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Rintoul-Pure Tough Molly Chav! - Printable Version

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Rintoul-Pure Tough Molly Chav! - Rab Rintoul - 10-27-2020

[Image: e985b9696a158a4f87e5942fb5563b37.png]

LOG ENTRY OF: Captain Rab Rintoul, Dublin Republic Patrol Vessel DR)-RPV-Edinburgh
Location: En route to Foyle Shipyard from Manchester
Subject: A Big Prize!

Awrite pals, ah wull also blether pure weird juist sae ye kin ken me.
Loads days ago ah teuk mah crew oan th' Scylla tae Manchester tae ... Raise funds ... Fur th' Dublin Republic fae passing generous traders. Atween oor friendlty stops we heard a short range transmission that wis barely registering . Some Evans fellow , wi' a bizzare accent , trying tae reach some fancy Brets cops or something asking fur hulp .

Ah cuid nae hawp mah een whin we git closer - an adrift bit fully intact Bretonian Battlecruiser juist floating thare! Th' transmittion said th' morons hud a brawl oan boord or something 'n' th' even bigger morons fae th' Bret Airmie or Cops or whitevur ne'er bothered tae tak' thair ship back.

Weel wha is guid ol' captain Rab Tae baillie! Dinnae keek a gift horse horse in th' geggy as thay say?
In we gang we blew th' airlock open - 'n' it gets even better! Thare wis na resistance oan boord, juist a few beat up Libertonians fur some reason that escapes mah understanding.
Easiest hijacking in mah lee if ah micht say.

Efter keekin it ower th' ship in a bonny ill shape, a dinnae ken whit wis happening bit it seems thare wis a lot o' internal damage dane even afore we busted th' thing open. An' a', needless tae say, me 'n' mah crew aren't exactly talented sparks that wid be able tae juist run th' damn fancy thing anyways. If ah cuid compare mah Scylla tae that Battlecruiser thing, it wid be lik' comparing a B&B in a Leeds slum, god rest thair soul, tae yin o' thaim fancy Orbital Spa 'n' Cruise hotels as ah imagine thaim.

Ah dae nae ken whit tae dae wi' th' thing, bit we sure as hell ur nae goin awa it 'ere! We pat a few guys oan boord, cried a tae mukkers alang wi' mah scylla crew 'n' we wull huv a go tae tow th' thing tae Foyle Shipyard, mibbie thay wull ken whit tae dae wi' it.

As tae th' Libertonian crew oan boord - we answered thair ca' fur hulp a' richt. Th' Evans guy that wis cawin fur hulp kicked it whin we blew th' bridge doors open, 'n' we released th' rest tae space, 'n' ur taking th' guy Libertonians tied up wi' us - He micht prove useful.

As tae th' transponder o' th' ship? LNS-Scotland. Bit nae fur lang.

Rintoul oot

Rintoul the pure tough DR)- Captain! - Rab Rintoul - 11-04-2020

[Image: 32aa45d2c56e32dc5b2a101ae4576623.png]

LOG ENTRY OF: Captain Rab Rintoul, Dublin Republic Patrol Vessel DR)-RPV-Edinburgh
Location: Foyle Shipyard
Subject: We did it!

A cannae believe it! We teuk the LNS Battlecruiser thing fae Newcastle a' the wey tae Foyle Shipyard unnoticed!

Problem is the fancy thing is a' banged up.

I haven’t a Scooby how tae operate it either...

Ah wull talk tae the pals at Foyle, tae see if thare is ony chance we cuid uise it one day, 'n' whit wid it take tae repair it 'n' chaynge the controls intae something mair ... Weel...Molly freendly.

Rintoul oot

RE: Rintoul the pure tough Captain! - Rab Rintoul - 11-30-2020

[Image: 4f9e2ea7eadaf0dc003ffb2a3b52016b.png]

LOG ENTRY OF: Captain Rab Rintoul, Dublin Republic Patrol Vessel DR)-RPV-Edinburgh
Location: Arranmore
Subject: A sad day

A cannae believe this. The Duiblin Republic is no more.

Ah hae lost mah hame, mah comrades have left tae all sorts of places.

A dinnae ken what ah will do next - but whit are Mollys without The Republic? Whit's the point in staying?

A pure shite day for Rab indeed.

RE: Rintoul the pure tough Captain! - Rab Rintoul - 01-14-2021

[Image: Kevin-Bridges.jpg]

LOG ENTRY OF: Captain Rab Rintoul, BRR!-WS-Baw.Juggler
Location: Foyle
Subject: Paydirt!

Long story short. Republic - Dead. BMS - cool guys, loved tae visit them, but when a Molly group of Nutters appeared, A've heard the call to return home and here we are.
A Base in oor gold field threatened Molly as a whole - had tae use The Reds tae help. Dannae trust them yet, I do like some of theim, we need them against the BAF and fur logistics. Simples. But between yous and me diary, A've heard of one old DRA) guy that didnnae get the memo shoot the reds - It's not lik' I could stop him if I wanted tae, I cannae even control BRR! nutters, but it's not lik' am gonnae try either :::laughs:::

Old Project
A've abandoned the damn BAF, Navy or whatever the hell that was battlecruiser thing when The Republic folded, but looks like we scored paydirt today - mah project is back on!

Found myself a trader in Poole when flying a Gallic Ship A've snatched before the frogs left Bretonia - and guess whit was he haulin!

Juist what we needed - Am not sure how tae use it on the damaged thing - but Foyle guys will sure as hell try!

/End of entry