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Descent into Madness - stardust47 - 01-18-2010

//Continued from the first post here.


Jamie left as quickly as he could, not stopping at all. He'd miss the smell of cardamine, but he could always visit Malta again, right?

That night, there was a massive thunderstorm. Maria was sleeping fitfully and tomorrow Ma was probably going to ground her ship. She had a nightmare.

She was out in the storm. Cold and alone, no-one to comfort her. Two Eagle fighters crashed nearby. Maria went to them, fearing for the lives of both Annette and Reina. She came to the crash site, but there was nobody around. There was no way the storm could have brought the ships down. Some kind of weapon had to be used. Then she saw her reflection.
Maria didn't recognise herself at first. The Maria in the reflection was not Maria. She was wearing some kind of armour. But it was more than armour. A cyborg. Her hair was all sorts of strange colours and her skin was pale, even more so than Annette's. Then she saw what did this to them. The gun Maria was carrying.
She let out a scream that shook the ground...

...And then she woke. It was about 1AM. Maria heard a distant crash outside. She got out of bed and dressed herself quickly. Grabbing a small snack, she got into her Sabre and flew towards where the crash had happened.
What she found would change her life forever.

Descent into Madness - stardust47 - 01-18-2010


It was some kind of pod. Not human, that was for certain. Maria opened it and saw it. The armour she was wearing in the nightmare. But she could not stop.. She was being drawn in like a moth to a flame. Maria stepped in.
And then came the pain. It lasted so long, it was an eternity.
But when it was over, the storm had now definitley abated, and what thunder there was now grumbled over more distant hills like a man saying "And another thing" twenty minutes after admitting he's lost the argument.

Maria stirred. Somehow, she knew this would happen.
But it was too late.
The Descent into Madness had begun.

Descent into Madness - stardust47 - 01-18-2010


Maria knew she had to hide, but where? She looked at some of her father's old maps back in her ship and decided on a plan. Go through Kusari, and then into Omicron-92. She would be safe there. At least, she hoped.
Maria gathered up some food just incase.
Should I say goodbye to Reina? I don't want anything to happen to her... In the dream, I shot down her and Annette's ships. But...
Screw this. I'll stop by Ainu.

By the time she took off, the sun was beginning to rise. Ma would just be getting up. Better get away quickly.

When she'd reached Kyushu, a vision came.

Maria was on a planet, battling some kind of monster. Whoever Maria was had a huge weapon, resembling a concept Reina had drew for a portable Mini Razor.
"AMARANTH! At last, you come!" the monster roared. Who was/is Amaranth? The original owner of the armour? "Prepare to die!"
"No, YOU prepare to die!" shouted Maria/Amaranth/Whoever
"I should have known you would have that!"
"Yeah, you should."
Maria/Amaranth fired another shot, this time at the crystal that seemed to be supplying the monster with energy. The monster screamed again and seems significantly weaker. Maria/Amaranth charged the gun up to full power and released. This scored the killing blow and put an end to whatever this... thing was. A hologram of a small green alien came up.
"Thank you Amaranth. The Endgamer is defeated! We are grateful and willing to pay a lot of money for this. Your payment has already been transferred." it said.
"There's no need." was her reply.
"But please. It is the least we can do."

Maria snapped out of the vision and continued on to the Hokkaido jumphole. She wondered what the vision could have meant...

Descent into Madness - stardust47 - 01-20-2010


As Maria landed on Ainu, she had the feeling that Amaranth was... taking over somehow. Despite all of this, she knew she'd still ove Reina. She got out and went to Reina's room.

Reina was in her room looking over some old blueprints when Maria came in.
"Maria? I wasn't expecti- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT YOU'RE WEARING?" yelled Reina.
"Shh! Calm down! I have no idea what this is. I found it one night and something is taking over. Or rather, someone." whispered Maria.
"Maria, you know I'll always love you."
"Look, Reina... it might not be me for much longer. I don't know how or why but..."
"What's going on?"
"This armour belonged to someone called Amaranth, thousands of years ago. She was a pirate, like more. Girlfriend, too."
"How do you..."
"Must be something in the armour's systems."
"Well, no time to look at it now."
"What is there time left for?"
"Oh yes."

Sometime during the night, Maria realised that it was too late for anything.
She was Amaranth now.

Descent into Madness - stardust47 - 01-30-2010


It was a long night for Reina and Maria. Long, but not even Cardamine could take them to the highs they experienced that night.

Maria woke up, her hands still touching Reina's breasts. Reina stirred, then turned around and gave Maria a kiss.
"Ready for round two?" whispered Maria. They both giggled. Reina got up and went to the wardrobe while Maria fished out her PDA and sent a message to Annette.


Comm ID: Maria Garcia (Amaranth)
Location: Ainu Depot, Hokkaido
To: [TAZ]Annette Donut
Subject: Love and secrets

Yes, Annette. I'm in love. If you haven't already heard, my girlfriend (yes you read that right) is called Reina. She's a Golden Chrysanthemum but try not to be prejudiced. They're not as crazy as you think.
On to the second subject: I recently acquired some kind of power armour. It's very old and belonged to someone called Amaranth (Hence the edited Comm ID). Somehow, I think Amaranth is taking over somehow...
Wishing you well,


Maria sent the message and got her jumpsuit on.
"Look, Reina. We had a good time last night and all, but... there's some stuff I need to sort out back home." she said.
"Is it that urgent?"
"Yeah, it is. I should be going."
Before she left, Reina gave her a kiss.
"Good luck, my love."

Descent into Madness - stardust47 - 02-01-2010


Some time after Maria had gone, Reina put in a report that she would go to Malta for a Cardamine run. She fueled up her ship and undocked. There was a patrol that said they were going to the Kyushu hole, so she went with them as far as Kyushu then headed to Tau-23 by herself. From there, it was only a short distance to Malta. Upon arrival, there was a bit of traffic. Reina waited for landing clearence.

Down on the surface, Maria was arguing with Ma.
"Things are hard enough for me without you gallivanting off with some kind of armor and doing... the things you do! And what in the name of God happened with your hair?! Really, I s'pose I should have seen it coming." said Ma, almost shouting. Maria's PDA bleeped. She picked it up.
"Is this Maria Garcia?" the voice on the other end asked.
"I'm here. What is it?" replied Maria.
"There's someone who wants to see you. Reina Ozu, a Golden Chrysanthemum. I can't give her priorty clearence, but-"
"My mother is Ma Garcia."
"I'll, uh, send her down right away, sinorita."
Ma looked surprised.
"So, she's coming here, isn't she? There's something I need to get." she said, racing up the stairs.

Get what? thought Maira. Some kind of present? Or- Oh my...

The thought was interrupted by the cafe door opening. Maria went to open it. Reina leapt into her arms and tried to kiss her lips, but missed and planted the biggest, sloppiest kiss in the history of Ma Garcia's cafe, even with its long history of loves being made and broken there, right on her breast.
Just as Ma was headed downstairs with a small cardboard box.
"Oh, my... Well, I should have expected so. Love moves in mysterious ways. Anyway, while you were out in Kusari, I bought you this." Ma handed Maria the box.
She opened it and gazed with wonder. Inside the box was a wooden model of a Sabre and an Amaranth flower.
"I was looking at smoe of those on the windowsills and I thought of you."
"Ma! You shouldn't have!"
Reina looked surprised and said: "I was expecting a... uh..." Maria stared at her. "I can't get anything past you, can I?"
"No." said Maria. There was a knock at the door. Ma went and opened it.
"Hola, sinore!" she said. Standing there was a man in some kind of suit.
"Mrs Garcia, I have some information regarding your husband. I would like you to come with me." he said.
"OK. Maria, we're open tonight. You're in charge." said Ma as she left, locking the door behind her. Maria turnes to Reina.
"So, probably won't have much time." said Reina.
"Oh, come on!" replied Maria. "Normally, we close at eight, but on late nights, it's 10. There'll be plenty of time!"

On Planet Crete, night was falling.
An aged man was looking at his brand-new Titan. An image passed his mind, that of a fat, middle-aged woman. He quickly shut it out. Aurelio Garcia had died long ago.
He was Maximo Bravo now.

Descent into Madness - stardust47 - 02-14-2010

//End of the story:(


The next day was gloomy, a feeling not helped by comparison to the night of love Reina and Maria had experienced. Ma was still out somewhere, so they had some time. It wasn't even opening time anyway. Then, Reina remembered what day it was.
"Hey, Maria!" she said.
"What is it?" replied Maria.
"I've got something for you." Reina got a red envolope from her flight suit and handed it to Maria. Maria opened it and inside, was a heart-shaped card. She looked at the card. Since her response is imminent, there is no need to say what the card said.
"Yes, yes!" said Maria, who leapt into Reina's arms. They kissed, and, for one perfect moment, the sun shone outside...
And it was interrupted by a knock on the door. Maria went to open it. Ma was there, looking as if she had seen or was in the process of seeing a ghost. "What's wrong, Ma?" asked Maria.
"I- don't want to talk about it." replied Ma. "But I need a drink. Something strong."
"OK." said Maria. She and Reina went outside.
"Maria, I need to go. It's urgent." said Reina.
"Ah, OK. I'll see you!" said Maria.

After Reina had gone, Maria went to her room. She turned on her PDA and played one of the games Annette had sent her. This one was about a plumber. According to Annette, it predated so-called '3D' games by about twenty years but was still one of the most important games in history. Maria got bored after a while and checked her messages. There was a particularly strange one. She opened it.


Location: HIDDEN
Destination: Maria Garcia (Amaranth)

So, looks like you found it. I knew it'd be someone very similar to me. Sorry about your hair. Part of the thingies I had installed was a genetic thingy that changes the user's hair to look like mine. And no, this is not Annette sending you this. I'm Amaranth. Well, the first one, at any rate. Look, that armour is Daam K'Vash technology. No, I'm not one of those, but my people were very good friends with them.
Anyway, to the point.
That armour's one of the most sought-after items in existence. It was mentioned in some Daam K'Vash thing that crashed somewhere and was found by human settlers, and ever since the Liberty Government has been after it. My advice: Don't wear it publicly in Liberty. Spies could be anywhere. If you want to defend yourself, I'd reccomend getting a gunship of some kind. From what I can tell, they aren't as restricted as bigger ships. Also, there's something in the armour. Nobody wants to see their loved ones dead, but whatever's buried deep in the armour's programming could change that. For you at least. I nearly killed my Mum, girlfriend and just about everyone else who came near. Don't make the same mistake that I did. Go to a forest somewhere and blow up a load of trees. Might play hell on the environment, but that's an occupational hazard.
Also, find the pheremone spray. You'll have a harem following you most places.


Maria had to know where it came from. She used some kind of Lane Hacker program that allowed her to see where any transmission had originated. Rochester Base. She'd been there a few times. She heard Ma say something from downstairs.
"Maria! Annette's here!"
She went downstairs and, sure enough, Annette was there, wearing a black and red dress instead of her usual grey flight suit. So, Maria thought, she finally bought that transport.
"So, Annette, how are things going?" asked Maria.
"Not good. My Mum died last night, and I'm practically skint. But the Sinful Rose is a big ship, and I intend to make the most of it."
"Hmm. Nice."
Maria felt something inside her. She clenched her fist, then sighed. So that was what she meant.
"So, Maria, do you want to see her?"
"Yeah, sure." Somehow, maria knew it was going to go badly, but she went anyway.

When they were on the ship, Maria drew the knife she'd hidden under her shirt. When Annette wasn't looking, Maria, gripped by some terrible force, thrust the knife forward and stabbed Annette in the leg. She fell and was knocked unconcious. Maria returned to her senses and looked at what she had done. Shocked, she ran to get a medkit and patched up the wound. Annette came round and asked what happened.
"Annette, there was something on the floor. You tripped on it, and cut your leg up badly on it." Initially, Annette took it in, but then she saw the handle of the knife from Maria's pocket.
"Maria, you didn;t, did you? Oh my..."
Annette grabbed Maria and, unfettered by pain, took her to the shuttle and slammed the door. Then, she went to the control room and pressed the button that would send the shuttle back to the surface.
Maria knew what had happened. The armour had driven her mad. She knew what to do. Isolate herself from civilization and do so for at least a week.
But not before she met the original Amaranth.