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The Free Traders Consortium - Printable Version

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The Free Traders Consortium - Zeb Harley - 09-16-2010

One of the group's goals is to get more of the smaller transports and freighters
into spac
e, which most people only use as a stepping-stone to a bigger ship.

It would be nice to see more of them around, flown nicely and skillfully.

Another goal will be to get into interaction with as many people as possible
while trading.

Many people do their trading in big transports and use the credits to support
the characters they really want to play.

That kind of trading doesn't need any other player around. It's only a way to
gain credits. I'd like to try a more buddhistic attempt where the way will be
the goal.
Noone will get rich, but the ships will support themselves.

The base, if one is needed, will be Barrier-Gate-Station, ID and IFF will be
Freelancer, the name-tag will be [Free] in front of the pilot's name.
The used technology will be civilian and nothing else. Only ships suitable for
trading will be used, no fighters or other escort-ships.

Income will be gained mostly by small trade, but also by whatever opportunities
come our way.

There will be a recruitment-form for interested pilots, it's possible to set up
an own ship or use a ship out of the group's property.

At the moment I am preparing a bunch of ATs for use by a single pilot. There will
be no shared accounts.

Two of them are ready to use, a third is almost ready. One of them has already
been handed out to the first pilot in group and could already be seen training
in Connecticut today.

The Free Traders Consortium - dodike - 09-24-2010

Count me in

Edit: just an idea, how about starting from scratch and make it a closed economy group?

The Free Traders Consortium - Zeb Harley - 09-24-2010

Closed economy? With an own bank and such?

Hmmm, must be a decentralised structure in my opinion. Give me some ideas how you think it should work out.

By the way: Here's your AT, I'll send you the keys as a PM.