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Skype HELP! - Printable Version

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Skype HELP! - Marcus Lindberg - 05-26-2010


I need help with skype. Some strange is happening to it. Basically, whenever I try to enter the ANZLAG skype convo, this message saying "Unterminated attribute" keeps showing up, and I can't enter the convo. Its been going on since yesterday, anyone know what the problem is and how to fix its?
Pic of problem


Skype HELP! - Dragonego - 05-26-2010

From what I've seen, This could be caused by either an outdated or corrupted version of Skype (Needing an update or re-install) or possibly sometimes by using invalid characters in the chat topic (Maybe). Try renaming the name of the chat to something basic and only using letters and numbers. Otherwise try updating Skype, or if worst comes to worst, re-installing Skype.