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A request from a humble Junker to the Bretonian Government - Printable Version

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A request from a humble Junker to the Bretonian Government - Pinko - 02-13-2011

||::Incomming transmission::||
||::From: Kristina Duvalier, aboard the Konfliktdiamant::||
||::To: The Bretonian Government::||

Guten tag, hopefully my message will reach you and you will pay attention to it, even though you already have many more important things to do.

Yesterday, the Government of Rheinland has decided to take preventive measures against Junkers in what seems to be nothing more than them following the lead of the Kusarian Government against the Junkers. These incidents indicated by the Rheinland Government were taken out of context and blown out of proportion simply to put a dent into our way of life, in a time of constant prosecution against us. I am aware that I am but a Junker, and that I am not even a citizen of Bretonia, and that I probably do not have the right to request for such a thing, but it would be appreciated if you would, at least, keep an eye on the matter and, perhaps, act as you believe will be the best way for not only yourselves, but for the Junker population and the Bundesrpublik of Rheinland.

Of course, my voice does not represent the voice of the entirety of the Junkers, but I do hope I am not the only one worried about these recent events.

Sincerely yours,

Kristina Duvalier.
||::End of transmission::||

A request from a humble Junker to the Bretonian Government - Wolfs Ghost - 02-13-2011

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: rsz_1director21.jpg]

Comm ID: Director Regis Lawson
Location: New London
Encryption: Extremely High
Subject: Read between the lines.

Miss Duvalier,

I'm not fully aware of the details of what happened. But my informants told me that the Kempeitai have had a hand in this. The Bretonian Government cannot interferer with this politically as it doesn't concern our affairs.

If you could entail what has happened thus far, and what has led up to these rash actions from the Rheinland Government, I'll present it to Parliament to see if I can motivate them to get involved.

Director Regis Lawson
Home Office of Military Intelligence

[Transmission Terminated]

A request from a humble Junker to the Bretonian Government - Pinko - 02-13-2011

||::Incomming transmission::||
||::From: Kristina Duvalier, aboard the Konfliktdiamant::||
||::To: Home office of MA::||

Guten tag, Danke Schein for your fast reply.

Since, as of the moment, I am not cleared by either the Congress or the Rheinlander Government to gain access to such files which would prove my word (and I'd understand you wouldn't want to operate on a simple testimony without any basis), I can only confirm that there was foul play in all this, and the source of all this would be an unprovoked attack from the Kempetai on one of our installations in the Rheinlander section of Sigma-13. In fact, all of the events mentioned by Rheinland happened in Sigma-13 and probably always involved either actual Kempetai agents, and undercover ones attempting to dirt our names, which all would have tresspassed into Rheinland space to do such.

Perhaps you should attempt to contact the Congresspeople's office on Trafalgar, they probably could give you more information on the matter than I ever could.

Sincerely yours,

Kristina Duvalier.
||::End of transmission::||