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Guess it's a bit late - Printable Version

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Guess it's a bit late - Kuvir - 06-28-2021

But nevertheless, hello! Stumbled upon this project during my games retrospective, was interested and sat to read House's lore and strories that were built upon, it took some time.

You guys provide, and since I've decided I could as well, here I am. I've got the basics in terms of gameplay and rules covered, thanks to the Sindroms tutorials on youtube (which are ages old, but practical) and the fact that site itself is well-structured, but could definitely use a hand on the roleplay side, especially AI. are there any AI-based factions around?

RE: Guess it's a bit late - Czechmate - 06-28-2021

Hello - AI is currently struggling a bit (as in artificial intelligence faction)
For the closest thing you can try Auxesia - gammu A.I. Allies who do robot rp as well and tend to be active Smile I am sure they will tell you how to contact them

RE: Guess it's a bit late - Groshyr - 06-28-2021

Try this one: perhaps it's what you looking for.

RE: Guess it's a bit late - Major. - 06-28-2021

You could join {DHC} and roleplay as a AI Mining Ship Slave.

Ps. Everyone is enslaved in {DHC}

RE: Guess it's a bit late - L e o n - 06-28-2021

Join DHC lovely family!