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Transmission to Nature's Last Hope. - Printable Version

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Transmission to Nature's Last Hope. - SevereTrinity - 05-30-2011

|:|:| OPEN TRANSMISSION?[color=#33FF33] Y/[color=#FF0000]N |:|:|

"People fade away, they leave us, they disappear. However, our memories of them always remain."

This is the mantra by which I live my life. I believe that once someone finally loses their grasp on the wall of life, the only thing that can keep them alive from thereafter is our memories of them. Gaia is another person, and once she fades away we will only have our memories. However, I also have a second mantra.

"If you fight for something hard enough, for long enough, you will win."

Gaia can be saved, by striking hard and fast yet without stopping. I know that this may sound like a personal appeal to you, but you are Nature's Last Hope. I fear that you might no longer be able to sustain your relentless attacks on the desecraters of other forms of life. There will come a time, be it the near future or the distant future, when you will watch them slit the throat of the lamb and be unable to stop them.

I wish to provide my services, my finances, my life to aid your cause, and in return I would wish to acquire access to your technology.

My only condition is that I be allowed to remain independent of your organisation. If there is anything I can do to help you, your cause, or your ideals, simply tell me and it shall be done.

[color=#33CC00]|:|:| TRANSMISSION ENDS |:|:|

Transmission to Nature's Last Hope. - etiainen - 06-10-2011

>> Incoming transmission <<

>> Encryption level: CUSTOM-PSK <<
>> Signal Source: ))))))) <<
>> Sender: Druce Faolan, Nature's Last Hope <<
>> Recipients: $original_sender; ./nlh_comm_daemon <<
[Image: 70524754.jpg]

Throughout my life, I have learned many lessons, lived by many rules...
One of th' lessons were not ta be fooled by th' colorful proportions of a plant,
for many of them are' some of 'em are hungry as well!

I believe you understand what I am tryin' ta say... Yer message sounds highly appealing,
but frankly, we have zero to none information aboot yer person, yer origins, residence,
yer intentions... not even yer name...

If yer so keen on helpin' our cause, by all means, I'll be happy ta hear that, but th' reason
of yer wish ta stay "independent" brings forward even more questions... What gives us
th' assurance that a bird, once its cage is wide open, doesnae fly away with th' spoils of victory?

I'm leavin' this channel open an' allow yer th' chance ta reply again an' try ta fill th' plentiful
blank spaces called 'unanswered questions'...

Drucey out.

>> Transmission terminated <<