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I can haz skype - Printable Version

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I can haz skype - Malexa - 12-24-2009

[00:49:18] Dieter: we're like the gay batallion in the old greek armyhuh?
[00:49:23] Ben: uh
[00:49:27] Ben: in classic greece
[00:49:29] rudo6191: Sacred Band
[00:49:30] Ben: like the age of the phalanx
[00:49:32] Dieter: every mm is precious?
[00:49:39] Ben: yeah
[00:49:44] Ben: the gay unit
[00:49:46] Ben: was made up of couples
[00:49:55] Ben: if your boyfriend dies you can't very well just recruit a new one from the provinces
[00:49:59] kurnubego: Sacred Band
Carthage ...
[00:50:03] rudo6191: the philosophy behind the sacred band was that they would enlist couples who would fight harder for their loved one
[00:50:25] rudo6191: and then alexander the great remarked on their willingness to fight to the end when he killed them all
[00:50:33] Ben: the phalanx formation is based around team work, if you try to defend yourself rather than the guy next to you, it falls apart
[00:50:52] Ben: so apparently gay couples made the best fighters
[00:51:36] Dennis (Malexa/Diana): oh dear
[00:51:37] Dieter: probably all ripped too
[00:51:40] Dieter: bastids
[00:51:49] Dennis (Malexa/Diana): my skype updated on its own, now the layout sucks and even in this chat the topic is gay:P
[00:51:50] kurnubego: not likely.. always the best was teh ones who deosn't care if tehy will die..
[00:51:54] kurnubego: spartans D:
[00:52:01] Dieter: and this chat is officially in a very odd place

Uh well.....yeah. Thats what the new Skype does to your chats!

I can haz skype - Alex. - 12-24-2009

[00:26:15 | Edited by Chris (schlurbi), 00:26:58] Alex: Grrrrr.....Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm a lesbian.
[00:26:42] Dejavu: Couldn't resist.
[00:26:45] Dejavu::D
[00:26:59] Alex: |-(
[00:27:02] Chris (schlurbi): Me too.
[00:27:06 | Edited 00:27:19] Alex: I SAW WHAT YOU DID THERE!

[00:28:37 | Edited by Dejavu, 00:29:13] Alex: DUCK!!!! INCOMING CHEESECAKE FROM THE NORTH!

I can haz skype - Kazinsal - 12-24-2009

Argh, I ninja'd Boss but his post is better.

See below!

I can haz skype - Boss - 12-24-2009

Powermining, Inc. chat was determined to contain far too much innuendo and overall stupidity. (NOTE TO ALL CHAT HOSTS: NEVER LET XELGION AND KUROSORA IN THE SAME CHAT)

I can haz skype - Vergil - 12-24-2009

you like it baws. The rectally inhaled kittens voyage to meet their father was a magnificent one.

I can haz skype - Sprolf - 12-24-2009

[11:33:10 AM] Sprolf: I need more coffee .... or a soft sofa upon which to crash.
Sleep's thick fog has fallen upon my head.
[11:33:18 AM] Sprolf: So much so that I can't spell descended.
[11:33:31 AM] Jayce the Scout: You just did.

Sometimes I amaze even myself.

I can haz skype - Boss - 12-24-2009

[9:43:53 AM] Bossghest: [9:42:16 AM] Gurjiv (Frozen) Singh: whats the shortcut for the transform option in photoshop again?
[9:43:03 AM] Bossghest: Shout "Autobots, transform and roll out"
[9:43:10 AM] Gurjiv (Frozen) Singh: shaddap.
[9:44:05 AM] Spazzydragon (Sindroms): lol
[9:44:10 AM] Spazzydragon (Sindroms): Boss has win
[9:44:21 AM] Bossghest: Duh
[9:45:14 AM | Edited 9:46:45 AM] Dejavu/Josh/Cornish Pasty: I has loooose.
[9:46:09 AM] Iacomus (James): Does no-one know that "lose" and "loose" are two different words?
[9:46:17 AM] Bossghest: Apparently not
[9:46:20 AM] Spazzydragon (Sindroms): I like my women loose
[9:46:22 AM] Spazzydragon (Sindroms): sry
[9:46:22 AM] Spazzydragon (Sindroms): >.>
[9:46:25 AM] Bossghest: You lose
[9:46:31 AM] Spazzydragon (Sindroms): you lost
[9:46:32 AM] Spazzydragon (Sindroms): the game
[9:46:35 AM | Edited 9:46:40 AM] Bossghest: No
[9:46:43 AM] Bossghest: I AM the game
[9:47:03 AM] Dejavu/Josh/Cornish Pasty: You are? Darn!
[9:47:12 AM] Iacomus (James): I won the game.
[9:47:13 AM] Spazzydragon (Sindroms): ****
[9:47:15 AM] Spazzydragon (Sindroms): I lost the Boss

I can haz skype - jxie93 - 12-25-2009

Alex facepalms.
[20:53:11] Jason (Cabulb): Jason (Cabulb) facepalms on Alex's facepalm
[20:53:25] Alex: Alex facepalms on Cabulb's facepalm on Alex's facepalm.
[20:53:53] Jason (Cabulb): Jason (Cabulb) facepalms on Alex's facepalm on Cabulb's facepalm on Alex's facepalm.
[20:54:27] Alex: Alex facepalms on Cablulb's facepalm on Alex's facepalm on Cabulb's facepalm on Alex's facepalm.
[20:54:33] Alex: OSHI-.
[20:54:34] *** Tomtom ejected Alex from this conversation. ***
[20:54:37] Tomtom: -_-
[20:54:40] Jason (Cabulb): win.

I can haz skype - Alex. - 12-25-2009

Joining back again is FTW.:D

I can haz skype - Barrier - 12-26-2009

Trackpad.User 9:53 PM
I think the LN will need to kill me
Chris Shake 9:53 PM
yeah, I figured you just wanted to correct the bad stuff without thinking about if the info should be there in the first place
Ilya (Crucial) 9:54 PM
-Trent "Yeah, why is that?"
Trackpad.User 9:54 PM
I now haz pic of Alaska
9:55 PM
And my pic of the planet there is trash
Ilya (Crucial) 9:55 PM
[insert a long ololol here]
Chris Shake 9:58 PM
heh, Bradford doesn't exist outside the mission, I just went by where it should be before the mission happens, and it's nowhere to be found, and Sprague doesn't have a docking ring yet
Ilya (Crucial) 9:58 PM
damn Microsoft
9:59 PM
man, I wish they had more character development of the minor chars
10:00 PM
like Syd and Von Claussen
Chris Shake 10:00 PM
You never hear Van Pelt's first name
10:00 PM
huh, BattleClinic says it's Herman
10:01 PM
and they have some really random info that doesn't seem to come from ingame at all
10:01 PM
10:01 PM
half that description - I have no idea where it came from
Ilya (Crucial) 10:02 PM
oh, I love how the guy who plays Tobias voice looks very like him
Chris Shake 10:03 PM
this game really doesn't want you to go random places before the storyline gets you there, I got freakin swarmed with sairs at the camb/o3 hole
10:05 PM
good thing I'm playing with an uber shield and my own missile weapon cheat. low damage, really accurate, for blowing all the weapons off NPCs and watching them fly around like chickens with their heads cut off
Trackpad.User 10:05 PM
Ilya (Crucial) 10:05 PM
or Starwars Droids
Trackpad.User 10:05 PM
I have fun pvpwhoring in alaska
10:05 PM
Pwnzoring loltraders
Chris Shake 10:08 PM
hehe, just blew off all his weapons and then killed him with shieldbusters
10:08 PM
like cats playing with mice

Wiki Chat. Wikiwikiwikiwikiwikiwiki
Oh, and apology for the Mac-Skype.