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Velvet Dreams The Caitlyn Cross Diary - Printable Version

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Velvet Dreams The Caitlyn Cross Diary - Lord Helmchen - 02-29-2020

Caitlyn Sits on the Couch of her Cabin. Like the Name of the Ship Red Velvet is her Favorite Decoration, the heavy curtains, which usually frame the windows with the best look on the Stars, is closed as the Capitan sits down with a glass of Rum. She stares at the sparkling wood in the fireplace and tries to keep the Dark thoughts away, as a hand touches her shoulder and startled her.

She Sounded around her Hand on the gun she always caries, as she sees her intruder "God damm Stephanie do you want to die? You normally knock before you enter the room".

This was the first time she had any kind of problem with her. As the OS&C HQ sent the Reinländer to her to become the First Officer of the Red Velvet Club, she was worried how she would react to the crew.

Of course, they met all the requirements of an OS&C crew member, so that not even the fussy VIPs would notice that most of them ran away from home or ran to her in any other way. behind the Curtain of the show, which the passengers see, they don't care much about how they speak.

But Stephanie didn't seem to mind as long as the ship flys smooth and the Passengers are safe. Of course, she takes care about the discipline of the ship is not lost. Caitlyn couldn't wish for a better Right Hand, especially as her last First Officer now enjoys his retirement on Curacao.

"I knocked three Times Capitan, but you didn't react. I was worried so I walked in. You were so distracted if everything is alright.".

Caitlyn sighed and prepared two new drinks and passed one of them to Stephanie. She pointed to the armchair. "Sit down, this is a Long Story.". Stephanie was concerned about her Captain. In the past few months, she became acquainted to Caitlyn. She was always concerned about the well-being of her crew and guests and they had also become friends privately.

"Today is the day when the black box from my mother's ship was found. So somehow it is also the Day of her Death." Stephanie took a big sip of her Rum "My condolences Captian." Caitlyn laughed sadly "That's what concerns me. She kicked me of her Ship when I was 16, just because she found out that I am a lesbian. I hated her for it, but when I got the message that she was dead. I don't know somehow I still hate her but then she was my mother and until she kicked me out she was a good mother. She even made me a beneficiary in insurance. It is crazy, most days I don't think of her but on her Death Day...arrgh i dont know."

Caitlyn emptied her drink all at once. "Well Captain, I don't know how you feel but maybe you should remember the good times with her. I dont know but maybe this Insurance thing was her way to set the things right before she was ready to say it to you."

Caitlyn makes a new drink and smiles. "You are right. Maybe it was her way. She was stubborn like a Donkey but she had a good heart. I don't know, maybe it was the shock that I didn't tell her I like girls. Maybe we would have made peace, if we had seen each other again. Thank you Steph, you are a Good Friend."

Stephanie smiled "Always at your service Cait. Do you want to talk about her some more?" Cait put her head back and looked at the stars through the window in the ceiling "That would be nice. Do you know she told me how to repair my first engine when I was 5. The ship was damaged after we fled from an Hogosha in Shikoku. I was so scared during that escape. My Mother found me as I jumped into a Space Suit. I thought that the ship would be destroyed.“

My mother took me to the engine room and said "Cait an Engine is the heart of your ship. If you are good at the heart, it will bring you through the worst Situations. Our heart is in pain right now, so we need to help him, so it can carry us to our Destination"

After that we worked for 3 hours on that Engine, fixed all the pain it had. even today I think the engine is the heart of my Ship." A tear ran down her cheek "Thank you, Stephanie, I didn't know that this Memory was still existing. But if you tell someone you saw me crying, I'll throw you out of the airlock." she said with a wink.

"Don't worry Capitan, I will be silent like a Monk." Stephanie finished her drink and left before she opened the door she turned again "If you need a friend to talk or just for a drink and a look at the stars, you know where you can find me"

Caitlyn looked at her "Thank you and good night Steph." she nodded "Good Night Captian" and left the Room Caitlin opened the Curtains and dimmed the lights as she looked at the stars and listening to the sound of the ship.

Stephanie finished her drink and walked towards the door. Then she stopped and turned to Caitlyn once again. „Should you ever need someone to talk to, a drink, or a look at the stars you know where you can find me.“. Caitlyn looked at her. „Thank you and good night, Steph.“. She nodded in reply. „Good night Captain.“. With these words, she left the room.

RE: Velvet Dreams the The Caitlyn Cross Diary - Lord Helmchen - 03-01-2020

Caitlyn and Stephanie were just at training self-defense were on the schedule. Caitlyn’s Red Dreadlocks swirled around when she hit a roundhouse kick against Stephanie’s hip, but it was too slow for her to evade so some of the force landed in her ribs and she wheezed Stephanie’s hand to her painful side and Caitlyn broke their next attack "All right, did I catch you badly?"

Stephanie looked at her friend frustrated at "No, let’s move on" Caitlyn looked at her skeptic and touched Stephanie’s ribs she whimpered "Sure, you’re done for today I don’t feel like explaining to Dr. Conner why you have broken ribs, but if you want to talk about something, I’ll be there for you" She gave her friend an ice bag, and just when it looked like Steph started talking, a group of crew members came laughing in the room

"thanks, Capitan I come back to this but I think I should really break up for today." Caitlyn knew it wouldn’t do any good to push Steph she’d come to her if she was ready, so she Locked at her when she walked to the showers "Hey, Fuentes, you guys are going to spend the whole day picking like chickens or are we going to train. Fuentes a 2-meter giant and head of security laughed on "thought you never ask Capitan want to lose again?" Caitlyn smiled the fights with Fuentes were always exciting but mostly too bitter because they both wanted to win for the crew it was a spectacle and it gave Stephanie exactly the distraction to disappear in peace


Caitlyn Lies on her sofa a pot of tea on the table beside herself, after the fight against Fuentes She felt every bone. a good fight and in the end, she won Fuentes was great but also slowly that she had exploited at the end but also a bit Luckily, her thoughts drifted to Stephanie what had been going on with her she knows her only a few months But her first officer had become a good friend and today was not normal.

it knocked at the door of Caitlyn was too exhausted to open it itself. So she just said, "Come in," she already thought who it was true Stephanie put in her head and saw her captain sitting on the sofa the smell of fresh jasmine tea poured the air as she approached closer to bare. Caitlin pointed at the chair like she did the last time she was here admiring the art-foll piece of furniture with his carvings and the soft pillows for a moment before she sat down Caitlyn had been expecting her and gave her a cup of tea "So now you want to tell me what’s going on" Stephanie Sighing" I’m as easy to see through as you were right the other day."
"Let’s call it female intuition sweety so what’s the matter I know we haven’t known each other for that long but you can tell me everything"

Stephanie took a sip of her tea Cait had made him just right, she knew Cait was right so she took her courage"This morning I got a message from my Papa My Mama is in the hospital She has cancer" Cait breathed sharply Even if the disease today was hardly worse than the flu they still were dangerous "I’m sorry to hear what hospital she’s in" Stephanie shuffled Cait’s honest care she stirred up "she’s in New Berlin at the Alexander Hospital but that’s too far from our current course." Cait stood on her joints were a little stiff when she went to her desk "that wasn’t the question. The question was you want to see your Mama a little detour will not harm we have no guests at the moment"

Caitlyn pushed a button on her desk "Bridge Capitan here plan the fastest course to New Berlin and inform the HQ about if they ask why say it’s about family affairs" the cup in Stephanie’s hand began to tremble "But Capitan that doesn’t go New Berlin is at least 6 system away" Cait took her cup off " You know, I never had the chance to say goodbye to my mother, and even if cancer isn’t as dangerous as it is in the 20th century, we’re going to take no risk" tears began to drop on Stephanies Cheeks "thank you Cait I dont know ho but I make it up to you" Cait took her in her arms while Stephanie was crying and the ship changed course towards New Berlin

New Berlin

The shuttle got a little rattled when it passed from the beacon of the docking ring into the free flight but Caitlyn brought them safely through the turbulence the computers led them to the alexander hospital that was like a bastion against the cold weather when they landed at the shuttle pad, they headed off to Stephanie’s mother, a Nurse showed them the way Because they were easily lost in the giant construction when they stood in front of the room Cait briefly squeezed Stephanie’s shoulder to show her she was there for her

after a knock and a bossy "in" they entered the room in one bed at the window was an older version of Stephanie a tube from an infusion led to her arm when she saw her daughter, she frowned at her forehead "What are you doing here how do you know I’m here" she ruled her, Stephanie stiffened," Papa sent me a message Capitan Cross was nice enough to change the course so I could see you" She looked grimly at Caitlyn "So you’ve been bothering your Capitan with problems that aren’t even important, and just because you’re half-good-looking, he’s changed course, and what kind of a weird person is that behind you, should I call Security?"

Caitlyn saw how Stephanie was getting smaller and smaller under her mother’s words what was that for a cold-hearted woman her daughter came all the way here because she cared for her and she treated her so Stephanie was her friend and was part of the crew of the Red Velvet, she was her family, and nobody talked to her family like that. She knew the reactions of the rich above her look the red dreadlocks the Dark Leathers that gave her some wily pirate-like what was for her passengers the show was now using her to her advantage she smiled at a fake smile

"Sorry I haven’t even introduced myself, I’m Capitan Caitlyn Cross Capitan of the Red Velvet Club, and since your daughter is a wonderful first officer, it’s obvious that I helped her when she was worried about you." Stephanie’s mother’s eyes grew bigger with every word, and Steph looked at Cait all amazed because she helped her, "and yes, having a pretty body helped" Stephanie broke into a shell of laughter when she was trapped again she saw her mother firmly in the eyes

"You know, when I heard From Papa that you were in the hospital I was scared, but I was also hoping that you’d change and not be such a bitch anymore and we’ll be able to start over but you haven’t changed at all, so I’m not gonna chase you around anymore. Goodbye Mama" she turned around and walked out of the room "You’ve lost something incredibly important today, and I hope for Steph’s sake that you’ll find out eventually, and it’s not too late, but until then, you leave her alone for me, Stephanie is family, and I’m protecting my family"

with these words I followed Stephanie out of the room I found her at the shuttle leaning against it and saw the snow falling to "All right," she asked me, "Actually I should ask you, everything is fine with me and your mother is still alive even though I don’t understand why she’s treating you like this" Stephanie smiled but it didn’t quite reach out her eyes "she was always so as long that I could remember I think that was one of the reasons why my Papa divorced never knew if she was different" I looked with her for a while at the snow fell, she pushed me "Let’s get out of this icebox" she said we were pushed off the shuttle "You’re right, let’s go home Red Velvet is waiting for us" She smiled all over her face "Yes you’re right she’s waiting for us"

RE: Velvet Dreams The Caitlyn Cross Diary - Lord Helmchen - 03-02-2020

Caitlyn just entered the dining room of the crew it was one of the rare occasions when chef Bertram Abernathy gave the crew his latest creations to test the normal food of the crew was also always excellent but the luxurious variations that guests eat were something different, they were transporting a shipment of Blue Jillies. Her first captain from their early days at Orbital spa and cruise had written to her his ship Had a misadventure with its engines and she was next ship in range, And although Cait prefers people instead of flowers transported she owed Captain Roggers a lot.

He had her pegged straight away As she had come aboard his ship He immediately saw that she was still a minor But he let her stay And never said a word, And never asked her to do anything other than her job He treated her like his daughter, and since they were mostly alone on the road they getting to know each other pretty well, so it was an honor for her to help out even if she annoyed a few Gaians for carrying innocent flowers

but it didn’t matter to her. She was still happy about Stephanie’s reaction when she learned what she had transported she learned that Blue Jillies was Stephanie's favorite flowers She now even wore one in her dark blonde hair Caitlyn did have to be careful not to Smile bright every time she sees her the tour also helped soothe Stephanie’s guilt after she came back from visiting Stephanie’s mother, she wanted to apologize to Cait, but Cait had suffocated that in the bud, She was still mad at Steph’s mother, that cold-hearted goat.

Caitlyn took a perfectly fried steak from Cambridge that Bertram made with a new sauce Cait had no idea what he had put in there but it just smelled heavenly she wanted to sit down as blue flakes fell from the ceiling and a flowery scent filled the room Cait could hear Bertram in the kitchen swearing and sighed as her stomach growled the steak looked so good Cait need to laugh as the curses from the kitchen grew louder and more drastic and even two seconds later Stood Bertram before her. The 1.65-meter-tall, native Dublin chef, sparkled, first her and then the flakes that still fell from the ceiling. Caitlyn had to suppress a laugh, she knew how fastidious Bertram was with his work, and that he became wilder as a predatory cat. if something went wrong "damn girl how am I supposed to make the best meal in Sirius when that stuff comes off the ceiling"

"I don’t know, Bertram, but I’m gonna find out this steak looked just too good" Caitlyn got up and headed toward the engine room she didn’t know what it was, but somehow it had to come into the environmental systems, and that actually went only in the engine room when Caitlyn entered the room she heard the calming hum of the machines too She was far away from her mother’s junker ship, but this noise still had a calming effect on her." Carlos what the hell is this stuff that’s falling of my ceiling" the head of the engine room looked at her a little embarrassed, "Carlos whatever this is, it cost me a really delicious-looking steak, so what the hell is that"

the man stepped from one foot to the other normally he was a really competent engineer but he just looked like he wants to sink in the ground "Well, Captain We’ve got boxes of these flowers all over the place, and well, Miky took one of them because she was in the way, and there he tripped, and because Jaklyn was working on the environmental system, they got in there when he tripped" Caitlyn tried to stay serious, but when she imagined the scene that appeared to have come from an old silent movie she broke into blatant laughter from all she had caught herself again after a few minutes she saw Carlos seriously

"Okay, how are they doing, are they all right" Carlos still seemed a little embarrassed "yeah, nothing happened to them they just scared a little" Cait nodded "Ok then Miky can join the cleaning squad and help clean up this mess, oh and he should stay away from Bertram in the near future or he himself ends up in a soup" Carlos grinning "is he so mad" Cait smiled "He was still cursing when I came here" Carlos laughed "I’m gonna watch the young boy"

Caitlyn made her way to the bridge and shook her head as an idea in her head shaped what if a blossom rain at a ball naturally confined to the ballroom so there wouldn’t be such a mess when she entered the bridge, she saw Stephanie grinning at herself "I’ve heard about the accident, Captain, you should shower, you go smell like a field of Jillies but this blue in your hair, it kind of suits you." Cait went to her cabin, which she hoped was spared and laughed all the way

RE: Velvet Dreams The Caitlyn Cross Diary - Lord Helmchen - 03-04-2020

Caitlyn stood on the bridge and let the view slide over her crew, jumping into the Kepler System went without a hitch. Just one more trade route to Ames Research Station and the meeting with Dr. Markov Cait needs to smile as she thinks of him. The small round man with His Great Glasses and the proud baldness exhibited, after her trip to the Neutron Star in Omega 41 he offered as a miner to the scientific community, an offer that Cait was happy to accept working with scientists could sometimes be really tiring how Madlyn O Rouke the captain of the Hawking that all those years she had endured were a mystery to her

fortunately, Dr. Markov was also a scientist but he had a friendly and open being and was immediately sympathetic to Cait. As she approached the station, a red contact appeared on the scanner, the ship was called Winterblosom and approached Ames from the other side. Although Ames was a scientific station, it was under zoner control and therefore the rule of freeports, and according to it a nonfire zone around the station. The ship had no Faction identification in the transponder, so it was probably an independent pirate ship. Cait knew some of these ships, the captains and crews either had no desire to follow the rules of a faction, or no faction wanted them. they were largely dependent on the freeports because almost everyone was welcome there so they respected the rules of the zones.

Still, Cait was careful, the lunatic was always around, and although she had only loaded Supplies for Ames, she’d rather not take any chances." Mr. Fuentes keep an eye on our newcomer just in case the try a foolish attempt" Fuentes showed a raised thumb "have her already on the screen captain, looks like they’re headed for the dock"Caitlyn knew that Fuentes would load the weapons for the sake of safety and that Ames and their weapons were looking after them. After the docking without problem, a Wide Smiling Dr. Markov expected her at the airlock "Good to see you again Captain, I must say since I heard about your plan with the Hispania I packed by the adventure I can’t wait to see her and I’m not even an archaeologist"

Markov was excited like a kid on Christmas. When Cait remembered he was a physicist, but the adventure fever had caught him, you couldn’t miss it. He wore a Long Brown Dust Coat and a Western Hat that he must have plucked from some movie, Cait had to get a giggle of Markov was always a little eccentric and cared little for the opinion of others." OK, doctor, we want" Cait reaches him the arm and lets himself be led to the station they gave a funny few from Cait with the black leather clothes and the Red Dreadlocks and Markov in his adventure outfit more than once they got irritated glances but Cait didn't Care and Makov had to much Fun to Notice They had an interesting and illuminating conversation. Markov informed them about The scientists who would accompany them, and also the requests for the equipment they wanted to bring on board. in the end, Cait knew everything she needed to inform her contacts so that there would be no difficulties with the scientists

A Night at Ames

It was late, and Cait didn’t have a new job yet, so she decided to give the crew the night off and throw herself into the night life on Ames. although the station served scientific purposes, it was nevertheless a freeport and provided plenty of entertainment for travelers. Cait let her captain’s dress in the cabin and drew something less conspicuous. construction jeans and a tight black top to it the pistol without she never went anywhere when she left the cabin she met Stephanie "You’re going out of captain" Stephanie let her look at Cait’s body glide." Yeah, I’m going to jump into nightlife, it’s been a long time. and you want to read a little how I look at the books on your arm" Stephanie Smiled "yes but unfortunately my tea is empty that would have made the evening perfect" Cait smiled "Wait a minute"

she said and went back to the cabin she always had an extra supply of tea, fortunately, she and Stephanie liked the same tea when she barged out again she put the package in Stephanie’s hand "evening saved I would say always be glad to serve" Cait and Stephanie broke up laughing. 10 minutes later, Cait reached the amusement district and looked for a bar finally she ended up at the jolly roger a bar with the mixed audience quite as she liked it she had enough to do with luxury in her work there was some variety always good and it showed her where she came from she ordered a rum at the bar and looked at the other guests There were mostly dock workers but also some shady Folks and even some daring tourists invite quite according to their taste

when Her drink was put on the bar grabbed another hand to Caits drink Caitlyn turned to whose owner it was ready to defend her Drink their A Jung Kusari perhaps as old as Cait and stunningly Beautifully emptied the drink at once. " Normally, you introduce yourself before having a drink but your kind has something for you" Cait couldn’t stop a smile "Normally, I don’t have to drink a drink to talk to a beautiful woman" Cait laughed that woman to her liking "well then I suppose I should do the introductions I’m Caitlyn and really interested in what you normally do to appeal to women" The stranger smiled "I’m Yuki, and normally I raid ships to meet beautiful women, but that’s only superficial, so we’re lucky to have arrived at the same time."

Caitlyn liked the self-confidence of Yuki not many women had their profession and the knowledge that she had apparently admitted so openly about Cait, of course, a freeport was neutral area but a death in a bar brawl did not bother anyone "hmm really interesting and how did you get the info about me I mean you already got it but I still want to know how you got it" Cait let her hand relax on the gun "You don’t have to threaten me I told you one way or another I just wanted to see how you react, so you know OS&C is really hard to crack, but in your applications, you really should upgrade a little, the encryption is from before the war." Cait burst in blatant laughter and relaxed this woman was really unique Caitlyn ordered some new drinks and learned that Yuki was originally from Honshu And a really pleasant interlocutor they were talking about living in space and many other things it became a long and enjoyable evening

The next morning

Cait awoke after a wonderful night and thought that Yuki would lie next to her but her side of the bed was empty. Instead, there was a message on the nightstand

Dear Cait, as much as I would have liked to wake up in your arms, I’m afraid that’s not possible. I have my life on Winterblosom and you have yours on Red Velvet. And as much as I want to see you again, and after last night, I really want to. It would not be a good idea, of course, there are the freeports, but we would always need to be careful and never be more than a secret. And even if that sounds sentimental, after only one night, it wouldn’t be enough for either of us, so I’ll keep the memory of you in my heart, and the photo of you on my desk. And on the cold nights in space, thinking about you, and so you have something of mine I left you a little gift

Your Yuki

Cait looked at the nightstand again, and there was a panty she took it and put the letter in her safe Yuki was right it wasn’t enough but the memory stayed with her and she had something to remember

RE: Velvet Dreams The Caitlyn Cross Diary - Lord Helmchen - 03-08-2020

Cait sits at her desk in the ready room of the bridge, it was more of a closet, but it was right next to the bridge, and the paperwork doesn’t take care of itself. the Red Velvet was on its way to the rendezvous with the Maltese at the Freeport 10 Stephanie had the bridge and Cait would take over in Tau 23 they had a Taurus fighter as an escort, and if they believed Mr. Diaz they expected further escorts at the Freeport.

However, she had gotten to know the Maltese quite well during their talks, and he did not seem like someone who always broke his word it was a lucrative business for both of them. Cait Sensed how the Velvet left the trade Lane it was almost as if the ship was talking to her about the sounds of the machines. Almost like the old fairy tales her mother used to tell her. Since her conversation with Stephanie, more and more good memories came back about her mother, which made Cait very happy she finally had peace with her past. And if what her mother had believed was true then they would see each other in a better place if Cait no longer walked between the stars

The music that quietly came out of the speaker was interrupted when the bridge called her "Captain the last trade lane is behind us and we set course for the jump hole," Stephanie reported, Cait stores their work and goes through the door to the bridge an office on the bridge is not in every ship normal Cait had the idea of an old series of Earth "star something" she had forgotten the name but the idea with the office on the bridge remained. even if her version wasn’t nearly as luxurious as in the series "I’m taking command" she said, and Stephanie cleared the captain’s seat

"how’s the sky Stephanie any irregularities" Stephanie shook the head the blue Jillie that she still wore in her hair gave off a wonderful fragrance "nothing Captain all quiet, the scanners of our escorts have also nothing, and in 10 k we are at the jump hole. When they reached the freeport they were surprised they thought there were only some fighters waiting there but there is a whole flotilla including a cruiser waiting for them "Captain shall I load the weapons" asked Fuentes "No, we wouldn’t stand a chance anyway, do Nothing that could be considered as an aggression. And say that also to our escort " as she approached, she was greeted by an old acquaintance Mr. Ortega appeared to be in command of the flotilla

and the cruiser had the promised artists and other Maltese who would provide for the show program "Stephanie will you please resent docking with the cruiser I go and greet our new guests." Stephanie nodded and began to give the orders to the dock while Cait made his way to the airlock, maneuvering was gentle what indicated that both Steph and the cruiser crew knew what they were doing "Welcome to the Red Velvet I am Caitlyn Cross captain of this ship and am pleased that you will show us the culture of Malta the friendly people behind me will take you to your cabins so you can get some rest before the show starts we have reserved some of our best rooms and should you need anything just ask them I think Mr. Diaz had told you the rules on board so we could save ourselves a repeat, otherwise everything goes on the house but please leave something for the return flight"

The Maltese Laughs and were then brought by the stewards to their cabins Caitlyn wanted to return to the bridge when she was approached by Walter one of the experienced stewards "Excuse me, captain, but this young woman insists that she is assigned to you and therefore can only go with you" He was followed by a woman of barely 20 from what she looks, but that was hard to say, because the Cardamine that she needed constantly also extended her life, The woman was about 1.65 meters tall so about a head smaller than Cait she had Long Brown hair and a tan skin her eyes considered Cait with interest but what kind off was difficult to tell

"All right, Walter I’ll take care of this," and all the steward he was, he quietly retired "Well, you’ve been assigned to me that’s weird I didn’t ask for anyone, and then I don’t even know your name, and I honestly don’t know what to do with you" Cait looked at the body of the woman she was beautiful and well-formed, she could remember that Diaz said something about escorts for the passengers, she was one of them? And if so what kind of escort "my name is Leah and Rodrigo Diaz sent me, He had your interest in Malta and our culture Noticed so he asked me to bring you a little closer" Hmm, that was an attractive offer but she had to lead the ship and probably had little time to devote herself to the cultural side of this Tour as she would like

"captain to the bridge we have company, and I don’t know if that’s so good" she sighed "Well, that starts well Come with men first but stay in the background someone strange on the bridge will be irritating enough" Leah Smiled "Don’t worry your crew won’t even notice me" when they reached the bridge, Cait saw the problem a Zoner carrier had paid a visit to the freeport and was naturally irritated by what he saw A matter that was quickly cleared up, so she was back with her guest." Steph Leah in my room Please Fuentes they have the bridge, but don’t start a war" Stephanie saw her irritated and then noticed Leah "ay Captain Fuentes you heard the boss, don’t screw it up"She knew the Fuentes would do a good job he was big, but had brains between his ears. he just wanted to protect everyone So he was a little overzealous But he was just the guy you need when it matters

Cait took a seat behind the desk, and the two of them sit on the chairs in front of it, "Okay, since when do we bring outsiders to the bridge captain what’s going on here" Cait wished for a rum, on the one hand, Leah had been sent by Mr. Diaz, so a kind of ambassador, and it would be rude to refuse, on the other hand, she had to run the ship and therefore had little time, even if she had a deal with the Maltese, Still, the area was dangerous, so she was needed on the bridge." Well, Miss Leah here was sent to me by Mr. Diaz to satisfy my curiosity about Malta but in this area, I can not leave the bridge so we have a problem" Just as Stephanie had recovered from her laugh seizure it sounded out of the comm "Captain First Officer on the bridge please we have new problems" she had noticed that they had passed two Jump holes while she was speaking and marched on the bridge

"To hell what is now" Fuentes rose from her chair "a Korsar fleet several battleships, fighter and a carrier Mr. Ortega and the flotilla are on intercept course," she thought super and the day had started so well "Channel to the Corsicans Open Let’s see if we can handle this diplomatic" All efforts failed and the Red Velvet had to retreat to the Freeport 10 because the Corsairs, even threatened to destroy the Red Velvet had "what a mess so Miss Leah as cultural advisor what would they recommend." Leah smiled and Stephanie looked at the young woman she seemed to like Cait she was Beautiful and Smart and therefore exactly Caits type. Stephanie felt a stab in the chest, if only she had the courage to tell Cait that she was a lesbian and interested in her. but she was still her captain and even if the company didn’t have rules against it and Cait made her own rules, she Feared to tell her what she felt

"Actually, it was the plan after the Gala Dinner to show you the artists and their works captain and to introduce you with the culture of Malta. I don’t see why we should change that we’re safe here. And your guests might need a distraction after the shock with the Corsicans," it didn’t like it, but she was right. She just wanted to say something when Stephanie interfered " Besides, now you have time to look at the art. Cait I am watching the ship and the Zoner carrier above us should avoid all problems" Caitlyn wondered that Stephanie spoke to her with her nickname in service she was usually very correct but she was right now she had time."Well, let’s do it like this."

Caitlyn had a wonderful time Leah was a good cornucopia and seemed to know the artists and Every Maltese personally. In the end, Cait was almost as if everything in her head was filled with knowledge as a library after a shipment of books chaotic but once everything was sorted it would be perfect. When the evening ended and no one was counting on him, Mr. Ortega came back and escorted us to Hispania as promised. Leah wasn’t allowed to come to the bridge this time. which was good Because Cait could hardly hide her grief at the sight of the Destroyed Hispania she herself had saved the Red Velvet from scrapping. A proud ship like Hispania so damaged was hard to see After the scientists bombarded Mr. Ortega with questions, we brought the Maltese back to the freeport where we parted. I had a wonderful time with Leah, and even if I believed that she was interested in more, she wouldn’t have been the one. so I hope I’ve made a friend, though not the one friend

RE: Velvet Dreams The Caitlyn Cross Diary - Lord Helmchen - 03-09-2020

Simon sat in front of him in his favorite bar several bottles of Reinbeer that he had already emptied, he was about to start emptying the next one as one hand held the bottle "I think the Great Evil Wolf should also know his limit for today." He wanted to make this impertinent person Just as it struck him like a blow In front of him stood an apparition from the past


Caitlyn sat in Kimiko’s Tea Parlour in Freeport 1 and enjoyed a wonderful jasmine tea as a Great Muscular Fellow,sits besides her without asking "if you’re looking for a girl for the night soldier, you are with me in the wrong place I’m looking for the same thing." said she calmly and drank from her tea the soldier didnt move a Muscle "Caitlyn Cross I am on behalf of Her Majesty here we can entertain ourselves somewhere undisturbed" She raised an eyebrow and patterned the soldiers "on behalf of Her Majesty they speak with interest"the soldier looked around the room around "I think here is not the right place for this matter requires utmost secrecy" Caitlyn Laughs "we are right here at the right place, Kimiko is the secrecy in person. And I’m not going anywhere with someone I don’t know, and who can’t identify himself" The soldier put an id on the table "All right, according to your rules we need your ship you are regularly in the Omega Systems and also known for risky tours to fly, and also because of this little exotic component still in your engine room"she was surprised no one knew about the camouflage generator that alredy had been installed when she bought the velvet but he didn’t work and she couldn’t get it to work


Caitlyn stood like a red-haired revenge angel and held the bottle tightly on the counter "Caitlyn that can not be his You never come to a planet" She smiled softly "Well, when I hear an old man drinking himself to death on a planet because he knows nothing more about his life, I’ll come visit."


Caitlyn was standing on the bridge just had the jump hole to Omega 58 Passing the soldier who simply imagined himself as Evil Wolf and his team had come aboard three days ago They had brought some technicians to work on the old camouflage generator their goal was a base Here in the system if Everything went According to plan She wouldn’t need the generator
The soldiers were in a shuttle an hour ago. Cait and the Velvet waited at an agreed location for their return, the radiation was intense but the Velvet could take it. what Cait Made Nervous was the fact that in the system no normal navigation was possible not to mention a map. the weapons were on standby and the whole crew was tense there were stories of this sytem of ships that never came back


"Oh yes what a life the BAF have sent me into retirement because I am Crippled and although I am ready for full deployment again, even though we have lost enough people in the war. And every soldier need we can get. Idiots I tell you" Cait Sat down with him "and this is something new war is always led by idiots what we make of the decisions of idiots is important"


"Red Velvet Here the Evil Wolf here Fire up the engines, we are not alone" Cait is already shouting the first commands through the bridge "Fuentes Weapons ready, Fire who ready. Jakson heading for the jump hole As soon as the soldiers are on board" Cait looked at the screen at least 10 hunters and a cruiser chased the soldiers "Engine room bridge here what makes the generator look like we need him"the soldiers meanwhile had real problems bridge engine room here the eggs heads say Maybe we only have 10 minutes Cait escapes "that’s gonna have to be rich as soon as they’re on board We give full thrust and throw the generator" a transmission from the shuttle took her "Velvet we can’t get them off run without us " the devil she’d do "Engine Room Bridge here we can we dock the shuttle when we’re cloaked," and finally, the engine room "I don’t know Captain the Egg Heads say they need to modify it and don’t know what it might be that it’s going to do it could fail in the middle of it." Cait did not have long to consider the life of these wretches and women was at stake " do it and we inform the shuttle" cait opend a connection and informed wolf about the plan came immediately "You’re stupid Get out of here that’s an order" Cait laughed "Then it’s good that I’m not in the military makes you ready We’ll help you."


"What to make of the decisions of the idiots hmm you got an idea" Cait Smiles "to be honest, we’ve had some problems with pirates and the enclave lately, and we might need someone for the Security Department old war dogs are always welcome"


the manoeuvre was hell and the generator gave up the ghost only two minutes later but that had suffocated wolf and his war dogs were safely on board "captain who you ever wanted to change the industry Her Majesty’s special forces nehem them anytime" Cait laughed "No thank you that was enough excitement for the next time Wolf we bring you now to the Free Harbor" Wolf Smiled and gave her a hand "my name is Simon People who should save my ass should know him" Cait took his hand "Dan come to Simon and bring the war dogs I have a bottle with our name on it," the howling of the war dogs sounded in the ship and the bottle should not have the only stay Cait had no idea what it was about, but she also did not want to know.


Caitlyn put a card with comm codes on the table "if you want to do something good here" she typed on the card "if it’s not i have at least tryed" she stood up and and left the bar. Simon looked at her and then on the card "Shit Now she saves me for the second time," he paid the bill and went to sleep his high, tomorrow he had to find a ship and write an application

RE: Velvet Dreams The Caitlyn Cross Diary - Lord Helmchen - 03-15-2020

Caitlyn walks trough the Halls of the ship the Red Velvet Club is moored at Baltimore Shipyard for a General Overhaul. so Cait has nothing to do the Decoration Department works on the Interior and the Cabins, what Cait have seen so far was Nice, the Main Entrance Hall looks already amazing. with the Red and Black, Curtains gave the Room a nice touch Classy but also a bit nefarious just like Cait. but as much as she likes the new decoration so Bored is she. in the Last two weeks she Saw the Latest Seasons of her Favorit shows, and Read all the Books that lay untouched in her room Now she is Bored the Engineers of Baltimore and her Own Crew have Everything under control so she has nothing to do. she walks past the Ballroom as she Noticed some Music, she was curious and walked Closer trough the Door she saw Stephanie dancing to some Classic Music. her body bends to the Music as Cait fascinated watching her.

the Play of her Muscles and the Movement of her Body Cait rarely saw anything so beautiful. she shakes her head to Get the Thoughts out of her Mind this was Stephanie her Friend as the song ended She applauded her Stephanie shrug "Cait how long are you standing there" Cait smiled "Long enough to see you Dance your really good at this" Stephanie Blushed and looked a little embarrassed "I am not that Good" Cait smirked "Oh you are good this was a Lovely show" Stephanie gave her a pat on the shoulder "Stop mocking me I am not that good, to be honest, this was the first time that I Danced like this since I was a Child" Cait was surprised she was really good "Well then I would say you didn't forget a thing"

Steph smiled "I was surprised myself I was last Dancing as I was 14, but it was fun and we don't have anything other to do" Cait leaned at the Wall "I know what you mean I am bored to so what do we do on the Ship there is really nothing to do at the moment" Stephanie strokes her hair from her face "hmm well we could fly to Manhattan make a bit sightseen, maybe a Club or a Bar" Caitlyn smiled Diabolic "are you asking for a Date Steph" Stephanies head Becomes Red as a Tomato " I....i ahm Yes i ask you for a Date" Cait was suprised she Liked Steph and she is Butifull Woman but she never thought that she was a Lesbian "you realy i didnt know that you have interest in me" Steph steped from one foot to the other "well i have biut i didnt had the Curage but after i see you with the Maltese Girl i well i was Scared that i lost my chance and You are my Capitan and i am your First Officer and this is so Unprofesional and and" Steph wiped her hair "shhh you didnt com to late and we arent Unprofessional not on my Ship, and even if this Date lead to somthing more we are Both Pros and will get this" she puts her Finger on Stephs Lips "well then a Date on Manhattan I will be waiting in the Shuttle hangar just tell me when"

Cait stands nervous before her Closet and thinks about her Clothes for the Date, Stephanie contacted her ann hour ago they will go out tonight and Cait has no idea where it's going her normal Cloths are to Different from what normal Manhattans whore and she wanted to Look good for Stephanie, her confession surprised here and she could slap herself that she never noticed how Stephanie feels about her and that she ignored her own Feelings all the time as she First saw Steph it was as she never had learned how to Breath she forbid herself this because Steph came directly from HQ and she doesn't want to give a bad Impression right after Joining the Company again

OS&C was like a Family after her Mother kicked her off her Ship and after her Years as an Independent Capitan she was Happy to be part of this Family again so she doesn't want to risk it. what a Mistake she shakes her head, and looked at her Cloths again Maybe that long dark red Dress she Brought on New Tokyo, yes that's it. as she was ready to leave she looked at her gun she always wheres it but not today she grabs it and puts it in her Save, as she Aproched the Shuttle Bay Stephanie was waiting for her she Whore a Beautiful white blouse and a Black Jeans she Smiled as she sees Cait "I never thought I would see you in a Dress" Cait smiled as well "You never gave me a Reason to where one but now I have one" she Tuched Steph's cheek and a Warm feeling Crawls trough her fingers as Steph Blushed "maybe I should give you more Reasons to where one You are Looking Beautiful" Cait Blushed "thank you Should we go"

Stephanie brought them safely to Manhattan Caitlyn still had no idea what Steph had planned she was naturally curious she had most of her Life spend in Space she was almost never on a Planet the Buzy sounds of the City and the Solid Ground under her Feet were unfamiliar "everything alright Cait" Steph stepped beside her and touched her arm "yes it is just the Planet to be here is a bit uncommon for me But if you give me a minute I've got used to it"
She smiled at her "Ok if you want to abort it I would understand" Cait grabbed her hand "NO nothing could let me abort our Date I just need to get used to it as a Space Born I have my Problems with Grounds in the First minutes I should told you I am sorry that I worried you" Steph looked at her again and see Cait was right she was not so pale anymore and got a normal facial color again "last time you Hide it good hmm" asks Steph "well every Planet is Different I don't know why New Berlin wasn't so Bad and Curacao and Baden Baden where the best so Far it usually lasts a minute or so and then all is Good again Com on let's go" Steph saw at Cait "ok Follow me"

the two took a Glider Taxi to the Seaside Steph lead her to a little Restaurant she Expected something Luxuryus but the Restaurant was a little and cozy The food was down-to-earth and delicious, she just felt right at home and she learned a loot of new things about Stephanie after the dinner the two walked at the Beach an looked at the Sunset "do you know I never saw a sunset on a Planet like this before" Stephanie looked at her Suprised "you never saw a Sunset" Cait Smiled "I saw sunsets befor but never with someone i liked like you" Stephanie fell for her a bit more "jou are a Charmer arent you" Cait smiled back at her "Only with the Right Woman" the tow slowly walked back to the Shutle and flew back to the Red Velvet Stephanie brought her back to her Cabin "it was a Wonderfull evening Cait thank you" Cait tuched her Cheek and Kissed her "no i have to thank you this was the Best Date i ever had and ahm" Cait looked nervous "cann we have annother one" Stephanie Smiled Bright "I would Love to have annother Date with you" this time She Kissed Cait "But next time You plann our Date" and with this she Left Cait so she Can think how she Make the Best Date for Steph

RE: Velvet Dreams The Caitlyn Cross Diary - Lord Helmchen - 03-25-2020

Cait sits at her Desk the Red Velvet is at the Moment Moored at Curacao, her Desk is Loaded with Papers and Tablets full of her New work as Subdirector. Triton may be the Smallest of the new Divisions but she is nevertheless important, Making Contact to the Various Organisations out there that by most People are Considered Pirates or Criminals. but as Cait knows the most of them are Interested in Profit, as much as they are interested in their Ideals. well most of them this Chrysanthemum lady that Awnserd her the Last comm, was Sadly not like this. Cait still doesn't know if she was Drunk or Just hadn't enough Sleep, but what she Knows was that she was very rude. Cait sighed "such a Bitch the others I meet so far we're nice but I have got the Psyco Bitch" she shakes her head and starts working again, other Comms was more Interesting her Maltese Contacts were interested in Further business but with some Demands of course.

she had some Ideas already but these ideas take Time and Resources she doesn't have at the moment, but to have the Plans when she needs them will be better than to not have them when the Time Comes. of course there are also the Legal Documents she has to Sign Contracts that allow her to Work in her Positon and give her the Administrative Powers that she now Have and that Legalices her Work also Papers that Secure OS&C in total papers that allow the Chairman to cut the Ties to her Company if she Causes Problems for OS&C entirely, of course, this is nothing that she wanted to do but the Chairman have to be prepared for all Matters. Caitlyn rolled her Neck as she neared a Knocking at her Door "Comm in as long as you don't bring more work"

Stephanie entered the Room, Cait wondered if she is still mad about her for that little Flirt with That Crysantemum in Shikoku. Steph was Pretty Jealous about this and showed her the Cold shoulder for a while, "Steph I know I shouldn't have Flirted with her but please no More work" Stephanie smiled "do you really think that I considered her a Competition" after her first date Steph was open with her Feelings and her Thoughts "and why you’ve been avoiding me in the Last days" Stephanie leans at her desk and bows down to Cait as if she wants to kiss her "Just because I don't see her as Competition that doesn't mean I give her any Chances or sit beside you Flirting with her" she Kisses Cait deep and Long "and now Enough work for the Day come you need to Relax a bit

Stephanie brought her to the Observation deck the Giant Windows gave her a Beautiful view on the Oceans of Curacao and anon a Table where a Meal for the Two "oh but I thought I should make our next Date" Steph Smiled and Kissed her again "yes but now you are Director and well I didn't want to wait any longer and you need a Break" Cait was Speechless for a moment "I I ahm Thank you Steph I don't know how" Stepanie lays a finger on Caits Lips "you don't have to say something I wanted to make you happy" Cait Kissed the Finger "and that have you done it is wonderfull thank you" the two sit down and enjoyed the Meal "Ok I think now that the Whole ship knows about us we should no longer Hide it" mentioned Cait "what do you mean the whole Ship I informed only a few of my Plan" Caitlyn smiled adn nips on her Wine "The Velvet is Big but her Crew is a Family and an in a Family a Secret dosent Keep long a Secret but this is nothing wrong they may Talk a bit and make fun off us when they are not working but like a Family they will be Happy for us" Stepahnie looked at her sceptic "not in my Family the only one ever acepted me was my Papa"

Steph was suprised she never Spoke about her Fammily " tell me about your Fammily Steph, i meeted your Mother and to be honest i can not understand how you Could Become such a wonderfull Person" Stephanie Blushed "well my Mama always Worked she was rarly at home and when she was she was Very cold her work was always the most important for her, my Papa on the other side was always very kind and Warm he is Software Developer and worked a loot form home so he had always time for me and he had always understand me" Caits hatred towards that Woman growed with every thing Steph sayed about her and she Liked her Father even more "I would like to meet your Father or how did you say it Paapa"

Steph smiled "i think he would like you and it is spelled Papa" Caitlyn Loughed "maybe you should teach me how to Speak the Rheinland Language" Stephanie grinned "ok first lesson Du bist der ausergewöhnlichste mensch den ich jeh Getroffen habe what did i said" Cait had no idea "Ahhm i think i need to go a bit to School before i can Awnser" Stepahnie grined form one ear to the other "I said You are the most extraordinary person I've ever met" Caitlyns Face turned Red like her vavorite Velvet "i am not so Special as you might think" Cait stands in front of the Window, Stephanie Hugs Cait from behind "and just becous of this you are so special" Caitlyn and Stephanie looked at the Buty of the Planet under them as they Huged each other and enjoyed a Perferct Evening

RE: Velvet Dreams The Caitlyn Cross Diary - Lord Helmchen - 04-06-2020

Cait ran to Stephanie’s Cabin the bad news from Rhineland came only a few minutes ago and she wanted to told Steph what was happening in her Home Nation. Stephanie Cabin was lying on the same corridor as her knocking and waited until Steph opened her door she wore a negligee that showed more than it cloaked on another day it would have been Cait many times tempted But today was not the day. Steph's Face lighted up as she Saw Cait in the First Moment Until she saw Caits Face "what Happened you Look like someone Died" Cait entered the Cabin a sit on the Couch she knocked on the square next to her and Stephanie sat down

"it looks like it’s some kind of civil war in Rhineland Broke out, the reports are not quite clear yet, but after all I’ve heard, the government of New Berlin has fled" The Blank Horror appeared on Stephanie’s face "b bb but my family is in New Berlin" Cait took her hand "I know therefore we are on our way there we will evacuate them to Curacao I’ve been thinking about buying one of the old resorts that left in the war was there they safe" Stephanie saw her surprised at "You’d do it for me" Cait kissed her tears away "Not only do I do that for you, you know, know a place to come back, that wouldn’t fly away is nice, and Curacao doesn’t give me that many headaches when I land, so it’s the perfect choice" Stephanie Kissed her "you’re unbelievably wise."

New Berlin

Cait takes the Landing Party to Secret Room all that are with her have her Full thrust as she Enters the Storage room next to her Cabin "this Room doesn't Exist is this Clear" everyone Nodded as Cait enters a Code and the Room Revealed a Secret Armory "take what you Need but be advised this is an Evacuation, not a Combat Mission" she tocks an Assault Blaster for her Self and gave Steph an SMG Blaster "you know how to use it Right" Stephanie checked the Weapon Like a Soldier "why do I even Ask" Half an Hour Later the Shuttle Entered the New Berlin Atmosphere Cait Looks at her Team "ok guys we are gonna Evacuate several Peapole today Stephanies Family and the Family of Kreuzer will be Taken by my Team the Families of Walter and Jürgen will be Evacuated by Shuttle Two this is a Complicated matter you have Weapons but you will use them only if you are Attacked you will not start any Diplomatic Nightmares here are we Clear"

the Team responded with a Loud "Clear Capitan" the Shuttles Split and Caits Team tock the Family of Kreuzer First as they where the Nearest after that she Flew to the Felischhauer Mansion as they Aproched she Noticed a Glider of the Rheinland Police at the Scene as she Landed a Police Officer approached Her "Stop right ther What are you doing here" the Officer took aim at her and her Team Responded Immediately "I am Capitan Caitlyn Cross of the OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club and here to Evacuate the Families of my Crew members and you should take that Gun down before an Accident Happens" the Officer looks on her Suspicious "and can you Prove this" Cait sighted as Stephanie Stepped forward "I am Stephanie Fleischhauer this Is my Family's Home and I Demand to Know what you are doing here" the Officer raised an Eyebrow and looked at the Pad on her arm and then Lowerd the Gun " I am Officer Sander from the Police I was Send to Protect the Fleischhauer Family"

Cait gave her Team a sign and they Lowered the Guns "well we are here to Evacuate them and would appreciate your Assistance" they walked to the House and where Greeted by Steps Mother in Comparison to the Last time she seems Happy as she Sees her Daughter "Stephanie what are you doing here and why do you Look like Soldier" she Hugged her Daughter and for a moment I thought that she had to be Infected by a Nomad so different was her Appearance in Comparison to Last time "Mama we are here to Evacuate you and Papa to Curacao Cait brought a Resort there and you are Safe there" she Looked at Cait "you did this after I was such a Beast last time"

Cait Smiled "I did this for Stephanie in the First Place but you are Welcome on my Property and as long as you are Good to Steph lets forget the Past" Stephs Mother looked Suprised "that I dont know what to Say" Cait Looked at the Officer "we are taking the Family with us we would have Room for you to Iff you want" and then to Stephanies Mother "you should Pack up now take only what you need we dont have much space in the Shuttle" Steph's Mother nodded and walked in the Hose to Pack up "as much as I appreciate your offer I am Needed here but thank you" she nodded and Moved into the House Stephanies Father was Present as Well and Helped to Pack the Bags after an Hour they were in the Air again "shuttle Two Reporting" Came over the Radio "Capitan Here Speak" Cait was tense "Mission Accomplished all went well Boss" Came from Fuentes over the Comm Cait was Relived as the Shuttles Docked with the Velvet

Space on the Way to Curacao

it Knocked on Caits Door "comm in" she Expected Steph but it was her Mother "I am not the One you had Expected right" Cait Loughed "Not really I was Expect your Daughter, how can I help you. can I offer you a Drink" Cait Pointed at the Chair that was normally Stephs favorite place "I take what you Offer" said she and Cait gave her a Rum "I want to Apologise for my behavior last time in the First place you gave me a Loot to Think about" Cait took a Sip of her Drink "as long as you don't Hurt Steph anymore I can Forget that" she Looked Suprised "that brings me to the second thing I came here for are you and my Daughter" Cait Smiled "You mean if we are a Couple yes we are and I Love your Daughter she is a Wonderfull Person" Cait couldn't say what Stephs Mother thought "where you a Couple as we First meet, forget it that's not important. I know that I wasn't the Best Mother so I may have not the Right to Say this but Please don't Break her Heart" she Drinks the Rum at Once and Left the Room Caitly sits a while and thought over the Conversation she had right now as it Knocked the Second time this time it was Stephanie she told her of the Conversation she Had with their Mother. They Came to the conclusion that it was only Important what they felt, and decided to spend the night together and went to bed

RE: Velvet Dreams The Caitlyn Cross Diary - Lord Helmchen - 04-07-2020

Caits Shuttles landed at the Abandoned Samson Resort before the Galic War the Place was one of the Smaller Resorts at the Planet only 80 Rooms for Guests Cait had Played with the Thought of a Permanent Home for some time but the Current Crisis in Rheinland made this an Urgent Need she was Thankful to Jonathan that the Paperwork was that Fast done and the Buyback option For OS&C was ok she included an Option that she Became an Alternative Place to live but she Doubts that this Happens in the Near Future the Samson Resort Platform was abandoned after the war and while there was Still a Maintenance Crew around after OS&C got the Planet Back you could Still see the Scars of the War the Place was Dusty and needed a bit of Renovating but she had no Plans to Reopen the Resort to the Public no this should become her Home. but at first, they had to Clean the Place and then Plan the Necessary Renovations her Former First Officer Cole Spider already offered her his Help and will move in there To the Old Man has a Troubled History himself like most of her Crew but he is the One you want on Your Side when you Surfing the Waves of Sirius another Shuttle Arrived one she Doesn't have Expected as the Smothe Form of a Dorado comes down from the Skys she Wondered who this Might be as she Stepped out to the Pad and the Dorado Landed

"Greetings I Search the Owner of this Resort a Caitlyn Cross" said the Pilot a Blonde Yung man that Looks barely old enough to Fly " I Am Caitlyn Cross and who are you I wasn't Expecting any Dorados Today" the Yung man Looks nervous as his eyes glued to the Gun at her Hipp she Giggled "don't worry Boy I won't harm you Tell me what brings you here and all is Fine" the Boy Gulped "Well the Chairman sends me he Thought that you and your Guests could need some Supplys after the Resort was abandoned for so Long" Cait Smiled "that was nice from him What did he Send" The Boy goes in the Doraro and Came back with a Data Pad "I have Food and Water also Building Matterials and i Should Give you this" He Handed her a Map of Documents and Letter "Thanks i Call the Guys and then we Unload the Stuff the Storage Bays should be Empty but say what is your Name" the Boy Blushed "i am Timothy Madame Timoty Walter" Cait Loughed " Do i Lock like a Madame to you come lets go to Work" After 2 Hours they Had unloaded the Shuttle and Timothy went Off in the Skys of Curacao again Jonathan was Very Genorous the Building Material alone was enough to Renovat the Place and the Food should be Enough for the Next Week she had originaly Planed to Supply the Peapole out of the Supplys of the Velvet but thats much better

Caitlyn Sits in a Chair at the Balcony of her new Apartment Jonathans Letter in her Hand she Smiles as she Reeds it

Greetings Cait after you Brought the Resort I made a Bit of Research at the Place and found out that the Original Owners left Long before the War so even trough it was Spared by the War itself it may need some Renovation I Send you Timothy and the Paperwork you need. Also, I Included some Contacts to the craftsman that Can help you bring that Place to Shine again

a Pair of Arms wrapped around her From behind "Hmmm who could this be that sneaks on at me from Behind" Stephanie giggled "someone that loves you and wants to stay the night with you", Cait Smiled and turned to her so She could Kiss her "only for the Night or for More" she Asked her "well what have you in mind Butyfull" the two of them Enterd the Apartment and Sleept in each others Arms