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The Lady of Leeds - Lord Helmchen - 01-06-2021

Biography of Lady Camile Summers

[Image: OtqETsM.png]
Lieutenant Lady Camile Summers, Siege Cruiser 46th|LNS-Lady.of.Leeds, 827 A.S.
Personal Information
Name: Camile
Surname: Summers
Gender: Female
Title: Baroness of Leeds
Parents: Deceased
Date of Birth: March 2, 798 A.S.
Place of Birth: Summers Manor Planet Leeds, Leeds
Height: 130cm
Weight: 39kg
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Blue
Rank: Lieutenant
Regular Whereabouts: Summers Household Mountains of Manhattan, New York System
Favorite Ship: 46th|Summers.Wrath, Challenger Class Bomber
Flagship: 46th|LNS Lady.of.Leeds, Archer Class Siege Cruiser

Short Sumary

Camile Was Born on Leeds in Bretonia, she was the Oldest of 2 Sisters and the First Born. but she was even at Birth a Realy Smal Child and would Son be Diagnosed to have short stature. but her Parents Loved her as if Nothing Happened, But not all Like the Litle Lady. some other Parts of the Bretonian Nobility Despised her and saw her and her Mother that was of Kusari Origin as not Worthy to be a part of the Noble Society and let her Feel that. but against all odds Became Camile a Beautifull Young Lady, she was a Smart Child and made her Doctor in Astronomy. before she Joined the BAF Prior to the War. at the Outbreak of the War she had the Rank of a Lieutenant. and Fought against the Galic Invasion of her Home.

820 A.S. New London, Office of the Admiralty.

Camile was Called to the Office of the Admiralty on New London Early today, after she and the Bomber Squadron under her Command had Destroyed a Galic Supply Depot in the Taus in a Precision Geruilia Strike. The Short Woman Stands at attention in front of the Big Wooden Double Doors. she stands there for a while now even when she was ahead of Time for her Meeting but she knows this kind of Bullying from the Nobility in Bretonia, she just hadn't thought that this kind of Behaviour would even Exist in Wartimes. after a While the Doors Open and she was Called in. behind a big Ancient Desk sat Admiral Colin Murray, he looked disdainfully at her when she entered.

Miss Summers, the Admiralty heard of the Successes you had with your Unorthodox Campaign. while I see it as a Cowardice Way to Strike the Enemys behind their Lines are the others in the Admiralty that see this in the Other Light. as you Might have Heard while you Played with the Rearguard of the Gallic, did the Liberty Navy Joined our Fight. I for myself don't see why we would need the Help of them as the Kingdome have Survived 800 Years without them and Surely can Survive 800 More, but I don't Question my Orders. Your Orders are to Join a Taskforce of the Libertys that will Operate in a Way that should be familiar to you. you will be assigned as the 1st Officer of the Siege Cruiser LNS-Longshot, under the Comand of a Beny Simmons. You will Operate in the Taus and have Order to Support our Allies with your Knowledge of the Area of Operation and your Unorthodox Tactics to Damage the Enemy as Much as you Can. therefore you are from now on a Liason Officer and no Longer under my Comand, you are now Under the Comand of the Liberty Navy. You can step away now Miss Summers.

that was a typical example of how she was Treated by parts of the Nobility thought Camile, but as she wasn't Part of the Bretonian Armed Forces for the War anymore this gave her an opportunity. she hadn't Planed to have her Career in the Navy of her Majesty and haven't it Came to this War she would have been Quit and Joined the Cambridge Astronomical Society.

Of Course Sir but may I tell you that it's Lady Summers, I am the heir to the Baron of Leeds. we should at least stick to that Civilized Traditions or we aren't better than the Savage Gallic

with that, she Saluted and Left the Room before the Seachless Admiral Could say Anything, she had hoped for a Promotion or a Post in the Scientific Division but this wasn't bad either maybe where the Libetys able to see the person and not just the Hight of the Body.

2 Days Later, Magellan Jumphole East Leeds Smog Cloud

Camile Sat in her Challenger, at least she could have to Keep her Trusty Ship. of course, she got an Angry Letter from the Admiral for her Cheeky Behaviour but her Father had shielded her this time. he would also Take over her Bomber Squadron and Incorporate them into the Summers Knights. now she was Waiting at the Jumphole to Join the Crew of the Siege Cruiser Longshot, of Course, she was too Early again and so she had time for some Tea. but the Longshoot was also too Early and so was Camile Suprised as the Cruiser came out of the Jump and had almost spilled her Tea. shortly after she was Contacted by the Liberty Ship. and a man in his 50s Appeared on her Screen he had a Friendly Face and looked like he would laugh pretty Often.

Greetings this is Capitan Simmons of the LNS-Longshoot I assume I have the Honor to meet Lady Camile Summers?

Camile was Speechless as she was Rarely in her Live Treated with that much Respect by a Higher Officer. therefore she needed some time, and a Sip of Tea before she could answer.

Yes Sir I am Lady Summers, and the Honor is Mine. May I have Permission to Dock Sir?

The Capitan Simply Smiled and Nodded before he had Cut the Connection and the Hangar Bay in the Back Open. as the Archer was to Smal for a Conventional Hangar bay it had something Special, a Robotic Arm with Docking Clamps Extended from the Open Hangar Door in that she Ship just barely Fits. Camile maneuvered her Ship in Position and the Calmps Grabbed her Ship and after she had Deactivated the Engines she was Retracted into the Hull and the Door was Closed again and the Hangar Pressurized. she could Exit the Ship. the Dockmaster told her the Capitan would Expect her at the Bridge and a Friendly Marine showed her the way. the Bridge of the archer was Cramped but for Camile, it looked Comfy. the Litle Woman Stepped in front of Capitan Simmons that couldn't Hide his Suprise as he saw Camile. as Camile Reported in for Duty, but the Texan Man Quickly snapped out of it and Smiled at his new 1st Officer.

It's an honor to have you onboard Mylady, I am Beny Simmons Capitan of the Longshoot. I Hope you are Ready Mylady then we have Ordered to Strike Deep into the Taus to Scout and Make as Much Damage as we can, as a Local I Hope you can help us with your Knowledge. I have also Heard that you Fought a Similar Campaign with a Bomber Wing and I am interested to hear about your experiences with the Enemy.

In the Next Hours was the Longshot under Camile's Lead as they Slipped Trough the Galic Lines and Moved into the Taus to Scout the Enemy and Strike Every Target they could to Slow them Down and Sabotage them. Camile Found out that the Longshot was Equipped with a Cloaking Device and the Best Sensory Equipment Liberty Could Offer. Camile was Quickly Accepted by the Crew and the other Officers as one of the others during the Next Days. and Soon the Day would Come for them to Attack the First Target, and Strike Fear into the Hearts of the Galic Invaders.

RE: The Lady of Leeds - Lord Helmchen - 01-09-2021

821 AS. Tau 31 System, Near Hollman Outpost

The LNS-Longshot and her Scoutgroupe were in an Ambush Position they had got some Information about a Supply Convoy that was just Lightly Defended by some Gunboats and a Fighter Wing. During the Last year, they had a Couple of Daring Raids and Intelligence Gathering Operations and were Able to Inflict some Damage to the Gallic Warmachine. today they hat Targeted a Fuel Convoy that should Resupply a Battlegroup near Leeds. Right behind the Leeds Gate would be Reinforcements for the Convoy. the Plan was to Catch the Convoy between Hollmann and the Gate, Cut the Communications, and then to Destroy the Supplies and the Ships. Camile had also Organized a Litle Contingent of her Families Personal Guard that Supported them and Increased the Numbers on their Side. Camile smiled as she entered the Bridge and walked over to the Tactical Table and Saluted.

Sir everything is Ready, all expected ships are here. altogether we have our Siegecruiser and 10 Fighters, 4 Bombers, and 2 Old Churchill Class Corvettes of the Summers Guards. the Expected Enemy Force should have one Triumph Destroyer, and 1 Perilous Gunboat with an Unknown Number of Fighters but I would expect not more than 10 of them. Our Main target is the 10 Pachyderme Transport Ships in the Convoy. they carry Fuel, Ammunition, Spareparts, and Weapons for the Fleets in Leeds. the Intelligence Service assumes that the Convoy is a Preparation for another Offensive, and its Destruction could Slow down the Gallic Warmachine. We have Allowance from High Comand to Treat the Transports as Regular Combat Targets.

As Camile Ended her Reports she got a Nodd from Beny. the Capitan of the Longshot and Camile had become Good Friends in the Last Years and he had Learned that the Smal Bretonain Lady was a Good Addition to his Crew, and more than one time had her Knowledge and Ideas Safed his Ship. Beny knew that this Was a Suicide Mission and that one Mistake could Lead to the Death of Everyone under his command. but he also knew that every Intel they Gathered and every Enemy they Destroyed helped the War effort. Beny Points at the Tactical Table and Drinks from his Coffemug.

Good Work Lady Summers, we will await them halfway between Holman and the Gate. If all went to plan then they should be having Massive Problems from the EMP Bombs we have Planted there. First, we Detonate a Conventional Bomb to Disrupt the Tradelane and then the EMPs. our Main Forces will wait outside of the Blast Radius and then Move in Fast and Destroy any Resistance that maybe have Survived before we Destroy the Transports. The Longshoot will take Care of the Triumph the Bombers and the Gunboats will take Care of the Rest. any Questions? no good then at your Stations this will be a Big Blow for the Gallic if we are Successful.

Camile Moved over to her Station and in the Next Hours they Waited for the Enemy, the Atmosphere was Tense but everyone was a Professional and Stayed at their Post. all of them Knew how Dangerous their Mission Was and that it would Delay the War at best for only some Days, but Camile knew that one or two days Delay at the Right time could Decide a Battle.

RE: The Lady of Leeds - Lord Helmchen - 01-17-2021

823 AS. Tau 23 System.

Camile was in her Cabin laying on her bed, it was now her 3rd year onboard the Longshot. it was some Crazy Years, and often she felt it was not enough especially when she got Reports from her Home. Leeds was Completly Occupied but there was still Resistance on the Planet. this Resistance came in many Forms, she Knows that her Parents had made a Hospital out of their Familie Home. a Direct Call was not Possible as the Gallic Monitored any Communication on the Planet, but the Resistance managed to Bring some Letters of the Planet. and what her Parents wrote to her was Shocking, she had Read about executions and Violence on the Streets. more than once she had thought about it to leave the Military and Return home to Join the Resistance. she had Read the Last Letter she had Received 4 Weeks ago again as it Knocks on her Door. as she stood up and opened the Door it was Beny that Smiled at her, the Capitan of the Longshot had become a good friend over the last Years and had helped her not to Break from the Horror of this war. he took Place at her Desk.

Lady Camile? I wanted to Look after you, you looked a bit sad, but I think I have something that Lifts your Mood. 5 Minutes ago we have Meet the Supply Ship and they had something for you.

He gave her a Package from Home in it where her Favorite Tea and some Sweets together with a Letter. as she saw the Handwriting of her Mother she Smiled. she took the bag of Fresh Tea and Sniffed at it, it gave this wonderful smell of Flowers and Nature that Reminded her of the Greenhouses that her Mother haves on Leeds and where she had Played as a Child. and a Pack of Crumpets, it wasn't the Fresh ones of her Dad but it was enough for her to make her smile. the Ships Cook had Tried to make some Bretonian Food for Camile in the last Years but nothing beats the Real Food from home.

My Beloved Camile

your Father and I are Doing Fine, we Continue our Work to help the People of Leeds and Hurt the Galic Invaders. I won't Lie to you Camile it's Dangerous what your Father and I do. and yes we could have Escaped Leeds as so many other Rich People did but Leeds is our Home and we will Fight for it. we have Heard from Rosemary, she is Safe on Manhattan and I am thankful for it. Your Sister is not Suited for this War she haves the soul of an Artist not a Warrior. we hope you are alright wherever you are. we know that you do your Best to Return Survive and Return Home one day. be Strong my Litle Princess and Fight Brave, you make us Realy Proud. and to make it a bit Lighter for you to be far away from home I have sent you your Favorite Tea and Snacks, I hope you won't miss us so much when you have something from home. I Miss you a lot and o hope to see you soon.

In Never Ending Love

Mother and Father

Camile Smiled a loot and pushes the Letter on her Heart before she puts it in a Box. and Smiled at Beny and Made a Cup of tea for the Both of them. it became a Tradition that the Two of them Drink a Cup together and talk about the day and the Tactical Situation. over the last few years they became Friends and so they talked about more than just work, Beny was for her some kind of Second Father and a Good Friend. and so they have sat there for quite a while and talked about the War and what they could do next to make it end faster, and they talked about Camiles Home and what they would do after this War had Ended.

RE: The Lady of Leeds - Lord Helmchen - 02-04-2021

824 AS. Leeds System.

The Longshot normally never Entered the Leeds System but this was a Special Reason. the Ship was Cloaked as it made its way to a Rondevouz with a Resistance Vessel in the Dustclouds around Leeds. 3 days ago they had Received a Message from a Resistance Vessel. Camile's Parents who had Open a Free Clinic in the Family Estate were Murdered 4 Days ago by a Gallic Patrol right in the Middle of the Streets. Now they were on the way to Bring Camile Back home so that she can Give the Last Honor to her Parents. for Beny this was never a Question, the Capitan of the Longshot was at her Side and Caught her as she Collapsed after she heard the Message. for Beny, it was clear that they would Bring Camile Home and so they were here under the Disguise of a Scout Mission. they met by a Clydesdale Freighter that would Bring Camile Down to the Planet through an Atmospheric Entry Point. Beny didn't let her Go alone and Accompanied her. on the Ground they were Greet by Wentworth the Buttler of the Summers Family. the Old man was around 50 Now and Smiled Sad as he saw Camile.

Lady Summers, I am Terrible Sorry for your Loss. your Parents were Good People and did a lot for the People of Leeds.

Camile Hugged the old man that was almost like a second father to her and her Sister. the Buttler was the Good Soul of the Family Mansion, and as long as she could remember he was this Friendly old man that was there for the Summers Family. and now he would stand by her side on the Hardest Way of her Life. Wentworth had Prepared Everything, Her parents were laid out in the great hall so Camile could say goodbye, as she Saw the Boddys of her Father and Mother laying Peacefully in the Coffins she almost Collapsed if not for Wentworth and Beny to hold her up. Tears Run down her Cheek as she saw her Mother Veronica and her Father David, they looked Calm and as if they would Sleeping but they are not. Camile Touched her Mother and took her hand, but the Touch that gave her Comfort and Strenght was now Cold and Empty. Camile Cried for a while, for how long she couldn't say in the end. Beny and Wentworth stayed behind her Like Two Knights they Gave Camile the Time to Mourne. after a while she had Calmed down and Turned to Wentworth and Beny.

You have everything Prepared am I, Right Wentworth?

The old man Smiled Sadly and Nodded, everything was Prepared for this Sad Day. Camile's Parents would get the Ceremony and Honor They Deserved.

Yes, Mylady, the Mausoleum is Prepared, your Parents will find their Rest among their Ancestors.

Camile Walked to him and hugged the old man, to know that Wentworth was there for her helped her On this Day. she then Looked Over to Beny and Smiled at her Capitan, he would Help Carrie the Coffin of her Father. Camile would want to Carrie her Parents herself but the Tradition Demanded that she would Lead the Funeral procession. even if they were at War her Parents were the Baron and Baroness of Leeds and they Demanded this Kind of Honor. the archbishop of Leeds awaited her and told her his and expressed his condolences to Camile, then he Spoke a Blessing and a Prayer and the funeral procession began. Normally it was a Big Ceremony when the Baron or the Baroness of Leeds Died and the procession would go through the Streets of the Planet, but today it was just several Hundred Meters to the Family Mausoleum and down into the Crypt where they would wait for Camile to Join them one day. the Procession made its way with Camile at their Top, she Stumbled sometimes and Wentworth had to hold her up but in the end, she Made it into the Crypt. there was to Places Prepared for her Parents that would be sealed with heavy Granit Plates. the archbishop Said some Prayers and then they Laid her Parents into their Graves. that was the Moment where Camile Completly Collapsed, she Cried and her legs gave in, she just sat next to her Parents Graves on the Cold Stone and was Overwhelmed by her Feelings. all her Barriers have been broken and all the Sadness Broke Lose. how she made it back to the Longshot she couldn't say, but the next thing she Could Remember was Beny that Sits next to her Bed and Reached her a cup of Tea.