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The Gerousia Magon (Onboard the Hannibal-II) - Printable Version

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The Gerousia Magon (Onboard the Hannibal-II) - Petitioner - 04-09-2011

[Image: hannibalbar.png]

The Hannibal II was, overall, a fairly impressive ship. It was a privately-owned Zephyr that was built from the ground up as a mobile staging ground for civilian operations of all sorts. It possessed some of the heaviest armor in Sirius, and a full-scale military-grade small arms production plant, capable of creating, with the proper materials, everything from miniature laser-pistols to fully automatic shotguns with five-hundred round magazines that required two men to operate. All of this was owned by one man, an entrepreneur from Liberty who made a large fortune for himself by purchasing dozens of planetside businesses on every planet in Liberty, which, under his skilled management, all quickly became successful. David Rose, a nearly unheard-of figure for most people in Sirius, but a legend amongst businessman of all shades and stripes.

The Hannibal II was also a very comfortable ship. Despite its heavy equipment, it was still a civilian vessel, and civilians that spend most of their time in some of the most dangerous areas of known space - the Tau systems - need a good deal of R&R. This is where the Gerousia Magon comes in.

The Gerousia is a most classy place. Soft, comfortable cloth seats, relaxed, friendly employees, a warm and dim lighting and excellent food, not to mention a surprisingly well-stocked bar, made for one of the most famous locales in the Taus amongst weary fighter pilots. Everyone from Colonial military pilots stopping by for a quick meal and a repair or two, to freelancers looking to assemble a mining crew, and everyone in between (except the despised BMM pilots and the forces of the Kusarian Emperor, of course,) was welcome, and frequently stopped by.

It had all the trappings and feel of a cozy establishment on any planet you like, including a quiet jazz band in the corner and a machine that simulated the sound of rain pitter-pattering against the non-existent windows.

Truly, a place many call their home away from home.

The Gerousia Magon (Onboard the Hannibal-II) - Silver.2 - 04-09-2011

What a day.

Three seperate Outcast assaults on Java, long runs along the trade routes, and, of course the monotonous patrols which filled the quiet times of every day.

This was one day-cycle which truly had it all.

As Jack lazily shambled into the bar, his brownish hair holding it's shape if only by the virtue of the ludicrous amount of sweat soaking it down.

He continued his broken walk over to a rather pristine table, flopping down into the exquisite chair, and making a half-hearted attempt at straightening his flight suit.

With a quick twitch, the ICMG's Defense Director straightened up.

"I wonder what they serve, here..." he muttered softly.

The Gerousia Magon (Onboard the Hannibal-II) - SpaceTime - 04-11-2011

2 hours ago Susan Rowlett has returned from an escort assignment in an IMG convoy. She was feeling lucky that she didn't have any unfriendly encounters and even more now that the Sigmas are in flames again. She hated wars.

Even though she was feeling a little tired, she invited Julia Morrow in her small apartment in Java. She cooked for her children and Julia and afterwards she sent her children to the bed. Emily, the 5-year-old daughter of Susan, really liked Julia; she didn't stop asking her questions. Some questions made Susan and Julia to laugh.

[font=Verdana][color=#FF6666]" Susan, wanna go to Gerousia Magon ? I hope you are not tired... "

After Susan thought for a moment she answered..

[font=Verdana][color=#3366FF]" Isn't that in Hannibal II ? Of course, just let me dress and we will go ! "

[color=#FFFFFF][font=Monotype Corsiva]An hour later they boarded Hannibal II and moved to Gerousia Magon. They greeted David Rose with whom they chatted for a minute and then they proceeded to the bar. They found some available seats. Susan always enjoyed the dim lightning of the bar. A minute later the bartender came to take the order. He was looking at Julia.

The Gerousia Magon (Onboard the Hannibal-II) - Jack_Henderson - 04-12-2011

Julia had requested to just give her some 3 minutes to get changed for really going out, and - surprise surprise - she reappears after only 5 minutes with just another pair of shoes, that were more fitting to being out and about in a club and some subtle makeup, just some lipstick in a lightly pinkish colour. "Ready to go!" she announces... and there they go.

"Emily really knows how to get her questions answered... she is really a gold piece, Susan..." Julia remarks with a friendly haking of her head just when the barkeeper adresses her. She glances at Susan for a moment, then remembers that they had taken the ferry services and thus no one had to fly home.

"Ha! Since neither of us needs to fly... I'd like... uhm..." she is thinking, while her eyes scrutinize the list of drinks that are available here with only pretended seriousness...

"Uhm... yes... I'd take the 'Sirian Dawn of Suns'... and..." she winks at the bartender while she adds in a humurous mood: "... I want that... yellowish sweet, awesome stuff... layer... ticker than in the picture. I will... bribe you to do it!"

That's how Julia looks when not dressed to go out:
[Image: julia.jpg]

The Gerousia Magon (Onboard the Hannibal-II) - SpaceTime - 04-14-2011

The bartender nodded as this order was submitted in the small palm computer he was holding. Moments later, he asked if she wanted anything else and after Julia refused, he turned to Susan.

[Image: susanrowlettiirachelwei.jpg]

" Oh well.. I would like a martini. This one.. with the green color. Also, a small bowl of chips would be nice. Don't you think Julia ? "

The bartender submitted this order too and he gently left. Susan looked around for a moment, trying to find some known people. After it failed she turned to Julia.

" You know, Julia, I want to be sincere with you. We are indeed doing a very dangerous job. There are many nasty pirates out there.. and these sniffers are even more dangerous. "

Susan looked Julia in her eyes. She was looking concerned. Susan paused for a moment enjoying the relaxing music. Then, she smiled at Julia.

" But don't worry, while I am still around you won't have to afraid anything, alright ? "

The Gerousia Magon (Onboard the Hannibal-II) - Jack_Henderson - 04-14-2011

Julia smiles at the bartender as he brings the drinks and takes her into her hand, doesn't drink yet from it but turns it in her hands while listening to Susan. She gets a bit more serious when she talks about the dangers and nods:

"Yes... it's..." and then smiles as Susan reaffirms her by saying that it is not dangerous if she flies escort.

"You know..." she giggles and shakes her head: "... that I will never be that... icy, fearless, cool ace pilot that you often fly with..." and she seems to be okay with that state...

"But... I have to admit that it has become easier since I know the escorts... and that I feel... relatively safe when flying with you." she adds with a smile. "Cheers... on many safe flights!"

The Gerousia Magon (Onboard the Hannibal-II) - Jeremy Hunter - 04-15-2011

I Nyx VHF coasted into the bay of the Hannibal II, landing. Jumping from the cokcpit a moment later, a guy around 20-21 touched the deck in a predomiently black outfit. He was Torrin James, the pilot of the Bond of Flame , the Nyx, and Flamewalker, a Pytho.

Heading to the Gerousia Magon, the pilot slipped into the bar and sat down at the counter. He ordered a root beer.

"Nothing strong for you?"
"No. Never know when the 'cast will stop by."

The bartender nodded and served the drink.

Torrin took a drink and set it our, and did a quick sweep of the bar.

The Gerousia Magon (Onboard the Hannibal-II) - Petitioner - 04-16-2011

David stood quietly in the corner, leaning against the wall, one hand tucked into the pocket of his suit's pants while the other jotted down notes on a datapad, somehow managing to both hold the pad and use the stylus at the same time. David had lots of practice with these things.

He nodded and smiled at the new arrivals - those that knew who he was nodded and smiled back, some might have whispered a fond "hello" when they came his way, and those that didn't recognize him just assumed he was an employee of the establishment. Everything was going excellently - customers came in at a steady rate, and the place was never too crowded, nor uncomfortably empty. He was feeling quite proud of himself and this lovely establishment of his, and rightfully so.

The Gerousia Magon (Onboard the Hannibal-II) - SpaceTime - 04-20-2011

<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%][font=Verdana]" Cheers ! "

[color=#FFFFFF]Susan said with a large smile and then she tasted her drink. She liked it.

[font=Verdana][color=#3366FF]" Thank you for your good words Julia, I always enjoy working with you "

The bartender had also brought some chips. Even though they ate an hour ago, Susan couldn't restrain herself from getting one.

[font=Verdana][color=#3366FF]" I heard about a new IMG fighter ship will soon come out for public usage.. Have you heard anything about that? "

Susan searched the area around her, noticing David watching in the corner. He looked satisfied. Afterwards, Susan turned to Julia and continued.

[font=Verdana][color=#3366FF]" Oh and I have heard something about a gallic company named IDF. Do you know anything? "

The Gerousia Magon (Onboard the Hannibal-II) - Jack_Henderson - 04-20-2011

Julia tries her drink too, looks sceptical for a moment, then the pleased smiles returns: "I love that sour taste first... that fades out when the sweetness kicks in" she giggles and then shakes her head when Susan asks about the fighter.

"New fighter? No. Only rumours... but no. I am not into fighters, you know." she winks and leans back while she listens to the next question.

"HA! You asked the right one, Susan!" she replies... "I guess now I can tell you..." and she lowers her voice, leans towards Susan when she says: "It was top secret first..." but her tone doesn't imply it is really serious.

"I already did some transfers with them. Trade Director's Office called me... he was there personally! I had the Flower full of Niob. He said: '...' and then she starts acting a little, speaking with a very serious voice and a tense look on her face that looks so ridiculous: '... Julia, don't you dare and sell that stuff! You will sell it to someone I send. Be nice... and polite. And don't you screw up! This is a matter of sirius-wide importance!" and then she starts giggline again, shaking her head.

"I was soooo nervous! But: Lovely people they are. Very gentleman-like in a... strange way.... manner, perhaps. But... not unpleasant or rude... they buy everything we offer at Java." she shrugs and seems happy about that... even though there is no real reason to.

Then she sees Torrin, smiles and nods in his director: "Ah, another IMG Defence pilot... Hey! Torrin!" and she looks to Susan, asking her with a lowered voice: "You are fine if he joins us?"