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Annoying question - Xing - 11-21-2007

it actually doesnt concern me (if it was so i wouldnt even plya FL heck...)
But, for many people, they just cant seems to connect to any server. When they go Internet Server on FL, they just see the word in grey Connecting to Global Server, without any server showing up. Direct connection doesnt work, connection by IP adress neither, that is with or without mod, installed from real cd or cracked game. this is extremely annoying because I have a friend of mine who would love to come play online with me, but who cant. He tried FL online from an old computer, it works but the graphic card is so old, he cant even read the words.

Any of you people ever found the solution - except reinstalling windows?

Annoying question - uspatriotsf - 11-21-2007

Does he happen to be running Vista???

Annoying question - DBoy1612 - 11-21-2007

Right, lets see. We'll start from the bottom and work are way up.

First, don't use the Global Server. It's a waste of time and rumors say it might be going down soon. Use the Direct Connect options, learn how to use them here.

Now, if you still can't see the servers. Check your Firewalls, Anti Virus', ect. Some Anti Virus' do have built in Firewalls. So try turning it off, just to see if you can connect. If it works, then you found the problem.

Next, if you see the servers now and you get a timeout error, it could of been that the server just crashed. But if it's still up, trying switching between your account IDs (if you only have one, reboot). Sometime I get a timeout error when trying to connect, and when I change my account IDs around, I allows me to connect again. Ya, it's weird, but oh well.

Hope that helps.:)

EDIT: Also, if you're having mod problems. Read post number 3;

Annoying question - kingvaillant - 11-21-2007

Today a bunch of people said that they had problems connecting to the RP server but not the other ones (ex: Bulldognk's PvP server)

It's saying that the connection couln't be established...

I have this problem.

Tryed EVERYTHING!. I'm not running on Vista and my game is up to date.

Last time I played whas 2 days ago ( I think )

Annoying question - DBoy1612 - 11-21-2007

Right, have you done everything I said in my first post? And it was working before right?

Annoying question - Xing - 11-21-2007

he tried everything, DBoy. From global server to direct conection. Hes running Windows XP, my model exactly.

Annoying question - kingvaillant - 11-21-2007

your switching account trick didn't work...
And my modem has been reseted today... Didn't work either.
I tried to connect without the firewall..... Nothing.
I also tried to connect severals times via the direct difference
and my anti-virus is AVG

EDIT: My internet service is Videotron. For those who doesn't know it's a cable connection

Annoying question - DBoy1612 - 11-21-2007

' Wrote:he tried everything, DBoy. From global server to direct conection. Hes running Windows XP, my model exactly.

So you've tried reinstalling, disabling all firewalls and antivirus, reinstalling the mod and mod manger? (Oh, and if you're running the internet through another computer. That could be a problem as well.)

' Wrote:your switching account trick didn't work...
And my modem has been reseted today... Didn't work either.
I tried to connect without the firewall..... Nothing.
I also tried to connect severals times via the direct difference
and my anti-virus is AVG

AVG? I haven't heard any problems with FL and AVG before. But try turning it off anything and see what happens... Because I'm kinda running out of ideas here.

Annoying question - Xing - 11-21-2007

yes, he disintalled every single firewall and tried, it made no result either.

Annoying question - kingvaillant - 11-21-2007

I can connect to ALL the freelancer servers (Normal or Moded) but I cant exeptionaly with the Disco RP server

The ping isn't showing up as well as the number of players on it