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To IMG | Subject: Aland negotiations - Printable Version

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To IMG | Subject: Aland negotiations - Kishiro Technologies - 08-22-2020

[Image: Kishiro_Sig.png]

[Image: JAvovqK.jpg]

Message Subject: Negotiations for Aland Shipyard

To the esteemed Guild representatives,

It has come to the attention of Kishiro Industries that there is an ongoing sale/auction of the installations known as Aland Shipyard in the Omega-3 system. Although Kishiro Technologies has not partaken in a close relationship with the Independent Miners Guild as of late, we are sympathetic with the plight of the Guild, and with their losses in the previous year.

That can be slightly amended, with a sense of business opportunity and promotion of closer bounds between our groups. Kishiro board of directors has expressed interest in Aland, and wishes to negotiate with IMG to put forward a joint bid for the installation.

Kishiro Technologies is willing to double any bids that IMG puts forward with an equal amount of funds. Considering the Guild puts forward, say, a 70 Billion Credits bid, Kishiro would back it up with 70 Billion Credits pledge of our own.
Naturally, there are some terms we wish to discuss in return for our investment. I assure you that you may find them quite mild and agreeable, if you wish to know more about this proposal.
I'm unsure how long the auction will last, so I urge you the utmost urgency on your reply.

May your endeavors be ever in your favor.

Mizuki Shimoe
Kishiro Technologies, Assistant Director

RE: To IMG | Subject: Aland negotiations - Yazov - 08-23-2020

[Image: gGzbm4N.png]

To: Mizuki Shimoe, assistant director.
From: Guildmistress Celestia Ludenberg.
Origin: Deep Taus.
Encryption: Twin Drill Certified.

To the esteemed Assistant Director.

Requests of such magnitude are generally reviewed by the Board of Guildmasters on case by case basis; in your case, however, there are no terms laid out to work with - and they are lying in the essence of the way it will be treated.

Speak your mind. I am listening.

~Celestia Ludenberg.[Image: GotiQPd.gif]

Attachments: None.

RE: To IMG | Subject: Aland negotiations - Kishiro Technologies - 08-23-2020

[Image: Kishiro_Sig.png]

[Image: JAvovqK.jpg]

Message Subject: Negotiations for Aland Shipyard

Thank you for your quick uptake on this matter, Guildmistress Ludenberg. Indeed I have been scarce in details on my first message, for the Board was finishing hammering the details required for our proposal to be presentable.

Kishiro Technologies is interested in supporting the acquisition of Aland Shipyard back into IMG hands in return for the following conditions:

- a 25% stake of Aland Shipyard business will go to Kishiro Technologies
- The acquisition by Kishiro of the production facilities related to robotic hardware in the Shipyard, including those that belonged to the company known as Sirius Robotics. Whether the IMG decides to end business with the SR company or make new arrangements with them afterwards will be your prerogative.

The production facilities to be transferred will be managed by a new Kishiro Techologies subsidiary, and will continue commercial operations has they have been on your station until now. Kishiro Technologies is willing to make additional agreements regarding preservation of the business and expansion investments in your station facilities to appease the workers and financial administrators of the Shipyard.

Other than said acquisition and representative roles inherent to the stake of business that Kishiro Technologies will own from this deal, our company is more than willing to not interfere with IMG management or business plans for Aland Shipyard and related ventures. Formal and effective ownership and control of the shipyard and related installations will be held by Independent Miners Guild, as it should be.

This is our proposal for the current situation. It is not a final offer, and we are open for any counter-proposals you might have regarding acquisition and operation of Aland Shipyard. We would be interested in discussing other business affairs with the Guild, at a later occasion.

May your endeavors be ever in your favor.

Mizuki Shimoe
Kishiro Technologies, Assistant Director

RE: To IMG | Subject: Aland negotiations - Kishiro Technologies - 08-25-2020

[Image: Kishiro_Sig.png]

One message pending