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Malta's Special Ship - Illustratio - Printable Version

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Malta's Special Ship - Illustratio - Lonely_Ghost - 02-25-2011

Young, tall man with brown hairs and green eyes walked along corridor. He had officer’s uniform, but without armor parts on legs and arms, like in normal, also, hi’s uniform was white.
He went to corridor’s end, where was big door. An Officer near door was waiting for him.
-Buenos Dias senor Francesco. – Officer near door welcomed him.
-Buenos Dias captain Rodrigo. So are we ready to begin? –
-Si, the ship is ready, all crew on board, systems double checked, everything in order.-
- Great, so you can give some instructions on board. - Francesco warmly invited to come inside.
They took their way to one of the ship’s big hall.
- You have great opportunities senor Francesco, only Malta’s prime science academy could much your ship.- Captain showed on lots of doors where was written “Lab-1,2,3…”; “Testing facility”
- Gracias captain, we will do everything we are possibly, and I assure you, justify investment.-
- I believe you senor, but it’s not my authority to check your achievements.- Captain friendly smiled.
By the time they reached ship’s meeting hall. There was 3 peoples inside- ships highest officers.
Francisco and captain Rodrigo walked to the hall’s main stand.
- Buenos Dias, let me represent you captain Rodrigo, he has something to tell you.-
- Gracias senor, so I would like to tell you last instructions, or, better to say- refresh some previous notes. First of all this is a research ship, not a combat military one. As you may remember, this ship was found in Omicron Alpha system 3 weeks ago, near Omicron 90 jump hole. Our commanding thinks that this ship come from The Great Spirits sector. Ship had minimal damages, but has no crew on board. We suggest that it was Zoner’s research ship Aqulion class carrier. Ship was designed for research porpoise- lots of labs, testing centers and other equipment for research. Ship had only basic turrets, and almost without significant armor. But everything was offline, because ship had no energy core. When we installed new one in our shipyard, this carrier becomes workable. Also, some redesigned was made. Now you are commanding this ship and leading all research.
You know, that you must provide minimal risk for that ship, because it’s unique. There is no such large capital ship, which was made for science purposes. There is some necessary notes: Firstly- ship should not leave our space. Allowed systems - Omicron Alpha, Omicron Beta, Omicron 80, 81. Entering Omicron Eta restricted at all circumstances. Corsairs should not contact with this ship. Secondly- This ship can’t be used in combat. Allowed support actions in zero-low risk missions. In all combat threat, ship should be mowed away from system to safe place. Combat threat considered when enemy has at least one Battleship or Battlecruiser class ship, 2 or more destroyer or cruiser class ships, 2 or more bombers.
If enemy has lower forces, you are recommended to avoid contact. You can also support our small ships if there is no risk for this ship. So, the last instruction- you can’t land on planet Malta, when there is research process, or research results aren’t inhibited in special storages. That would be all.-

Some while they were talking about additional refinements, then captain Rodrigo leaved hull and returned on station.
Francisco and officers went to command bridge and prepared for launch.
-This is Malta’s Special Ship “Illustratio”. All system are checked and we are ready to activate main engines.-
- Confirmed, MSS-Illustratio you are clear to launch.-
- Clouse docking bay, lock pressure, establish main energy highway. - Francisco started to give orders.
- Activate navigation system, scanners and rise up shield. All non-handling and non-life support system transfer to secondary energy highway.-
- Captain, we are clear from dry dock’s farm installation.-
- Activate main engine system.-
MSS-Illustratio proceeded to do the job.

// Illustratio=enlightenment on Latin