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A Ray of Hope - Promotheus - 04-21-2020

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⧫ Combat Log 21-04-827. A.S.
⧫ A Ray of Hope
⧫ 17:45 Sirius Time.
⧫ ENCRYPTION: Classified[V]

Preparations and arrival

It had been over seven months since the Overwatch had renewed communications with the Fifth fleet of Liberty.
Recent developments in the Omicrons had proven that the Nomads were on the rise once more, a threat that
the Houses of Sirius and Gallia seemed all too eager to ignore to focus on their infighting.

Fortunately the Fifth fleet proved receptive, cooperation and trust had grown steadily over time during combined maneuvers
in the Omicrons. Still, neither side could have possibly predicted their cooperation would have led to this.

Solandros, a Colonel of the Order Overwatch stood at the bridge of the Osiris class vessel Zagazig.
"We just received word from the Fifth. They're ready to start the operation. How long until we arrive at the rendezvous point?"
A young lady with dark brown hair stepped towards him, a datapad in hand.
"We'll be in the Omicron Minor system momentarily sir, we are waiting
for confirmation from the forward scouts that the path is clear."

For the plan to work, the Zagazig had to look rundown; a near wreck without advanced systems like a cloaking device.
Claiming to have found an operational capital ship like an Osiris was already an unbelievable stroke of luck after all,
if technology was onboard that the Order most certainly would have reclaimed then no doubt suspicion would be cast on their Libertonian friends.
Without a cloaking device however, the ship was particularly vulnerable for an ambush.

"Very well, take us in as soon as we get the green light from the scouts."

Several bastets flew past the Zagazig, their cloaks activating as they moved in position to travel through the jump hole.
Additional reinforcements to secure the operation zone from Nomad and Core intrusion
An hour passed, the Colonel staring at the jump hole infront of the Zagazig as if expecting Nomads to burst through at any moment
until finally the silence was broken.

"This is Delta-3, operation zone is clear. You have a go Colonel."
Solandros took a deep breath and nodded; showt time. He reached for the intercom and addressed the crew:
as dark blue lights filled each deck of the ship, a loud siren preceding his words.

"All hands to your stations, this is a black alert. The operation is a go."
Shortly after the siren went silent and the Zagazig jumped towards the Omicron Minor system.

Omicron Minor served as a grim reminder to every Order agent of the terrible fate that awaited humanity
if the Nomads were allowed to run rampant. The burning planet of Toledo the very center of a massive graveyard.
The Colonel couldn't help but stare in the direction of the smoldering remains of the former Order homeworld, taking
a moment to pay his respects as the Zagazig moved into position.

"This is Solandros. The Zagazig is in the system, all wings report in."
"Delta wing is in position."
"Bravo wing is watching from the shadows."
"Gamma wing is in position sir."
"The Dawnbreakers are in position, can't believe we got put on guard duty."

With a slight smirk on his face Solandros shook his head and instructed the Zagazig move into position.
Maneuvering the astroids and wrecks in the system always proved a bit of a challenge, though years of experience ensured they
arrived at the rendezvous point without much delay.

Solandros let out a sigh and sat down, sending a highly encrypted signal before saying:
"And now we wait."

RE: A Ray of Hope - Greylock - 04-21-2020

Juneau Shipyard, 4.21.827 A.S., 1900 SMT

"All right, everyone, this is it. Bring the main reactor online."

Captain Briggs took his seat as the engineers brought the main reactor of the newly built Atlantis-class assault carrier online. He had overseen the construction alongside Rear Admiral Evans since the beginning, so the Admiralty thought it would be best for him to command for the maiden voyage.

Chief Engineer Peterson called up to the bridge from the main engineering section as the ship hummed to life.

"Captain, the main reactor is online and power levels are nominal."

"Excellent. Seal the airlocks and route power to the mooring thrusters."

"Airlocks sealed and thrusters are at full capacity."

"Bogue to Juneau, we're ready to depart. Release mooring clamps."

"Mooring clamps released. We'll see you soon."

"All right, Helm, take us out slowly."

As the colossal figure of the Atlantis exited the drydocks of Juneau Shipyard, Briggs breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, so far, so good. Bridge to Engineering. Bring the main engine online and prepare the hyperdrive."

"Main engine online, cruise power ready on your command. The hyperdrive will be ready in a few minutes."

"Very well. Helm, set course for the super gate construction site. Cruise speed."

"Course laid in, Sir, cruise engines are charging."

"Engineering to the Bridge."

"Go ahead."

"The hyperdrive is ready to go."

"Set coordinates for Omicron Minor."

"Coordinates set."

"Engage jump sequence."

In a flash of light, the Atlantis disappeared.

Juneau Shipyard, 1920 SMT

Mayday, mayday! This is Captain Briggs of the Bogue! Our hyperdrive malfunctioned during the stress test and dropped us in Omicron Minor! We're under attack by Nomad forces! I don't know how long we can hold out here! The hull is buckling and the reactor is nearing critical! We are in sector Epsilon four in the Omicron Minor system! Requesting support from any friendly force-" static

Rear Admiral Ayato was in his office on Juneau Shipyard when the call came in.

Holy hell... Ayato reached over to the intercom and set it to station-wide broadcast. This is Rear Admiral Ayato to all available personnel. The Bogue has been attacked and we have lost contact. Report to hangar bay 5 for search party assignments.

Meanwhile, in Omicron Minor...

All hands, this is the Captain speaking. Eject the debris and proceed to escape pods. They have all been programmed with the necessary coordinates, so sit back and enjoy the ride. The boys from Juneau will meet you there, and I'll be along shortly.

Shortly after, the crew had created a debris field roughly resembling an Atlantis. Following the departure of all but the Captain and a small team of engineers, he took a look around the empty Bridge, and walked over to the comm panel.

Agent Solandros, are you ready?

RE: A Ray of Hope - Promotheus - 04-21-2020

Omicron Minor 19:20 SMT

The Order forces didn't have to wait long before a flash of light filled the empty void of space; the arrival
of the Fifth fleets carrier. Solandros couldn't help but examine it up close for comparisons to an Osiris class vessel.
It made sense that the ships shared some general similarities, he supposed, the Osiris was originally a Libertonian project
after all.

Now that they arrived it was important to move fast, it wouldn't take long for Liberty to come chasing after it's pride and joy
to try and save it from the 'Nomads' after all. "This is Colonel Solandros, we are moving into position."
With that the Zagazig moved out of the cover the cloud, revealing itself to the Atlantis and their crew.

When the crew of the Bogue had prepared the debris decoy the Dawnbreaker wing moved in, outfitted with adapted Nomad
weaponry, and unleashed upon the debris. Plenty of signs of Nomad weapons being used to further strengthen the idea
that the Nomads had succesfully destroyed the defenseless carrier.

Meanwhile, Bravo wing broke away and followed the escape pods from the cover of stealth, ensuring they would arrive safely
while keeping their distance to avoid detection. The plan that had been months in the making was being executed
with every bit of efficiency that they might have hoped so far.

"We are preparing to board now, don't worry. We left her keys in the ignition for you."
The smallest hint of humor was in the Colonels voice as he closed the transmission, the crew of the Zagazig starting to move
to the transports as ships moved to and from the two capital ships.

Solandros stretched a bit as he got up from the captains chair and took a few steps towards the door before turning towards a man standing in the shadows to his side.
"Let me know how they react to seeing you in the chair eh? My only regret of this little operation so far is that I won't get to see it personally."
With a loud chuckle and a shake of his head the Colonel left, departing towards the Carrier as well.


"Bleh, why do the Dawnbreakers and Bravo wing get to have all the fun." a bored Gamma wing pilot sighed while keeping
an eye out for any trouble. "Simple Gamma, you're a chatterbox. Can't help yourself to save your life."
"Very funny Dawnbreakers just because you guys struck hard against the Core doesn't make you the big shots you know..."
"Delta wing here, cut the chatter. Scans are picking up long range targets, Bravo is on babysitting duty so one of you move in."
"Yahoo! Finally some action!."
Gamma Wing needed little persuasion to engage the potential enemy, moving out to keep the area clear.
Solandros couldn't help but grimace slightly, thank god the comms between the wings were secure, god knows what kind of impression they would have made.

With Gamma wing moving out, Delta wing came in closer to the two capital ships to ensure the security of the boarding.

RE: A Ray of Hope - Greylock - 04-22-2020

Omicron Minor, 1930 SMT

"No doubt it'll be a pleasant surprise," said the man at Solandros' side. "I've been off the grid for four months, as far as most of the fleet is concerned. Hell, even Cleveland doesn't know where I am. Take good care of the Atlantis, and she'll get you home safely time and time again."

As Solandros left the bridge, the man sat down in the Captain's chair and awaited the arrival of the crew from the Bogue.

Carrier Valley Forge, Omicron Minor, 1940 SMT

"That's our queue," said Admiral Prower, who had taken command of the experimental Atlantis-class carrier which had been outfitted with a cloaking device and hyperdrive to ensure that both the Zagazig and Bogue would be safe throughout the operation. "Bring us in close and get ready to tow the Osiris back to port."

L.N.S. Bogue, 1945 SMT

"Colonel Solandros, welcome aboard the Bogue. Lieutenant Peterson and his team will stay aboard long enough to get your team acquainted with all of the inner workings of the ship, then return to Liberty."

"Much appreciated, Captain. Best of luck with your endeavors. We left a surprise on the Zagazig, I think you'll quite like it."

The two men shook hands and Briggs departed for the Zagazig, wondering what the surprise could be. As he boarded the Osiris, he headed straight to the bridge.

"Hello, Luke."

"Who's there?"

The man rose from his seat, and as the lights on the bridge became brighter, Luke saw a familiar face. The face of Grey Evans.

"Grey? What the hell are you doing here?"

"There's time for explanations later. Right now, we need to get this hunk of junk back to Juneau in one piece. I trust one of our ships is nearby, preparing to jump us to Alaska?"

"Yes. The Valley Forge, which was commissioned shortly after the Antietam was taken out of service should be right off our starboard bow now."

"Excellent. By all means, this is your operation now, I'm retired."

Briggs walked over to the comm panel and opened a channel on the secure frequency used by the Liberty Navy

"Valley Forge, this is Captain Briggs aboard the Zagazig. Package acquired. Take us home."

As he spoke, the colossal form of another Atlantis-class carrier shimmered into view as the cloaking device deactivated.

"Captain Briggs, this is Admiral Prower. Prepare for jump in 3... 2... 1."

Juneau Shipyard, 2130 SMT

"Juneau Shipyard, this is Admiral Prower aboard the Valley Forge. Requesting drydock clearance for an Osiris and mooring clearance at mooring point eight for the Valley Forge."

Rear Admiral Ayato was in the traffic control room on Juneau Shipyard when the call came in.

"Admiral Prower, this is Rear Admiral Ayato speaking. Can you repeat that? Did you say Osiris?

"Yes. We've already done a security sweep through the entire ship. She's clear. We'll talk about this further once I'm aboard. Also, prepare some quarters for a special guest.

"Acknowledged. The Osiris is clear for drydock one, and you're clear for mooring point eight."

Battleship Zagazig, 2140 SMT

"Well, here we are. I bet you didn't expect to see me back here after I retired and gave up my security clearance."

"No, sir, I definitely did not expect to see you again. Let's head on in. You know the way."

With that, the two men took one more look around the bridge of the Zagazig, and departed to head for the airlock onto Juneau.

Juneau Shipyard, 2200 SMT

As the men walked into the briefing room, the high command of the Fifth fleet was there to greet them. As they took their seats, Grey cracked a grin.

"I must apologize for keeping you all in the dark about why I really retired. It was becoming clear to me that I would have to do some things to make this deal happen that I could not do with the government watching my every move. Cleveland, I can only hope that you will forgive me and allow me to resume my commission as an Admiral within your fleet."

RE: A Ray of Hope - Promotheus - 04-22-2020

Carrier Bogue, Omicron Mu 19:50 SMT

It felt like a completely different world, standing onboard a Liberty carrier.
The vessel wasn't finished of course, the agreement was that, to avoid suspicion, the carrier would be delivered
mostly intact and provided with the components the Order would have trouble producing. The rest however,
would be up to them.

The Order agents wasted little time once they had said their farewels to their Libertonian counterparts and went
straight to work. Preparations needed to be made before the Carrier would be cleared to enter Omicron Epsilon;
the system was limited to the strictest of standards in terms of access so they had to make sure noone had managed
slip onboard or plant a bug. While the Overwatch had confidence in the Fifth, they had significantly less so in any potential
LSF operative that might have tried to sneak something on the ship.

While this was going on the carrier, accompanied by Delta, Bravo, Gamma and the Dawnbreaker Wings, proceeded to Omicron Mu.
Solandros couldn't help but smirk a bit, the ride home definitely was a lot smoother then the trip on the Zagazig, but then again
they had to stripdown the Zagazig to properly look like a salvageable wreck and ensure that the tech present onboard consisted entirely
of their old understanding of Liberty tech. A little touch to add to make the salvage more believable.

The female officer that had been with him on the bridge of the Zagazig walked alongside him as they headed to the command center,
her trusty datapad in hand. "We can expect preliminary reports to come in in roughly half an hour sir, the ship is significantly
larger than we are used to."
Solandros nodded in response and said: "Understandable, make sure the initial sweep
is done before we get clear of the minefield."

Omicron Minor Minefield, Omicron Mu 20:40 SMT

Preliminary reports had indicated that no suspicious devices or signals had been found, clearing the Bogue to continue along its path.
With a small beep Solandros activated the communication panel and sent a transmission to Taba starbase:
"This is Colonel Solandros, operation went off without a hitch, we are approaching now."
A few moments of silence filled the room before the reply arrived:
"This is Taba starbase, you are cleared to proceed Solandros, they're waiting for you.
The Carrier and its escorts passed through the minefield and set course to the Bogues new home:
Fort Carthage in the Omicron Epsilon system.

Fort Carthage, Omicron Epsilon 21:55 SMT

With the Bogue now docked with the shipyard and undergoing maintenance Solandros was finally free to sit down
and examine what parts were still required to be constructed in order to make the vessel fully operational.
All the essentials were present, crew quarters would still need to be properly arranged as well as weaponry.
The armor plating could do with extra reinforcement as well to make it combat ready.

The vessel looked complete from the outside at least, an intimidating appearance to all its enemies and quite the view
from the Colonels office.

All in all, things were looking quite well. Solandros smiled, turning to his assistant in the room and said:
"Send word to the rest of the Overwatch, the carrier has arrived and is ready for completion."
With a small pensive stroke of his beard he added:"I think we will dub this vessel the Apocalypse. A fitting name
for its service in the End Times battlegroup."