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War Stories - Gallic Invasion of the Taus - Printable Version

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War Stories - Gallic Invasion of the Taus - Akura - 05-23-2010

Battleship Yamagutchi - Tau-31

Zoey peered over the crowd of new recruits, trying to spot the engineer she had previously been talking to. He was busy at work trying to explain the Sheild Battery stocks to a Naval Captain, who stormed off to his Gunboat in frustration. She shoved her way through, uncomfortable in her new uniform.

"Sakura, you spoke to me earlier" she informed him, poking him in the arm,

"Oh yeah, your ship is ready to go, I had that Train Cruise Disrupter fitted like you asked" he responded, checking his clipboard,

"Thanks, wish me luck"

He nodded and hurried off somewhere, leaving Zoey to find her ship. A Chimaera, heavier than she was used to, and the Disinfectors on it had less range than the Salamancas on her Black Dragon, but she clambered into the cockpit and strapped herself in.

Soon enough the docking bay was cleared, and the massive hanger doors were ready to open. She watched as the ships infront of her disappeared down, into space. Pressing impuse she followed, taking a spin of the area so she could find her squad leader.

[Image: 1Yamaguchi.png]

She joined formation with Tanto squad, following them on a tight patrol pattern, before they recieved their orders to move to Tau-23.

Zoey watched the hundreds of Chimaeras and Umibozus pass her, circling the Yamagutchi in tight formation on their patrol paths. A Destroyer group escorted by Gunboats passed her, entering the tradelane towards Tau-23, beckoning the Fighters and Bombers to follow.
Tanto squad followed, arriving at the gate. One by one each Chimaera of Tanto squad jumped, leaving Zoey to go last.

[Image: 1gate.png]

Tau-23 was quiet, the Tau-31 Construction Site had been abandoned following the warnings of the battles, leaving just a few KNF Weapons platforms and sensor arrays.
Most of the KNF forces headed off towards the left, Tanto squad led the reinforcements towards an ongoing battle, the IKN-Tamagotchi was under heavy fire from a hostile Battleship, which Zoey could see in the rocks ahead,

[Image: 1enteringbattle.png]

"Alright Samurai, today we do not fight and die for the Emperor... we fight and live for the Emperor!" the squad leader laughed, "Get ready, today you meet the Gallic forces, and they will not be friendly"

The comms lit up with acknowledgements,

"Sir? We have them on scanners, target?" one of the fighters asked,

"Any bombers assaulting the Tamagotchi, break off and engage"

Zoey moved away, picking a target. She chose GRN-Seafalcon, a hostile bomber, targetting his engines.

"Moving in, target is SeaFalcon" she said,

"Understood, on your back Sakura" her wingmate answered, targetting Seafalcon.

They laid pressure on the bomber, causing most of his shots to miss, allowing the IKN-Tamagotchi to finish off the RNS-Napoleon.

[Image: 1tamagotchi.png]

"Alright, finish off those bombers, we'll lead the Tamagotchi out of here" the squad leader commanded, moving his sights to GRN-Frenchy, another Gallic Bomber.

War Stories - Gallic Invasion of the Taus - Akura - 05-23-2010

Zoey continued her attack on SeaFalcon, who had been swiftly dodging and changed his target from the Battleship IKN-Tamagotchi to the Kashou, a KNF Destroyer.

[Image: 2Seafalcon.png]

She groaned as he pulled another barrel rolls, almost causing her to collide with one of the many rocks around them. Another of his Antimatter shots missed, as he hit a Nuclear Mine, losing his sheild.

Zoey smiled and opened fire with another burst, her Disinfectors denting his sheilding. Her sheilds were taking hits, potshots from one of the Gallic Very Heavy Fighters. One had turned it's attention to her.

"I've got one on my tail Ryu, you take over SeaFalcon" she squeaked, pulling evasive manuvers,

"Understood, good luck" her wingmate Ryu confirmed, taking off after SeaFalcon,

[Image: 2pante.png]

Zoey pulled a sharp turn, dropping a mine and firing off bursts at GRN-Pante, her attacker. He took some hits, losing half his sheild and avoiding the mine, though a disrupter from Zoey caused the mine to detonate beside him, knocking out his sheild.

She turned to face him, her sheilds at 75%, though a well aimed Mini Razor shot soon drained them. They both pulled quick turns in the joust, their guns scratching each other's hulls. Pante hit a mine, applying emergency Nanobots to prevent himself from exploding.

Zoey had regained her sheilds, losing Pante on scanners, Ion interferance was messing with her computers. She kept up her manuvers, glancing about to see him infront of her. He appeared from nowhere, back on scanners as a burst of his guns knocked out her sheilds.

"Damn... Ion..."

Another Ion wave swept through, and Zoey saw Pante stunned for a moment, firing at his unsheiled hull. In a few seconds he popped open with a flash, scattering pieces of ship through the rocks.

[Image: 2deadpante.png]

"This is Zoey Sakura, target down, moving to your position"

"Good, we've pushed back another wave, rendezvous at the Tau-31 Gate Construction Site" the squad leader ordered.

War Stories - Gallic Invasion of the Taus - Akura - 05-23-2010

The Tau-31 Gate Construction Site was busy with patrols of Kusari Fighters, ready for the incoming Gallic Forces from the North of the system. The Battleship Masaraki was awaiting the onslaught, positioned next to the station with it's share of escort craft.

[Image: 3theyapproach.png]

Zoey armed her weapons as her Nanobots finished repairing the damage from the last battle.

"Alright, we'll focus fire on the Battleship, target the key componants and try to lower the effectiveness of the hostile assault, then move onto the smaller craft as the Masaraki mops it up"


"Hai, moving into position"

Zoey joined them as the RNS-HeavyFire moved into range, the Masaraki opened fire immediately, along with the rest of the Kusari forces.

[Image: 3itbegins.png]

Zoey emptied her powerplant on as many of the turrets as she could, damaging them would reduce their efficiency and even destroy them if sustained fire is kept up.

She weaved under the belly of the great ship, firing up and drifting towards the engines. From behind she dropped a string of Nuclear Mines, aimed right at the propulsion system, firing again from behind and starting another length of the ship.

[Image: 3keepshooting.png]

The Masaraki had succeeded in avoiding most of the shots from the HeavyFire, the supreme tactics of the Kusari Naval Fleet tearing the Valor apart.

Zoey ended her drift as the HeavyFire began to fall apart, explosions covering the ship's hull and pulling the hull open. The fire from the Kusari Forces stopped as the wreckage was left to drift into the rocks where it lay still.

[Image: 3heavyfiredies.png]

War Stories - Gallic Invasion of the Taus - Akura - 05-23-2010

The Masaraki began to fire on the Gallic Cruisers, as Zoey joined in. She rolled under one of them, going to work on the engine system as she had the HeavyFire. The bombers assisted in weakening the ship as she laced the air with more mines, watching the Cruiser's hull break up as it collided with them.

[Image: 3someguydies.png]

"Samurai, it is almost time to pull back, we are outnumbered and outgunned, be ready to return to Tau-31" the squad leader commanded, appearing from behind one of the new Valors on the scene,

"Got it"



[Image: 3soonwepullback.png]

Zoey watched the masses of Gallic forces flowing into the area around the Tau-31 Gate Construction site, swarming the Kusari Destroyer swarms and taking down the Battleship Masaraki.

She spotted a stray GRN Fighter, swooping by and attacking her sheilds, she chased him away from the depots, returning fire and shooting off a disrupter.

[Image: 3strayfighter.png]

Her disrupter hit one of the fighter's mines, dropping his sheild. She avoided his Mini Razor and pulled and evasive maneuver, ducking underneath him.

He turned to shoot her, their bursts of fire hitting each other's sheilds as they both dropped a couple of mines. Unluckily for him, he swerved off into a rock, his sheild saving his life but bouncing him into one of his mines.

Zoey attacked when he was momentarily confused, smashing his hull and destroying his ship.

[Image: 3deadfighter.png]

"Alright, fall back to Tau-31, we're assembling a defensive there now" the squad leader ordered, docking with the gate and disappearing, leaving the rest of the Kusari Forces to flee the increasing Gallic numbers.

War Stories - Gallic Invasion of the Taus - Akura - 05-23-2010

Holman Outpost - Tau-31

The Gallic Forces had moved in quicker than the KNF had expected, launching a full offensive on the Yamaguchi, in an attempt to seize Holman Outpost. Zoey wasn't willing to let that happen.

She tapped the afterburners again, firing on Claude Pepper, a Gallic Bomber who was laying seige to the Yamaguchi.

[Image: 4bombertargetted.png]

An entire squad of new Gallic bombers moved in from Tau-23, relentlessly unloading Antimatter on the Kusari Capital Fleet. Zoey weaved her way through the conflicting capital ships, chasing Pepper and firing on him when he made his turns.

The Yamaguchi finish him off though, a well placed razor from it's gunners cut his bombing short, along with three others, including the hostile Fleet Leader for that assault.

[Image: 4yamaguchipwns.png]

The Gallic forces were confused and disorganised, Zoey assised with attacking a Gallic Cruiser, who had just straightened up from a collision with the lower half of Holman Outpost.

Zoey executed her trick of aiming for the engines, and the whole rear of the ship, as her guns did more damage to that section. Sure enough it fell as a couple of Kusari Destroyers tore up it's nose from the front.

[Image: 4cruiserdown.png]

Thomas Barbin, a Gallic Fighter challenged Zoey, while he avoided fire from two Kusari Destroyers. She opened fire and strafed to avoid his Mini Razor.

"Dammit, someone order those Destroyers off that Gallic Fighter, I have him, though I don't need friendly fire!" she yelled,

"Got it Zoey, patching an order through now" the squad leader confirmed, as the two Destroyers switched targets to a damaged gunboat nearby,

Zoey laced space with mines, luring Thomas in so she could Disrupt and destory his sheild. When unprotected, she finished him off with her guns, smiling as his ship exploded.

[Image: 4fighterdown.png]

"That's it, they're pulling back to Tau-23 for now. you can all land up and repair, we need to regroup soon" the squad leader commanded, as they watched the remaining Gallic forces either die or retreat.

War Stories - Gallic Invasion of the Taus - Akura - 06-22-2010

Tau-31 Gate Construction Site, Tau-23

The Gallic Forces were unstoppable, every ship the Kusari Forces took down, was replaced by another two, with more firepower than the last.
The GRN had moved back through to 23, not as a tactical retreat, but to collect their forces to crush the Kusari Fleet with a more concentrated force and prevent further loses on their side.

Zoey watched as the Kusari Fleet jumped into 23, meeting the Gallic Valors head on.

[Image: 5approachingbattle-1.png]

Most of it was quick, the Kusari Capital Fleet was dwarfed by the constant stream of Shiny Blue and Silver Battleships and Cruisers, the countless bombers and fighters were more like flies at this distance, chewing away at the Imperial Naval Ships.

Zoey's squad clashed with the fighters, selecting their targets and fired. She did the same, choosing a GRN Fighter to shoot at. As more and more of her comrades fell to the superior Gallic might, Zoey became more and more determined to push them back, for Kusari.

She knocked out the sheilds of one of the fighters with a mine, and disrupted his own Nuke to take out half his hull. When his guard was down and he was out of useable Nanobots, she popped him open with her Disinfectors, watching his ship collide with a rock.

[Image: 5bomberdown-1.png]

The order came to pull back into Tau-31, the true might of the Gallic Royal Navy was moving through Tau-23 towards them. Gallia may have let themselves get a little beat up before, but now the main fleet was pouring into the Taus, sweeping through the rocks with organisation and firepower that clearly had Kusari spooked.

"You heard the man Sakura, back to 31!" someone buzzed through on her comms,

She docked with the Jumpgate, disappearing before the Kusari Forces in Tau-23 were completely wiped out. For the first time in a long time, she was scared. Kusari was in trouble, and this battle wasn't looking good at all.

Zoey kicked her Chimaera into cruise and moved her ship into formation with the rest of the fighters in her wing.

In no time at all, the Gallic Forces emerged from the Jumpgate and opened fire on the Kusari Fleet. It was rather hopeless, the Kusari Forces were outnumbered and outgunned, and could only really use their superior agility and knowledge of the Taus to prolong inevitable defeat.

[Image: 5Tau31battle-1.png]

"Take out as many as you can" the wing commander ordered, leading the charge against the wings of bombers,

Zoey picked her target, opening fire with her neutron cannons. She dented the enemy ship, but soon enough found herself surrounded and outnumbered. Her wing was gone soon enough, the remaining three fighters were hit badly by hostile gunboats, and she could have sworn she saw her Wing commander collide with a Gallic Bomber in a ball of fire.

Now an entire Gallic Fighter Squad were targetting her specifically, and she wouldn't last long if she fought them head on. Evasive manuvers took her to the tradelane, she docked as a Mini Razor shot took out her sheilds.

"Come on, come on.." she prayed, checking her scanners,

She popped out next to the Battleship Yamaguchi, the squad had followed. A couple of them were taken out by surprise battle razors, but the remaining few kept Zoey in their sights. She rolled out of the way and attempted to lead her targets into the Battleship's Cannons, soon enough they pulled back, returning to the main battle.

"This is Zoey Sakura of the 14th Naval Strike Wing, requesting permission to dock" Zoey patched herself in, "My wing is down and I need repairs badly"

"You are cleared for landing Sakura, proceed to bay two"