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Miranda - Tenacity - 07-01-2010

<Location: Planet Pittsburgh, New York System Three Weeks Ago>

[Image: 257g0o7.jpg]

[Liberty Police, Inc. Investigation Report #81924]


0904 Hours - Transmission from Redrock Mining Colony received, transmission as follows:
"Hello? LPI? This is Ryan Thompson, shift manager at the Redrock Mining facility on Pittsburgh. Listen, we need some officers out here... we found a girl in the desert, she was naked and unconscious, looked near dead. When she woke up... well, her eyes were blue like nothin I've ever seen before, she attacked my men and... wait, what'd you say? Hey Parker, get back on that rig! Parker! *pause* oh god she's woken up, help us! Get away from me! No! No! Aaaaaaarrrgghhhh! *static*"

0946 Hours - LPI squadron Gamma Seven arrives on scene, debriefing interview of Mathew Roberts:
"When we got to the mining facility... the place was a slaughterhouse, blood everywhere, people impaled on machinery, dismembered arms... the caller said that it was just a girl they found, there's no way a girl could have done all of that. My officers scoured the area, initially there were no signs of any life, but Sergeant Baker yelled for us, and by the time we got to him he was lying on the ground passed out with that girl standing over him. We hit her with half a dozen stun blasts before she finally collapsed. Baker was ok, but had a mild concussion. We chained the girl up and brought her back to Fort Bush."

1031 Hours - LPI squadron Gamma Seven docks at Fort Bush with suspect, Commentary from Mathew Roberts:
"When we landed back at Bush, several men in black suits were waiting in the docking bay with an armored Grizzly freighter nearby. As I got out of my Liberator, one of them approached and showed an LSF badge, and told me he was taking custody of the suspect. I tried to argue, damn LSF are always getting into our business, but once they show up we really dont have any jurisdiction or say left in the matter. The LSF agents drug her out of my cargo bay and into the Grizzly, took off shortly after, I wonder if I'll ever find out who she was or what happened out there..."

[End of LPI Report]

<Location: Kodiak Research Station, Alaska System, Two Weeks Ago>

[Image: i5bpu0.png]

[LSF Nomad Research Division, Agent Davis Speaking]

"Welcome, gentlemen... glad you could all attend today, for we have procured something incredible that will undoubtedly lead to expansive breakthroughs in military technology. Take your seats, please..."

"Early this week, our agents brought in a specimen we are now referring to as Subject 42. Subject 42 is a young female, deemed to be of either Libertonian or Zoner origin, who was found unconscious on the surface of Planet Pittsburgh, and was captured by LPI officers after she slaughtered the entire population of a small mining facility by unknown means."

"From that point until now, Subject 42 has been kept in a chemically induced coma, in order to prevent any further... outbursts... for her own safety as well as that of this facility's staff. During the next several weeks, Subject 42 will be tested mentally, physically, and in any other manner deemed necessary in order to discover her origins and how she singlehandedly killed over a dozen men without weapons of any sort."

"For now that is all the information we have, another meeting will be called in two weeks to discuss our findings."

Agent Davis stood at the podium, silently waiting for the room to empty, and calling out to one of the attendees before he could make it out of the room, "Doctor Palmer, if I could have a word with you?" The Doctor nodded and returned as the rest of the agents left.

Davis stepped down and sat across the table from the man, "Doctor, I want you to use the holoscan equipment we've been developing on Subject 42, see if she's infected. I know the technology is still new and experimental, but this is the perfect time to test it... learn everything you can, and submit a report back to me tomorrow morning."

Doctor Palmer nodded and stood, heading towards the research labs on Kodiak.

Miranda - Tenacity - 07-01-2010

<Location: Research Labs, Kodiak Station>

[Image: 2a82h44.png]

Doctor Palmer manipulated the holographic image projected by the machine with his hands, rotating and examining Subject 42's brain... and the imbedded nomad... without ever having to perform invasive surgery. His assistant stood beside him, watching and taking notes.

Palmer spun the brain back around and waved his hand through it, causing the display to change to a cross-section of the organ, "Amazing... we've never had this kind of information on an infected individual before. It looks like the brain is actually being chemically altered, from the back to the front, by the Nomad parasite. The cells on the rear portion of the brain almost perfectly match the cell structure of the Nomad itself... it must control the host by actually merging with the brain on a cellular level."

The assistant frantically scribbled down notes as Palmer analyzed the hologram. The doctor continued to speak, "It appears that when the parasite first entered the host body, it forced it's way into the brain through the spinal chord... probably an extremely painful experience for the living host, unless the Nomad is able to somehow keep the body paralyzed or unconscious while the entry occurs. Remarkably, it looks as if the entry of the parasite into the brain caused no real cellular damage... perhaps the alien is capable of actually squeezing inbetween the human cells by spreading it's own apart, becoming a liquid maybe? I'm not really sure... it doesnt seem possible but this evidence shows that it is."

Palmer grabbed the holographic image on each side with both hands and pulled, causing the picture to expand and zoom in before continuing, "The chemical conversion of the brain to become part of the nomad's own structure probably doesnt allow any of the original host's mind to remain intact. Maybe the Nomad is capable of taking the host consciousness into it's own, along with memories and knowledge... that would explain how these infected individuals can blend in so well, and not seem entirely alien while walking amongst us."

The Doctor shut down the machine, causing the hologram to disappear. "Take those notes to Agent Davis, there's nothing more we can learn from holographic examination."

Miranda - Tenacity - 07-01-2010

Session 1: Interview of Subject 42

[Image: xlxnw1.jpg]

-Recorded Audio-

Interviewer: "How are you feeling? The sedatives are starting to wear off, can you understand me?"

Subject 42: "I... where am I?"

Interviewer: "You're in a special facility, you're safe. What is your name?"

Subject 42: "My name is... wh... I dont know... I... I cant remember..."

Interviewer: "Do you know where you came from? Who you are? What is the last thing you remember?"

Subject 42: "Red... I remember red, all over, dripping and spraying. What does it mean?"

Interviewer: "There was a tragic event where we found you, a lot of people died, but you survived. Do you know why that is?"

Subject 42: "I dont know... why am I chained to this chair?"

Interviewer: "We're going to give you another sedative, we can talk more tomorrow, ok?"

Subject 42: "N... No, I dont want to sleep, the black claws at me, dark shapes, get away from me! GET AWAY!"

Interviewer: "Tranquilize her, now!"

Medical excerpt - attending physician Dr. Michael Palmer

"I've been tasked with keeping records of physical and behavioral traits of Subject 42 inbetween sessions. As my first entry, I feel I should note that, despite my original findings via holographic projection, it does seem that the host's mind is still intact... to a degree."

"Subject 42 has displayed extensive memory loss, and the holographic scanner shows this is the result of massive hemorrhaging to the brain. The nomad parasite seems to display similar physical damage and has not shown any signs of neural activity, indicating that it is likely in a dormant state after suffering whatever trauma put the host in her condition."

"We have no real information on the anatomy or even the basic functionings of Nomad organisms, so I do not know if it will heal itself over time and resume control... only time will tell."

Miranda - Tenacity - 07-01-2010

Session 2: Interview of Subject 42

[Image: 33nagso.jpg]

-Recorded Audio-

Interviewer: "Hello, are you feeling better today?"

Subject 42: "B... Better, I guess. Why am I here?"

Interviewer: "Because it's a safe place. Do you remember anything new?"

Subject 42: "I dont... I dont know... I see flashes, pieces and puzzles and light jigsaws, I cant make sense of it all."

Interviewer: "It's ok, just calm down. Did you remember your name?"

Subject 42: "Name... I have a name, but we dont have names, I hear it like a distant breeze but it isnt strong enough... My name... my name... I... I dont know!"

Interviewer: "Just try to calm down, relax, concentrate... you can remember, I know you can."

Subject 42: "It... it hurts... Miranda... that's what the followers say, that is what they call me, but why? We dont have names, we just know..."

Interviewer: "Miranda? That's a nice name, but what do you mean by 'we'? Are there others, here or somewhere else?"

Miranda: "Here but not here, everywhere but absent, I dont know, I can hear them but they're silent, my... my head, it hurts... I want to sleep now, can I please sleep?"

Interviewer: "Ok, we'll talk again tomorrow. Come sedate her."

Medical excerpt - attending physician Dr. Michael Palmer

"I've been observing Subject 42 in her cell, she seems to be talking to herself. Holographic scans still show that the parasite is dormant, but I'm beginning to wonder if that is really the case... could it be speaking to her, but attempting to remain hidden at the same time?"

"During her last interview, Subject 42 annoucned that her name was Miranda, but she seemed... distressed about it. I havent figured out why, maybe the parasite is attempting to keep her from giving out information? It is still unknown to what degree of control the Nomad really has at this point."

"It should also be noted that since the first interview, Miranda has been sinking into a depressed state. While observing her in her cell, she has at times seemed to simply 'blank out' and stare at the wall for hours at a time, not even blinking. I am almost certain this is the Nomad's doing, but there is no way to be sure."

Miranda - Tenacity - 07-01-2010

Session 3: Interview of Miranda, Subject 42

[Image: 29leq0g.jpg]

-Recorded Audio-

Interviewer: "Miranda, are you feeling better today? Is the headache gone?"

Miranda: "It... it still hurts, like eyes on the floor, swimming in rocks and climbing waterfalls..."

Interviewer: "Miranda, you arent making any sense, what do you mean?"

Miranda: "I'm trying, trying to remember, pulling seeds from black and white, trying to grow color... it talks but without voice, I know it was my burden and my blessing, but why? I cant add 1 and B to make yellow..."

Interviewer: "Miranda, can you remember where you came from?"

Miranda: "Spaces of black and blue and purple and green, mottled rainbows without rain. The heat is invisible but I can feel it, it burns but I'm protected, I live in a metal shell and it cant reach me here."

Interviewer: "Miranda I need you to concentrate, answer the question please. Do you know where you came from, how did you get on Pittsburgh?"

Miranda: "Sea of tiny rocks, I remember, it's like pieces of a puzzle, they all fit together if you mash them hard enough, but the pieces break, everything is broken."

Interviewer: "So you remember Pittsburgh, but do you remember how you got there?"

Miranda: "Wings and fins like light swimming through black, flapping like a bird but not moving, just drifting on a ray of sunshine"

Interviewer: "You're not answering my question, Miranda..."

Miranda: "You hear but dont listen, see but dont recognize, you're blind and deaf and you dont even know, they say you're going to die soon, I believe them."

Interviewer: "Who, Miranda? Who says I'm going to die?"

Miranda: "We regrow like plants or lizards, I dont but we do, you dont either. If you die there is nothing, just black and no light, they say that's how it will be for you, soon."

Interviewer: "Sedate her, I've had enough for today."

Miranda: "Soon, quiet you'll see and black you'll hear, soon..."

Medical excerpt - attending physician Dr. Michael Palmer

"Miranda is showing severe signs of mental disorder, confusing words and speaking in exceptionally abstract terms. The interviewer cant even understand what she's saying half the time, and neither can I."

"While she was in session today, I looked around her cell and found strange symbols scattered across the walls. Further examination of the cell and Miranda herself revealed that she has been scratching at the walls in a trance-like state, wearing the skin off of her fingertips and writing in her own blood. This behavior is disturbing to say the least, it shows an incredible tolerance for pain, most likely when the nomad is in control."

"The symbols are like nothing we've ever seen, I sent some images of them to Professor Blair on Cambridge for analysis, he's studied alien ruins before and might know what these writings mean."

"The good news is that Miranda seems to be remembering more and more of her past, though the information drawn out by the Interviewer is still spotty. Holographic scans show that her brain is healing, but so is the Nomad in it... I fear what will happen if it is able to fully retake control of her."

Miranda - Tenacity - 07-01-2010

Session 4: Interview of Miranda, Subject 42

[Image: 351vl8w.jpg]

-Recorded Audio-

Interviewer: "I'm tired of games, Miranda, I want some answers. How did you get to Pittsburgh where we found you?"

Miranda: "I repeat and repeat and repeat but nothing registers, in one and out the other."

Interviewer: "Enough riddles, do you want to be chained to that chair forever?"

Miranda: "Chains... Chair... you dont see them anymore, are they really necessary if they arent there? You should remove them."

Interviewer: "I... you're right, what use are chains that arent there, here, let me take those off for you."

Comm: "What are you doing, agent? Dont unlock her restraints!"

Miranda: "They are a threat, they want to kill you, I told you that you would die but you can defend yourself, you have a weapon. They arent your friends, they're traitors, ready to stab you, gut you like a fish... shoot them, before they shoot you!"

Interviewer: "No, I wont let you kill me!"


Miranda: "They're all dead now, the man and the others... what should we do?"

Miranda: "We should escape, the gravity here is strange, like a rock sphere but floating."

Miranda: "Yes, escape, but how?"

Miranda: "They use metal shells, ships, we can steal one and rejoin the others, they call to us now..."

Miranda: "His last thoughts are mine, I remember... he wanted to escape, he didnt want to die but he did, he knew how to get out... the docking bay. We'll take his thoughts, they can show us the way."

Miranda - Tenacity - 07-01-2010

Miranda leaned down to inspect the firearm of the interrogator... the power cell was dead, he had shot frantically and without control - not an experienced field agent. The nomad within her spoke through her, at her, "Memories return, this place isnt safe, the others wait, we must go."

She stepped over the bodies crowding the entryway and took off, running down the hallway with focused determination. Red lights flashed along the corridors and sirens echoed in the background, all alerting the security forces onboard the station to the escape. She stopped momentarily, "The guard's memories, which way?" after a short pause she answered herself, "This way, quickly." and went back to running.

The Nomad, having been dormant, preserved many of Miranda's memories while her brain healed from the battle before. If it were not for that preservation, she would be braindead now... deaf, blind, useless. She was a good agent, the Nomad could not lose her, it needed her and she needed it. The rush of memories back into her mind from that of the creature during the past few days was exhausting, painful... but now she remembered, now she knew.



"Guards are coming, I can feel them, too many... hide."

Her training was slowly coming back to her... a name, Riviera, that was where they taught her, strengthened her, after the shrine had used her for it's own purposes.

Miranda ran towards the wall of the hallway, ran up it, her bare feet clinging to the plastered walls. Stretching across the hall, she grabbed onto an extinguisher fixture and braced herself, holding her body against the ceiling as the guards ran underneath and past her, oblivious to her presence.

[Image: aw3wyb.png]

After the threat had passed, she dropped gracefully back down to the floor. She spoke to herself once more, "More guards will be by the hangar, how do we get past them?" ... "Memories, this isnt the first mission, not the first task." ... "Manipulate them, yes... I remember, you can do that." ... "We can."

The hallway curved to the left and then back again to the right, branching off with rooms and other halls along it's length. One door blocked the way, with one armed guard... Miranda approached, staring at him like a hawk as he raised his gun and yelled, "You're the escaped prisoner! I cant let you through, get down on the ground or I will open fire!"

Miranda smiled, "I'm not a prisoner, dont you recognize me... I'm your sister."

The guard hesitated a moment, shaking his head as if in a daze, "B... But I dont have a sister, you're lying!"

She shook her head, "Dont you remember? We grew up together... we played and went to school on..." she probed his mind, searching for his memories, "... Los Angeles."

The man backed up a bit, slightly lowering his weapon and staring off into space as he lost concentration, "What are you doing here, little sister?"

Miranda smiled, "I came to visit you, but now my visit is over, I have to go back home. You can let me into the hangar, you can trust me..."

Despite still having a confused look on his face, the guard stepped aside and lowered his gun, "Go ahead to the hangar, and be careful sister... there's an escaped prisoner on the station."

She passed him and approached the door, it was locked and could only be opened by password entry - the simple keypad imbedded into the wall beside it would allow that. Miranda raised her hand to it, hovering her fingers over the keys as tiny tendrils breached through her skin, too small for the eye to see. The tendrils wove through the circuitry of the keypad, sending impulses of energy from the nomad inside of her... telling the console to open the door.

On the other side stretched the hangar bay, filled with dozens of fighters, bombers, freighters, and even a small transport. The closest was the same Grizzly-Class Freighter they had hauled her in on... she had always liked freighters, small but not too small, spacious enough to move around in and stretch... she didnt like feeling trapped behind the steel and glass of a fighter cockpit. She rushed towards the freighter's loading ramp, pulling it closed as she crawled inside the ship.

Miranda - Tenacity - 07-01-2010

Miranda flipped on the freighter power switches and took hold of the steering column as dozens of security personnel poured into the docking bay. They frantically fired handheld weapons at the freighter, singing it's surface and causing thud sounds to echo through the ship. One more switch and the shield was up, deflecting those minor laser blasts back away from the hull as the guards fired.

The freighter, despite weighing several tons, effortlessly lifted off of the hangar floor as Miranda pulled the control stick back. She twisted the handles, pulling the ship around and backing it out of the hangar as the Grizzly's autoturrets returned fire at the guards, plowing through two of them as the others took cover. As she backed out of the bay, the freighter jolted suddenly, smashing into an invisible shield covering the exit. She could hear steel crunching as she tried to back up further, to no avail.

"There's a shield blocking the exit!"

"Calm down, we can disable it..."

She could feel the nomad in her brain stressing, trying to extend it's reach, and as it did blood started dripping from her nose, and the world began to dim. On the verge of passing out as her partner tapped into the electrical network of the base, the lights in the hangar flickered and shut down. Her vision returned and she watched in amusement as the guards who had just been firing at her ship were sucked into space, no longer protected by the forcefield.

"We're too weak... must escape..."

The nomad went into a dormant state again, to heal itself and regain energy as Miranda piloted the ship out of the bay. It was still wounded, but risked itself to save the both of them... Miranda began to remember how they were merged, how they came to exist in the same body. It was not an act of aggression for either participant, but a willing jump into the void. She needed it as much as it needed her.

She wrapped her fingers around the thrust control and pushed it forward, sending the ship to cruise speed. Alaska wasnt far from friendly space, making it through Omicron Minor would be difficult in a Liberty ship, but from there it was only a short run to Altair. Miranda wiped the blood from her nose and stared out the fogging cockpit window at the shards of ice passing by, finally free again, but for how long? Hopefully the Keepers would have answers, once they were close enough and her nomad could repair itself enough to reconnect with the Mindshare.

[Image: 11t7tqs.jpg]

Miranda - Tenacity - 07-01-2010

[Image: 2hckgtw.png]

Miranda woke, shivvering in the cockpit of the Grizzly. A tiny red light flashed, antagonizing her eyes and drawing them to the fuel gauge... it was near empty. Internal environmental controls had been automatically adjusted to conserve power for critical systems, turning the ship into little more than a floating icebox.

Her heart felt like it dropped into her stomach when she realized that the nomad inside her was completely silent. There was... nothing, she wasnt sure if the physical form had died or if it was in a deeper hibernation state than before, but the feeling was unnerving. After having spent so long in commune with it, the creature was almost a part of her, to not hear it's voice in her head was akin to losing a limb.

She fumbled at the flight controls with near frozen fingers, bringing up a local navmap on the display console. She was off of known navigational routes, but her coordinates, and the view out the window, told her that she was definitely within the Omicron Minor system. This shuttle must not have had up to date maps, or perhaps the navy knew less about The Order than she had assumed. The console alerted her to the presence of a gravitational anomaly nearby; could be a jumphole, a planet, a space station, or any other number of large interstellar objects, but there were no engine trails, no residual energy from manmade technology being used here.

Miranda set the autopilot for optimum efficiency, towards whatever object lie in the green clouds ahead. She was, for the first time in as long as she could remember, worried, lost, alone. Her memories were slowly returning, that was of some comfort, but she recalled that even before she had joined with this nomad, she was always confident, eager to take risk and reap the reward. Now there was no voice to help her, she didnt know where she was, her ship was nearly out of power, and she was surrounded by an entire galaxy of hostiles. If her nomad had died, if it was no longer with her, would the others even know who she was? Would they know that she was an ally?

She pulled her arms and legs inside her thin, tattered dress, trying to keep warm to ill effect. The massive green expanse looming ahead slowly began to grow larger, darker, more intimidating. Soon it would engulf the ship entirely, and even her shuttle's sensors would not be able to help her then. Space is more dangerous than most realize... especially the overconfident such as herself.

Miranda - Tenacity - 07-01-2010

//You're all welcome to post comments and opinions on this if you like, I probably wont be continuing this RP//