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Kaiserliche Geheimdienst Brigade - Information Page - Printable Version

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Kaiserliche Geheimdienst Brigade - Information Page - KGD - 08-03-2022

[Image: 3.png]

Kaiserliche Geheimdienst Brigade

[Image: IMG_4806.png]
Faction Information
╬ Name:Kaiserliche Geheimdienst Brigade
╬ Office Name:Marine-Geheimdienst Büro
(Naval Intelligence Office)
╬ Tag:KGD|
╬ Origin:Rheinland Civil War
╬ Date of founding:827 A.S
╬ Headquarter: Planet New Berlin
╬ Primary role:Intelligence, Counter-Intelligence
╬ Secondary role:Black Ops, R&D, Security
╬ Current leader(s): 1st iC = Horst Stieglitz @Alpha.Wolf
2nd iC = Katrina Dietrich @Felipe
╬ Threads: Recruitment Center
Message dump
Feedback Thread



Kaiserliche Geheimdienst Brigade is Rheinland Naval Intelligence Faction formed due to RM necessity. The organization office is known as Marine-Geheimdienst Büro, although among navy councillors, courtiers and the group themselves, they are referred to as KGD. For their efforts in helping to prepare military operations, organization is now being granted some freedom of action. The Büro also currently have an extended remit to act on matters of fleet security both internally and externally.


Originally, it was just a scattering of rumors. Those rumors then developed into discontent within the prevailing structure. This discontent swelled among Officers of the Naval Intelligence who began to, informally, voice their concerns to each other closed away in their own chambers. Harking back to the times when wars were fought with a winning strategy, instead of bouldering into one disastrous conflict after the other. The home front infested with the corrupt, and the inept. Something had to be done, some loyal officers of Rheinland had to remove the tarnish from within and prepare to face possible dangers from outside that rumours paint for a near future.

The group was approached by loyal supporters of the military, with a proposal of monumental proportions. An undertaking which required that they act, quickly and decisively, against all odds. The task aligned well with their own perceptions, and it was one that they embraced gladly. KGD, as the naval oberkommando came to know them, were the most daring, battle-hardened pilots from Battleship Strausberg Strike-group.

Now in control of a vehicle of change, with the considerable backing of the Militär, the KGD began to embed their roots deep within the homefront. While concealing their activities from inside the structure, they began a concentrated effort of spreading their influence within and further beyond Rheinland space. Recruiting both civilian and military assets in the following months, they were able to set the stage for their dawning.

When the time came for the introductory elements of the symphony, the KGD proved themselves to be an invaluable asset to the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr. Investigating even their own ranks, rooting out any dissent in armed forces of Rheinland, mapping every cubic meter of Rheinland space and beyond our borders, making sure that from now on, RM will always engage in tatical advantadge.

Following the recent victories of the military on home front, having severelly punished the main internal pirate treaths , now KGD aims to help preparing Rheinland borders defense to, just then, with our borders secure, start preparations for reconquer of systems lost in recent years.

Kaiserliche Geheimdienst Brigade had proven to be an invaluable asset despite its small size. Effective, decisive, fully loyal and most of all willing to do what needed to be done. The Militär formally organised the group to become his eyes and ears, the extension of his power and will. Unlike its predecessors, this Intelligence organization is loyal to Kaiserliche Rheinwehr and the preservation of the Empire. For without the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr, there is no Empire, without an Empire there is no Rheinland.


Kaiserliche Geheimdienst Brigade has the mandate to act in the interests of the Empire and its Kaiser, both within Rheinland and outside of it. This has taken the form of intelligence gathering and counter-intelligence as well as Black Ops both home and abroad to ensure the security of the Empire. KGB has also taken up the role of advanced military Research & Development.

  • Intelligence gathering on both internal and external targets
  • Counter-Intelligence operations against those who would seek to harm Rheinland
  • Advanced military research
  • Defense of Rheinland and its people
  • Eradication of the Nomad threat
  • Conducting Black Operations


- - - - - -Direktor (Dkt-)
[Image: eCblOHL.png]
- - - - - - Brigadegeneral (Bge-)
[Image: Zt9iyzZ.png]
- - - - - -Einsatzgruppenleiter (Egl-)
[Image: CGmyhCE.png]
- - - - - -Seuchenschutzkommandant (Ssk-)
[Image: J1FJ29q.png]
- - - - - -Major (Mjr-)
[Image: EMIO5jv.png]
- - - - - -Leutnant (Lt-)
[Image: uZxRTLA.png]
- - - - - -Dienstgruppenleiter (Dgl-)
[Image: VUuumka.png]
- - - - - -Truppleiter (Trl-)
[Image: q1IiICj.png]
- - - - - -Seuchenschutzoffizier (Sso-)
[Image: PgfOm0s.png]
- - - - - -Seuchenschutzunteroffizier (Ssu-)
[Image: DKBVAFK.png]
- - - - - -Sondereinsatzkraft (Sek-)
[Image: Gf9p6i6.png]
- - - - - -Einsatzkraft (Ekr-)
[Image: oTxvKTo.png]
- - - - - -Anwärter (Anw-)
[Image: oWinSxM.png]


Kaiserliche Geheimdienst Brigade ships are to be named as following:

Military Aircraft:
  • KGD|Rank-First.Lastname
  • Example: KGD|Anw-Max.Mustermann
Military Bombers:
  • KGD|Rank~First.Lastname
  • Example: KGD|Mjr~Uwe.Kurzbein
Military Warships:
  • KGD|KKS-Name (preferably German Cities, Lakes, Mountains…)
  • Example: KGD|KKS-Eibsee
Military Logistic Vessels:
  • KGD|LV-Name (same as for warship names)
  • Example: KGD|LV-Juist
Civilian Aircraft and Bombers:
  • KGD|Codename
  • Example: KGD|Eisenfaust
Shared Aircraft vessels:
  • KGD|Greekletter-Number
  • Example: KGD|Alpha-274


[Image: LFprint.png] [Image: RhWraithfin.png] [Image: RhSlepnirFIN.png] [Image: RhSHFfin.png]
72-ARKM-G27 "Phantom" 90-ARKM-N45 "Wraith" 90-ARKM-N60E "Sleipnir" 19-ARKM-N82 "Mjolnir"
[Image: RhBomberSmolFin.png] [Image: RhBomberBigFin.png]
140-ARKM-N58 "Bergelmir" 13-ARKM-N37 "Fafnir"

72-ARKM-G27 "Phantom" Rheinland Heavy Fighter Mk II

The Phantom is one of the main workhorses of KGD, alongside the Wraith. The ship is has proven a capable combat fighter with a distinguished history within the Rheinland Military and Police. The ship is capable of mounting smaller cloak capabilities, which can make the ship very versatile within the hands of The Geheimdienst. The ship had been modified at Paderborn and it now boasts a new reactor and engine capabilities, having the additional advantage of opening the ship to room offered by space, with a distinct advantage against heavier ships in maneuverability and agility.

The modifications can make the ships being able to mount various weaponry and technology while retaining the same maneuverability they had, even if their tonnage is increased.

90-ARKM-N45 "Wraith" Rheinland Heavy Fighter Mk II

Daumann Heavy Industries designed this ship on the model of the “Phantom”, the ship was designed to offer increase firepower but also to be small in size to present a difficult target to hit. The increase ability of firepower required the ship to be larger, and in the same stroke heavier.

The Wraith Mark 2 excels in the role of a very heavy fighter in sorties against larger opponents, as difficult to hit targets which are able to present a decent amount of firepower, they are able to abuse their shape to avoid being hit while maintaining shots on target.
The Paderborn Engineers, with the Mark 2, used the cargo hold to be able to mount cloak and other technologies which can truly show the true capabilities of the vessel, making the ship more versatile.

90-ARKM-N60E "Sleipnir" Rheinland Very Heavy Fighter Mk V

The KGD took this up to the next level with the Sleipnir. Sacrificing more maneuverability and shape, the Sleipnir is one of the heaviest fighters in the Rheinland Intelligence’s arsenal. Having a new armour based on a new alloy made from titanium layers and ceramic powder between them, which causes the armour to resist hits better than the counterpart used by the Rheinwehr.

Using the engine of former prototypes designed for racing, but modified by the engineers to work in combat conditions, the ship has greater emphasis on energy output and makes up for this in the increased power plant. The combination has allowed the ship to hit hard and fast, yet to be able to maintain enough speed to vanish again from scanners.

19-ARKM-N82 "Mjolnir" Rheinland Super Heavy Fighter

The Rheinland engineers decided that they could create a truly multi-role vessel, and the idea of Mjolnir was born.
Sacrificing maneuverability and speed, this vessel can bring untold destruction upon larger targets and in true manner of The Geheimdienst while also being a large threat to other fighters in the area of operation. The ship is somewhat rare but respected by its enemies for its deadly nature. A pack of Mjolnirs is every commanders nightmare if they operate far from reinforcements which can assist in defeating the squadron.

140-ARKM-N58 "Bergelmir" Rheinland Bomber

The Bergelmir has been one of the mainstay bombers of the Rheinland Military for decades, and recent upgrades see its service life extended. Although it is now outclassed in terms of firepower by the Fafnir, the light bomber sees wide spread use from the authorities as it is reliable, cheap and most of all. Difficult to bring down or damage.

13-ARKM-N37 "Fafnir" Bomber

The appearance of capital ships in the hands of Hessians and other external enemies, drove the Rheinlander engineers to once again take to the drawing board. They created specialised heavy bomber capable of mounting incredible amount of firepower with the task of taking down hostile battleships. The ship was named the Fafnir.

With the Civil War in full blaze, the Paderborn had continued to tinker with the systems to make them compatible to new classes of weapons and improved the power distribution and as well the buffering system, installing the new and modern Gel Packs, which can store and release high amounts of energy without having to be changed so often and which proved to be more reliable than their Military counterpart.

[Image: RhGBfin.png] [Image: RhDonauFIN.png] [Image: RhTripitzFin.png]
"Oder"-class Gunboat "Donau"-class Cruiser "Tirpitz"-class Battlecruiser

"Oder"-class Gunboat

This is the smallest ships deployed by the Armed Forces and its use can be seen in Rheinland Military and in Planetary Defence. The ship is quick, being capable of boasting a powerful array of weapons.
The ship can be very versatile, being able to mount light, anti-fighter weaponry, medium weaponry which can be used for interdiction of cargo and other policing matters, or heavy weaponry, able to take on heavier classes then itself.

The KGD recognized the great capability of the ship and it can now be found everywhere in the overt operations of the organisation, such as Long-Range patrol, pirate and rebel element suppression without having to send any of the heavier ships.

"Donau"-class Cruiser

Higher frequency attacks on the shipping lanes and the more heavier weapons used by the criminals and enemies of Rheinland, the development of Donau by the Daumann was the next logical step.

The constant wars in which Rheinland was part of, created a large supply or damaged hulls which the Military Engineers decided not to repair or even use as spares.
Paderborn staff saw otherwise and they acquired several hulls which undertook major overhauling, crafting them into major and deadly war machines, refitting it with the newest and best equipment money can buy. The new ships can also boast a lot of new technology which makes the ships to be seen as a possible multi-role ships in the Geheimdienst‘s missions.

"Tirpitz"-class Battlecruiser

The Tirpitz-class Battlecruiser is designed not just as an addition to the fleets, but an improvement as well, being heavier and more versatile than its predecessor, the Donau-class Cruiser.

With the threat of the Civil War, the Paderborn engineers saw the urgent need for a mobile heavy support vessel, capable of withstanding a heavy attack. Utilising the philosophy of the Donau as a starting point, the new Mark III Tirpitz has been overhauled and geared in every aspect to be designed to deliver overwhelming fire capacity, which can prove a threat to any heavier class ships that the enemies of the Empire can field.

Tirpitz itself is rarely seen amongst the most missions of the KGD. It serves the Oberkommando, especially the Direktors as regional and local command units.

[Image: RhRagnarFIN.png] [Image: RhBehemothFin.png] [Image: RhArmTrain.png]
204-ARKM-B10 "Ragnar" 568-ARKG-B6 "Behemoth" RT-41-PFT "Uruz"

204-ARKM-B10 "Ragnar"
568-ARKG-B6 "Behemoth"
RT-41-PFT "Uruz"

Unlike the normal first models of these series, The Geheimdienst versions have enlarged power cores and a better power distribution which allows for an increase of 0.54mw which compliments being able to deploy the high performance scanners which can allow the vessels in this category to scout and identify ships and stations to great details up to 6 clicks or even more when running observation.
The Ragnar and Behemoth Mark 2s have been retrofitted with extra armour and its cargo space being reorganized to fit in extra fuel tanks, living quarters and specialist equipment, including cloaking technology and possible hyperspace matrix.

The few Uruz Mark 2s has been specifically modified to a modular design. Each module 'Pod' is designed with specific equipment to monitor transmissions, to scan for ships and to identify targets within a large area. Tranport versions of this vessel still see use, which take advantage or new reactive armour developed by The Black Orchestra.


[Image: 90px-GER_Bundeswehr_Honour_Cross_Bravery_ribbon.png]
Order of the Empire
Awarded in recognition of extraordinary personal bravery and service which has gone beyond the call of duty asked by the Empire.

[Image: 90px-GER_Bundeswehr_Honour_Cross_Gold_ribbon.png]
Order of Gallantry
Awarded in recognition of gallantry of the rarest kind, when confronted with an impossible challenge to overcome.

[Image: 90px-GER_Bundeswehr_Honour_Cross_Silver_ribbon.png]
Order of Valour
Awarded in recognition of extraordinary perseverance in the face of great danger.

[Image: 90px-GER_Bundeswehr_Honour_Cross_Bronze_ribbon.png]
Order of Bravery
Awarded in recognition of bravery when facing a great challenge.

[Image: 90px-GER_Bundeswehr_Honour_Medal_ribbon.png]
Order of Merit
Awarded in recognition of extraordinary personal achievement.

[Image: 140px-Ribbon_of_Knight27s_Cross_of_the_I...Swords.png]
Combat Excellence Award
Awarded in recognition of extraordinary feat of piloting skill.

[Image: 140px-Ribbon_of_Knight27s_Cross_of_the_I...Leaves.png]
Distinguished Combat Award
Awarded in recognition of continuous piloting skill.

[Image: 140px-Ribbon_of_Knight27s_Cross_of_the_Iron_Cross.png]
Combat Ace Award
Awarded in recognition of piloting skills.

[Image: 125px-D-PRU_Pour_le_Merite_2_BAR.png]
Venerable Service Award
Awarded in recognition of twenty-four months of service.

[Image: 125px-D-PRU_Pour_le_Merite_1_BAR.png]
Extended Service Award
Awarded in recognition of twelve months of service.

[Image: 125px-D-PRU_EK_1914_2_Klasse_BAR.png]
Service Award
Awarded in recognition of six months of service.

[Image: 100px-Order_of_Merit_of_the_Prussian_Cro...on_bar.png]
Astute Award
Awarded in recognition of unbreakable will in a time of great duress.


  • Imperial Family
  • Kaiserliche Rheinwehr

  • Kaiserliche Polizei

  • Rheinland Corporations
  • Gallic Law Enforcement - Friends of the allied Kaiserliche Rheinwehr

  • other Rheinland Military Cells - Unclear if the remaining military cells are loyal to the Empire.
  • other Rheinland Police Cells - Unclear if the remaining Police cells are loyal to the Empire.
  • Everyone not listed elsewhere - They need to prove they can be trusted.

  • Corsairs - A belligerent cabal of pirates that threaten the Empire.
  • Infectees/Nomads - Alien menace that must be purged.
  • Outcasts - Drug lord pirates that are infecting Sirius with Cardamine.
  • Sirius Coalition - Known Terrorists.
  • Volksrevolution - local pirate group.

***note: Yes. The templates are based on the black orchestra‘s templates. Please keep this in mind before bashing the faction, thank you very much!***
***note B: work in progress, we kindly ask players to interact with our members ingame prior to any judgment of worth.***