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To: Yaren Base, CC: Robert Pirx - Printable Version

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To: Yaren Base, CC: Robert Pirx - BlueSpawn - 11-12-2010

..:: Incoming Transmission ::..
Comms ID: Yevan Pushkin
Location: Freeport 9
Affiliation: Zoner

To Whom It May Concern,

This is Yevan Pushkin, Director of the Leonardo Research Facility. It was brought to my attention that a Mr.Robert Pirx is looking for somebody to investigate a recently uncovered alien site in Delta. I thought that I would go to you directly regarding this matter.

Before I proceed, I'd like to know who I'm speaking with.

Pushkin out.

To: Yaren Base, CC: Robert Pirx - Zelot - 11-12-2010

Comm ID: Miguel Sephardi

Ah, Mr. Pushkin, youre comm came up on my datapad while I am talking with youre freinds here. What may I do for the Omicroners today?

To: Yaren Base, CC: Robert Pirx - BlueSpawn - 11-12-2010

..:: Incoming Transmission ::..
Comms ID: Yevan Pushkin
Location: Freeport 9
Affiliation: Zoner

I am unsure. The message in question was forwarded to me from Leonardo's Admin staff, which was in turn forwarded from Robert Pirx of Freeport 5, in relations to a request made by the Commander of Yaren Base. A number of my people are interested in this venture, among them is Marco Cabulb, the Head of Research & Development on Corinth.

You wouldn't happen to know who I should talk to about this, by chance? My associates told me it was the Commander of Yaren Base but neglected to tell me the name.

Yevan Pushkin.

To: Yaren Base, CC: Robert Pirx - tyro - 11-12-2010

...:Incoming Transmission:...
....:Robert Pirx, Freeport 5:...

TO: Yevan Pushkin

Greetings Sir

I received that request from Senora Selena Benitez. You may contact with her in this matter directly. I am sure she will receive this message and answer you soon.

Robert Pirx

...:End Transmission:...

To: Yaren Base, CC: Robert Pirx - BlueSpawn - 11-12-2010

' Wrote:...:Incoming Transmission:...
....:Robert Pirx, Freeport 5:...
TO: Yevan Pushkin

Greetings Sir

I received that request from Senora Selena Benitez.

There was a moment of pause amidst static noise.

Then a very quiet, "F----."

To: Yaren Base, CC: Robert Pirx - Selena_Benitez - 11-12-2010

"...Shipment of anti-rad medication from Crete arrived a day early. There's rats in the kitchen again...oh, and you've got the Omicroners on line two."

Selena didn't look up from what she was doing. "Uh huh. Just how big are these rats?"

"I'm serious. We just picked it up on the array a few minutes ago." Propsero pressed a few buttons on the datapad and lightly tossed it onto the desk. The transmission began to play aloud. "Matches their frequencies. Looks legit."

The two Corsairs listened to the transmission in silence. A tiny smirk appeared on Selena's face, which developed into a fully-formed grin as the recording drew to a close. "I wanted some insignificant archeologist that I could make disappear if need be, and this is who shows up?"

"Is this going to be a problem?" Prospero folded his arms.

"I'm not sure yet. We'll have to play this one by ear. It's much easier to throw Dr Nobody of Nowheresville University out of an airlock if we don't like his work. Omicroners... this might require actual tact."

"I doubt we could get them all into the airlock at once anyway."

..:: Incoming Transmission ::..
TO: Yevan Pushkin
Comms ID: S.Benitez
Location: Yaren Base

To Whom It May Concern,

This is Selena Benitez, Commander of Yaren Base.

Have you lost weight?

Selena out.

To: Yaren Base, CC: Robert Pirx - BlueSpawn - 11-12-2010

Yevan held his breath. He felt as if someone had taken his nethers and put a flamethrower to them.

"A golden watch and a burial," he thought. "This isn't going to end well."

He tried to think of ways to pull the plug. Maybe he could come up with a really great excuse. It isn't too late, he thought, walk away and pretend you didn't hear anything from anybody.

Just say, no.
Just say, no.
Just say, no.

Yevan pressed the transmission key.

"Yes," he responded. "Yevan here. Pipe through the stomach. It's a new kind of diet. By far cheaper than liposuction."

He paused.

"So. A commander. That come with any shiny new uniform buttons? You must feel fancy in any case. Sure hope you get to maim and pillage in between shuffling paperwork."

"Speaking of which," Yevan continued meekly, "What's this I hear about alien artifacts and ghosts? It isn't October Fools in Delta right now, is it? I've got a crew of eager beavers on Leonardo weaving stories of this and that. Happens when you haven't dissected a Nomad brain in half a year."

"Lookit. I'm gonna be blunt. Anything that can pull me out of politics and back into a world that makes sense, would be much obliged. You want to tell me you've got voodoo jelly dolls making lonely men go coo-coo, I might consider it on account that it doesn't involve a forty four page treaty."

To: Yaren Base, CC: Robert Pirx - Mannock - 11-12-2010

Mannock saw Yevan in the hallway.

"Yev, I heard about Yaren, if necessary I can send Geneve or Solferino, depending on the number of scientists and qualified personnel necessary for investigation. Tell me something, I go to the control room." Mannock was happier than usual.

To: Yaren Base, CC: Robert Pirx - BlueSpawn - 11-12-2010

"Don't," Yevan said, "Don't go there just yet. I mean this Yaren business, not the control room."

"It doesn't taste kosher -- the Yaren deal that is. We might be better off spending four trillion credits to make a Goldberg Machine that kicks us in the balls every time we get a call from Corsairs."

"I'm getting off this rock. I called a cab for James already. Taking him to Corinth for some R&R. You keep your eyes open. Come with me if you want," Yevan added while rereading old messages.

"Mannock," he added. "Benitez. Your old buddies by chance? If you know something I don't, you gotta tell me. Mining operations? Nomad research in Delta. Anything rings a bell?"

To: Yaren Base, CC: Robert Pirx - Selena_Benitez - 11-12-2010

"Voodoo jelly dolls...?" Selena leaned forwards towards the viewframe, a small frown creasing her brow. There was a moments pause, before she suddenly broke into a satisfied smile. "Indiana Jones XXXI: Curse of the Gelatine. Of course." She rolled her eyes. "Have to say you could have picked a better movie to reference."

The smile faded and Selena sat a little straighter in her chair. She stared straight into the viewer. "One of our mining operations here has been suffering setbacks. Happens to be sitting right on top of some alien ruins. We'd like the setbacks to be dealt with accordingly. You'll have to forgive me for not going into the specifics, but I won't be doing that until a formal agreement has been made."

Selena drummed her fingers distractedly. "What I'm looking for is a small team of scientists to, uh - diagnose the problem and get the mine back up and running again. That's the main job. Once that's dealt with, they'd be welcome to stay and study the rest of the site on two conditions. Firstly - I get a copy of all the research you come up with. Secondly, all artifacts found are property of the Empire, which you will be welcome to buy from us at the usual rate."

The smile reappeared. "There's a lot of alien junk down here, Yev. The kind of junk your white-coats would lap right up." Behind that satisfied smile, Selena was busy making calculations.