
Octavarium Mercantile Guild

RE: To: NO-Wanderer CC: Natio Octavarium Command - Charo - 02-17-2020

:::Incoming Transmission:::

ID: Philippine Descoteaux
Location: Freeport 6, Tau-29

IMG? Eugh, I was hoping to not stoop that low, but I guess its better than nothing. You've got yourself a mechanic engineer inventor thing.

Now, about transportation. You don't, uh, supply employees with ships do you? I pulled this shuttle from a scrap yard on my way out of Gallia but it's kind of...merde. I can handle it if I have to, but, you know...

Just curious. I'll see you on Singapore!

:::Closing Transmission:::