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Operation Dead Deer - schlurbi - 11-29-2009

[Image: Beginning-1-1-2.png]
<div align="right]Fort McMurray - Alberta

Danny White is sitting in the Bar, directly at the window. His usual spot. Mumbling something about Edmonton, Alberta and silly Stations. Coughing he grabs his glass of water and spills it down. The other hand made to a wrist he smash it into his chest. Beating pain with pain.

"Boss!", a little girl in a new overall sprints into the little bar, LeBlanc written on a little sign on the overall. "They arrived, all of them." Danny silently stands up, moving out of the bar. The girl following him closely. As they enter the Elevator the voices from the docking control can be heard.

"Callsign Steely Glint, docking accepted, Bay 14"

The Hangar is quite full, it's never been that full. Normally the engineers and workers would just sit around, drinking wine or reading old and dirty erotic Magazines from the last Transport they mugged. Now they are sweating, running around, getting dirty. All different kinds of ships are in the Hangar, from Bacterians over Werewolfs to Barghests. Even one of the Mothers is moored with the base, same as the Slave Liner Big Sexy Beast.

Both Danny and the girl are moving towards a little crowd, pretty much a strange crowd. All of them are different from each other, yet they all belong to each other. They call themself Sylpheed's Rogues. As Danny moves closer to them they all turn around and look at them, the most havent seen Danny outside of his ships and Danny hasnt seen the most of them yet. Without changing the look of his face he starts...

"A'right guys'n gi'ls, welcome'ta A'berta, bettah sayin' McMurray. Ya all know, that I've been plannin' somethin'. Somethin' biggah if ya can still remembah. Fo' the newer Rogues I'll 'xplain it tomorrow 'gain"
He coughs into his fist and thinks that he should have taken the painkillers before. "Fo' now I'd like ya all havin' a great night at the Bar dun' be scared. 'ven though it's gonna be dang'rous, we're Liberty Rogues, we don't fear 'nythin'. Now I'll gotta do some stuff. If ya got some questions move'ta mah Room, I gotta call some people..."

He turns around, coughing into his fist again. This time the little girl isnt following him, she stays at the crowd, which is now moving towards the bar. The other random Rogues working as Engineers or other people are looking a bit weird, they never saw such a strange crowd.

Operation Dead Deer - Akura - 12-04-2009

Casper readied his console, opening a new message.

"Boss, it's Casper, I did a full sweep of Alberta, workin' out the areas as best for the Operation. I did a few scans of the target, aswell as tactical studies of the surroundin' solars"

He paused to slip in a datadisk.

"Jus' finishing up in Ontario, rumours of a Mastodon convoy of Military goods or summit. I'll talk to ye' later about it, but I'm buzzing you through the report now, Casper out"

He closed the audio feed and hit 'Transmit'.


[font=Courier New]
Operation Dead Deer - Tactical Analysis

Liberty Police Incorporated

Station Type: Logger
Location: B6, Alberta, Liberty
Gravity: Partial
Docking: Yes
Amenities: Limited
Occupants: Around 100
Patrols: Few

Station originally built to defend Ontario from our operations, and provides a regular stop for Police and Navy.

Defence Capabilities:

[Image: Arsenalcopy.png]

The station has 8 Small Station Turrets, both Mk.I and Mk.II, aswell as a few Pulses, these may prove dangerous for small patrols, but our intended forces shouldnt feel a thing in the initial assault.

[Image: calgarycopy.png]

Observations of Planet Calgary lead me to believe if we flew to the rings, before striking the base, we can use the rings of dust to obscure our energy and mass. This would mean Red Deer wouldnt see us coming until the last seconds, her scanners would be blind.

[Image: battleplan.jpg]

The above plan shows a possible route to take, to avoid the stations scanners. I reckon this would give us enough time to finish the job before Navy backup is called in from Fort Severn in Ontario.

>>>File: Patrol_routes.doc

I have attached details of observed Police patrol routes, however thin they are, perhaps we can aim to strike on minimal patrols, rather than at peak time.


The report finished it's transmission, and Casper headed to Alberta.

Operation Dead Deer - DarthCloakedGuy - 12-06-2009

A brutish figure stands among the Rogues, a permanent scowl on his face. He wears a gray jacket with blood red highlights, a heavy slugthrower pistol at his side. His ragged face could easily be identified as belonging to "Lash" McDaggit.

There was a dangerous look in his eyes, a look of bottled-up anger and hatred, though not at anyone in the room.

Wordlessly, he went over to the bar, until breaking his silence to order a strong drink. He'll need to be loose for the upcoming battle.

Operation Dead Deer - Tomtomrawr - 12-06-2009

Amongst the crowd of Rogues that had gathered on McMurray, John Mantral stood alone. He had never been good in social situations, mostly due to the fact that he, very simply, had close to no social skills. But he loved the fact that he was gifted with Aspergers Syndrome, for he saw the world for what it was at a very early age. His mind was never plagued with thoughts such as Does this person like me?, or Is this suit okay? He could constantly think about the problems he encountered, and then think about how he could use his position to the best of his ability.

He missed the sanctuary of the Steely Glint, or the I Blame Society. He wished he could crew the Reasonable Fee by himself, but unfortunately it was a large ship with too many problems for one man to handle. The Steely Glint, a Z-9000 "Barghest" Liberty Rogue/Molly Bomber, was meant to be crewed by a team of four. But some quick adjustments meant that he could pilot it all by himself.

Occasionally he did need more than one person onboard, but that was a very rare occasion. But he pushed those thoughts aside and thought of the upcoming battle. He lit up a cigarette and smoked it with pleasure. Smoking was one of the many things that calmed him down. He lifted the cigarette away from his mouth and used his other hand to move the drink toward it.

He knew that the upcoming days would be long and tiring. But he liked a challenge.

Operation Dead Deer - Silver.2 - 12-06-2009

Amid the rushing engineers hastily patching up the fighters scattered around, a lone Rogue sat staring at his console.

"Nia, Domus, I need you ta' look at my ship. I dun' want anythin' goin' wrong when tha' time comes..."

A slow stream of thought pushed into his mind.

"~Well, it shouldn't take long. Im just not used to Human ships yet~"


He took a node and plugged it inot his cranal jack. Data began to flow freely from his augmented consciousness.

The crackling voice of his AI came to life. "<Sir, we've detected a few faults from your last esapade. I'll upload it to your console now>"

He looked back at his Arm Console. A RTM (Real-Time Model) came up.

"<Your modular scanning bay was hit by several missiles. Also, your Antimatter Cannon's stabilizer was almost entirely destroyed. You should fix that if you dont want to get vaporized by your own weapon.>"


He sighed. "Fine. MECHANICS!"

A few men in tattered coveralls came up.

"Yes, Drake?"

He showed them the model.

"I want 'et fixed, ASAP!"

They took another look.

"Right away..."

They walked away to a rack full of parts.

"~Ugh. Why dont you just let the nanobots fix it~?" Nia questioned in his mind.

Drake chuckled a bit.

"Nia, yea've got alot ta' learn. Now les' join the others at tha' bar."

They walked through the hallways, catching glimpses of the base's inner workings. Various rooms wee filled with technicians, high ranking Rogues, and assistants.

He finally walked into the bar, a place that gave him more of a feeling of home than anywhere else. He took a seat at the bar, tucked away in the corner.

"Something strong, please..."

Operation Dead Deer - schlurbi - 12-06-2009

A woman, wearing a dark red overall is wandering along the second floor. The overall doesnt seem to be dirty as the other overalls mostly used by the engineers and workers in the Cargo Bays. Not even a little stain of dirt can be seen. Between that dirt and broken stuff lieing around on the floor it looks like she wouldnt match into there, like another world.

The woman is carrying a little bag, full of Recordings. She takes a look at the bag, to be sure she didnt lose a device. The top recording peeks out of the bag and a name is seen. Margaret Winstone. At the end of the floor the woman enters the elevator and presses the button for floor 6, the apartments.

The elevator slowly, but noisy moves up. Through a window the woman sees a new shipment of Ammunition from Casablanca, a base of the Red Hessians. The Elevator stops, the doors are opening. The sixth floor isnt dirty as the second floor, yet not clean. Empty bottles of wine lieing in a corner, oil stains on the ground.

The woman starts dropping the recordings in front of the doors. First Margaret Winstone, Kurt Chryesh, then Casper Jones. Until the bag is holding only one recording. The device looks a tad different, it's older and woman raises an eyebrow, Andrew Mort is written on it. Curious as she is she puts the device into her Neuralnet clapped onto her left arm and the message starts...

Quote:Howdy Boss,

Here's Danny, ya know which one. I'm curr'ntly back't McMurray *cough* I could bar'ly get here, an 'scort close t' the 'steroid field a'most catched me. 'f course I turned back, but tha still saw me. *cough* The silly Cops'er comin' closah'n closah to our base. I'm scared they'll find McMurray here'n A'berta. Y'know *cough* here't McMurray we're kinda collectin' our a'moury. The Hess'ns're still offerin' ammunit'n fo' us *cough* So if the cops find this Stone, they'll get our Guns.

Now *cough* I'm askin' ya what ya woulda think of gettin' rid of that ugly base't the Jumphole. I mean, it's not like Fort Severn in Ont'rio, this one's preddy small. I think we'll be able to destroy it without biggah probl'ms *cough* we jus' gotta plan a bit. I'll be talkin' with the Hackahs, they'll hopefully help us. 'n dun' worry 'bout plannin' this, I'll be doin' this.

White out.

The woman, nervously puts the device back into the bag. Stadning still she shivers, but not because she's scared. With an evil grin she moves towards Danny's room to give him the old and missed recording.

Operation Dead Deer - schlurbi - 12-19-2009

"Big Sexy Beast ready for undocking, be careful"

One of the guys, the oldest one in the bridge of the Big Sexy Beast. "Careful? Of what?" he says and takes the seat in his chair. Looking like a lazy bastard he closes his eyes and falls asleep. The other Rogues around him continue with their stuff.

Loading up the cruise engines the ship makes a loud buzzy noise and suddenly accelerates. Stones which are in the massive ship's way are just shoved away, some of them break or fall apart into dust. The ship gets closer and closer to Edmonton, turns a bit to the right and slows down.

A younger Rogue walks towards the sleeping Captain and shakes his shoulder, the eyes slowly opening. They are looking out of the window. "Ah, yeah. Jus' jump" he says and closes his eyes again. The ship starts moving again, then suddenly shakes violently. A glass of Whine drops the floor and breaks on the rusty floor. "I dont think that old bitch will hold much more" a scared girl screams, clinging onto a pipe out of the wall. As she looks through the window she looks away, the blue gloom hurting her eyes.

The blue gloom stops and a new System appears. The ship shoving away new, but smaller asteroids starts moving slowly through them. A few Rogues are pressing many buttons and the ship starts turning again, towards . Again that buzzy noise and the sudden acceleration, the captain is now awake.

The Big Sexy Beast stops in front of the huge stone. Probably one of the biggest ones in whole Sirius. The Graviton above it with all it rust almost looking majestic like a dead queen. The Captain stands up, walking through several floors into the little hangar with just one ship inside it. The little Freighter called Heavy Messing is already standing in front of a big door. The guy climbs up a ladder and takes the seat. Closing the Cockpit's window he presses a few buttons and the door slowly opens. At the same time the engines of the little ship are starting to groan. The Heavy Messing starts to float, the ladder lend on the ship fells to the ground, already without any noise and the Ship flies into the open space. But just for a few seconds as it enters the already opened, massive gate of that Rock. Several Guns are pointing at the ship, blasting it to scrap if it's not flown by a Liberty Rogue. The massive gate closes behind the ship, without any noise a few rocks get smashed between the massive parts of it.

The Freighter flies down, the Docking Bay, the biggest one constructed by the Rogues is full of life. Engineers mounting up new Guns on Wolfhounds and Hyenas. Workers cleaning up a Barghest, almost fully covered in blood, probably from the last Liberty Navy Cruiser. Its Crew was thrown into space, and hit the Bomber. Even a few sluts are standing in the corners, looking for work.

Danny, who has been flying the Freighter gets out of the cockpit, grabbing a few pills and spilling them down without a bit of water he walks towards the sluts and grabs one of them. Blonde hair, green eyes and dark red lips. Pulling on her hand Danny gives her a list. "Bring me those" he says while he is already. Another rusty door opens in front of him and he grabs out another list. Several Missiles, Guns and Goods written down on it.

A few hours later Danny enters the Docking Bay again, this time, he's not alone. A boy, about 14 years old follows him with a little waggon. Missiles and other guns lying on it. Just with pointing his finger on the freighter the boy understands what Danny means. "Put the crap in there." Again Danny moves towards the sluts, the crowd is now bigger than before. "Follow me" he says and 6 sluts are following him. Under them a girl, about 12 years old. Though, wearing make up like the other sluts. Again he points on his freighter and says "Get in there, I dun' care where'n how. Jus' get in there". A few of the sluts are complaining, a few others are moving towards the little ship. Only the cockpit and a little room which is meant for Cargo. Though, one of the sluts and the 12 year old are climbing into the hole for the cargo room. Yet, three of the sluts are still complaining. Danny sighs and punches a dark skinned woman into the belly. She faints and drops onto the floor, Danny grabs her and pulls the body towards the Freighter. The other women following him with an usure face.

As Danny takes the seat in the Freighter again he flies it out of Attica, and into the Big Sexy Beast again. As he landed in the small hangar again he released the sluts out of the Heavy Messing. Walking along all those floors he ends up at the bridge again. With a "Back to McMurray" he takes his seat again and closes his eyes.

Operation Dead Deer - Silver.2 - 12-21-2009

Rocks flew past the You Paid For This, as it sped ever closer to it's destination. Even with the ever-present radiation licking at it's hull panels, the beast was impossible to stop.

In the bridge, a figure looked down at his crew. They had a job to do.

"Rhonin!" He said "Are we holding course?"

A few clicks on his panel later, and the young pilot of the transport turned around. "Aye, sir."


As they came out of the first cloud, a young woman came to his side. "Drake, how's tha' hand?" She stroked his mechanical implant, replacing the tattered remains of his hand.

"Workin' fine, Samantha. Now stop worryin' 'bout me an' relax."

The woman smirked, and sat down in a chair behind him, where she operated the scanners and acted as first officer. She spoke up as she looked at the map.

"OK, we're 30 klicks out. You should be able to contact Leiden."

"Here we go, 'den" Drake brought up a comm panel, inputting the bypasses and access codes required for the transmission.

"Com'en in Leiden. The's 'es tha' Rogue ship You Paid For This. We have amessage fer yea.

A crackling voice came to life. "Roger, You Paid For This. You're cleared for data transfer."

"Got 'et, sendin' 'et over now."





'ey, Hackers!

We need a bit ah' help fer our latest...project. We assume yea' know about Red Deer station. Well, as ah' late, we want that thing gone, pronto.

We've watched, we've waited. An' now, we're ready ta' strike.

We come to yea' seekin' yer support. Any forces that cin' be moved ta' A'berta when tha' time comes would be greatly appr'ciated.

Curren'ly, we're waitin' fer tha' O'tario jumphole ta' destab'lize. That'll cut off Red Deer, an' leave 'et open.

All tha' plans an' routes are attached here:


Happy hackin'!


As the panel showed the tranfer was complete, Drake turned back to his crew.

"Smitty, are we clear?"


"Then set a course fer A'berta. We 'ave no time ta' lose."

The huge transport shuddered as it turned for home.

Operation Dead Deer - Elven - 12-22-2009
Greetings! This is John Icemount speaking, for crew of "Freedom" as well...
We've looked through your plans, looks nice. But, seems, you need someone to cut, or at least detect all signals going from Red Deer... We can try to help you in that. Those fat Donuts aren't so... mind-enchanced. We'll move to Alberta soon, as I sugest... Just wait for my crew to wake up after getting..drunk.
See you.

Operation Dead Deer - Tomtomrawr - 12-25-2009

John Mantral once again stepped into the bar, returning after ten hours of sleep. But it was as if he had never left. He took his normal seat under the broken light and proceeded to light a cigarette, his mind clouded with thoughts. How will this operation go? Who will live, and who will die? Why don't I have a drink yet?

As if on cue, a waitress came over with his usual drinks. He muttered a "Thanks" and immediately began to drink.

It never crossed his mind that he may not be one of the pilots who returned.