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Journal and Life of Kalan Yamato - Printable Version

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Journal and Life of Kalan Yamato - KaelanFrey - 08-16-2010

About time I've opened my very own... virtual diary thing. Since the one that came with my ship was broken, it took some days to David to fix it. I hope he doesn't read this, before he throws me another rock against me for calling him "David" instead of "Dave".

Well... my full, real name is Kalanark Yakermato. Confusing and "tongue-twitcher" name, but, to minimize the humiliation, people just call me Kalan Yamato. It's my current nickname, and my callsign is Yamato. But I prefer being called... just Kalan. I'm 21 years old, and I was born on Erie. I currently fly a heavily equipped Eagle, and I'm a Freelancer. I'm always loyal to my employers, and I expect a reward in cash or something with alot of value when I get the job done.

I was an Equipment Dealer and Mechanic on Erie, and I had often to travel to other places around Liberty to deliver stuff in a friend's ship. But I decided that the Universe is a vast world of opportunities, so I decided to move on. I bought myself a cheap ship and dragged my buddies Dave, John and Paul to be my crewmen. I've met many people, some were good people, some were pretty bad. But the most friendly of all is <CORRUPT DATA, contact Administrator>, he has taught alot of things that came in useful and profitable. I owe him too many, at this rate I would even owe him my life. After some days of Freelancing, I realised I was... a bit rich for a rookie. I've purchased myself a Very Heavy Fighter mentioned above, and... well... here I am. Not much to say, since Freelancing is almost always the same thing over, and over, and over again.

Ah... enough talking about me, let's talk about my crewmen. John is the one who takes care of Nanobots and Shield Batteries, to make sure everything functions correctly. He talks alot, but not too much. He's really calm about... everything. David AKA Dave is the most aggressive of my crewmen, he takes care of the weaponry. He was also a Freelancer at one time, but he got intercepted by some Nomads some years ago, heavily damaging his ship, to the point that no repairs were possible. He has been my partner in Equipment Dealing ever since, and, today, the most talkative, aggressive, and Nomad-hating person I know. And then we have Paul, he takes care of the engines. He is very, very, very quiet. He barely talks, but he's very trust-worthy. He was a Ship Dealer.

Well... that's pretty much it.

Journal and Life of Kalan Yamato - KaelanFrey - 08-18-2010

Well, 3 days and I only got one job from a random miner. That was 2 days ago. Bah.

I don't think the search for money-hungry mercenaries and/or freelancers is very popular these days, but hey, I gotta keep going. With some luck, there'll be some big job for big money soon, and I can buy myself something really powerful for my ship or something. Since I'm in desperate need of new Shields, I may buy a maximum class shield soon.

I wonder if I should buy a Graviton shield or a Molecular, though... or a Positron...
This whole deal of different ship shields gives me a freaking headache.


Ah, god damn it! What a great time for the Neural Net being down. This sucks. Maybe tomorrow it's back on.
*an hour later*
Oh... wait... Hmmm... intriguing... it's back on...
I wonder who corrupted it's database... or was it my ship that was making a connection malfunction?
It doesn't matter anyway. I need to get to <location not specified> ASAP.

Journal and Life of Kalan Yamato - KaelanFrey - 09-05-2010

Oh my!
It has been very long since my last entry.

Things are getting rough. Apparently, Liberty is getting more and more dangerous as I write in this journal-kind-of-thing (gee, I really like to say that "kind of thing" kind of thing.).
Okay, what happened since my last entry... got myself the AU... shields... new weapons... 2 CODENAMES (now for sale)... wasted alot of cash for no reason... won a tiny bit of cash... applied for the LSF... got shot and shot and shot... met a Nomad that nearly killed me... almost died because of Rheinlanders... etc...

Each day of my life in space is one small step for the future, but a very big adventure. Better than looking for Scrap Metal in Erie, heheh. Ah, good times...

Oh, and Dave got the Lawl's Syndrome. I was like "what the hell" when he started acting weird. I shouldn't go to the Independent Systems so often. Really, I do go to places like Cortez and Coronado alot.
By the way, the Barrier Gate Station has some great stuff for sale.

I hope the Neural Net doesn't fail again.

Journal and Life of Kalan Yamato - KaelanFrey - 09-16-2010

Once again I was a lazy jerk and not updating me journal.

Apart from being accepted as an Agent in Training in the LSF, there are is something else...
I'm being watched.

No, it's not those undercover agents who look at me to see if I do my stuff right. I just feel like I'm being watched, and it's not anything human.

Not to mention I get weird transmissions from someone who claims to be Robertrush. Since I can't get any audio-feed or video-feed, I can't decide my mind.

Is it Nomads? Wild? Is it really my brother desperatly trying to contact me? I can't decide myself anymore.
Not to mention I broke my leg while jogging... erm... recklessely. And that sucks...
I can barely fly my ship.

Journal and Life of Kalan Yamato - KaelanFrey - 09-19-2010

What a mess.
This chain of events, counting the broken leg and the weird transmissions, AND the broken Cargo Scanner (that was fixed minutes ago) are getting a bit suspicious.
Or maybe I'm just getting a hard week.

Apart from that... heh, normal duties. Nothing much has changed since my last entry.
However, my leg is better. Hah!

And my flying skills improved a little.

Journal and Life of Kalan Yamato - KaelanFrey - 10-09-2010

Downloading identification...
Name: Kalanark Yakermato
Age: 21 (DoB 10th October 796)
Born at: Planet Erie
Sex: Male
Family: Ron Kalanark (father, deceased); Elise Min Yakermato (mother, deceased); Robertrush Yakermato (brother, OK)
Status: Unconscious for 3 days

Picture seems to be missing (deleted? moved?).


9th October 0818
Omicron Gamma system

Unconfirmed ship

"He looks like a teenager... are you sure his age is correct?" Someone had grasped the photograph of Kalan.

"Yes sir. It is correct! T-tomorrow it is his birthday, so it seems." The Mysterious Man's apprentice had confirmed.

"Poor thing. Out of all the things that he could get in this galaxy, he had to get the Depression Snydrome... a few days before his 22nd birthday. Sarie... don't screw this up... like last time." Said the man with his eyes sharp.

Journal and Life of Kalan Yamato - KaelanFrey - 10-13-2010

Well, I'm awoke! It's been 2~3 days I've been awake I guess, but it doesn't matter.
Reunion has alot of meanings. I'm reunited with me pals and some of my family that dissapeared and most important of all, my lovely Sarie...

I don't know what happened to my parents though... I haven't seen them ever since the incident...

In other news... well, nothing much. Normal duties... AGAIN. I don't mind that anyway.

Journal and Life of Kalan Yamato - KaelanFrey - 10-22-2010

The Dominion...
The ones they call themselves allies of the Daam K'Vosh.

Some weeks ago, the Dominion Ship Mengsk was overrun by what they call "creeps", strange creatures. LSF Agent Kalan Yamato and his co-pilot, David Johnson, took care of the virus spreading. This made his relations with the Dominion pleasent ones.

He has befriended Mengsk and Zepatul, with who he just had a nice adventure with.
For the Unknown, the Impossible, the Unimaginable. Deep inside Kansas.

"Corsairs and Outcasts... Order and Rogues... all friendly to each other! How is this possible?!"

The Unknown. Something that was never shown to public, or to mankind, or to our knowledge. It's better to keep it undisclosed as it is, though.

The Impossible. Long-time enemies living with each other, as if they were long-time friends.

The Unimaginable. Honestly, who'd think that somewhere in deep, unknown space, 3 factions, enemies to each other, would be... friends?

"This is still too much of a mystery..."

The problem is... one of our... "less-desired citizens" had stole something from... a "race" of the Dominion... or a completely different race. Not the C'Tan, not the Daam K'Vosh, Slomon K'Hara or any flying ponies. I can't remember the name. It collapsed something very important to them.
An Artifact... that was about to restrict a hidden Jump Gate in Coronado, so it would only allow dockings to... Daam K'Vosh and the Dominion?? It seems too incredible, doesn't it?
We'll see what happens next...

Journal and Life of Kalan Yamato - KaelanFrey - 11-01-2010

I've just had quite a day.
Well, what can I say.

First, there was a trespasser at you-know-where, I got him to stall enough time so I could get Scott to assist me at escorting him. You never know when a criminal can, all of a sudden, fire at you... with Codename weapons! Brrr. Not to mention my ship's not good against "agile" VHFs, ship's a bloody TANK.
Well, not really, but come on, let me be honest.

Second, apparently Emily Anderson, an Advisor in the Internal Affairs... I think, got in trouble. I can't say much, since I'm still confused.
She's apparently very into one of those LSF Independant Agents... named Keith I think. How ironic that Sarah's cousin is also called Keith, but he's a Border Worlds citizen, so it can't be him.

Third... intensive training! Once again in that simulation system, that they call Connecticut. It's pretty fun to kill some time.

Annnnddd fourth... well... this one's kinda private. I may tell you, my journal/diary/whatever-it-can-be, next time.

Journal and Life of Kalan Yamato - KaelanFrey - 11-03-2010

November 1st, 0818 A.S.

Jesus, the Hellfire Legion is REALLY angry at us. In just 2 days I already had to assist on taking down too many of those ships. Luckily, they only brung capital ships, no Fighters or Bombers. Was a piece of cake.

This week's been very active. But I don't have much to say. Emily's still in trouble I suppose, but I really don't know. I think she's taking drugs. This is still confusing me, but... agh. You know what, good night.
November 2nd, 0818 A.S.

Ugh, this is just great.
Looks like the radiation that my fighter ship's got did not just screw up the Damage Advisor thingy that came with the ship, but it's tearing me apart.

Yesterday I literally coughed blood out. I had to get medical at Norfolk Shipyard.
Diagnosis: Outrageousely rare type of radiation poison. It won't kill me, unless I don't control the blood losses that will often occur. How do I do that? Take some pills they gave me from week to week.
I could do this weird surgery but it's freaking expensive, dangerous, and can leave me paralyzed.

With such an advanced medicine, we still need to take pills instead of some operation?!?!!?! Your guess is as good as mine: I dunno. And I honestly don't care either.
November 3rd, 0818 A.S.

Right now I'm at Leeds with Sarah. We're going to Planet Gran Canaria to get equipment for her ship, and probably check out some systems around it, since she loves to do that so much.

Ah yes... it were the Zoners who saved her and the rest of the escapees 2 years ago. The Zoners just wanted the SHF Prototype... but then... heh, they made an act of generosity that let them live for so long in the Nomad Worlds... but I really don't know. It seems that Sarah got over that, so I better don't bother her about it.