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Tek's House of Hud Shots - Printable Version

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Tek's House of Hud Shots - Biohazard2974 - 03-06-2007

I'd like to announce the creation of a new 4.82 Discovery server. Tek's House of Hud Shots. It's started mainly as a relaxation from PvE in GW, but since we found the discovery mod, we've been playing it more than Guild Wars:cool:. Anyone and everyone who speaks english and doesn't cheat is more than welcome to come and play. The server is being hosted on my laptop (more than enough processing power) until I can get a dedicated server running (basically whenever has a sale). So the Server is up MWF from 2pm - 6:30am and TTh Noon-9am. I'm hosting on a 10mb down/1mb up connection so there is no lag. Server is using IONCROSS Server operator with all the discovery config files.

Since most of us are in college the server is rated R, since there is alot of adult conversation going on. Anyone of any age is welcome to join, but if you get offended easily, then don't for your own sake.

We're also starting to get role playing more active but need more people.

Starting wealth is 5 Million Credits

We also have a Ventrillo server that we use for voice comm. Information on that will be given out on a as needed basis.

Tek's House of Hud Shots - Koolmo - 03-06-2007

What time zone are you in?

Tek's House of Hud Shots - Biohazard2974 - 03-06-2007

-5 GMT Eastern USA

Tek's House of Hud Shots - Biohazard2974 - 03-09-2007

News update: Changing the clan system from ID's to something what you guys are running. It's still in it's infant form, so please be forgiving if there's not many people on or in clans. You can find our forums by going through, I gotta start work on my own website. To see all that's on the freelancer part of the forums, you must register and send a pm to Lord Tek with your registered name and that you want to get into the freelancer forums.

Tek's House of Hud Shots - Biohazard2974 - 10-05-2007

Ok finally got a dedicated server up and running. I know it's been a while but all characters that were on my server are still there. It's running 4.83 right now, but that's changing soon. *crosses fingers* RPing isn't really an option right now since I'm trying to get people back on the server, PvP is encouraged.

Also starting wealth is 10kk and Speed Mod Cruise @ 600 is enabled, you have to activate and enable it on client side as well.

Looking forward to seeing ya in game!!

Tek's House of Hud Shots - DarkOddity - 10-05-2007

Biohazard, I sent you a private message on these forums.

Tek's House of Hud Shots - Exile - 10-05-2007

Why would you have to say you sent him a PM:dry:

Tek's House of Hud Shots - DarkOddity - 10-05-2007

In case he misses it when loading the page (as I have done several times) as he is not a "Disco" player per se the chances of that are very high and I know he will check this thread when he comes on as it is in regards to his server.

Legit question though.:)

Tek's House of Hud Shots - Exile - 10-05-2007

When opening the forums, it is realy hard to miss the PM announcements, since it takes up allmost half the screen..

Tek's House of Hud Shots - Dopamino - 10-05-2007

half the screen? theyr only like 400X400 pixels. easy to miss, especially if you close a tab without looking at it, or click refresh.