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»: Antoine Delacroix - Yazov - 10-29-2020

Battleship La Riche, Orkney
October 29th, 743 AGS

[Image: DqswgQ2.png]
[Image: 1ehQxPC.png]

Sender: LV Perrine H. Clostermann, Enclave Defence Authority
Recipient: Antoine Delacroix
Subject: Awaken my associates


Confederates appear to be distracted, and their attention is largely focused on repelling Kusarian invasion. Correct moment is upon you, and it is time for my informants network to awaken back to life. Start pulling strings and supplying me with publicly unavailable information - my new superiors will have vested interest in anything related to Confederal plans, diplomatic connections, any developments that may affect our primary goals.

According to my information at hand, Gendarmerie have been formally appointed to take watch over the planet after the collapse of the monarchy and Confederacy formation; therefore - exercise excess caution when tranferring information packages, such as additional layers of encryption and distributed transfer locations. Terms and conditions of your work haven't changed, compensation will be provided after the data packages come in.

Transmission End

RE: »: Antoine Delacroix - Groshyr - 10-29-2020

Monte Carlo Freeport, Provence
October 29, 743 AGS

[Image: cFeD73s.png]
[Image: ntHYydW.png]

Sender: Capitaine Antoine Delacroix, Les Ferrailleurs Gaulois
Recipient: LV Perrine H. Clostermann, Enclave Defence Authority
Subject: RE: Awaken my associates

Madame Clostermann, it's been a long silence of you. I even started to worry you did not survive the coup that happened in Gallia.

I understand your wish to restore the Network, but it will take some time to re-establish connections, bribe correct persons, gain trust, et cetera. However, I already have something to report you about - general information about the current situation in the Minarchy and their capital system, Provence, in particular.

General information about the Minarchy of Provence

[Image: 0HqBbFl.png]

I don't think you've been much interested in politics, so allow me to briefly introduce this homunculus rose from the post-war chaos – the Minarchy of Provence.

Simple to say - they are underdogs of the Confederal system and even itself does not know what to think of its own state, agenda, and future. They managed to expand to three systems in the opportunistic move and the rest of the Confederacy were too busy preventing them.

Now, they are steadily losing ground due to economic problems, lack of law enforcement, evident connections to organized crime of the Union Corse families, and lack of any social policy and/or administration. No wonder Quillan was the first to resent. Perhaps you remember baron Montluc with his project of the Barony of Languedoc? If you do not, here are the copies of UNN releases.

He prepared the grounds for the Enclave to be received as saviours from the chaos of Minarchy. Minarchy cannot be taken on par with either the Republic or the Duchy, because it lacks the scope, the public support, the military, the corporate lobby - everything. They do have a lot of natural resources that they, however, cannot extract by themselves.

Fate of the Chateau d'If Prison Station

[Image: jNlcKpL.png]

You should have to remember this place. Built just before the Second Gallic War as a joint effort between the Royal Navy and Police. Intended to be a supermax prison and house the most dangerous members of the Maquis and Council. A perfect prison that, sadly, has been destroyed.

During the battle between the Arles and the Oblique, defence craft from Chateau d'lf were some of the first to join the fray. Taking cover in the general disarray, several Taureau-class freighters breached station security, offloading teams of marines that freed key Council personnel from their prisons and returned them safely to the rebels. Despite the rescue, many hundreds of Maquis and Brigand pilots died of asphyxiation as life support failed, the station struck by stray rounds from both sides. Great fires erupted as fuel stores aboard the prison ignited, quickly suffocating anyone that hadn't frozen to death or perished from carbon dioxide poisoning.

Now, this perfect prison is a smouldering pile of rubbish in orbit of Planet Marseille. While the local government may see an opportunity for a new spaceport or defence platform, some see a possible tourist destination. This pretty idiotic idea perhaps belongs to somebody who was under Nox during the offering.

Battleship Arles and Battleship Oblique

[Image: 3ew4Qnf.png]

The former flagship of the Provencal Defense Fleet, the Battleship Arles was long considered the best position an officer of the Royal Navy could ask for, assuming they wanted to be placed as far from the front as possible. Originally participating in operations against the Council's holdings in Burgundy, the Arles was tasked in 726 AGS to oversee the Chateau d’If Prison Station and attend to the defence of Marseille and Cannes. However, the infrequency of pirate raids against the resorts, as rumours say - due to the Corse’s affiliation with both operations, especially the former - left the sailors aboard the Arles mostly on garrison duty for the better part of twenty years. Shore leave was given with relative frequency, and many of the senior officer positions were likely gifted away to prestigious nobles’ sons and daughters in the royal families of the Crown. The remainder were typically filled by those officers the Royal Navy believed could not serve adequately on the front, but for political or other private reasons could not reasonably be discharged.

In 742 AGS, however, the Council surged forward into Provence with a heavy battlegroup spearheaded by the Battleship Oblique, confronting the Royalists in orbit over Marseille. Commanded by the Duke of Provence himself, Auguste-Henri Hennequin d'Avignon, the pride of Provence's garrison charged forward to meet the forces of the Council head-on. In the furious battle that ensued, both the Arles and the Oblique were destroyed outright, and the remaining fleets were almost entirely depleted. Council forces retreated at the end of the battle, leaving a weakened Royalist garrison to lick their wounds and retreat back to Ile-de-France. The wreckage of the Arles, however, remained - its unspent ordinance and molten hull plating raining down upon the former resort planet.

[Image: huft8Gj.png]

Following the fierce battle which claimed both the Battleship Arles and Battleship Oblique, EFL Pétrole et Machinerie (Société Par Actions branch) were appointed by the Parisian Assembly in the middle of 743 AGS to clear up the debris left floating near Planet Marseille. Those within the Minarchy took issue with the removal of what they considered to be a war grave, despite the warnings from EFL about the dangers posed to the planet below.

While it is not a high-value target, Brigand's vessels are often seen harassing the cleanup vessels going about their business. Rumour has it the Union Corse has placed a bounty on vessels taking part in the operation. If we find (or create) evidences of Corse support to raiding effort, EFL might get engaged in tensions with the Minarchy and Corse in particular, what must've benefit our mutual friends.

That's all for now. I hope you have enjoyed the history lesson integrated into this report. I will contact you if I have any progress with restoring former connections or making recruits for our structure. As for payment - I need no cash but some military-grade equipment for my fighter. 2 Carbine SC and 4 Musketoon II should be enough.

Transmission End

RE: »: Antoine Delacroix - Yazov - 10-29-2020

Battleship La Riche, Orkney
October 29th, 743 AGS

[Image: DqswgQ2.png]
[Image: 1ehQxPC.png]

Sender: LV Perrine H. Clostermann, Enclave Defence Authority
Recipient: Antoine Delacroix
Subject: Awaken my associates

Monsieur Antoine.

I am equally glad to see you made it through the unveiling events and uprising of the insurgents, our decision to pack up our operations and maintain low profile was a correct decision; what was sacrificed in favor of preservation of our integrity can be restored, and i trust your competence to adequately approach this issue with proffessionalism and due caution.
If you need any additional resources - do let me know, and i will see what can be arranged to provide you with them.

An exemplary composition for the first package, i must admit - i could not hope for more detailed initial report from my most trusted and experienced associate. And it indicated a solid opportunity for us to solidify our territorial claims in Gallia: with minimal involvement of Parisian Assembly in Minarchy and them being nothing short of nuisance, Confederacy might express their sincerest gratitude if we wipe the Minarchy off the face of Gallia. As for your request for military hardware - i will order an unmarked freighter with weapon crates of your choice to be unloaded in hangar 34F, Monte Carlo Freeport, on 30th of October. You've done well, and deserve that request to be fulfilled.
If you still remember our old encryption codes you will have no problem cracking them open and accessing their cargo.

Transmission End

RE: »: Antoine Delacroix - Groshyr - 01-01-2021

Monte Carlo Freeport, Provence
January 1, 744 AGS

[Image: cFeD73s.png]
[Image: ntHYydW.png]

Sender: Capitaine Antoine Delacroix, Les Ferrailleurs Gaulois
Recipient: LV Perrine H. Clostermann, Enclave Defence Authority
Subject: Little one, where are you?

It's been a while of silence, Madame Clostermann. My congratulations with return to Gallia. Where are you now? The Navy, or maybe this brand new Intelligence agency formed on ashes of Council's failure? Nevertheless, contact me as soon as possible. There is a thing I'd like to discuss with you, and you shall decide should share this with command or keep for ourselves.

Transmission End