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Urgent message to Zoner officials - Printable Version

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Urgent message to Zoner officials - jakub963 - 09-10-2010

***Incoming transmission***
Priority: High
Encryption: High
Id: Wesley Cross
Location: Freeport 2

Greetings Zoners.
I know that some last days were,mildly said, hectic but sadly i have to inform you about another event.
You see, i received a permission to use one of your Counference gunboats...
*sighs and pauses to take a deep breath*

As i said, am a freelancer, and there is lot of work out there. I am not picky, but last one...
Mission was clear. Transport valuable cargo from Freeport 14 to Freeport 11. I was not said what that cargo was but reward was several million credits. All was well but...

When i arrived to Bering system i encountered ship IFF failure. IFF was re-set from "Wesley.Cross" to "C.a.i.n". You can imagine that events like that are not quite normal. As i was taking lane to Freeport 2 more and more ship subsystems were encountering major failures, some even turned off completely. It looked pretty bad back then but i somehow managed to land. I secured the ship and began searching for help. Computer specialist, mechanic...Pretty much anyone that could help me. Cargo had to be delivered on time!

When i came back with majority of Freeport's 2 engineering crew i could only watch closing hangar doors and silulethe of my Conference disapearing in distance.

To sum things up. I lost the cargo but more importantly, my ship, which is flying somewhere without me under name "C.a.i.n".
I know you have some "measures" for these cases but as i said, exact nature of cargo is unknown. Do not destroy the ship, nor cargo! While vessel is equipted with basic weaponry, safe-lock is allowing them to be activated only in self defence. In light of recent actions against zoners...

*sighs again*

This is not my day... If you need more information, please send me a Personal Message.
I hope your day was better than mine...
Wesley Cross out.

***End of transmission***

Urgent message to Zoner officials - jakub963 - 09-15-2010

***Incoming transmission***
Priority: High
Encryption: High
Id: Wesley Cross
Location: Freeport 10

Greetings again Zoners.
It is almost one week since the incident . So far there were no response from my vessel nor you. I realize that you have more urgent matters that require your atention and message can easily get lost on the neutral net. Yet, i have to know if you are informed about the situation. I am actively searching for missing vessel myself. I do not want to ask you for help since you are still under presure from certain parties. However if you have some pilots that dont have enough work... Well that was a bad choice of words...

Wesley Cross out.

***End of transmission***

Urgent message to Zoner officials - kindred - 10-25-2010

Comm ID:
El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha
Temporary Autonomous Zoners (TAZ)

Missing Conference Doughnut

[Image: don-quixote.jpg]

The loss of such a vessel worries us, it is designed mostly for
exploration but it can be used for warfare if the occasion arises.
This makes us reconsider the permission granted by the ZA as you
failed to properly secure the vessel in a proper manner and let it fall
into unknown hands. While our presence in Bering and surrounding house
space might not be constant we will log this "C.a.i.n" cabbage as missing
in action to be repossessed immediately once sighted. We shall contact you
on this channel if new information becomes available.

Long live Eris, bun-less hot dogs and the need to reproduce. - Don Q. out.