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Daumann Heavy Constructions - Printable Version

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Daumann Heavy Constructions - Wolfspirit - 06-22-2009

[Image: dhchead.png]

About us:

Daumann Heavy Construction is the largest mining and manufacturing firm in Rheinland. We used to be the only approved vendor for the military and police, we built their ships and we produced their equipment. During the 80-Years War, we enjoyed a position of utmost supremacy in the Rheinland corporate world. We were unchallenged for military contracts and controlled a fair portion of civil ones as well. However, the events at the end of the war splintered the entire infrastructure. Alongside internal troubles, Republican Shipping took an iron hold of the transport market, and Kruger shifted its operations to compete with us in the Omegas. While Kruger would never recover from its losses in the 80-Years War, they still remain a solid competitor. We went from a monopoly to a company struggling to retain previously unchallenged markets.

While challenges present themselves at every turn, all is not lost. We will expand into new markets, and begin retaking businesses previously ours. We will reduce our reliance on Republican’s price-gouging, and make sure they do not run unchecked in the Rheinland trade market. As resources dwindle, we will continue to search for new mining fields. We will brave the dangers of the far Omegas and even the Omicrons if we must. We will retake our place as the only corporation Rheinland needs.

[Image: 5.png]
Our main installation: The Ring.

Our Goals:

As the most powerful and important firm in Rheinland, it is our duty to maintain Rheinland's place in the Sirius economy. We will ensure that there is a constant supply of our products to be used at home and exported throughout the colonies, and to this end we will continue to expand into new mining fields. We will make jobs for the Rheinland people, and we will produce only the best products. We will never stop growing, and we will never stop providing our customers with the finest ships and weapons in all of Sirius.

[Image: 6.png]
Our convoy on its way.


ID: Daumann Heavy Construction ID
IFF: Daumann
Tag: DHC-

Daumann Heavy Construction is a large corporation with many subdivisions, but most of our operations in space fall into three categories- transportation, escort, and mining. Each of them has a set purpose, and employees in each category have separate requirements for what we ask of them- see Ranks for details.

Transport fleet - As the name indicates, our transport fleet is responsible for the movement of goods from one place to another. Most importantly, from our factories to our esteemed customers. As we can make no profits without our goods reaching our customers, this is the most important job, and a transport pilot is responsible for making decisions about destinations, routes, and what is carried. Our transports are named after geographical locations or cities in Rheinland, and are marked by type.

Escort wings - These are the pilots responsible for protecting our industry, whether at home or abroad. They are the ones who accompany transports on their trade routes, and the pilots who protect our stationary mining operations. Any hostile target within 5k of our operations should be neutralized if possible. In the lawless Omega systems, these pilots are especially important. Back at home, they are to assist the Rheinland Federal Police and Military if requested- the Rheinland government is our most valued business partner and we will honor their faith in us. Escorts fly either fighters or bombers, and are referred to by their pilot's surname.

Miners - Our mining branch is responsible for the retrieval of raw materials, without which we would be unable to function. The mining division also includes explorers who search for new mining opportunities. These pilots use Spatial Super Heavy Fighters. Mining vessels are named as transport vessels, while explorers use their surnames.

Miscellaneous - In addition to the above, we maintain a few select ships for safely moving our administrators, delegates, and on occasion prisoners from place to place. We use no less than the Ragnar and Armored Transport to ensure their safety. We also maintain several repair craft to maintain equipment in the field, from miners to capital ships. All of these ships are named as per transport ships, after locations in Rheinland.

[Image: 1-1.png]
Escort in action.

Ranking system:

We value our employees based on their efficiency. All employees are expected to do a certain amount of work, but those who accomplish more are given more privileges and responsibilities. Should they regress in their accomplishments, they will be moved back to previous rankings. Requirements for each rank vary by job, and are evaluated on a monthly basis. Should an employee fail to meet the requirements for even the lowest rank two months in a row, they will be fired. However, these minimal requirements are easily accomplishable in one day- if an employee is not willing to put forth even that much effort, then they do not deserve to fly with Daumann.
Transport job: Minimal requirement: 25 million cash given to our bank every month. If you make some trade routes (at least 2) two times a week, you dont need to paid the minimal requirement.
+ 25 million - 1st level - Hauler
+ 50 million - 2nd level - Mover
+ 100 million - 3rd level - Transporter
+ 200 million - 4th level - Master Transporter
Escort job: Minimal requirement: Escorting a transport or miner at least 2 times a week. Advancement requires confirmed kills on experienced enemy pilots. A 10 accomplished escort missions are equivalent to one kill.
+ 5 kill - 1st level - Protector
+ 10 kill - 2nd level - Gunner
+ 15 kill - 3rd level - Sharpshooter
+ 20 kill - 4th level. - Ace
Miner job: Minimal requirement: Mining and distributing 5 full cargo loads of raw material every month.
+ 5 cargo loads - 1st level - Panner
+ 10 cargo loads - 2nd level - Digger
+ 15 cargo loads - 3rd level - Miner
+ 20 cargo loads - 4th level - Excavator

[Image: 7.png]
Transport reach Planet Kyushu with full cargo diamonds.

Ship List:

Transport ships:
Large Train
Adv. Train
Heavy Tanker
Escort Ships:
Tiger Shark
Miner Ships:
Mining Ship
Other ships:
Armoured Transport
Repair Ship

[Image: 9.png]
One of our product.

Allowed Weapons:

Rheinland weapons, Sirius-wide civilian weapons, Codenames, General weapons (Mini Razor, Supernova Antimatter Cannon, Missiles, Mines, Torpedos, etc.). Later - if we can make a good deal with the Bounty Hunters, we will buy some of their guns (but not their ships). The Sirius-wide transportation is a new challenge to us, and the Bounty Hunters are the one of the strongest organization which can face the problems in the Border Words and which we have contact. Their guns on our escort ships growing up the chance how we can defend our transports.

[Image: 2.png]
Mining operation in Dresden.

Trade Routes:

Our transport fleets major job carrying away our factories, workplaces productions and supporting constantly these installations with raw materials and other productions. Of course for maximalize profit, we can limited carry other companies productions, because the flight time expensive, and better if it pass with full cargo than empty. Here are our standard routes. All freighter captain can use alternative route but in all route need to touch at least one Daumann base, need to carry there somethig what necessity and/or carry away some our production to right place.

Standard trade routes:
"Sushi for breakfast"
New Berlin:The Ring - Robotic Components (289 $)-> Dresden:Leipzig Station (655 $)
Dresden:Leipzig Station - High-Temperature Alloy (82 $)-> New Tokyo:Shinjuku Station (1.299 $)
New Tokyo:Shinjuku Station - Quantum Multiplexors (795 $)-> New Berlin:The Ring (2.015 $)
Flight Time: 35 min
Profit (with 4.980 cargo): 13.958.940 $
"Mechanization & upgrade I."
Omega-7:Briesen Mining Facility - Cobalt (120 $) -> Hamburg:Altona Station (699 $)
Hamburg:Altona Station - Robotic Components (204 $)-> Omega-7:Briesen Mining Facility (900 $)
Flight Time: 17 min
Profit (with 4.980 cargo): 6.349.500 $
"Mechanization & upgrade II."
Omega-7:Briesen Mining Facility - Copper (40 $) -> Frankfurt:Mainz Storage Facility (639 $)
Frankfurt:Planet Holstein - Robotic Components (199 $)-> Omega-7:Briesen Mining Facility (900 $)
Flight Time: 18 min
Profit (with 4.980 cargo): 6.474.000 $
"Eye for eye"
Dresden:Leipzig Station - High-Temperature Alloy (82 $)-> Newcastle:Scarborough Station (1.420 $)
Newcastle:Scarborough Station - Super Alloy(100 $)-> Hamburg:Alster Shipyard (1.454 $)
Hamburg:Planet Hamburg - Robotic Component (199 $)-> Dresden:Leipzig Station (655 $)
Flight Time: 50 min
Profit (with 4.980 cargo): 15.677.040 $
"Daumann round dance"
New Berlin: The Ring - Mining Machinery (215 $) -> Omega-3: Rugen (830 $)
Omega-3: Rugen - Polymers (217 $) -> Frankfurt: Planet Holstein (1.242 $)
Frankfurt: Planet Holstein - Robotic Components (199 $) -> Omega-7: Briesen Mining Facility (900 $)
Omega-7: Briesen Mining Facility - Copper (40 $) -> New Berlin: The Ring (417 $)
Flight Time: 40 min
Profit (with 4.980 cargo): 13.535.640 $
"Afternoon tea in London"
New Berlin:Oder Shipyard - Engine Component (910 $)-> New London:Southampton Shipyard (2.470 $)
New London:Thames Outpost - Mining Machinery (220 $)-> Dublin:Graves Station (476 $)
Dublin:Graves Station - Gold (500 $)-> New Berlin:The Ring (2.158 $)
Flight Time: 45 min
Profit (with 4.980 cargo): 17.300.520 $

[Image: 3.png]
Expansion in Omega systems: Solarius Station


Our relationship with those around us is based on how profitable our interactions are. We are at heart a business rather than a political organization, and as such ideology takes a backseat to economics.

Liberty - At present, our nation is at war with Liberty, and as such we refrain from trade with them or passage into their space.
Liberty Navy, [LN] - enemy
Liberty Security Force, =LSF= - enemy
Liberty Police Inc., LPI- - enemy
Synth Foods - We are not fond of this Liberty-based company, but their presence on Stuttgart requires us to tolerate them. They should not expect us to assist them. Outside of Rheinland territory it is suggested they watch their backs. Unfriendly.
Universal Shipping - They are competitors with Republican Shipping, and while we may wish we controlled more of their market they are vital to the survival of Rheinland. As such, Universal Shipping should not expect any aid from us. Unfriendly.
Deep Space Engineering - We are unhappy to admit it, but Rheinland needs them to maintain the Trade Lanes and Jump Gates, so we will refrain from action against them. Neutral.
Ageira Technologies - We are unhappy to admit it, but whole Sirius needs them to produce the Trade Lanes and Jump Gates parts, so we will refrain from action against them. Thats another story how they are Liberty weapon supporters. Neutral.
Interspace Commerce | Interspace Neuralnet Division : [IND] - On occasion we will make use of their insurance policies with particularly valuable cargos, but we share no special connection. Neutral
Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines - We respect the services OSC provides on Planet Baden Baden, and our executives make frequent use of their facilities. Neutral.
Cryer Pharmacueticals - In addition to their affiliations with Liberty, this company has no morals to speak of. At best we tolerate them for the occasional useful medicine, but that is the extent of our dealings. Neutral.

Liberty Unlawfuls - While we do not make a presence in Liberty, Liberty is notoriously bad at containing their criminals. By nature of being pirates, we will do no more than pass them by if they let us, but we do not encounter them often enough to take major action against them.
Lane Hackers, LH-, [HF] - unfriendly
Liberty Rogues, LR- - unfriendly
Xenos, XA- - unfriendly
The Order, Order| - While not seen much, Order operatives are involved in the battle against Nomads and their slaves, example Das Wilde. For that we are grateful. Friendly.

Bretonia - Bretonia is the destination of many of our exports, and we have pleasant dealings with their citizens. So long as BMM does not encroach upon our operations in Omega-3, we have no hard feelings against any of them, and sincerely hope to continue good relations for years to come.
Bretonia Armed Forces, BAF - Friendly
Bretonia Police Authority, BPA) - Friendly
Gateway Shipping, Gateway) - We don't have any explicit deals with them, but we are open to suggestions. Friendly-neutral.
Bretonia Mining and Minerals, BMM - So long as they respect our rights in Omega-3, we have no quarrel with them. Unfortunately this is not the case. Unfriendly-neutral.
Borderworld Exports, Bowex - We remain on good terms with them, but have no existing dealings. Friendly-neutral.
Planetform Incorporated - They are possible business partners, but at present we have no deals with them. Friendly-neutral.

Bretonia Unlawfuls We have no special quarrel with them, but by nature of their piracy we remain on our guard and do not attempt trading with them.
Gaians, [NLH] - unfriendly
Mollys, [MR] - While we do not condone such violence, their actions against our competitors in BMM are appreciated. Unfriendly-neutral.

Rheinland Military, [RM] - Our most valued customers and protectors. Allies.
Rheinland Police, RFP - As with the Military, they are major customers and protectors. Allies.
Republican Shipping, RepEx - While their transportation services are appreciated, they have become serious competitors in the ship-building business. Neutral
ALG Waste Disposal - While not normally a competitor, there is some threat in them merging with Kruger. They are, however, indispensible in maintaining our operations. Neutral.
Kruger Minerals - Old-time rivals, but no longer capable of opposing us in any market. Should they complete their merger with ALG, however, they could prove problematic. They are responsible for the 80-Years War and the decline of Rheinland's economy, but they are still helpful to the war effort. Unfriendly-neutral.

Rheinland Unlawfuls
Red Hessians, [RHA] - Pirates with no respect for the lives of our customers or employees. Destroy these monsters at every turn. Hostile.
Bundschuh, VF) - While dedicated to 'fixing' our company in a rather violent way, they are not enough of a threat to merit a full-scale response. Unfriendly.
Landwirtrechtbewegung, LWB - While we cannot condone their violent actions nor trade with them, they fight for the common man and against foreign companies. We find this admirable. Neutral.
Unioners, AU - While they are Republican's problem and not ours, they still attack our employees. Unfriendly.
Das Wilde - Nomad infested ex-Military, they are the scourge of the Omegas and a dire threat to humanity. These monsters deserve nothing other than complete destruction. Hostile.

Kusari - Relations with Kusari have been strained since the 80-Years War, but we are trying to patch things together and open a path into some of Kusari's untapped markets.
Kusari Naval Forces, [KNF] - Friendly-neutral.
Kusari State Police, KSP - Friendly-neutral.
Samura Industries, Samura| - While they are our most important business partner in Kusari, they are difficult to work with. Friendly-neutral.
Kishiro Technologies, Kishiro - We have no current contracts with them, but we hope to change that in the future. Friendly-neutral.

Kusari Quasi-Legal
Hogosha, [|] - We have no current dealings with the Hogosha, but should we wish to broaden our markets in Kusari we may turn to them. Neutral.

Kusari Unlawful
Blood Dragons, (NovaPG) - Terrorists who on occasion target our shipping. Unfriendly.
Farmer's Alliance, [AFA] - They are as much a hindrance to us as they are to our competitors, however they are particularly keen on uprooting Synth Foods. Unfriendly-neutral.
Golden Chrysanthemums, [GC] - Radicals who are known to threaten some of our shipping. Unfriendly.

Bounty Hunters Guild, BHG| - We appreciate their efforts against crime all across Sirius. Friendly.
Zoners, [TAZ] - We purchase our escort ships from them, and they are reliable sources of information about possible mining locations in the borderworlds. Friendly-neutral.
Gas Miner's Guild, GMG| - A casual glance at Rheinland's history should reveal all details of our relationship with them. Unfriendly, so long as they keep to the Sigmas.
Independent Miner's Guild, [IMG] - Many of them are of Rheinland ancestry, and we had a profitable arrangement with them. They are our competitors in Omega-7 and the connections with the hessians can't grow their reputation. They refuse our goods, they refuse us, so we don't let them to land on our bases. Stay alert if IMGs are close in the Bprders. Unfriendly.

Quasi Legal
Junkers, .:j:. - Should we need broader markets, we may turn to them. Short of that, they have a tendency to make our jobs difficult. Unfriendly-neutral.
Freelancers - On occasion we need addition escort ships, and we have plenty of money to keep them on our side. Friendly-neutral.

While most of these are little more than thieves who detract from our profits, occasionally they manage to keep each other out of our profit margins.
Corsairs, [TBH], Benitez, [OPG] - We appreciate their actions against the Hessians, but they are a serious threat in the Omegas. Unfriendly.
Outcasts, [101st], [RoS], {SOB} - We rarely run into them, but when we do it is usually costly. Unfriendly.

Colonial Remnant, =CR= - The Colonial Republic in the Taus, we respect them and their actions against piracy. The newfound cold relations with the IMG are not our problem. Friendly-neutral.
Phantoms, [Phantom] - Terrorists guilty of horrific atrocities. Hostile.
Artifical Inteligence - We make good use of robots, but there is no place for rogue AIs. Hostile.
Coalition, SCRA| - Enemies of corporate progress everywhere, our very existence offends them. Hostile.
Mercenaries - Neutral until proven otherwise.
Nomads - Enemies of humanity, alien monsters guilty of many deaths and responsible for Das Wilde. Hostile.

Rheinland Military, Rheinland Police
The Order, BPA, BAF, Bounty Hunters Guild
BowEx, Gateway, Planetform, Kusari Naval Force, Kusari State Police, Samura, Kishiro, Freelancers, Colonials, Zoners
Neutral: Ageira, DSE, Interspace Commerce, Cryer, Mercenaries, Republican, Hogosha, ALG, LWB,
Kruger, Mollys, Junkers, Farmer's Alliance
Synth Foods, Rogues, Xenos, Hackers, Gaians, Bundschuh, GMG, Dragons, GC, Corsairs, Outcasts, BMM, Unioners, IMG
Red Hessians, Liberty Navy, Liberty Police Inc., LSF, Phantoms, Coalition, Rogue AI, Nomads, Das Wilde

[Image: 10.png]
Some other product.

If you want to know more about us, visit our OFFICIAL SITE. Currently roster is there for example.
[Image: 500mill.jpg]

[Image: 8.png]
Raw materials load out at Briesen

Daumann Heavy Constructions - reavengitair - 06-22-2009

Nice job.

However, I don't see the order on your relations list.

Daumann Heavy Constructions - Wolfspirit - 06-22-2009

' Wrote:Nice job.

However, I don't see the order on your relations list.
Check Liberty unlawfuls.

Daumann Heavy Constructions - dr lameos - 06-22-2009

You have IMG stated as unfriendly in the relations description, but neutral in the listing, a contradiction i just noticed.

Also, one of your routes shows Gallia as usable, which i don't believe it is, or should be, at least not yet.

There are a few minor grammatical errors in you post, but nice pictures, and on the whole nicely laid out.

On another note, you ask a lot of credits from your members, I mean, I give mine money rather than ask of it in Kruger, and still we struggle for numbers, perhaps you could tell me what I'm doing wrong?!

Daumann Heavy Constructions - reavengitair - 06-22-2009

Quote: Check Liberty unlawfuls.

I see.

I think they should be borderworlds/Quasi-Legal - they no longer operate/barely operate in liberty now.

Daumann Heavy Constructions - Wolfspirit - 06-22-2009

' Wrote:You have IMG stated as unfriendly in the relations description, but neutral in the listing, a contradiction i just noticed.

Also, one of your routes shows Gallia as usable, which i don't believe it is, or should be, at least not yet.

There are a few minor grammatical errors in you post, but nice pictures, and on the whole nicely laid out.

On another note, you ask a lot of credits from your members, I mean, I give mine money rather than ask of it in Kruger, and still we struggle for numbers, perhaps you could tell me what I'm doing wrong?!
Thanks, I corrected the IMG. About Gallia, personally I don't think how its profitable route (too long), but because other official Rheinland trader team (RepEx) fly this route, I wont stop my members who want to go there (but I tell everyone, 2 round to New Tokyo or London is better or more profitable). If you can send me the grammatical errors in PM, I will be thankful. About members number. I think its a common problem to all trader group. Hmmm I wrote a nice text here about it but better if we discuss it in PM, if you are interested.

Daumann Heavy Constructions - Lucas_Fernandez - 06-22-2009

Good to see more and more player in Rheinland.

Daumann Heavy Constructions - mwerte - 06-22-2009

I'm going to say the same thing that I said in your other thread.

You guys showed up outta nowhere a few months ago, barely said anything at all ingame (unless I was on my RepEx, then you said hi) and I had no clue who you guys were on the forums until that thread.

Even the KoF (the last import trading faction) made themselves present on the forums for a good chunk of the time they were here before they became official.

Daumann Heavy Constructions - Wolfspirit - 06-22-2009

' Wrote:I'm going to say the same thing that I said in your other thread.

You guys showed up outta nowhere a few months ago, barely said anything at all ingame (unless I was on my RepEx, then you said hi) and I had no clue who you guys were on the forums until that thread.

Even the KoF (the last import trading faction) made themselves present on the forums for a good chunk of the time they were here before they became official.
I can say same about RepEx, I dont see more than 2 of you and you dont talk to us too. Usually I am who always send some PM to your members, warnings if they heading to pirates and so on, but nothing from your members. And our "rare" speech much more than come from RepEx because I dont hear more than "Guten Tag" (this is only then, if I greet him 1st). So what are we talking about?

Edit: Of course I don't want to say we are perfect. Of course we need improving our RP speech. If you really want to help, send me PM what do you want to hear or something, be sure I will listening you. But if you have only critic (nothing more), what do you want? I have too.

Daumann Heavy Constructions - Gundam - 06-22-2009

Erm one "silly" question...i just had few short looks at your faction info...Does Daumann pays their escort workers?

And good luck with it..i enjoyed reading it :)