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A Base Transaction - Printable Version

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A Base Transaction - Doc Holliday - 12-09-2021

Med Force General-B had lived out its purpose. Thousands of lives had been saved there and many a medical student had received valuable training but with the emergence of Med Force Academy and the subsequent merger of the two entities, it was no longer needed at least, not to Med Force Enterprises. To a group of Zoners as a home and supply base it was more than adequate. Dressed in his robes and signature black hat, John Holliday moored at Freeport Nine to meet the new owner, Mr. Sanuel Butler. With Doc was his briefcase with the documents to sign the base over. Per arrangements, he met Mr. Butler at a private table.

Mr. Butler had already arrived so he was waiting upon John's arrival.
"Mr. Butler, I am Dr. John Holliday. It is good to finally meet," he stated in a professional manner. "I do apologize for my delay as I wanted to be sure this base was well stocked for a good start on your end." The two men shook hands and took their seats.

"A drink, Sir, before we get started?" he asked he began opening his case.

RE: A Base Transaction - Erewhonians - 12-10-2021

Dressed in his robes and signature black hat, John Holliday was instantly recognisable, and although not needed this was confirmed as he headed towards me with briefcase in hand.

Standing to accept the proffered hand, "Please Dr Holliday feel free to call me Sanuel".

As I began to sit, "Don't mind if I do, straight bourbon over ice would be most welcome."

RE: A Base Transaction - Doc Holliday - 12-13-2021

The two men made small talk for a few minutes awaiting the drinks. Once they arrived, Doc decided to get to business.

"Sanuel, I say we get the business end of things taken care of first. We will have plenty of time to talk afterward."
He took some documents out of his case and slid them before him.
"The first one just discusses the terms of the sale which are quite simple. One, you must honor the agreement with Freeport 9 administration about the use of weapons platforms. As the base is within the no-fire zone, they are not allowed. There IS an operational shield for the base which has been activated only once as a test."
He sipped his Scotch and continued. "Two, your neighbors. The Corsairs are your closest ones and generally are not a problem. Treat them with respect and they will leave you be. They do not know you so expect a lot of questions. Of course, you have other visitors to include the Core, the odd Outcast and the Hogosha do pass through the system. I would keep your diplomatic robes handy. Third, I will give you the base access codes once the transfer of two billion credits is transferred to: [MFE]Bank."

He then talked of the other document. "This simply is the deed to the base which I will sign over once payment is acknowledged."
He sat back. "Sanuel, while you will own it, it is sort of ......sentimental. Do take care of it and while we should not have reason to bother, do allow us to dock if we might want to.....reminisce. We will treat you as friends."
He then sipped his Scotch again. "Are their any questions or concerns?"

RE: A Base Transaction - Erewhonians - 12-14-2021

"True, once the business is out of the way we can talk to our hearts delight".

Pulling the documents across the table Sanuel begins to look them over.

"The terms of the sale look appropriate but I will need to have one of our legal researchers verify some of the statements. We have no problems with the weapon platform requirement, is it possible you have the contact details of the Freeport 9 Administrator so we can codify arrangements of base when under a new owner"

Sanuel takes a brief pause to consult his comms device before continuing, "We have no intention of upsetting any of our neighbours and have a live and let live approach, are there any particular people you think we should alert to our presence and introduce ourselves? In a similar vein we would be honoured to allow your ships to continue docking and would welcome any request s you have regarding supplies you may need or even carriage to your other bases you may have."

"As to more specific questions we may have it may be simpler to list
1. We presume the deeds will also carry a copy of the base construction plans and any modifications you have made.
2. A full inventory including any service/replacement dates we need to watch for.

Please do not take umbrage at the following, we know you are a Medical and Research Organisation and whilst we have no reason to probe further, we do trust there will be not remaining materials that may pose any ethical or moral dilemmas for us."

At that Sanuel looks up and take a sip of his drink, ending with, "On a more pragmatic note, does your banking system allow the handling of 2 billion credits in one go? We seem to remember that some Sirius Banks have a laundering limit, sometime triggered by high credit transactions".

RE: A Base Transaction - Doc Holliday - 12-18-2021

Doc scratched his chin as he listened and gave a nod. He had taken several minutes to look through some files.
"Nothing that may cause moral or ethical dilemmas will be left," he reassured. "I have instructed my load master to be sure that we leave the basics such as food, water, oxygen, building supplies and such. If for some reason something gets forgotten, we will take care of it. The list of what is there changes daily as necessities are brought in as needed."
"Most of what you will find for modifications is storage units. As you may guess, it takes a lot of storage to keep a hospital going when you cannot grow your own goods like we do on Med Force One."
"What I spent so long looking for was documents on our agreement with Freeport Nine's administration about gun platforms. I cannot find any as I do believe it was a gentleman's agreement between Med Force Enterprises and the then administrator, Sun Kogen. Sun Kogen has since retired but we still honored our agreement. If you wish to pursue your own accord with them, that is your business.

He sipped his Scotch. "As I said of neighbors, they generally leave us alone. My suggestion would be to let them approach you if they do. Around the no-fire zone of Freeport Nine they are pretty even tempered. Lastly, we have cleared the account in question for the transaction so that will not be a problem."
He then sat back. "Now did I miss anything?"

RE: A Base Transaction - Erewhonians - 12-20-2021

listening to Doc, "Fair enough, thank you for the advice I will contact FP9, hopefully to continue the Med Force Enterprise arrangement and will await the neighbours coming a knocking".

"We have instructed the transfer to [MFE]Bank, 1 billion has moved without trouble, the second million is in limbo as it will apparently "exceed credit limit", please advise when/where the outstanding credits can be sent.

Thank you for you time, another drink?"

RE: A Base Transaction - Doc Holliday - 12-21-2021

"Yes," Doc replied, "opening dialogue with the Freeport 9 Administration is also a good way to introduce yourself and your organization. They are good people and easy to work with."
"Yes, another drink sounds good," he answered in follow up.
As they waited, he took a second and moved some funds around.
"There! You should be able to transfer the remaining funds to that same account. Blasted credit limits!"

RE: A Base Transaction - Erewhonians - 12-21-2021

Attracting the bartenders attention "Same again please" as Sanuel picks up Doc's acceptance of another drink.

"Yes these electronic transfers can go awry, however, my banker has informed me that the second half of the payment now appears to have been successful."

"Are there any particular spots within Sirius you would recommend a visit to, either for scenic or entertainment purposes?"

RE: A Base Transaction - Doc Holliday - 12-22-2021

He checked his datapad and sure enough, the transfer was in. Med Force General-B was sold! "Congratulations, Sanuel, you now own a Core 3 base with a lot of storage in it. You will find it well stocked to get you started but do not sit too idle on it. We have our academy just off of Planet Pygar so we are not far away if you need anything."
He punched in some information. "I am sending you an encrypted, very secure private transmission with the access!" Once done, he put down his pad and smiled.

"She will serve you well. Now, there is a few good places to go in Sirius for entertainment or even rest. If you like winter sports, Planet New Berlin in Rheinland and Planet Denver in Liberty have some good skiing and if its rest you seek, you can vacation at the resorts of Planet Baden Baden in the Stuttgart system or Planet Curacao in Cortez. I personally found some peace on Planet Cambridge for a time when I just camped out in its rich and deep forests. Really it is all in what you seek."