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AB - Autumn Broadcast - Lochrath - 07-09-2021

[Image: VzxEdE6.png]

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[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - The Movement Lives
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - Magellan's Newest Transporting Service
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - Vespucci - Commonwealth Starting Weak
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - Leeds Expansions
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 827 AS - Autumn Broadcast for the Movement

The Movement Lives - A Message Sent Through Bretonia

Bretonia, Cambridge – Earlier in the cycle a strike was performed in the Cambridge system near the New London gate. A Planetform Shetland-class transport attempted to move through the trade corridor towards the target of Sprague to reinforce the industrialization project on that planet. However our very own Lochrath intercepted the vessel and sent a clear message to Planetform and the rest of Bretonia. After months of silence this is to be a sign to Bretonia and all of Sirius that the Gaian Movement lives on.

A number of various vessels importing and exporting materials through Bretonia have been struck as well by those under the Green Flag. The border worlds of Cortez and Magellan have become a hotbed of action for many after the long withdraw of the Gallic threat. Local corporate chairmen took the ending of the war as reasoning to reopen the trade route. However, outcasts vessels tussle against the frayed remaining defenses of the Libertonians while the insurrection mounting in that system fails to get a foot hold. Bretonia's mainline artery of trade towards Liberty is being cut which can only bring good news to Pro-Bretonians.

- Piper Taylor, Autumn Broadcast

RE: AB - Autumn Broadcast - Lochrath - 07-17-2021

[Image: VzxEdE6.png]

[Image: 9rbq1SW.jpg]

[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - Aland Destroyed
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - Cortez Sparking Conflict
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - The Movement Lives
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - Vespucci - Commonwealth Starting Weak
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - Leeds Expansions

Aland Destroyed! A Blow to Bretonia

Borderworlds, Omega-3 – In an interesting move, Aland Shipyard has been destroyed. A longstanding blight in the lower zone of Bretonian influence the shipyard was taken out in an internal attack. Reactor overrides and explosives were cited as the cause of the station's destruction killing hundreds. The resulting wreckage appears unsalvageable creating yet more scrap thrown into the already oversaturated zone.

Aland Station's history is cursed, having once been a Mining Guild asset before forcefully taken by the Bretonian Government as an emergency shipyard during the war with Gallia. Disagreement came of this decision from Bretonia, the Guild opting to refuse Bretonia's initial request followed by harsh resistance in the form of space combat. Sympathetic parties including the Crayter Republic and the Red Hessians supported the Guild's defense. While the defense was notable, Bretonia strong-armed their way into possession.

It has been announced that Bretonia intended to sell the shipyard to an unknown third party, possibly to recoup costs from the war as Bretonia's newly constructed Portsmouth Shipyard in Cambridge was taking over Aland's role. It is heavily assumed that the sale of the station was discovered with the station struck before it could be sold, likely costing Bretonia countless credits of lost revenue. A number of groups have claimed credit for the act, most loudly being the Mollys of Dublin.

Freeport 1 and Planet Nottingham entered a minor lockdown following Aland's destruction. Those misplaced Bretonians now on Nottingham have begun to voice concerns over their government's ability to safeguard the planet, citing Leeds's fate possibly happening once more in the more fanatical civilians.

With the destruction of Aland, Omega-3 stands free with reports of increased activity from Corsairs and our own Gaians. Regardless of the how, the results can only spell positives.

- Piper Taylor, Autumn Broadcast

RE: AB - Autumn Broadcast - Lochrath - 11-02-2021

[Image: VzxEdE6.png]

[Image: MAwjHi9.png]

[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - Libertonian Coronado - The Fight For Independent Worlds
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - Kishiro Takes Aland Scraps?
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - Cambridge Stirs With Unease
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - Aland Destroyed
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - Cortez Sparking Conflict

Libertonian Coronado - The Fight For Independent Worlds

Independent Worlds, Coronado – Since the end of the war with Gallia, Liberty has taken to expanding in multiple directions; one part towards the Edge through the secretive Omicron-Nu, the other right into the heart of the Indie' Worlds. It's no secret Liberty has been building a jumpgate aimed right for the Coronado system, a tradelane away from Planet Curacao in Cortez. However conflict is stirring up as the previously untouched free worlds begins to get the touch of House Law.

Reports show an increase of Maltese Vessels, often called the Outcasts, attempting to lock down the system to secure the long held Cardamine Corridor. Large capital-class vessels have taken to directly assaulting Crayterian and Libertonian vessels patrolling the system. Additionally, freelance profit hunters and the Bounty Hunter Guild have moved in to take their luck with the newest hot spot.

Those few desiring freedom have also taken up arms. Wings from the Liberty Free Republic (LFR), often referred to as the Xenos, have performed strikes on navy vessels with outstanding success. Gaian vessels have been routed to assist in the sector as well, with even the mechanist-obsessed Auxo striking out on occasion.

It's no secret what Liberty is doing with this expansion and backing of the Crayter Republic. The Independent Worlds are a rich ground for those who want to strike out and try to make a name for themselves. However, the capitalistic Republics desire the entire area for themselves, limiting the already slim slice of space useable to free people. With California fully colonized and controlled, its without question that Cortez, Magellan, and Coronado come next. Worrying times are ahead for those wanting to live not under the thumb of an oppressive control.

- Piper Taylor, Autumn Broadcast

RE: AB - Autumn Broadcast - Lochrath - 12-06-2021

[Image: VzxEdE6.png]

[Image: 9hMgth7.jpeg]

[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - The Lies of Crayter
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - The Infamous Commander Cobra
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - Cambridge Advancement in Gene-Therapy
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - Libertonian Coronado - The Fight For Independent Worlds
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - Kishiro Takes Aland Scraps?

The Lies of Crayter

Independent Worlds, Coronado – Liberty's breach into the Independent Worlds continues and with it comes a flood of propaganda and outright lies. The puppet state of Crayter appears to have eaten up these mistruths, their own population believing what they are told and not what is even happening on their own planet, Yuma.

One of our own fighters, during a routine patrol of the Coronado system in search of Cardamine smugglers, crossed paths with a Crayter Military vessel. A light discussion occurred when it was revealed the fighter pilot denies their Republic having made any dealings with Planetform. "Gaian pilot, the Republic bears no ill will towards your cause." stated the Crayter vessel, codenamed 'Vagabond'. When prompted on their dealings with Planetform, 'Vagabond' responded; "We have no dealings with Planetform Gaian captain." Shortly after, the Crayterian ship and it's wing mate engaged in combat with vessels around Sierra Starport, disturbing the peace around a neutral port. An excerpt from the incident will be added with this breaking report.

Planet Yuma appears to be a planet much like any human-colonizable world. However, native flora has a rapid and strong growth. This is due to what some researchers believe to be a form of wandering plant cycle, where massive superorganisms of plants move and adjust their roots and stems to different and new fertile lands. This caused early attempts to settle the planet to be swiftly overwhelmed by these wandering and expanding plant life. To secure their own colonies, Crayter hired the terraforming corporation Planetform to burn, destroy, and eliminate the native flora of the planet in place of industrial smog and waste.

The misaligned fact that their own military makes claims against their own dealings is stunning to say the least, a dirty secret they wish to hide. It is a wonder what other secrets and foul deeds the Crayter Republic keeps from others, and their own people.

- Piper Taylor, Autumn Broadcast

RE: AB - Autumn Broadcast - Lochrath - 01-04-2022

[Image: VzxEdE6.png]

[Image: jNxITJE.jpg]

[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 829 AS - Crayter Defends Gallia!
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 829 AS - Corsairs Retaliate
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - The Lies of Crayter
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - The Infamous Commander Cobra
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 828 AS - Cambridge Advancement in Gene-Therapy

Crayter Defends Gallia!

Hebrides, Orkney – In an astonishing act, a capital vessel of the Crayter Republic's navy has both voiced in defense of Gallia and physically defended them as well!

The Armed Forces are currently undergoing a dismantling of a Gallic Military Installation named Fort de Bregancon which was recently placed within the system of Orkney, post war and openly encroaching and expanding itself out of Gallia. While the operation remains classified, the orders for its destruction comes from the Admiralty Board of the Armed Forces itself.

On scene, the Armed Forces openly questioned the Crayterian vessel of betrayal. The Crayterian cried in response, "Ceasefire!" and "This is your final warning. Clear out or be considered a rogue commander." The Crayterian vessel, named the FV Hermes and commanded by Captain Velaryon, then placed their vessel between the installation and the Armed Forces so it's shield and hull would physically be defending the Gallic Military. Afterwards, the Crayterian exclaimed "Defending Crayterian assets all batteries fire." as if attempting to pull a political scandal and briefly firing upon the Armed Forces. Excepts from the open band communications will be attached to this report.

The main Armed Forces asset on the scene was the HMS Grandiose, commanded by Captain Harold Somerville who was later supported by the HMS Sovereign, commanded by none other than Commodore Khatri. Oddly, the Bretonians made claim that the Fort was possibly under the control of the Gallic Enclave, a defunct splinter group which was publicly reunited with Gallia shortly after the war ended.

A curious detail is the Crayterian vessel spoke that their republic was the defenders of the Taus, a curious statement as most treaties and agreements regarding the Taus are done by the greater houses, not the Crayter Republic. Odder still that they would turn their back on the people of Sirius to defend Gallia so shortly after the war, who have no rightful business within the Taus to begin with.

Following Crayterian aggressions and lies in Coronado, are they overstepping their position in the Taus? Are they attempting to enforce their visions on the Houses? Are they defending Gallic Interests within Sirian space? We'll let you decide.

- Piper Taylor, Autumn Broadcast

RE: AB - Autumn Broadcast - Lochrath - 01-08-2022

[Image: VzxEdE6.png]

[Image: EfffSz6.png]

RE: AB - Autumn Broadcast - Lochrath - 01-13-2022

[Image: VzxEdE6.png]

[Image: F5QHUPl.png]

[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 829 AS - Gallic Enclave Rebuilds
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 829 AS - GAIA WILL NOT BLEED
[Image: zNAGUUC.png] 829 AS - Sandur - Hangars 1&3 Limited Use
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 829 AS - Crayter Defends Gallia!
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 829 AS - Corsairs Retaliate

Gallic Enclave Rebuilds

Hebrides, Edinburgh – Much turmoil has poured out over a multi-decade long strife all circling around the planet of Gaia. Unknown persons from around the region have come forward to voice against the planet's safeguarding due to propaganda from none other than those of Gallia.

As of the recent announcement by one Count Moreau on Planet Gaia, he has announced the formation of the Country of Gaia. We wish our patrons to know that Moreau, and those Gallic-born like him on Planet Gaia, are remnants of the Royalist Gallics from the Kingdom of Gallia, the same who saw fit to see to the devastation of Leeds and the bombing of New London. These remnants were abandoned on the planet by the Enclave and possibly have new ties to the Royalist movement that was reborn in wake of the Enclave's return to Gallia. This Count and others beside have taken hold of Gaia and intend to use it as their staging point to crawl back to the power they once had, the same power that crippled Bretonia not long ago.

In an effort to nip the uprising in the bud, the Gaian Movement has started an operation to fight and cull the Gallic Royals on Gaia. The Planet was never to be a permanent home for any, and the Gallic presence is entirely undesired. As the Armed Forces and other local groups have declined to deal with the lingering threats of those warcrimed remains of Royalist Gallia, the Gaians have taken up the mantle to free Bretonia of this threat once and for all.

It does not come without opposition. Molly forces from Dublin have attempted to recruit these Gallic royalists to their cause even going so far as to openly attempt to recruit them. On the other hand the Unione Corse, a Gallic local group hailing from the Provence system, has been smuggling in armed personnel to aid and defend these royalists. Their attempts to cover up their cause is less than thinly veiled, having even publicly declared their desire to supply an uprising of Gallic influence on Gaia. One such attempt to cover their own actions, the Unione Corse has taken to public slander, libel, and outright lies to outrage the populace. If they are not stopped, Gallic influence will once more be felt in Bretonia, and so close to the remains of Planet Leeds that they ravaged.

Do not let the Unione Corse defend these Gallic Royalists. Do not let these Mollys recruit royalists to their cause. Bretonia will only be damaged for letting either happen.

- Piper Taylor, Autumn Broadcast